Zone Alarms - Virus Attached Spyware Blaster In Summery File Jave

Jan 25, 2007

i dont know if anyone can help but i have these messages coming up on my computer .I am a complete novice so please bear with me. i have windows xp thats all i know and zone alarms .I Also have ad aware and spybot and spyware blaster in my summery it says file java byte exploit! verify c/docume~1 karenlocal~1TEMPAAWTMPC563045335AC80COUNTER.CLASS Java/byteverify!exploit c:docume~1karen/LOCAL~1TEMPAAWTMPC563045335AC80VERIFIERBUG.CLASS Java/Shinwow.AB C:docume~1/karen/Locals~1TEMPAAWTMPC563045335AC80BEYOND.CLASS

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Spyware Attached To Zip File

Dec 22, 2004

Okay, I guess I inadvertantly downloaded a zip file that I thought was something else but apparently it was Bundled with Spyware Everywhere, I've been spending the wee hours of the night attempting to remove this garbage but unfortunatly ISTsvc.exe and Hot as Hell and Bargain Buddy keep reinstalling even after I delete the Reg Entries etc. Also this is where my browser keeps getting Hijacked to "{677D98D5-F874-42EC-B42D-6CDCB0B549EA}" This other question is in relation to my parents puter That I plan on fixing later, They cant surf the net, something in the lower left of IE keeps flashing saying badurl.fhksadfs <------flashes too fast to read. Anyways....I'm going to attach my HiJackThis Log so that someone out the could better assist nme in this, how should I say......"Adventure".

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Zone Alarm Getting Expired: Finding Anti-Virus Or Anti-Spyware?

Feb 6, 2007

I currently have Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite 6 & it is due to expire in about 8 days. I was wondering what others of you used for anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewalls etc.I have heard that sometimes it's not the best idea to use a complete package, like ZA internet security suite, for the whole lot You hear a lot of conflicting info about them all, I've heard that AVG is good, Norton isn't, someone said windows defender was good.

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Spyware Blaster Update - Uninstalling And Reinstalling

Mar 17, 2005

I am having trouble updating the spywareblaster 33. It says the update is successful but when I check the status, or try to enable the protection it states database error. Is anybody else experiencing the same problem? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.

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How To Block Tracking Cookies By Downloading Spyware Blaster?

Dec 25, 2006

how to block tracking cookies by downloading spyware blaster. worked once in a while, there another program i could purchase? ad-aware always catches it; however, ...

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System Restore - Malware Problems - Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner Spyware Blaster

Jul 8, 2006

A friend of mine has been having malware problems, and I want to shut down system restore and run Ewido in safe mode. My question is, when I shut down system restore, and then turn it back on when I'm done, does it kill all restore points? Will that be a problem? Can't I just create a new one if needed? And last, won't new ones be created automatically over time? I've never done this,so I would like to be sure before I do.I probably need to stay away from this before I make a bad situation worse. She does have Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner,and Spyware Blaster. The problem is, she doesn't update or run them.I updated everything she had and ran them and everything is much better, but still a little bit slow. I thought maybe running Ewido in safe mode might get some that might be hiding in system restore. Would like to know if this is safe to do Thanks......Maggie

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Spyware Problem Log Attached

