Safe To Hibernate The Computer Instead Of Shutting It Down?

Oct 21, 2005

Is it safe 2 hibernate the computer instead of shutting it down always. Are there any demrits of hibernating excluding the extra use of harddisk space

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Safe Mode Is Shutting System Down Continously

Jan 27, 2006

I am running windows xp sp2 on my hp pavilion dv1331se laptop and have started to have some problems. First, I was running the windows disk defragmenter and it took a very very long time to complete. I try to defrag regularly and I know it is not an instantaneous process. But it seems to be unusually slow now and even when it says its completed, it also says there were files it could not defrag. I tried to run defrag in safe mode to see if that would improve the speed and defrag everything. But in safe mode, once it started defragging my entire system shut down. No warning, no nothing. Just all of a sudden a black screen and I had to physically turn the computer back on.

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Computer Won't Hibernate By Itself

Mar 12, 2006

Recently I installed a Linksys WMP54G wireless network adapter on my desktop (HP Pavilion a556x with Windows XP Home installed). My computer will not hibernate on its own. Settings in power options are correct (I think) and the hibernation is turned on. I looked in the properties settings on the wireless adapter and there is no power management tab.

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Can't Stand By / Hibernate Computer

Dec 21, 2007

I would like to leave on my computer when i am asleep but i don't have the choice of choosing stand by or hibernate, it is grayed out. I have about 45GB of free Hard Drive space and i am stumped on how to fixed this.

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Computer Won't Standby / Hibernate

Feb 22, 2008

After a huge upgrade and fresh XP installation (up to SP2), my computer won't standby hibernate. The only parts that remained were the HDs, RAID card, and power supply. MOBO was upgraded to X38, GPU to GF8800GT, and CPU is now Dual Core. Prior to the upgrade, my PC could go into standby. Now it is "grayed out."I went to power management, hibernation tab is not there. I tried reinstalling MOBO drivers, same thing. My comp used to be able to do this in XP. Well, I read about it, and supposedly, dual core cannot go into standby (or at least winxp doesn't want to allow the user to do this with DualC). Is that true? Edit: I even tried the hotfix and disabling terminal services. No effect.I tried apmstat -v, and it said that this is an ACPI machine and that APM is not relevant.

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Shutdown Or Hibernate Computer

Jun 21, 2006

just curious on if ppl think hibernating or shuting down windows is best i tested both and found hibernating twice as fast turning off (6 seconds) to 12 seconds turns on 4 times faster after hibernating.

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Computer Shutdown And Hibernate

Aug 19, 2005

I can't shoutdown & hibernate my laptop (windows XP SP2 Whit laset updates). when i click on shutdown button windows do noting.

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Shortcut For Hibernate Computer

Dec 21, 2005

How can I create a shortcut on my desktop of Hibernating the computer. Also give me the shortcut of shutting down the computer. The shortcut should be such that as soon as I click on it, the computer should go into hybernation without any further conformation.

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'Preparing To Hibernate' And Then The Computer Shuts Down?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm starting to get the message 'Preparing to Hibernate' and then the computer shuts down. Using Windows XP on a Compaq Presario with 896 Ram.

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Computer Doesn't Stand By Or Hibernate

Apr 27, 2007

i have a laptop (windows xp) and when i close the lid it goes into stand by automatically, and successfully, but then starts back up within 2-10 seconds for no reason.same case with hibernation, as soon as the computer is in hibernation it starts up again. i went to windows website but it suggests this has to do 3d screen savers which i dont use. this seems like a common problem and supposedly has to do with winfixer, sysprotect or winantivirus spyware. my computer had had vundo trojan.

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Computer Being Started By Schedule From Hibernate?

Sep 15, 2005

computer running XP is turning itself on at 1:00PM after being placed in hibernate. The scheduler had items for this time (which I am now changing). Isn't the computer completely OFF when hibernated? What mechanism does it have for turning itself on if the CPU supposedly is powered down?

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Computer Automatically Standby Or Hibernate

Jul 5, 2005

Why won`t my personal computer automatically standby or hibernate when i use the windows xp 3d screen-saver?

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Computer Is Not Shutting Down

Aug 29, 2005

When I go to shutdown my computer it just restarts automatically. I go to Start and choose turn off computer then click on turn off. It seems to shut down then restart straight away, can someone please help. I am NOT clicking restart.

