Rollover Info Missing - How To Turn On

Jul 6, 2005

On my old Dell when I held my cursor over a jpeg, word.doc, folder or other item the info box would pop up telling me the size of the file and other info. Just received a new Dell but I can't figure out how to turn that feature on!

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How To Turn On Rollover Info - Missing

Jul 7, 2005

Are you saying that this will fix my jpeg rollover / info problem? I'm not to comfortable fooling with the registry unless I have a pretty good idea.

David Candy Wrote:
> I'm only doing jpeg
> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTdefault value from above key
> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSystemFileAssociations.jpeg
> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSystemFileAssociationsimage
> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAllFilesystemObjects
> HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.jpeg........

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Cpu Info Missing In Properties

Aug 30, 2009

when i go to my computer properties my cpu is not listed anymore it used to be there now only list ram. I'm using windows xp the cpu is amd athlon 7850 it came on the mother board which is asus M3N72-D does anyone have an idea what could of caused this and what to do?

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Info / NTLDR Missing - Boot From Cd - Does NOT Appear

Jan 28, 2008

I have taken a hitachi hdd that had xp home on it, put it solo in a machine (cuz it is larger tryin' to upgrade) that had been using & working perfectly fine with 2k pro. got a missing os error. read dozens more. own full store bought version of the afore mentioned xp. tried to boot from cd, does NOT appear to even recognize anything is in the drive. went into bios made sure cd was 1st boot, still "missin os" still doesn't see cd in drive. here is where i would like some more detail pleez, mind you i'm a beginner, yet have a keen interest in computers. now i read that computers don't like swaps of os too hot, so i pulled the xp hdd back out of the 2k machine set it up as slave in the machine i'm using now (it's actual "birth" machine) & formatted it, then deleted it from the drivers before removing it. put it back in the rig that runs 2k, now the error states "NTLDR is missing". by the way i corrected the jumpers both swaps. tried the cd again still ntlrd error. went into bios, confirmed recognition of hdd, yep pretty as a picture. does'nt formatting wipe the thing clean (for my intent & purpose)? i have to be missing a step here, i mean why won't the thing read the cd? the cd rom works, i read something about possibly not being able to boot from it though!?

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Info Bar Missing, Task Bar Left To The Clock

Sep 11, 2005

through some uncontrolled mouse move while playing with the task bar I
managed to make by "info bar" disappear. Only the clock is left. All
other bars can be switched on and off correctly. The option "Hide inactive symbols" under taskbar properties is greyed

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Missing Tool Tip Info Boxes - Performance Options?

Aug 16, 2005

To get to XP Pro's Performance Options window I use: I use Control Panel > Systems > Advanced > Performance Options. There I find there is no yellow tooltip popup help information when I click the question mark in the top right of the window (next to the big red X) and then click one of the entries such as "fade out menu
items after clicking". Is this true for all XP systems? Or is mine missing? BTW if I click the advanced to on the same window and then click the question mark and then an item such as "system cache", I *do* get the
yellow popup tooltip info box.

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Turn On Pc - Missing Spad.dll

Apr 16, 2008

my antivirus software has taken away one of the dll files due to it being infected but i cant seem to get it back or even redownload this to replace it (tryed xp cd) (windows xp system) every time i turn on my pc it pops up saying missing spad.dll

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Computer Shows Missing Files When Turn On

Dec 20, 2008

My computer has been running really slow lately, and whenever I turn it on there are two error pop ups saying that some files are missing.I also downloaded Registry Booster, because I heard it's pretty good, although the free version doesn't do much, and it says I have 994 registry problems.

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Turn On Computer Black Screen - Windowssystem32configsystem File Missing

Feb 5, 2006

My Windows XP operating system crashed last night. When I try to turn on the computer I get a black screen that appears stating that Windows did not shut down properly and how would I like to restart the computer. There are then five options available to chose from (3 Safe Modes options, last known configuration, and normally). I have attempted all five with no good outcome.

I do get the following message: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Set using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair"....

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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System Not Turn On After Turn Off Automatic

Jan 13, 2009

Okay so I usually leave my computer on all the time. I went to bed and when I got up it was off and couldn't get it to turn on. So I assumed it might be the power supply so I went and bought a new one from stamples. He turned on for maybe 5 seconds then turned off. so I took it back thinking maybe I didn't have enough watts. The higher watts didn't doanything. I am lost without my computer can anyone help? I have Win XP..Could it be the fan? Even though the fan worked when i plugged in first PS...Second didnt do anything. Could it be something to do with motherboard?

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Info - Bar With Buttons

Sep 10, 2009

I have a problem. The bar with buttons?

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Can't Find A Info About Anywhere

Jul 29, 2005

You guys are my last hope. This forum looks very active, so hopefully someone knowledgable will know how to fix my problem.I'm running Windows XP and very recently installed SP2. Here are some sys specs:P4 1.5ghz, gf2 64mb Pro video card.Suddenly about a day ago, different colored blocks would randomly appear on my screen (usually pink). I thought nothing of it, but it kept getting worse. I turned on my computer one day, and my LCD monitor kept flickering. I rebooted, then it loaded windows, then my monitor kept going to power save mode, then showed the screen, etc. I rebooted again, and my screen was stuck at the black loading screen that says "Win XP Pro" with the animation (except everything was weird colors and I could tell by the sounds and such that my computer loaded windows). Rebooted again, and my monitor said "refresh rate out of range". I set my refresh rate to 60, but nothing. Now, random pixels on my screen are red/pink/different colors at random times. When I move my mouse or a window around, random pixels change colors.

