Shutting Down And Register The Dlls

Aug 6, 2005

I'm using windows XP professional edition. i have developed one application consists of nearly 20 dlls. i'm using regsvr32 to regiter and un register the dlls. I'm using one batch file (*.bat) to do this task (unregister the old version and registering the new version). When run this bat file after, few minutes ( i don't know all the files are registered). the system getting shuttdown. I tried the same work using windows API functions also.But the same(using regsvr32, Windows API) work well in the other operating systems (Windows 2000 prof). what will be problem? or is there any other better way to register the dlls?

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2000 Install Hangs When Upgrading DLLS

Jul 30, 2005

I am reinstalling my Windows 2000. It worked okay before but I started having some trouble with some of the DLLs, so I thought a fresh install might fix the bad DLLS. It goes through the whole install process, but hangs up at the upgrading IIS section every time. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I haven't changed any of the hardware since I installed 2000 last time.

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Load Needed DLLs For Kernel Memory

Sep 5, 2007

This is my wifes laptop. It is a Dell Inspiron 6400 Duo core processor with Windows XP Pro installed on it about a month ago. She had a low battery indicator coming on and lost power, upon turning the machine back on got the dreaded error. I have tried booting in Safe mode with no luck..... have tried the boot ini rebuildwith no luck. I am going to reinstall Windows XP but thought I would ask if there is another solution. I am not to worried about the data on the drive because I have recently loaded XP on it, just wondering if there is an easier fix; or if a complete reformat will do the trick?

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Home Edition Not Loading Up - Load Needed DLLs For Kernel

Sep 2, 2007

This is a HP Pavilion a524x, Pentium 4, 512mb DDR SDRAM, Intel Extreme integrated graphics, and Running Windows XP Home edition.In between the computer loading up and the windows loading screen I am getting this error message. (Windows could not start because of an error in the software. Please report this problem as: load needed DLLs for kernel). When I try to run windows recovery counsel, run in any of the 3 safe modes, try to repair windows with the CD, try to reformat the hard drive, try to reinstall windows, or anything else I forgot to mention I get this error message (A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA STOP: 0x00000050 (0xc47c0000, 0x00000000, 0x8081b123, 0x00000000).I have looked both of these errors up on Microsoft's website but it does not give me any helpful information on the problem since I am unable to boot in any kind of mode including all of the safe modes as previous stated. I even tried hooking it up as a slave in another computer to try and reformat the HD but for some reason the error message seems to still pop up when I turn the other computer on.

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Register OS?

Apr 23, 2009

Best I remember, when I installed XP, well, the first time I turned on my IBM ThinkPad with XP Pro OEM, I got the option to register it and activate it. I activated it but did not register it. Is there any way to register it now?

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Cant Register Xp

Jul 11, 2006

I installed my xp home on my dauter's computer. Why? long story.I can't register it because the cd came installed on my dell, I have to purchase another key.I'm screwed (she is). I can't get any updates. I ran housecall and it came up with 5 pages of windows and explorer problems. All would be solved with SP2 and other updates.I can't afford a new operating system or the 90 bucks for a new key.What are my options? Do I try another operating system, Linux? I am not to bright with these big problems, at least their big to me. Just figuring out the small stuff still. I can't even keep her computer on line

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Unable To Register

Jul 4, 2010

so i just installed windows XP after getting a new hard drive and mother board. It wont let me register it. When i boot up and go to my desktop a few seconds later it say you have 30 days to activate windows. so i click on it and it asks if i want to register windows over the internet, so i click next, then it asks if i want to register with microsoft or something like that so i clink no. then it says "checking for connectivity" and then it says "you were unable to connect to the server" or something like that "Please make sure you are able to connect to the internet". Im able to use fire fox and google crome.

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How To Using Same Licence Key / Register?

Aug 13, 2007

Could someone clarify this maybe simple question please ? I have three Pcs running on a wireless network and all systems have their pre-installed Microsoft Genuine XP Home Edition setup with their own different genuine Auth Licence Keys ! Just built a new system and was wondering if i could install XP Home on it and use pre-owned installation cd and use the same licence key again on this new built pc ? I assume I could do it, but what about the online registration needed to validate the product ?

1. Can I register this Licence key Again ?
2. Would it affect the other PC using the same Licence key ?

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What Is The Best Way To Clean Register?