Jan 20, 2005

My computer is running very slow. I know it is is spyware. Also I can't open any websites and get random advertisments.Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0 Scan saved at 7:39:49 AM, on 1/20/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.exe C:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exe C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe
C:WINDOWSsystem32lsass.exe C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exe C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe C:WINDOWSExplorer.EXE C:WINDOWSsystem32spoolsv.exe
C:Program FilesAdmanager ControllerAdManCtl.exe C:Program FilesISTsvcistsvc.exe C:WINDOWS etkp.exe C:Program FilesAdmanager ControllerAdManKeep.exe C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG7avgamsvr.exe C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG7avgupsvc.exe C:WINDOWSsystem32addsb32.exe
C:WINDOWSsystem32wuauclt.exe C:WINDOWSsystem32wscntfy.exe C:DOCUME~1RIOCOL~1LOCALS~1TempTemporary Directory 2 for hijackthis.zipHijackThis.exe R1 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Bar = res://C:WINDOWSpzgdv.dll/sp.html#28129 R1 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Page = res://C:WINDOWSpzgdv.dll/sp.html#28129 R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Page_URL = about:blank R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Search_URL = res://C:WINDOWSpzgdv.dll/sp.html#28129 R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Bar = res://C:WINDOWSpzgdv.dll/sp.html#28129 R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Page = res://C:WINDOWSpzgdv.dll/sp.html#28129 R0 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearch,SearchAssistant = res://C:WINDOWSpzgdv.dll/sp.html#28129 R3 - Default URLSearchHook is missing O2 - BHO: AcroIEHlprObj Class - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 7.0ActiveXAcroIEHelper.dll O2 - BHO: (no name) - {7D84605B-257F-35AC-B82F-7E711C985FBD} - C:WINDOWSsystem32winvh32.dll O4 - HKLM..Run: [Admanager Controller] C:Program FilesAdmanager ControllerAdManCtl.exe O4 - HKLM..Run: [IST Service] C:Program FilesISTsvcistsvc.exe O4 - HKLM..Run: [netkp.exe] C:WINDOWS
etkp.exe O4 - HKLM..RunServices: [WindowsRegKey Autoupdate] explorer.exe O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2- 9E-00C04F795683} - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe O15 - Trusted Zone: * O15 - Trusted Zone: * O15 - Trusted Zone: * (HKLM) O15 - Trusted Zone: * (HKLM)
O23 - Service: AVG7 Alert Manager Server - GRISOFT, s.r.o. - C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG7avgamsvr.exe O23 - Service: AVG7 Update Service - GRISOFT, s.r.o. - C:PROGRA~1GrisoftAVG7avgupsvc.exe O23 - Service: Macromedia Licensing Service - Unknown - C:Program FilesCommon FilesMacromedia SharedServiceMacromedia Licensing.exe O23 - Service: Workstation NetLogon Service - Unknown -C:WINDOWSsystem32addsb32.exe

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Enable Zone Alarm Anti Virus - Check Don't Show This Message Switch Off

Mar 25, 2006

I'm having a problem here...I have zonealarm suite and norton antivirus on my com. But recently, I have switched my antivirus to kaspersky, the problem is, every time I start the com, zonealarm will warn me and ask me to enable zonealarm antivrus, which I think it should not be case since I have kaspersky load on every startup. I even check the 'Don't show this message....' in the warning message, but it didn't help. Hence, could somebody please enlighten me on how to switch off the warning?

Another problem I'm having is, I see something in msconfig, under startup, the item is %systemroot%system32dumprep 0 -k, I tried to search in google what this is but to no avail, search results shown only dumprep 0 -u, and not dumprep 0 -k. Is this two thing the same? Would disable it do me any harm? And what does it do to my com if I enable it?

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Outlook - Attached MS Access File To Outgoing Email - Not OE

Jul 16, 2005

I attached a MS Access file to my outgoing email. I received the warning about others using Outlook may not be able to access the attached file. I decided to send anyway... Now Outlook is unwilling to send the email and I cant get access to my access file...surely I can choose to send and receive attachments?

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With Virus & Spyware

May 13, 2006

I'm running Window XP Media Edition. I just started getting warning message that someone is running Data Miner on my pc and spyware messages. It then brings up the following IE page:

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Possible Virus Or Spyware

Dec 17, 2006

Hi, my kids and I use this computer. A week ago upon clicking on internet explorer I got the following screen (says eprotect in the address bar). I'm not sure what's wrong but I get this screen every time I click internet explorer. Everything works fine but very slow, once I click cancel to the screen. Is there any shareware that I can install and use to remove tihs virus or whatever it is?

