Machine Locks Up At Random - Simple Flash Games

Oct 13, 2007

I have an Emachines W2925 with Nvidia GE Force FX 5200, running XP on SP2
(for this problem it doesn't really matter.)The machine Locks up at random times AND reboots sometimes, especially when it gets hot, but not only when it gets hot. THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL COMPUTER LOCKUP, I have been working on this problem for well over a year now ok, so take this seriously.I got the problem when I had little computer experience. I have not been able to enjoy almost ANYTHING in the world of online gaming or even simple flash games since the problem started, so im terribly frustrated. I learned several hundred new skills in order to tackle the problem, none have worked up to today

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Pro SP2 Machine Locks Up Randomly

Dec 2, 2006

My machine has been locking up randomly for the past couple of weeks. I have tried to pinpoint the problem to one program or another, but it will even lock up at the Windows Login screen when I first boot. When it locks up, the screen flickers on and off about every second, and the mouse responds sporadically. If I have music on, It skips sporadically as well. I am running all of the latest Nvidia Drivers for both my graphics card and MB chipse

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Won't Let Me Install Random Different Games

Aug 14, 2005

ok so i formatted twice did a HD surface scan did ram checks and an asortment of other random things and yet still my comp won't let me install random diff games such as maple story and WoW and is running really slow ... also my comp sees me as having a 1.2 GB processer when i really have a 1.6 so thats is also making me mad ... plz help bout to throw comp out 2nd story window ... btw i am running win xp pro corprate edition

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Remotely Accessed Machine's Data Can Be Copied To Local Machine?

Nov 20, 2009

Can I copy the data of remote desktop to my Local machine.

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Get Wizard Back So Can Unload My Camera Using The Flash-card In The Flash Drive

Aug 1, 2005

This in plain non-techie English? My Microsoft Camera and scanner Wizard no longer comes up when I insert the FLASH-CARD from my HP digital camera in the FLASH-DRIVE on my PC. Nothing happens now, It worked great for 2 years.How do I get the wizard back so I can unload my camera using the flash-card in the flashdrive?I have WXP-Home/SP2. I downloaded some XP security updates but don't know if they caused the problem.

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Upgrading To Adobe Flash 9 / Can No Longer Play Flash

Jun 17, 2009

after upgrading to adobe flash 9 i can no longer play flash, like Internet, etc. when i try to install it again it fails everytime. i even tried installing in safe mode. i have windows xp. sorry.. i can't remember the error, i'll have to try it again to see.what's going on with adobe? i also had trouble with the pdf reader on explorer and had to reinstall.

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Get New Drivers In Simple Terms

Dec 9, 2006

I know what drivers are, in principle, in simple terms. But not in detail.I've read about reinstalling XP, cuz I have considered that I may have to reformat and do that. I know about making sure first that I can boot from my CD first, and so forth.But I don't know what I'd do to make sure I have all the right drivers. How do I find out which ones I need? Do I need one "correct" one per device on my computer? I.e., one for the CD-RW, one for the monitor, one for my printer, one for my mouse, and so forth?

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Cmd.exe Not Recognizing Simple Commands

Apr 22, 2007

whenever I start command prompt..that is cmd.exe .and try entering some commands such as ipconfig or chkdsk or attrib ..I get an error saying "not recognized as internal or external command" is not working...I m confused what to do.Right now I m not in a position to format my system.

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Best Simple Method To Back Up The Registry

Mar 24, 2005

My three PCs run XP Pro with all patches. I am going to give a try to making some registry changes to tweak some things. Other than making a restore point, what is the best simple method to back up the registry, and be 99.999999999 % confident that you will be able to restore it should things go down the tubes. I would like to have a redundant backup in some method other than a restore point.

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Stuttering Overload - Cant Run A Single Simple Program

Apr 23, 2006

I have a dell with win xp pro with sp2, 2gb or ram, 2.4ghz intel celleron, i run mcafee securiety center. My primary use for a computer is internet, video editing, and listing to music. previously i was able to edit videos when some small programs were running, but latley my computer is spiking to 100% cpu usage. now i cant even run a single simple program like winamp or internet explorer with out spiking and stuttering, let alone even thinking about opening my video edding program, or editing any video. it stutters and is very slow. i have a feeling it has something to do with how many back ground programs i am running that i dont know about. Is there a program or software that will minimize all unnessary programs or take controll of what programs can run?

