Low Memory Bubble Message And It Stopping All Streaming Stuff

Jul 30, 2007

I have a Windows XP Home Edition every time i start the pc it says: Error loading :WindowsSystem32cafcleac.dll which I promptly just ignore. My hard drive is only 5 gigabytes big so it gets full quite fast. I used to be okay with it but now I can't watch any streaming stuff without a low memory bubble message and it stopping all streaming stuff. I fluctuate between 170 to 0 mb of memory space. I tried to run the thing to clean up more space but it just stays stuck on two green bars indefinitely and errors out. I tried to uninstall some software on add/remove programs but there are no "uninstall" buttons on most of my stuff. The best I can do is erase cookies which is annoying at best since it only opens up about 5 mb.

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Stopping Pop Up Message Related To System Configuration Utility?

Jun 10, 2009

I undo one Program from start up and after that a pop up message appears as follows : " You have used the System Configuration Utility to make changes to the Windows.The System Configuration Utility is currently running in Diagnostic or Selective Start Up Mode causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts. Choose the Normal Start up mode in the General Tab to start Windows normally and undo the changes you made using the System Configuration Utility."

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Blue Screen Of Death Help - Little Bubble

Feb 2, 2008

this morning I got a little bubble saying I had a curropted .tmp file... seeing as how im an idiot, I didn't write down the file name (I just looked at the destination.was in the tmp folder) and then the computer froze when I tried anything. Restarted the computer and it automatically started the system check thing dont know how you call it but the name of it is spelt with all caps... Step 1/3 is complete, when it checks the indexed files (step 2/3) it stops at 1 percent My question at this time is: How would I skip this system check so that I can get to the desktop, get the corrupt file name so I have more information to help fix the problem.

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Virtual Memory Low Message / Windows Virtual Memory Minimum

Dec 10, 2004

I keep getting the error message that my Windows virtual memory minimum is too low. I have Microsoft Windows 2000 and the following settings: total paging file size 205 MB; minimum 2 MB; Recommended 190 MB; Currently allocated 205 MB; current registry size 21 I'm not the system administrator so I can't change these numbers. I also couldn't find the pagefile.sys that someone suggested looking for. My IT guys don't know what's wrong; they reformatted my computer but I got this error message again. What should I tell them to do?

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Yellow Bubble Dialogue Box In Sys Tray During Printing?

Aug 18, 2005

We have recently installed a PC of software that need an agent "pushed" out to each users PC. We also had turn on the file and print share option for all PC's. But since doing so, people are now getting a yellow dialogue bubble pop up in their sys tray EVERY time they print. I have been told that this may be a policy in GPO, can anyone give me any ideas where I could start looking?

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Can't Boot Even Under F-8 Admin Safe Mode - Blue Bubble

Jul 25, 2010

I cannot get Windows XP to boot up even under the f-8 admin safe mode.Also, when it does act like it's going to start, the 'BLUE PROGRESS BUBBLE BAR' stops and freezes on the last 'BLUE BUBBLE', what's with that?

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Windows Xp Message Virtual Memory Is Too Low ?

Sep 4, 2005

Can anyone explain why I keep getting a windows XP message ( virtual memory is to low )

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Virtual Memory Error Message

Jan 17, 2009

Looking for some assistance please with the virtual memory settings on my laptop. I'm continually getting 'low virtual memory' messages which either result in th explorer page shutting down or with applicatons being unable to run (including games). I've tried adjusting the settings under 'system properties' but when I re-boot and re-check this it always reverts to zero. I'm following the correct procss in hitting 'apply', etc but this problem continues to appear. There is also a 'paging' error where apparently there's a problem with the paging file configuration when i start the computer.

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Error Message - Low Virtual Memory

Nov 24, 2006

I get a message telling me my virtual memory is too low. This usually happens when I run an anti spy/ad programme. This happened once after I ran an AVG anti spy system scan and twice when I ran a panda scan. Is this a genuine message or a fake from a virus/spywear?

