I just got hit by a virus, it's all gone now. But one thing, it still messed up rundll32.exe and userinit. I cannot log in without, having to press control+ alt+delete, file, newtask, explorer.exe
This is a past post that someone else posted but I'm having the same problem and I did not understand the solution. Here is what he put:"Windows won't start up on my badly-infected WinXP PIV. It gets past the logging on to windows prompt and then this error message comes up userinit.exe application error (0xc0000005) and Windows then fails to load completely. This also occurs in safe mode and I haven't been able to bypass Windows and boot directly to DOS by using the F8 key on startup." This is exactl my issue except I haven't tried to go to Dos mode b/c I didn't know how.This was his reply..."See if this helps:Restore WinlogonUserinit Line #263 right side http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm
I would appreciate any useful information. Making sly remarks is childish.I to have received the message: "USERINIT.exe Application failed to initialize" after removing software that was previously install and may have been causing the computer to not get a TCP/IP number. Now I can not get to the desktop, It hangs. I agree sometimes reloading a cleaned of hard drive may be the only way to resolve a problem. However, first see if there are any quick fixes that may save some time. If all you can say is start over again from scratch then you are wasting your time and everyone else's that reads for some answers.
Very confident about your capacity to assist here.Windows won't start up on my badly-infected WinXP PIV. It gets past the logging on to windows prompt and then this error message comes up userinit.exe application error (0xc0000005) and Windows then fails to load completely. This also occurs in safe mode and I haven't been able to bypass Windows and boot directly to DOS by using the F8 key on startup.
I recently just purchased norton 2006 to replace my 2003 edition.after uninstallin 2003, restarting, then attempting to install 2006, i got an error in the installation.i restarted my computer hoping that it would work the next time... well after i waited for it to restart, all my icons were blank on my desktop and i can't run any programs but firefox. The error states:"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. create an association in the folder options in the control panel."
Im getting this message when trying to restart windows XP. i get it even when i try to enter into safe mode. If I click on either option it restarts the machine. I cant even get access to the safe mode of windows
"Application error: Winlogon.exe. Click ok to close or cancel to debug."
I get INST32.EXE Application Error Box with Message Application failed to intialize (0xc0000006) Click Ok to terminate . push OK twice to remove box. I am trying to load my Printmaster Platinum 7.0 or 8.0 and neighter will load. I have been trying to get this fixed for over 3 weeks. Nothing I have found will work.
The Instruction at "0x75606eb5" referenced at "0x00000008". The memory could not be "read".Click OK to terminate the program.I keep getting these messages all the time but the numbers keep changing. it started when i my sister started typing something. the day before she had also spent all night typing. now i get that message for everything.Don't know what to do. I tryed disabling automatic updates and then updating it manually on website but when try i get redirected to Google.
After using Windows Explorer to view files and folders I get the following error message:Proxy Desktop - explorer.exe - Application error.The instruction 0x01f24213 referenced memory at 0x018dad58. The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program.I am using Win XP Home Ed with Service Pack 2 installed on a Dell Dimension 8200 with 512 MB memory. What is the simplest course for recovering from this problem.The program seems to work anyway.
Explorer doesn't load it just stops and when i close it i get this message.The instruction at "0x1001cd11" referenced memory at "0x1001cd11". The memory could not be "read".
I'm getting this error massage for a few days. It says:The instruction at "0x7c9111de" referenced memory at "0x00720065".The memory could not be "read".
Good morning, I have a couple of problems and I can't figure out how to get my computer back to where it used to be. I think it has something to do with updating windows. I get messages everytime I try to open a photo or a file. One message is Explorer EXE-Application Error, The instruction of ox600470a4 referenced memory at ox600470a4. The memory could not be written. Click on ok to terminate the program, click on cancel to debug the program. I clicked on debug and the program I got a message about Dr. Watson trying to communicate with ? and I clicked ok. Then the photo closed and all the icons disappeared and the reappeared. When I opened the same photo again, I got the following message. Data Execution Prevention-Microsoft Windows to help protect your computer, Windows has closed this program and also Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close, etc. Again the program shuts down. Basically, I can't open anything without the error messages. I can't copy cd's either as I have in the past with Nero. The program starts and then I get a read message or the cd just will not copy. Is there a way that I can do a restore and have my computer back to where it was 3 weeks ago? I could do that with my old computer Windows 98se. I have a HP Media M7060n now and I have XP home edition. Up to now I have had no problems. This computer is very different from my old one and I have no clue how I would do a restore. I just want a restore from 3 weeks ago, not a complete restore. I think the problem has to do with a windows update. I think I did one just before these problems occured. I lost my virus protection and had to reinstall it. I thought maybe that was the problem so I uninstalled it, but that wasn't it. So..here I am very frustrated. I know this post is long and I apologize. Thank you~Liz
I get the following error evry time my Windows XP Media Center PC boots
winlogon.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x0101050c" referenced memory at "0x117e4000". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program Click CANCEL to debug the program When I click either the system reboots and I'm stuck here. I cannot get it to boot in safe mode but I can boot to a DOS prompt in the Microsoft Windows Recovery console.
