Spyware Blaster Update - Uninstalling And Reinstalling

Mar 17, 2005

I am having trouble updating the spywareblaster 33. It says the update is successful but when I check the status, or try to enable the protection it states database error. Is anybody else experiencing the same problem? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.

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How To Block Tracking Cookies By Downloading Spyware Blaster?

Dec 25, 2006

how to block tracking cookies by downloading spyware blaster. worked once in a while, but...is there another program i could purchase? ad-aware always catches it; however, ...

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Zone Alarms - Virus Attached Spyware Blaster In Summery File Jave

Jan 25, 2007

i dont know if anyone can help but i have these messages coming up on my computer .I am a complete novice so please bear with me. i have windows xp thats all i know and zone alarms .I Also have ad aware and spybot and spyware blaster in my summery it says file java byte exploit! verify c/docume~1 karenlocal~1TEMPAAWTMPC563045335AC80COUNTER.CLASS Java/byteverify!exploit c:docume~1karen/LOCAL~1TEMPAAWTMPC563045335AC80VERIFIERBUG.CLASS Java/Shinwow.AB C:docume~1/karen/Locals~1TEMPAAWTMPC563045335AC80BEYOND.CLASS

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System Restore - Malware Problems - Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner Spyware Blaster

Jul 8, 2006

A friend of mine has been having malware problems, and I want to shut down system restore and run Ewido in safe mode. My question is, when I shut down system restore, and then turn it back on when I'm done, does it kill all restore points? Will that be a problem? Can't I just create a new one if needed? And last, won't new ones be created automatically over time? I've never done this,so I would like to be sure before I do.I probably need to stay away from this before I make a bad situation worse. She does have Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner,and Spyware Blaster. The problem is, she doesn't update or run them.I updated everything she had and ran them and everything is much better, but still a little bit slow. I thought maybe running Ewido in safe mode might get some that might be hiding in system restore. Would like to know if this is safe to do Thanks......Maggie

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Uninstalling / Reinstalling IE 6.0 Does Include - Not Responding

Jun 4, 2007

My OE has a glitch or is corrupt. I have followed step by step the following Microsoft site down to the instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling IE6.0 with does include OE 6.0 The strange behavior that I am experiencing is:

1. When I open OE and click on "Create email" the page momentarily comes up to write and email, but then immediately OE closes....vanishes. This all happens in a second or so.
2. If I go to Tools/options within the open OE program, anything I change within Options makes OE show "this program is not responding" in Ctrl/Alt/delete/Applications.

I have not attempted to uninstall and reinstall as shown on the given website above as it looks complicated to me with limited experience.Is there a simple way of uninstalling and reinstalling OE please. I have XP/SP2

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Transfer File Without Uninstalling And Reinstalling

Sep 15, 2005

Without uninstalling and reinstalling, how can I transfer one large file, 5GB to a partition other than C: I have a all my programs in a single file on my C: drive. I would like to move the entire file to a new partition, registry entries should of course also be modified.

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Uninstalling An Update Performed By Update Process?

Jul 19, 2005

I would like to know how to uninstall an update that was performed by Windows Update.The update itself was in the "Hardware, Optional" Type list (ie. not
the"High Priority"or the"Software,Optional" list)The update that was installed shows up in the History log correctly I believe that Microsoft incorrectly scanned the computer and assigned a hardware update that pertained to a different type of hardware ... specifically, the update pertained to an "IBM Thinkpad UltraNav Pointing Device" whereas the actual hardware is a Toshiba Satellite with a Synaptics Touchpad".

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Spyware - Internal Application Uninstalling

Dec 30, 2005

I had a spyware attack 2 days ago. Ive gotten most of it (i think!) but the computer seems to still be infected here are afew problems im having as well as my hijack log:1. User controle panel is not working the area is all white except for the part where it says back forward and home. 2. MSPaint, and wordpad seem to have disapeared 3 All the games, internet explorer and MSmedia player are not working. (I uninstalled media player and reinstalled it with a new download but still nothing i get an error saying "An internal application error has accured"
4. avast doesnt seem to uninstalling.

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Update Constantly Reinstalling Update

Mar 20, 2007

I recently reformatted my laptop's hard drive. After reinstalling windows and all necessary drivers, my Windows Update is now always telling me I have updates ready to install. When I click on the icon in the taskbar, it starts installing. When it finishes, the icon goes away. However, 2 seconds later, the icon comes up again saying I have updates ready to install. The update I always need to install is MSXML 4.0 SP2 Security Update (925672) and MSXML 4.0 SP2 Security Update (KB927978).