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Consistent Low Virtual Memory Message

Jan 13, 2005

I've been having this problem for a while now, everytime I turn on my computer I have to wait for 15 minutes or so because my virtual memory is "low" and that windows is trying to increase it. After that, everything runs smoothly but restarting is a hassle because I have to repeat the process of waiting and it's frustrating especially when I'm doing homework. Until recently when I checked my task manager and saw oleutil.exe eating up my memory. Then I tried to end it while I was in the middle of waiting and my PF Usage suddenly dropped and everything's normal again but my CPU Usage skyrocket to 100% all of sudden but other than that everything's normal.

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Message: Program Needs At Least 3MB Virtual Memory To Run

Feb 21, 2009

Windows XP Pro 1 gig Mem, I am trying to install AutoCAD 2000 LT and I get the message
this program needs at least 3MB Virtual Memory to run. I've checked the virtual memory settings and they are at 1523 MB, I had an older computer (With XP) that I ran AutoCAD on before with no problem, so I know it's not the program.

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Message Saying 'virtual Memory Is Low' Keeps Coming Up?

Sep 2, 2009

My computer is always coming up with a message that says 'windows virtual memory is low' and yet I dont even run that many programs. granted my computer is old and I should probably buy more memory for it - though i can't afford it - but is there a program or process i should run for my computer to make the most of the memory it has and therefore run more smoothly, and therefore not flash the message 'low on virtual memory' up at me all the time?

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Computer Gives Me A Memory Dump With The Message

Dec 28, 2004

I have a BFG Tech GeForce 5500 overclocked graphics card (256 MB DDR). whenever i try to play any game on full screen, Windows gives me a memory dump with the following message.A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Check for adequate disk space, if a driver is identified in the STOP message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters. Check with hardware vendors for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to selected advanced setup. Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x0000008E ( 0xc0000005, 0x00000190, 0xBAEF3cc8, 0x0000000) Beginning dump of physical memory. Physical memory dump complete.

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Virtual Memory Not Enough Message Shown

Apr 17, 2007

Amd xp 2700. Get's to the windows screen then reboots. Get an error message that just flashes by fast before reboot. Says something about not enough virtual memory. tried chkdsk fixboot and fixmbr. maybe i've managed to mess it up enough for a reload.

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Internet Explorer 6 Memory Error Message

Feb 29, 2008

Error message from Internet Explorer every time I close it and return to my desktop

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Error Message Low Virtual Memory - Supposedly Nothing There

Dec 29, 2009

My windows xp won'y fully load or work any prograns, I get pop=up windows with supposedly nothing there. I was getting low virtual memory and system resource mesages but I cant get into the task manager or control panel to try and fix the virtual memory.

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Virtual Memory Message Sluggish And Choppy

May 23, 2005

I have a new dell computer. the hard drive is 80 gigs, i have about 65 gigs free. recently the computer has become very sluggish and choppy. when i start it up the windows music which plays is now very choppy sounding. often when i start up programs an error message appears that says 'virtual memory too low, cannot complete operation' or some thing to that effect.

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Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low - Error Message

Jul 13, 2006

Everytime I go online (via modem) I get this message: Windows - Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low - Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virutal memory paging file. During this process, momory requests for some applications may be denied.

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Error Message Of Low Memory In Outlook Express

Oct 28, 2007

I am having problems when I try to forward emails from Outlook Express.I can do three or four and then I get an error message saying "low memory".I have a fairly new computer running windows xp home and have hardly any programs on it. Nothing that is eating up all this memory. I have increased the virtural memory and that didn't help.When I get the error message I have to get out of Outlook and start it up again to even read the rest of my messages.I have deleted all the cookies and history. Doesn't help.

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FAT32 To NTFS / Insufficient Memory Message!

Apr 3, 2005

After considering a switch from FAT32 to NTFS, I finally took the plunge. When I boot up windows, I get an error message that says "insufficient memory to convert to NTFS." My machine "freezes" there and I'm in a loop.all I can do is reboot and get to the same place. Is there a way I can get to a command prompt and cancel my directive. At this rate, I'll be happy to get back to old "fatty."

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System Slow After Virtual Memory Low Message

Oct 6, 2008

Computer keeps alerting me that my virtual memory is low. As a result, my system loads extremely slow and I have to force a shut down when I'm ready to quit. I did a ctrl-alt-delete to view my processes and it appears that my scanning processes are 80K of memory. Next in line is internet explorer using 50K.