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Computer Keeps Shutting Off

Jan 8, 2006

I am on another computer right now. But when i boot up the computer. It lets me log in and ill be at the main screen where my icons are.Then after 2 minutes it always shuts down. If i dont log in and stay at the name menu screen it will still shut down after 2 min.The screen goes black and thats it. I cant see anything anymore. The power on the computer remains on though, cause the green power light is still on. I tried to do a quick virus scan but 2 min isnt enough time to do it.

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Computer Shutting Off Itself

Jun 15, 2008

My computer keeps shutting itself off sometimes and i have no idea why. Could it be the outlet? Im running windows xp.

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down

Mar 26, 2007

For about the past month my computer (Toshiba Satellite laptop) has just randomly shut down. At first it would be only when I'd play games and it would just shut down, but now it has been shutting down for no reason at random times. Some days it will do it 5 or 6 times, other times it'll work fine for a few days and then I'll be browsing the internet or typing a message and it just craps out on me. I know this is a pretty broad problem, but where do I start in solving it?

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Click Stand By Button, Computer Goes To Hibernate?

Jul 15, 2006

when I click on the Stand By button my computer well hibernate. I have been using Stand By for 3 years now. The button actually says Stand By, It says it is going into stand by mode. But it goes into Hibernate mode. Before when I put it in Stand By mode, the fans would all turn off. Now the fan doesnt turn off at all. From what I understand is that Hibernate mode saves your current settings. I have click the Stand By button a number of times with my web browser open and after I wake up from stand by (or what it is says is stand by) my web browser is still on the screen.

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Computer Does Not Respond When Shutting Down

Oct 2, 2006

When I go to turn off my computer or restart it, it tries to end task for the iexplore.exe. It will say the program is not responding and the computer won't turn off or restart like I asked it to. Also, when I open up my task manager and look in processes I see that iexplorer.exe is still running when I don't have any IE windows open at all. And the strange thing is I can't end task it and there's multiples of them. As well, if I don't have iexplore.exe in the process it has a problem with ending sysfader.Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 8:17:01 AM, on 10/2/2006 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Computer Hangs On When Shutting Down

Dec 5, 2006

I have a problem when shutting down the computer. About 4 out of 5 times when I select shutdown, the computer hangs on the blue screen and I must force it to shut down by holding the startup button. Then on the next startup, about half the time, the system goes through a check.I am using XP2. I was told by Circuit City that this could be caused by spyware. I brought it to them for a fix, among other problem I have Spy Sweeper installed but even after a scan, the problem persists. Then recommended a clean install of XP2 but I am trying to avoid that route. One thing I do notice is that I have a constant correction on the startup scan with many files in a Temp folder of Spy Sweeper that are invalid. The system corrects itself, but then it happens again. Just to note, this shutdown problem was occurring before Spy Sweeper was installed.

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Computer Is Shutting Down Randomly

Nov 25, 2008

I'm having a serious problem with my computer, and I feel that I have to type this as fast as I can because it's been shutting down very randomly lately.For the last three or four days, my computer has been completely dysfunctional? I suppose. At first, it just wouldn't turn on. I left it for a bit, and it actually would turn on, but it would run so incredibly slowly. I could barely open a program, and when I could OPEN them, they wouldn't run at all. After letting it sit for about two days, I turned it back on, and it works pretty okay for the first hour. The second hour it'll slow right back down, and then spontaneously shut down. I know this sounds like an over-heating problem, so I bought a really intense heavy duty laptop cooling fan to put under it. That doesn't help.

My laptop DOES get hot, but nothing significant, especially with the fan. I figured it might be a virus, so I installed Kaspersky. Kaspersky runs fine, until I get to about 83% and it will continue running, but it will never go past that 83%. (I've let it run for almost 6 hours). I tried Kaspersky in Safe Mode, but my computer spontaneously shut off then too.I have Word 2007 installed, and it won't save any files. It just says, "Word Cannot Save Due To A File Permission Error". And just doesn't. Playing video is useless, because it just stops halfway through whatever media is playing. I've down two system restores to two different points further away, and that hasn't stopped it either.