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Saving Info From Hdd

Sep 17, 2005

I have a computer here that will not start in safe mode and will not accept the recovery installation so I would like to slave the hdd to my desktop in an attempt to recover its info before I reformat and reinstall.I am not to sure about correct procedure changing the jumpers etc so need some advice.Both machines are running XP home sp2.

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What Info Should Be Backed Up?

Oct 3, 2005

On an XP-SP2 Home system, what XP files should be backed up to an external storage and how often should it be done? Can I use something like Backup4All which I use for none system info/files.

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System Info Program

May 4, 2005

I need a prog that will tell me how much I can upgrade a mobo to ie total ram, cpu etc.

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Find The System Info

Mar 7, 2005

Would somebody please tell me how to find "paging of kernel" & "large system cache" on my computer

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Moving Info From Old To New Computer

Mar 28, 2008

After reading the threads concerning transferring all data, email addresses, favorites, documents, pictures, ITune library etc. from an old computer with XP to a new computer with Vista, I was completely over my head and understood very little of what was suggested. Is there a program to assist technically challenged people to move into a new computer. I really need a new computer but this process scares me completely. Should I just pay a professional to do it and stop worrying? Someone suggested Norton Ghost. Anyone know of this program and it's effectiveness in my situation?

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Find HD Info From My Computer

Dec 14, 2009

I'm a mostly Mac user, so bear with me for a relatively simple question. I am installing a game application on my friend's Dell Dimension 4600 with Windows XP. It has a 75 GB hard drive and it indicates that all but ~9 GB are used. This isn't enough for the game. I need to know how those 65 GB are being used. Simple on a Mac, but the PC has got me stumped. How much of that should be system files?

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Re-posting Need Info On Unchecking

Jan 5, 2009

not an emergency but i wann'a address it b4 it progresses. noticed a sluggish behavior on this xp, sp3 o/s. after a child had kind'a hogged the unit all last week playing games & watching Internet.i did a disk clean-up, del temp files, defraged, ran spybot. i just looked @ "starup" & "svcs" list in msconfig.everything's checked so i need to know what i should keep checked that would be imperative ?it's taking too darn long to load during startup & huge delays in response time.

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Service Packs - Info On 1-3

Sep 22, 2006

When it comes to m/s service packs if there is say service pack 4 does that mean it includes the info on 1-3 as well or do you have to d/l all 4 SP's?

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Advanced System Info

Aug 15, 2005

get object error in system software, under hardware installed, get error, under Network Diagnostics, system runs the check and stops at 99% formatting results and never goes any further.

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Remembering All My Logon Info And Passwords How?

Jul 31, 2005

This setting so I will have to type in logon info everytime?

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User Info Wiped Clean

Jun 8, 2010

I turned on my computer to find it essentially wiped clean.

My desktop was just the basics, generic picture, no screen saver, 'My Documents' were all gone, my emails were all gone, bookmarks etc. When I opened up my Outlook I had to set it all up again, when I open any of the office suite of programs I need to reset them up.

Yet, Skype was still installed, Mozilla was there, my BlackBerry software was there just without any of the personal info? Basically like my user profile was cleaned out?

Folders I had set up directly on the C: were still there, yet all of 'My Documents' were gone...

I was able to retrieve everything from Carbonite (YIPPEE) and am in the process of getting it all put back where it belongs.. Spybot didn't find anything and the shortened version of Norton did not find anything, have not done a full system scan via Norton yet.

I brought the computer (Dell Latitude laptop) into a local computer tech and he didn't have a clue, basically did nothing except waste 4 days that I could have spent working on it...

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Way To Change Registered Computer Info

Dec 16, 2006

In most of my applications, it can bring up the name of my computer, I just installed MS Publisher and it brings up my company name which is great but the word "Mountain" is abbreviated and I want it to read Mountain. I go in to control panel, system and it shows it there as being Mtn

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Cookies- Windows Should Remember My Info

Jul 5, 2005

I use XP Home, SP2. When I try to read the NYTimes online, I am asked for my id and password again and again. I have checked the box indicating windows should remember my info. It happens also with some other sites, but not all.

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Cookies- Removes Log-in Info For Sites

Aug 19, 2005

I like to weekly, or so, delete all cookies. This seems fine except that it also removes log-in info for sites such as B of A. I have to re-enter certain items. can I remove the cookies yet save certain ones that I frequently need to reuse?

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Delete ALL Info Of Hard Drive

Jan 4, 2004

I bought a hard drive from a local computer store and they said if I wantedto exchange it for a larger, faster hard drive or a differnt brand I could.I want to get more space but I do not want them having my personal info, windows cd key, passwords.I heard you have to do a special formatt to clear all info is that true.

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System Information - Cpu Info Won't Show

Apr 8, 2007

I've been doing some system maintenance to keep everything running smoothly and correctly. What the problem is that when i go to properties for my computer(system information) it reads out.

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No Boot Info - Dell HDD Removed

Sep 1, 2006

Dell that has been fried by lightning and wants me to get the pictures off the Hard Drive. No problem, sort of. The problem is that now I see no info when I boot the computer. The monitor only comes to life when windows starts up. So, I can't enter into the BIOS, change my boot drive, mess with my arrays, or anything. I'm using Windows XP SP2. My HDD are SATA while the Dell's was IDE (just thought I'd throw that out there).
Problem occurs after the Dell HDD has been removed.

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Uninstall - All Info Gone - Desktop Shortcuts

Jan 24, 2007

About a week ago I lost several desktop shortcuts. Then today while cleaning the hard drive I tried to uninstall some programs from the Control Panel and the screen frozen on compiling list of programs. I have rebooted and tried several times and have let it sit for awhile....there seems to be NO Programs in the ADD/REMOVE window. What happened. I can do everything else fine.... PC works no problem.

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