Mar 3, 2007

What is the best way to clean your register?

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Massive Lags, Error Msgs, System Errors, Dlls Registry Errors

Dec 4, 2004

When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.

There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.

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Messenger Sign-in / Trying To Register

Dec 18, 2006

I was trying to register with Windows Messenger (Windows Live ID). One of the entries is my e-mail address. I entered it properly, but when I finished with the page, it returned with this message:

"The portion of your e-mail address that follows the @ symbol is part of a "reserved domain" such as,, or Please type a different e-mail address" I know I entered my address correctly (tried it several times). Any thoughts?

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Reinstall Won't Be Able To Register The Same Copy Again

Oct 5, 2006

Installed Windows XP Pro on a laptop and have "activated it" does this mean that if I ever have to format the machine and reinstall windows I won't be able to register the same copy again or is there a limit to the amount or activates?

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Changing The Default Browser - Register

Aug 26, 2005

I use Firefox as my main web browser. I've set it as the default browser in Internet Properties and most of the time it appears when I want it to. However, some third-party software will insist, when it needs to access the internet (e.g. when I'm trying to register it), on trying to open Internet Explorer. Is this some quirk of the third-party software, or is there anything I can do in Windows XP (home) to fix this minor annoyance?

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System Information Does Not Register Any Increase

Jun 23, 2005

I had a problem with my external hard drive…which I informed you guys about. I was advised to solve the problem (potentially) using chkdsk on the drive. It worked to an extent Some, in fact the majority of files were recovered. However the problem remains in that not all files were recovered and NOW one file…when clicked on to gain access I am told that the drive is not formatted and would I like to format it now. Of course, I would not as the information is important. I enclose a copy of my previous letter to give you a full spectra of the saga.I am having problems with an external hard drive I purchased about a year ago. Files seem to be disappearing. I have a file which contained about 12gb of information (music files etc). The file now only has 88mb of information. It is the top part of the files but as you can see is only a raction of what it used to be. What has happened to the files? I have done a search in the drive…and no sign of them. Also, the system information does not register any
increase on the ‘free space’ of the drive. I am at a loss. What is happening? Can I retrieve the files? It is really punishing to think that they may be lost to me for good.

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Home Register A .dll - Message Pops Up

Dec 25, 2006

In the process of clicking a link in an email a message pops upfrom IE 6 because of a failure and has to close. I then went to eventviewer and the culprit turned out to be ( Faultrep.dll ) from here Itried to register the .ddl ( random trouble shooting, thinking the .dllwas bad ) and this message came up; "Faultrep.dll was loaded butthe .dll RegisterServer entry point was not found. The file cannot be located". Need some guidance here because the problem is chronic

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Download Register Cleaner For System

May 30, 2006

About two weeks ago, I was going to buy "register Mechanic" cleaner and I believe a "John" answered my question with a good free register cleaner. Reg Scrub" which I used two times. The last time I also ran "Seek & Destore", and it took out the Reg. Scrub. Where can I go to again download it.

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Keyboard/Fingerprint Reader Unable To Register Fingerprints

Apr 9, 2005

The reader is lighted up. It flashes when a finger is placed on the scanner.But, it never scans.

What could be wrong?

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Do Not Register Version 64bit - No Internet Connection Compatible

Apr 1, 2009

I have been trying to install a new version of XP on my computer mainly because I can't handle 64 bit and it's refusal to be compatible with my wireless card. First of all, I do not have a registered version of the 64 bit due to no internet connection which didn't allow me to register my copy and in turn locking my computer unil I do so. My friend gve me a copy of XP pro SP3 and I want to install it, but I have a few issues. How do I delete the old OS? How do I install the new one? I have been having some problems with opening the bios and what not, I am using ASUS P5N73-AM mobo. I really need help with this, because it is limiting my use of the computer, a brand new computer which I have not been able to consistently use since the time I bought it.

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Getting Strange Message: Webpage With Java "Asdas Register Failk"?