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Computer Randomly Shutting Off

Jul 19, 2008

lately my computer has been randomly shutting down. Not while im doing anything specific, it happends at completely random times. I openned up my tower to see if it was dusty or something, sure as hell it was dusty but i cleaned it out ( blew in it ) and i felt the motherboard, it was pretty hot so i turned my computer off for a few hours but the same thing happends. the same thing happened to my friend but his problem was a fan wasnt working, but all of mine are working,i'm using a windows xp home edition, if u need anymore info, lemme know(ignore spelling/grammar errors i had to type this fast before my computer shut off again)

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Try To Hibernate My Computer / Insufficient System Resources To Complete API

May 10, 2007

I know that this question has been asked but I could not find an answer that fixed the problem, so I thought I might try again. Whenever I try to hibernate my computer, the message, "Insufficient system resources to complete the API." comes up. Afterwards, anything concerning hibernation disappear and the hibernation button cannot be clicked. My system details are as follows: Dell Inspiron 9300 running Windows XP Media Center Edition. 1.73 ghz processor with 1.50 gb of ram. (I have heard that having over 1.0 gb of ram might cause this, but I could not find anything that could fix it.)

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Shutting Down The Computer After Defined Time?

Oct 10, 2007

How to shut off Pc after lets say, 3 hours?

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Shutting Down Windows But Computer Freezes

Mar 20, 2006

shutting down windows, get to shutting down windows screen then computer freezes

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Moving Icons And Shutting Down Computer

Mar 12, 2007

When I go to start, shutdown it says "You do not have permission to shut down this computer". I can't copy and paste stuff, and I cant use the CTRL+ALT+DELETE to open up the task manager. I also can't move icons. I need help because I have no clue what to do.EDIT: When I go to the volume control it opens up something saying there are no active mixer devices available.

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Computer Takes Time When Shutting Down

Aug 15, 2005

have a odd issue with xp pro, running boots fine, doesn't complain of any issues, no spyware or viruses running.It makes any difference im running NIS.If i am at a blank desktop (no programs open) you can do a ALT+F4 to bring up the log off,shutdown,reboot menu or click on the start button click on turn off the computer. the time it takes to bring up that menu is over 2 minutes. if i hit ctrl+alt+del and shutdown from there it instantly shuts down.if i wait for the menu to appear and then hit shutdown or reboot it also works fine. It just takes an exceeding long time to do such.I also have had the task manager open when i do this to check CPU usage and such none of the TSR's or services go above 3 in CPU
usage.Anyone else having issue?

also tried a SFC /SCANNOW to check and it came up with no errors.
This only does this when i upgrade to sp2.

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Computer Keeps On Shutting Down: Unable To Repair OS?

Oct 23, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP3. For the last 4 days the computer kept randomly shutting down for no apparent reason, often times when I was in the middle of typing documents (causing me to lose everything I wrote!). I used my Windows installation disc to try and repair Windows. But it kept shutting down in the middle of the repair. Figuring the file system might be messed up, I reformatted the harddrive and then tried doing a reinstallion of Windows. Again, this damn thing keeps shutting down in the middle of my re-installation!

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Computer Refuses To Enter Hibernate Mode - Check The Bios

Jan 15, 2009

I have windows XP on my laptop and it just refuses to enter in a standby mode, neither Hibernate mode.Usually it runs very normally but every time I try to put it on standby I get a blue error screen that says that my system have to shut down because of a serious error and that I have to check the bios. After that I just switch off the button and have to turn it off!

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Updates Dont Seem To Install On Shutting Down The Computer

Sep 30, 2006

Everytime i shutdown my computer i get the message "Please turn off your computer to install updates" i turn the PC off and the updates don't seem to install as the message is there the next time

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Computer Having Blaster Worm With Shutting Down Sign?

Dec 23, 2004

about a week ago my computer was having the blaster worm shutdown sign come up alot and then the mouse started to freeze. now it has no sound, no internet, and no mouse controll. it was running on windows XP. is there anyway at all i can fix this? any help would be great.

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Computer Halts On Shutting Down - Slow Processing

Mar 25, 2005

I'm running Win XP Home - SP1 (all updates). When I shut down or reboot, the system hangs up for a long time. I sometimes have to attempt to shut it down a second time via Start/Turn Off Computer/Restart (or Shut Down). When I do Control/Alt/Delete to try to get the Task Manager it takes a long time to pop up. What do I need to do to find out what's hanging things up?

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