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Getting Pop Ups Regarding Virus Spyware

Apr 11, 2007

I had put in a new processor and mother board and reloaded Windows XP a few weeks ago. It was working fine but now I'm getting pop ups, and my Avast antivirus is going nuts saying a virus has been detected. I run the antivirus it finds Trojans Win32:-gen and Win32:small EQY,EPJ, EJD. It can't seem to quarenten or delete them. I've run Spybot and come up with a couple this and gotten rid of them but it just seems come back.

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Possible Virus Or Spyware?

Aug 18, 2005

The curser jumps from place to place once in a while. My computer shows about 75 Processes at all times on the task manager and the cpu seems to always be working even when idle. I've got a Dell Dimension 5100, with up to date spy and virus security but scans show no sing infection?

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My Antivirus Avast And Zone Labs [zone Alarm Firewall] Not Working

Jun 17, 2006

those programs do not work with windows vista. any idea?

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Possible Virus / Spyware On My Computer

Oct 5, 2007

I think i might have a virus on my computer called Trojan.Metajuan, i saw in in my Norten scan and i cant remove it and i am having alot of problems.So my computer is slow right when i turn it on, it loads all my programs fine.So i try to do a Spywere scan with Webroor Spy Sweeper and after 5 mins it shuts down and i cant open the program i get a "has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."I get that error with moslty every program like winrar, any spywere and stuff.I can play games fine, stuff net and text, just cant open programs, and i get alot of ad pop ups.

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Remove The Spyware Virus

Feb 26, 2005

On my system there are a few programs that I think are spyware or a virus, so not being sure what to do or what to remove I've decided to ask the experts.

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After Booted Up The Pc Virus Or Spyware Comes

Feb 4, 2006

When I booted up the pc this morning a blue scree came up that I had never seen before. It took a long time for it to scan. It said I had a couple of viruses but didn't give me any way to fix them.

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Virus / Spyware Is Gone From Computer

Sep 6, 2005

All of my scans and checks are coming up clean, but i still get an application error that says " the instruction at 0x01a82dc0 referenced memory at 0x01a82dc0. the memory could not be read click on ok to terminate the program" every time i close internet explorer. And some scans I have done with registry scanners say that there are bad keys (i think thats what it said) that need to be repaired. If i do have to repair that is there a free program to do it. Is my intell32 virus gone? Is it say to do my online
banking again?

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Possible Virus Or Spyware On Computer

Aug 3, 2005

I am working on a client machine xp Pro xp2. Can't access the Internet Properties connection tab.System info. etc. Can't find a virus or spyware.

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Spyware Virus That Can't Remove

Jan 8, 2006

A short while ago while i was surfin the web I got a viris or somthing on my computer. A pop-up in my toolbar keeps telling me i have a serious infection, but im sure its just spyware because i cant stop it and it redirects me to a site to buy software. I have Spybot Search and Destroy and AVG anti-viris and ive run both twice, but it didnt help.

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Xp Disaster Virus Spyware

Aug 31, 2005

I was online and I got to some website, as soon as I got to this site all hell started breaking loose. I am running a pc with windows xp sp1 (I use avid xpress pro editing software they say not to use sp2). I am using the Microsoft anti-spyware and AVG free for my anti-Virus. Well as soon as i get to this site avg instantly finds a virus so i delete it, then it finds another which I delete. Then all of the scripts for microsoft anti spyware start popping up saying letting me know that something is trying to be changed on my system, I selected the block option on antispyware, about 3 or 4 more of these scripts pop up and I block all of them. After that I try to close internet explorer and all other open windows and my computer freezes up. I go to the task manager and close everything however I then cannot close the task manager or open anything on the desktop. So I go back into the task manager and restart the system. Heres where the fun starts