After having the comp for a week or so (got it from a friend for cheap, in perfect condition) any time i try opening a program such as Word, the Open With screens pops up, and i have to find the program manually and open it. when try to open anything in the control panal, such as add/remove programs, an error pops up that reads:
C:WINDOWSsystem32 undll32.exe Application not found
I just bought a HP Laptop Computer and it has installed in it, Works for Windows. When I try to run the word processor part it come up with this message:
"The Application Failed to start because LTKRN13N.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."I click [ok] and the window closes. Then another windows opens and says this: Windows cannot access one or more required files. The files may have been renamed, deleated or moved. Try re-installing Works and then starting the program again.
Error from any application that tries to access the Internet. This includes IE, the Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Limeware, uTorrent, any application, the moment I try to access the Interent with it. For example, I'll get the error the moment I try to log on with MSN, but not when I initially launch the messenger. However, if I don't actually click the Don't Send button, the applications work just fine...The problem has started when I accidently turned off the PC without a proper shut down.I don't actually get the errors in Safe Mode, but then again, I have no internet connection there.
I have an accounting program in which I have data files for each year of my business. These have been successfully backed up for years on CD and now JumpDrive, and stored on the desktop with a shortcut for easy access. I downloaded and installed SP2. Now when trying to open a file, I get the message C:XXXXXXXXX is not a valid Win32 application. It always was before so what changed?I cannot back up my current files because that is the name I've always used. The computer doesn't recognize the name as valid so I have no security.
This came out after i open my windows and logged in. I tried opening my task manager and it won't come out, i waited like 1 hr juts to see how will this help but it did not help anything, it's just this two problems that shows up everytime even if i press "okay" button it will still shows up. all of that i tried but the same problem shows up, " drwtsn32. exe - application error" and "dwwin.exe - application error ". i can't access anything in my programs coz even the "start" button is not shown. i tried using another account but the same problem shows up.
I tried to dowload some codecs to watch a movie (without success), my computer is running very badly.It always freezes and I have to reboot or it responds very very slowly. The only hint I have is a Windows type error message which pops-up at almost each boot kdyow.exe - Application Error exception Breakpoint A breakpoint has been reached.(0x80000003) occured in the application at location 0x00411ccc.Whether I choose either one of the option, it always come back and my computer is having a very hard time running. Did I catch a virus of some sort ? I searched the Internet and the breakpoint thing seems to be frequent, as well as the 0x80000003 but nothing about the 0x00411ccc?
Every time I use my laptop with my wireless connection I get rasautou.exe application error warnings everytime I try and move web pages. I understand it has something to do with an autodialer,
the error that pops up after loading is related to svchost.exe - Application Error ( The instruction at 0x500bcb9a referenced memory at 0x00000000 the memory cannot be "read") I'm pretty sure it's not a virus. I did a full system scan with Kaspersky 6.0, Ad-aware pro and spybot.
Just started getting this error message. [see attachment] It pops up seemingly at random; startup, browsing, even while I left the computer for awhile (no tasks running). The app is different most every time, tho (eg. <whatever>.exe).
Today, for the first time, when I signed on I get this big dialog box that states:winlogon.exe Application Error The instruction at 0x77f83aed referenced memory at 0x00440052. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate Click Cancel to debug.I tried BOTH Cancel and then OK with no results.When I clicked OK the programs would eventually come up, but I've found my application SCREEN SHOT DELUXE won't come up don't know if that is related or not.Also, had a little problem with Word Perfect on one boot, don't know EXACTLY what or IF these would be affected by this problem.I have a Dell 8250, Windows XP Pro, 512 RAM, 120 gig hard drive, 2.5 GHz.
I ran a spyware program and now the computer logs off as soon as I log on.I cannot remote into it because my network won't find it. I've booted into the recovery console to the command prompt and followed everyone's instructions except that I don't have userinit.exe or wsaupdater.exe??? What gives? Can I just rebuild the boot? MBR? Is thre a way to edit the registry from the dos prompt.
I accidently deleted the userinit.exe file, creating the log on/log off problem. I have gone into the recovery console, navigated to C:/WINDOWS/system32, but when i tried "copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe" it says the system cannot find the file specified. Help ?
when I start my computer. The first error message I get is Application error Inicio.exc failed to initialize properly (Ox000142). The second one is APVXDWIN.exe failed to start because pavall.dll was not found Re-installing the application may fix this proble. I am running Windows XP
I have installed advanced windows care professional but yesterday by mistake some files are deleted and i was told to reinstallation will fix the error but when i have tried for reinstalltion a message pop up. I have uploaded the error message here http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/7887/applicationerror.png .
i cannot go past starting windows screen after that it gives me a message: winlogon.exe application error instruction a "0x00dafcf0" reference memory at "0x00dafcf0" memory could not be written.then it turns to blue screen:Stop:c000021a (fatal error)windows logon process system process terminate unexpectedley with status of 0xc0000005 system has been shut down at the time this happened i was downloading panda anti-virus and did not delete my anti-virus program and had also downloaded a2hijack program that was running at the time