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Simple Desktop Cleanup Batch File

Jan 28, 2007

I'm trying to create a simple desktop cleanup batch file. What I want to do is to take every file located on my desktop except for a few shortcuts and move them to a certain directory.

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Taking FOREVER To Load And Simple Tasks

Apr 26, 2007

Well just recently my computer has been slowing to a crawl when I do (normally) simple tasks. Usually I can run a spyware scan on top of playing iTunes, working on a Word document and much more with no problems, but today I noticed that suddenly a scan by AVG alone is using nearly 70-80 percent of my processing power . Also Windows has been taking darn near forever to load. More than 2 minutes. I know this can't be normal. I've had this problem before but received almost no replies so please someone help. This is really ruining my computing experience. By the way I have an AMD Athlon X2 4200+. Any guesses as to what the problem might be?

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Random Blue Screens - Random Crashes

Oct 29, 2006

I keep getting random crashes and I don't know how to go about diagnosing the problem. Every so often I get random STOP error messages, and from the articles on the Microsoft Support site it appears to be a driver problem, but I don't know which driver. These are the errors I got recently (in order)

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Bootable Drive - Make Simple Boot Option

Jan 19, 2007

I have 5 or 6 different bootable floppy drives, partition magic, norton ghost, etc. I want to make them all bootable off a single CD, thumbdrive, etc. with a simple multimenu in dos. I've created the bootable thumb drive, and I've messed with the [menu] commands and such, but I can't get it to work. Is there a way to make a simple boot option to say, use this config.sys and this autoexec.bat?

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Configure For ONE User / Administrator Just A Simple Boot-up Without Password

Mar 16, 2006

I suppose the title of this post could be something like, "Why can't XP be more like Win98?"But seriously: I have in front of me a File View of My Computer. In Documents and Settings, it shows me that there are apparently four accounts: Administrator, All Users, Default User, and me In each one of these there is, in differing combinations, things like My Documents,My Music, Favorites.. And, in some there are what appear to be administrative privileges (Local Settings). The confusion this is causing while transferring documents and files from the old machine is getting up my nose! (This is a piecemeal exercise as the old PC is still working as the office - word processing, spreadsheets, etc.)

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Simple Boot CDUSB That Runs Batch File

Jun 13, 2008

So I have a few SP3 machine that give the lovely gdi32.dll blue screen on boot. I can solve it by booting an XP disk and going into recovery mode to copy a new gdi32.dll over the old one, but I was thinking since I am going to be seeing alot of SP3 updates, and a good deal have errored out already, it'd be cool to automate the fix just a little to save some time. Time adds up when you have to let the Windows CD boot up, and then type out the file paths for copying the file, etc.Is there a way to run a batch file from a bootable CD or USB drive? I want to boot up, run the bat, restart. Seems like it'd be a very fast and very easy solution. I just don't know how to do that.

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PCI Simple Communications Controller - Basic Text Editing

May 27, 2008

I recently underwent a clean install of both Win2k Pro & WinXP Pro. In both instances, the DM is reporting that the 'Multimedia Audio Controller' and the 'PCI Simple Communications Controller' are not correctly recognized (drivers not installed).I've done some searching online and many people suggest that a dial-up modem is the culprit behind the messages. In fact, there isn't a dial-up modem installed in my system, only a 10/100 NIC which works fine with both Windows native driver and the maker's driver.I've also searched for the PCI commun. control. drivers online to find that I have nothing to download. I'm not entirely sure what this controller does, although I can most likely find the multimedia audio controller. It's worth noting that XP is acting flakey sometimes when I use explorer to navigate around directories, and that I was recently unable to install Sisoft's SANDRA diagnostics app. Otherwise, the system seems to be stable enough to use online and for basic text editing.

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Random Hang Ups At Random Times

Jun 27, 2008

My computer seems to just hang up on me like it gets stuck in "idle" mode and doesn't let me have any keyboard/mouse control and I am forced to do a manual shut down and lose any data I may have been working on.

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Simple But Annoying. Web Page Shortcuts Just Open A Blank IE Page

Apr 1, 2005

I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.

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"simple" Solution - Is To Find A Copy Of My Registry

Jun 4, 2006

I have tried to fix what I thought and probably was a "simple" thing.Other than reformatting the only other "simple" solution I see is to find a copy of my registry, [computer image before I screwed things up.]from several days ago and install that. Many years ago running Win98 I think I resolved a similar problem in this way.