When I restart my system I instantly notice a problem. Now my desktop has changed, my wallpaper is the same however the left side of the screen looks shows the options you would see if say you clicked on my computer (for example a section that has files and folders, and details below that etc..) I cannot get rid of this at all, I don't know how to fix my desktop. Speaking of my computer it is now simply called "folder" and none of the icons can be opened by double clicking i have to right click and select open to open any icons. Also on my desktop are two folders that have no name and cannot be opened. Next I select the start menu and notice the options of "run" "search" and "help & support" are missing and are not available at all. Also if the "all programs" part of the start bar cannot be opened. It gets worse control panel is now called "folder" as well and when opened is only partially working. By that I mean that when I open add/remove programs it stays blank and never shows a list of files. The same thing happens when I open system restore, the window pops up but remains blank. Another problem is internet explorer opens but never displays is just blank. Windows media and microsoft antispyware won't open either they both give error messages. AVG still works however it does not detect any viruses when I do a scan. Also windows explorer itself seems to be affected because I don't even see the address option on the top of the screen when I am in my computer or anywhere else.

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Unable To Delete Spyware And Possible Virus

Dec 31, 2004

I have attached my log from AdAware showing the files that I can't delete.Also, here is my HiJack Log. Computer is acting weird, the taskbar will not hold it's settings (keeps turning off the quick launch) and occasionally the screen will just show the background, not files and I have to restart the computer.

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Possible Virus / Spyware Attack On Computer

Feb 16, 2005

i've recently encounter a problem, out of the blue, norton antivirus is disabled and can't be open, it says norton has encounter problem. please reinstall. then internet stop working.and i've only use Internet explorer again the night before due to some mis-configuration on my FireFox. now the problem with norton is back.if norton is attack by viruses/spyware so easily as if my computer is not even protected at all. all i did was browsing through ninemsn and seems to be a let down.

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Spyware Or Virus / Destroy CCleaner

Nov 22, 2005

I think i have a virus or spyware . i use Spy Sweeper.Ad-Aware SE Personal .Spybot Search & Destroy CCleaner.but something is stell runing in the back ground.i have no virus programs do any one no any free virus programs.

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The Best Anti-Virus And Spyware Program

Nov 10, 2006

I was wondering, what is the best anti-virus system and spyware programs out there?

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Zone Alarm Security Suit Shows Corrupt File

Nov 5, 2007

Getting a message from ZoneAlarm Security Suite saying i have a corrupt file - zlclient.exe C:windowsinternetlogs, vdebug.log. I've tried running chkdsk /f but it says the file is locked.

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Infected By NetWorm-i.virus@fp,,psw.x-vir Spyware?

Oct 23, 2006

I desperately need help.I have been infected by NetWorm-i.virus@fp,,psw.x-vir spyware,cyberlog-x and I dont know anything about computers and I dont have a clue about removing these viruses.

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Virus/Spyware - Cant Delete - Alters Wallpaper

Jun 18, 2005

Recently got a piece of spyware called SpySHeriff. The program installed on my PC claiming to be a spyware fix program (i did not allow the install) i could not remove the program for a while but after looking through help topics on the net i found a registry to delete and fix the problem. Another thing that happened was that my wallapaper changed to this message : SYSTEM STOPPED system has been stopped due to serius malfunction. Spyware activity has been detected. It is recommended you use a spyware removal tool to prevent data loss. Do not use the computer until all spyware has been removed.

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Attempt To Use Update Get Redirected Spyware Or Virus

Aug 12, 2005

When i attempt to use windows update I get redirected to ; I have a feeling that this is not a ms site. Other symptoms include a heart shaped desktop shortcut named Online Dating as well as another icon that sports the Ghost Busters logo and titled Remove spyware.

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Spyware / Virus Can't Change Desktop Background

Dec 15, 2005

I think i might have a virus. i can't change my desktop background and every once and a while the programs:10387.exe, 1609.exe, 18975.exe, and 5095.exe show up on the process list when i hit control+alt+delete.

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No Virus Or Spyware - Still Operating System Getting Slow

Nov 4, 2008

what do you do if you run say: kaspersky internet security pro 2009 and it doesnt find spyware or a virus...but the machine is still running slow.its got 1GB ram,dual core is this right?1 run a defrag 2 run a windows repair

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