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Update Not Loading After Reinstalling

Feb 24, 2007

I just reinstalled windows. After going thru a-lot of problems (tried to install windows on SATA drive without having a floppy) i succeed. I thought that was the end for my problems (for now at-least) and started installing my drivers. also formatted all the other partitions and restarted the computer. Before restarting everything worked properly. When the computer booted and the windows loading screen went on I thought it'll take it a few seconds, but it went for like 10 minutes and didn't stop loading. I decided to grab something to eat and went for about 10 more minutes. when I came back it was still loading so i decided to restart.

When windows got to the safe mode screen i decided to choose try the last best setting and it helped. windows loaded properly but didn't have the drivers i installed before, so I installed them. restart again and windows not working again. back to take the last best setting and back to windows working. I did it step by step (installing a driver and rebooting...) but didn't installed RAID controller and USB driver.
Since i don't need them i decided to not installed them. but my problem occurs when i try to update windows. Internet Explorer stops working as soon as i go inside "windows update" or "microsoft update", but i know it worked before i did the first restart. Also going to the Automatic Update tab in System Settings gives me an error.

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Gifview.dll - Reinstalling System - Update Accounts

Dec 10, 2005

I recently downloaded some updates for my sbcyahoo accounts. After downloading the updates and re-installing the software for sbcyahoo, I was unable to load my main webpage because of receiving a message stating: unable to load due to failure of gifview.dll. try re-installing to make this work properly. I have no idea how to re-install gifview.dll. I am having a very hard time trying to find a download.

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Attempt To Use Update Get Redirected Spyware Or Virus

Aug 12, 2005

When i attempt to use windows update I get redirected to http://www.bestwebslinks.com/ ; I have a feeling that this is not a ms site. Other symptoms include a heart shaped desktop shortcut named Online Dating as well as another icon that sports the Ghost Busters logo and titled Remove spyware.

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'Classic Windows' And My Sound Blaster Live

Oct 4, 2005

I have Windows XP, I was booting up my computer in diagnostic mode, and when I went to boot back in normal mode, everything went haywire. My compuer 'appearance' is stuck in 'Classic Windows' and my Sound Blaster Live isn't working (I have no sound now). This is just what i've noticed, so far. I've tried many times to boot back into normal mode, using various methods, and while everything seems to be working as they normally do (with the exception of sound), the 'Classic Windows' appearance remains the same. I've also reinstalled my SB Live several times, yet it still won't come on when I boot my computer, it just offers a diagnostic test which I fail, It asks me to reinstall, yet it does the same thing

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Computer Having Blaster Worm With Shutting Down Sign?

Dec 23, 2004

about a week ago my computer was having the blaster worm shutdown sign come up alot and then the mouse started to freeze. now it has no sound, no internet, and no mouse controll. it was running on windows XP. is there anyway at all i can fix this? any help would be great.

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Sound Blaster Driver Installing Error

Jun 13, 2008

PC with Windows XP Professional Edition 2002 SP2 has no sound.I tried installing Sound Blaster,but this is the error I got: That is the error message I get when I try to Install Setup.exe,which I need to use to install Sound Blaster.My PC won't let me install Sound Blaster without setup.exe it says the setup.exe I have doesn't work, which can't be installed without installing IIS.

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Reinstalling / Reinstalling Office 2002

Jul 26, 2006

I want to reinstall Window XP on my computer. I have Microsoft office 2002 installed, but I don't have the installation CD.How can I reinstall Microsoft office after I reinstall Windows XP without the CD?

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Spyware Removal - Spyware Prevention, SpywareBlaster

Sep 6, 2003

There are two excellent spyware removal apps available and they are both FREE so there is no reason to not use them regularly. The two best apps there are for removing spyware are SpyBot Search & Destroy and Ad Aware. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU USE BOTH OF THESE APPS SINCE ONE FINDS WHAT THE OTHER MISSES AND VICE VERSA, YOU ARE NOT SAFE USING JUST ONE OF THEM. There is one other app that I HIGHLY recommend is for spyware prevention, SpywareBlaster. This app sets certain registry entries that prevent spyware from ever installing, it DOES NOT run in the background using any resources, you just set it and forget it. Once you have installed these three MUST HAVE apps you then need to update them and keep them up to date. I would recommend checking for updates weekly, it’s just like your antivirus app, you need to stay protected from the latest spyware out there. To update SpyBot just open the app from your start menu (use the advanced mode option) and select “search for updates” it will then show you what updates are available for download, always install all the updates. Another feature that SpyBot has is called “Immunize”, you will see an icon for it. Select the icon and under “Permanent Internet Explorer Immunity” select “Immunize” this works in the same way as SpywareBlaster in blocking new spyware. It also gives you the option of locking your hosts file against hijackers, I highly recommend using this option as well. To update Ad Aware just open it and select “Check for updates now”. For SpywareBlaster it is mostly the same, open it up and select “Check for updates” once you update this you then must select “select all” and then “Protect against checked items” so that the updates you just did take effect. Anything these apps find is spyware and should be removed, if you choose not to remove what is found then you have no one to blame if your pc crashes due to spyware or your privacy is invaded (including these companies stealing your credit card number and identity

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Internet Spyware / Get Warning Message About Spyware

Jan 14, 2006

I'm experienceing problems running the internet. Each time I try connecting tho the Net, despite changing the default homepage which has been changed to c:secure32.html I get a warning message about spyware I have also run Spybot Search and Destroy and the Lavasoft Ad-ware and removed all of the critical objects.