Mar 16, 2005

I keep getting a strange error when I go to a webpage with java "Asdas register failk"

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Unable To Register For Many Programs / Unable To Retrieve Album Info

Jan 2, 2005

I'm sure I am overlooking something obvious, but numerous recent problems with my system seem to be (hopefully) tied to the same source.I just don't know what it is.I am running windows XP home, service pack one (I have recently reverted back from SP2 thinking it may be the cause of the problems)
1) Any and all telnet type programs refusing to connect to any host (telnet, zmud, gmud, etc) In the case of zmud I can observe that my computer is in no way interfacing with another machine. telnet error is 'unable to contact host machine'
2) Windows media player (version 10) is unable to retrieve album info. Instead I immediately get a standard IE 'page cannot be displayed' screen.
3) Unable to register for many programs such as Gracenote. In the case of gracenote I recieve a 'socket open failed' error message.I am not currently running any firewall.
I only hae a 56k internet connection, so the instantaneous negative connection responses many of my programs display make it fairly obvious that this is a problem with my machine. I hope it is some silly xp setting I need to change.

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Pc Shutting Off By Itself

Jun 21, 2006

recently when i use grabit newsreader my pc shuts off by itself. it had never done so for the half a year before now when i used it.i think its my pc overheating. i tried dusting the inside a bit, and downloaded speedfan to show u guys what the temps are. the first pic is without grabit running. and the second pic is with grabit running. before i go thru a bunch of malware/spyware tests, which i dont believe is the problem, could someone please first rule out a simple fan problem?

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PC Keeps Shutting Off

Aug 6, 2005

Problem started with cd burner not writing through windows media player.I installed fireman and everything seemed okay.PC then starts rebooting itself at random.The past week it either won't boot up at all(it powers on but all the lights just flicker in a steady pattern while the screen remains blank) or it boots to the point right before the desktop loads then goes into the flicker mode.By holding down f2 or esc I can usually get the flicker to stop. The pc then tries to reboot again or just shuts off competely.I'm trying to do a xp repair this morning by booting off the cd.It will get down to 36 min to go and then goes into the flicker mode.

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IE Keep Shutting Down By Itself

Sep 1, 2005

It's my girlfriend's computer. The IE keeps shutting down by itself for some reason. I'm thinking of spyware or adware.

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Keeps Shutting Down

Dec 13, 2005

I've got windows XP and my computer keeps randomly crashing. A blue screen comes up that says something along the lines of, "An unexpected error has occured and windows needs to shut down..." Then it gives some numbers, then underneath the only thing I remember it saying was "beginning dump of physical memory". There was more to it but I didn't write it down so can't remember, sorry! It's a blue screen with white writing. I've run anti-virus, I've defragmented, I've checked windows for errors and checked for adware.

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PC Keeps Shutting Down

Dec 23, 2005

I've been searching about the site but can't find anything that relates to the problem that I've been having. I hope that someone can help as I'm sure that it's a pretty simple thing to correct, For the past few days if I leave my pc for about 15 minutes it just turns off as if it has gone into some kind of standby. I have to turn the monitor back on and wiggle the mouse and it starts back up with the screen exactly as it was before it went off. It isn't the same as going into standby as when i do that I have to use my user password to get back in. I don't have a screensaver at the moment but it kinda reminds me of one.

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Shutting Down Windows Xp

Apr 3, 2008

When I try to shut down windows I have to go through the shutdown process several times before it will shut down. I get svchost.exe ending program and that's where it stays until I go through the process several times

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Windows Keeps Shutting Down Its Own

Jul 28, 2007

My computer keeps shutting down and restarting on its own! I even unchecked the box in the system properties to stop it from restarting when windows gets a problem. Please any help would be great because I'm getting verizon fios installed, I'm using windows xp.

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Windows Xp Not Shutting Down

Dec 21, 2008

when ever i click shut down button then my sytem or windowxp restrats again my system or windows xp is not shutting down.

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Windows Xp Pro Keeps Shutting Down

Dec 8, 2008

A sony laptop xp pro .was on internet then suddenly laptop shut down now when i try to start up laptop i get as far as the windows logo then a message saying windows shut down unexpextedly ,etc so i then press go to last good configuration it then tries to log in but shuts down again after about 5 seconds and then starts as above again an i try going thru it all again ive not recently changed any hardware

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Os Xp Prof Shutting Down

Apr 22, 2005

My os is xp prof. when I click on start then shut down it always now goes to end program and the system wont shut down. I have run scan disk,and several syware programs(they find no spyware) but it wont shut down at all

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Shutting Down But Its Restarting

Sep 17, 2007

When I shut down my computer it restarts. I am using a Compaq Deskpro EN with windows 2000 operating system.

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