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Log Onto System It Locks Up

Jan 13, 2006

Need some help here. When ever I log onto my system it locks up. I ran Ewido last night and it cleaned 33 items off, Im still having the problem. Its like there is a program conflicting with another or somethiing.

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2000 Pro - Locks Up After Log-in

Dec 5, 2004

I have an HP Lap top with Windows 2000 Pro on it. When booting up, the computer will go through all its normal start-up procedures. When it comes time for the Username/Password, I put them in, I hear the wave sound for windows loading, and then it freezes! The hour glass cursor remains on the screen and moves, only NOTHING happens from there on.

However,I can get it to boot normally after this by shutting it down.... then going into the Bios Set-up screen.....Change NOTHING & simply exit out of the Bios Set-up......THEN it will start normally and bring up the Desktop! BUT....if I shut it down again, It will freeze right after the Log-in just like before. Im tired of always having to go into the Bios to get this darn thing to work

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 22, 2005

I'm having problems with computer freezing when I multi task. Hitting the ctrl alt delete will bring it back. I have a compaq 64 bit with 512 mb. This only seems to happen when I'm using internet explorer.Could it be a bad ethernet causing lockups?

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 3, 2006

I am experiencing my computer locking up quite frequently.

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Printer Locks Up Computer

Feb 10, 2006

My printer locks upp my entire WinXp pro when telling it to print something out.There's nothing wrong with the printer itself or the cables attached to it, a've checked on another comp. Also tried to reinstall the LPT1 port and the drivers several times without no success. Even checked so that there's no other software that interferes with the printer drivers. and did run a virus check, both in Win and in pure DOS-mode, nothing. Starting to suspect that the LPTport on my Mobo- ASUS P4P800E Deluxe is screwed.The setting in BIOS is set to ECP as default and can't be manipulated.

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Compter Locks Up And Not Responding To Anything

Sep 10, 2005

I built a computer about 6 months ago. It worked fine up to now. I am now having problems with it locking up and not responding to anything. I try to move the mouse and nothing. I try to hit CTRL ALT Delete and still nothing. The only way to get it unfrozen is to do a cold boot. It does this even while I am working with it like in Word or on the Internet. This problem has just started recently. There have been no hardware changes to the system. I have even reinstalled Win 2000 on a fresh partition (I reformatted the same harddrive and put a clean version of 2000 on the drive

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Computer Locks Up When Installing OS

Jul 30, 2007

I just build a new pc and I'm trying to install windows xp, but it locks up at the first screen and the num locks goes off where it asks you if you want to repair, new copy, or exit setup. I did a thorough get of the hard drive and it finds no bad sectors. Any clue as to what might be causing this? Also I tried installing windows 98. I can install most of windows 98, but the computer locks up when trying to load 98. Not sure where to go from here.

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Hangs And Every Thing Just Locks Up

Jul 26, 2005

I have a Dell Latitude C810 laptop running Win Xp every now and then it just locks up. I am unable to use the keyboard or mouse if attached. I then have to power down and restart, There appears to be no pattern to when it hangs/locks up.

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IE Locks-up While Clicking Upon The Address Bar?

Jun 23, 2005

Every time I open I.E. 6 and click on the ADDRESS bar "down arrow" it locks up (I.E. is not responding).I can't type in an URL and hit GO either. In effect I.E. 6 is no longer usable.If I allow it to contact MS there is NEVER a solution!There are no viruses or browser hijackers on this PC and I run Spybot and Ad-Aware weekly.I.E. 6 is useless at this time.

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Launching IE6 Locks Up My Computer

Oct 18, 2005

I don't know if it spyware or a virus but somethings going on. Please review my log:
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1Scan saved at 10:01:04 PM, on 10/18/2005Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000)Running processes:C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32csrss.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32services.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32lsass.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32spoolsv.exC:WINDOWSSystem32alg.exeC:Program Filesewidosecurity suiteewidoctrl.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32 vsvc32.

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System Locks Up/Restart Itself

Feb 15, 2005

At random times my win xp pro system either locks up or restarts by itself. It doesn't really matter what software is running. It then comes up with a System has recovered from a serious error message upon restart which invariably looks like this: C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~1LOCALS~ 1TempWER45c3.dir00Mini012605-01.dmp, C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~ 1LOCALS~1TempWER45c3.dir00 sysdata.xml.

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