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Pc Infected - Anti-spyware-Spyware Doctor

Oct 2, 2006

My PC is infected with some bad stuff and I'm not sure what to do. So far I have tried to run Spybot S&D, Registry mechanic, ewido anti-spyware, Spyware Doctor and SpywareBlaster all of these programs seize when carrying out a scan and I have no option but to close the pc down with the power button. I am pretty much at a loss as what to do next and was hoping one of you kind souls could help me. I am running xp.

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Blaster 32 Worm Message "DCOM NT Authority/System"?

Sep 28, 2006

A client computer (XP Home) started receiving the pop-up message "DCOM NT Authority/System". And then the pop-up says you have 60 seconds until shutdown. I have used the FixBlast.exe removal tool from Symantec. I have run it in regular and safe mode and receive the message "Worm Not Found" in each. I have run a virus check using AVG and no results. I still get the message after XP starts to load. I can eliminate the message by running "shutdown -a" from the run command. Does anyone know of any other way of checking for Blaster 32 or how to get rid of the pop-up.

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Sound Comes From Sound Blaster Powered Speakers - Volume Off.

Aug 19, 2009

I get a series of low pitch beeps about every hour for a second or two no matter what's running.It's not a system beep, much lower in freguency. Everything else is working fine, good audio for all playbacks.I don't have a system speaker attached to the motherboard. The sound comes thru my Sound Blaster powered speakers, even with the volume off.

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No Sound With Sound Blaster Live Card

Feb 26, 2009

I did a reinstall of Windows XP and I can't get the sound to work. Here is the sound card:Sound Blaster Live! Platinum rev.5 CT4760P. My computer is upgraded and so it is a hybrid system. I downloaded the driver for Sound Blaster Live! from the website and it still has the same problem. To be sure there was no on board sound, I took out the card and the computer said I had no audio devices which means there isn't a on-board sound card.

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Microsoft Service Pack 3 Update - Norton Can't Update Feature

Oct 13, 2008

i have an icon from microsoft.saids it has updates to install for microsoft office, update service pack 3.the only thing is it won't update.and the icon won't go away until it gets updated .plus norton keeps giving me a box saids norton can't update feature.to uninstall norton than reinstall.now my son did up my whole computer so i am afraid to really touch anything.

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Reinstall After Uninstalling

Apr 4, 2006

had to uninstall then reinstall xp home
had a canon n1240u scanner
worked fine untill reinstall of xp
now will not work at all

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Uninstalling I-Tunes

Mar 24, 2010

When I try to uninstall ITunes I get the massage that it is the wrong path. Browse and look for Itunes.msi. How do I find this path?

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Uninstalling AOL Nothing Happening

Mar 27, 2006

I uninstalled AOL to install a newer version and when aol said it was checking to see the type of connection, nothing happened. The little yellow man just kept running. Dell ran diagnostics and said my computer is fine, but I cannot get aol to install. anyone have this problem before?

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Uninstalling .Net Framework 1.1

Mar 7, 2006

I've got the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed on my WinXP Pro computer. Now, my Add/Remove Programs lists both 1.1 and 2.0 as being installed. Does anyone know if I would be safe to uninstall 1.1. In other words, is .NET 2.0 completely backward compatible?

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Uninstalling Preinstalled SP2

Aug 8, 2005

Is there any way to uninstall XP SP2 from a copy of Windows XP that had winxp sp2 pre-installed? This is the only way specialized Siemens softwares would work.

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Uninstalling A Program

May 31, 2005

i have a lniksys wireless network monitor installed. this program was then updated i installed the new version, but i cant uninstall the old version. when i use the change or remove program's it says " an installation support file could not be installed the system cannot find the file specified" how can i remove this program i have tried various uninstaller programs

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Uninstalling Windows XP

Jan 6, 2008

i have dual boot system with two window xp running on it How can i uninstall one of them .

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Microsoft Update: Can't Install The ActiveX Update Required

Jan 3, 2009

"Install the ActiveX control required to view the website," but I don't get the bar saying to install it. None of the troubleshooting tips were relevant.

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