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System Shows Virtual Memory Low Message

Jan 7, 2005

Continually getting the message that my virtual memory is low. Often my computer just locks up. I doubled the memory allocation, but it made no difference. I have Mcafee's virus scan running all of the time and I leave on the machine always. After I reboot it may take hours for it to happen again but it always happens. I saw something similar on another thread about removing programs from the startup file, but I was unable to find the msconfig file.

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Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low Message Shown

Jul 12, 2008

Operating system is Windows XP and for some time my computer has slowed down to a snails crawl. It also shows Windows Virtual Memory Minimum too low your system is low on virtual memory, Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file, during this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied. I also tried to install Microsoft Office Word 12, it came up there is not enough memory on your disc space to run Word. I got fed up and was going to delete some old Microsoft Updates but instead deleted as many temporary files I could and cookies as well.

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System Getting Popup Message For Low Virtual Memory?

Oct 12, 2009

I upgraded a Dell 4400 computer for my daughter which came with 128 MegRAM, 120 GigHD, P4-2 Gig. I added an additional Gig to what was thee but did not think to increase Virtual Memory (originally custom set by Dell about 360 Meg).When she is trying to do Excel files on her account while her husband keeps his place on the Internet (ball scores)- they often get the message "Windows Virtual Memory is low".

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Getting Memory Written Failure Message Upon Every Shut Down?

Feb 7, 2007

i get this weird message just before shutdown:-the instruction at 0x01604617 referenced memory at 000000007, the memory could not be written. i have ran a disk check and it has come up clean. any ideas? someone said it might be malware? what is malware, and how do you scan for it?

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Open Outlook Show Virtual Memory Low Message

Dec 9, 2006

Trying to open MS Outlook but when I try to I am getting the following error virtual memory too low. Windows is increasing virtual memory paging file" but everytime I try rebooting and opening it again, it still happens. I am using XP os.

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Blue Screen Error Message Re Dump Of Physical Memory?

Oct 24, 2007

I run Windows XP and keep finding that when I leave my PC unattended for more than 10 minutes I get a blue screen with a scary message regarding the dumping of physical memory. The error codes in the message are as follows:

stop 0X0000008E, 0XBA40721F, 0XEBC267C, 0X00000000, videoprt.sys - address BA40721F base at BA401000 Date Stamp41107d08

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Blue Screen Shown With Message Memory Dumping Started

Oct 16, 2005

When start my PC, it shows upto Windows Logon Screen and from there a Blue screen with Memory Dumping Started message occurs. I don't know what needs to be done. When I tried to re-install the windows, the Hard Disk got crashed. I replaced the Hard Disk and when I tried to install the Windows 98/2000/ XP, I faced the same problem. I tried installing windows thru different machine assuming problem with my Mother Board. But the same was repeated.

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Streaming No Video Only Sound

Mar 10, 2006

When I try to watch streaming video on IE, all i get is sound. No video. I have WMP 10 and I cant seem to get it to work. It does sometimes, but most the time it doesn't.

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No Sound Streaming Video In XPS 200

Sep 15, 2010

i have a windows xps 200 desktop that was purchased in 2005. it had not been connected to the internet for a little over a year and, recently, when i got an internet connection i discovered that i could not get any sound streaming videos using hulu.com, Internet.com, or any other video site.i can still get sound using itunes and even in games that use the internet to connect with other players.i have checked my drivers and all of them are functioning properly, have uninstalled my sigmatel audio codec driver and reinstalled it, and have installed all the updates my computer requested in addition to driver updates the windows site recommended for my system. in short, i have done everything i can think of and have spent hours troubles hooting and looking for answers.

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Streaming Video - Get A BSOD

Jul 11, 2010

Ok. So I am streaming video and just doing my usual when suddenly my screen does a quick flicker and the video stops running,I try reloading the page and then I get a BSOD. I was guessing it was a video card issue but everything else runs just fine,my drivers are updated to the newest version all I can do is scratch my head and ponder. Like I said this only happens when I am streaming video. Never had this problem before. Had this box for over a year and this is the first issue I had with it. PC specs.AMD 3500+ 2.2 ghz Nvidia 8400 GS,PCI.1.5 GB of ramSoundmax intergrated sound card Here is my Minidump I got from "Blue Screen View

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