Install XP-PRO Over SE Without Losing All My Files

May 10, 2006

I got a question : Can I install XP-PRO over SE without losing all my files written on my HD? I have the XP-PRO CD?

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Re-install Without Losing Applications

Jul 13, 2005

I would like to re-install XP on my PC without losing the installed applications and associated registry information. How would I do this?

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Re-installing Without Losing Files / Programs

Aug 9, 2005

Im completely useless with Windows and I was wondering is it even possible to reinstall Windows XP(Home Edition) without losing my programs and files? I have over 50GB of files/program's and it would be a pain to lose any of them(I dont have the discs). I have the XP installation disc that came with the computer. If anybody knows if its possible, or how to do it.

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How To Wipe Files & Programs Without Losing XP

Dec 28, 2008

Just was given a Dell Dimension L1100R with xp pro installed and a ton of the previous owners files and programs. It came with no installation CD so I am unable to reinstall. Is there any way to wipe all the personal files and programs without deleting XP and the drivers? I already have a dell dimension 8250 with an xp home disc but it won't install over pro.

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Repair Windows Installation Without Losing ANY Files

Apr 28, 2005

I want to know how to repair windows installation without losing ANY files.

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Computer Is Losing Files: Enable To Keep Data?

Jul 18, 2005

I am losing only picture and video files my computer. I save a file off the internet it usually lasts a few days on my hard drive and then disappears. I have used windows 98 and currently use 2000 and have the same problem. I have tried an external hard drive and saved the file and then disconnected the USB cable and the same thing happens next time i connect it. I have formatted hard drive a couple of times and problem reoccurred both times.

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Losing Space On My Harddisk - Checked For Hidden Files

Sep 3, 2005

I installed a game on the other partition of my hard disk.It was about 500M, and of course that took some space of my partion.When i uninstalled it,that space is never freed.I mean when i check the partition's proprties the used space is alot bigger than the files are there.I cleaned many times with different tools and defragmanted but it is the same.i checked for hidden files that may take space but none is there.Any hints to get back my lost space on the drive?

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Losing Disk Space For No Reason - Deleted Several Files

Sep 5, 2006

My system had 52 GB a couple of weeks ago. I haven't download much of anything, however last week it was down to 7 GB. I have been deleting pictures and files to no avail. It keeps loses space and now it is down to 149 MB and I am getting error messages. I have deleted several music and video files, but there is no way I have 142 GB of files on my system

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Losing Music Files - Doesn't Even Recognize The Memory

Dec 7, 2008

Every music folder in My Music after C (cameo!) has disapeared although I know they are still there - i can still play them in itunes and even open the song folder but if I copy it and drop it back into My Music it vanishes. Windows doesn't even recognise the memory that the missing files use and thinks the folder holds 3 gigs when its more like 30. Just wondering if there is anything I can try before going through the hassle of reformating.

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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Install Directx 9.0 - Extracts Files But Doesnt Install Components

Feb 24, 2008

i also get the same problem with my windows xp update and the service packs.

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Install Stops Copying Files- With Message The Files Cannot Be Copied

Jan 3, 2005

My system totally crashed. I reformatted the drive and reinstall XP. Well, everything seems to be going along just fine until I get to 70% finished with copying installation files and I get message after message saying that the files cannot be copied.

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Uninstalling X64 Without Losing Data

Oct 29, 2007

I have Windows XP X64, and I absolutely hate it. I want to downgrade to x86 (32-bit) so that I can run my stuff properly. Is there any way I can uninstall Windows XP X64 without losing my data, so that I can install XP x86 without any issues?

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Login Box Keeps Losing The Password

Feb 10, 2008

It retains the password and I can go online also can receive and send email messages. I deleted my orginal internet connection and set up a new one but the login box still keeps reappearing all the time. I have run scans for viruses, trojans etc.

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Losing Network Connection

Aug 14, 2005

I have a file server (Win2K Server) and two Win XP Pro PCs connected to it. I never turn the PCs off, just the monitors at night. Most every morning, after all night of no activity, when I try to access the domain drives, it cannot find them. I have to reboot. Also, when I do reboot, it takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes to come to the desktop after typing in the password. I am about ready to go back to Win2K. Never had this problem Win2K Pro.

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XP Clock Losing Time

Mar 18, 2009

I'm using windows XP My clock keeps losing time three hours every night even though I don't turn off the computer..I have tried synchronizing (successful) But clock is still losing time through the (successful) But clock is still losing time through the (An error has occurred while windows was synchronizing with time The time sample was rejected because The peer's stratum is less that the host stratum).I have also tried windows restore to an early date will not restore, have also tried repair with the window Xp operating disk It will ask for an administrator password have put in the password & it's say's that it is invalid.

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Dsl Line Losing Connection

Jan 17, 2008

Recently reformatted my pc fix a few problems now i have a new problem my dsl line keeps losing connection iv'e called the my provider they have checked my cables phone line even my neighbors phone lines im still losing connection on my dsl modem the internet and DSL go out at the same time internet light stays off while the dsl light blinks red with its one demon eye it doesnt stay offline it comes back in about a minute or so but it does it every 5-20min.

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Losing Net Connection On Laptop

Mar 28, 2008

On one of my laptops I keep losing my internet connection. In Network Connections, when I right-click and look at the properties, this laptop only has general & advance tabs and on my other one has the wireless network tab. I was told to go in to SERVICES.MSC and start the Wireless Zero Configuration service. Well, this did work, but they said when I reboot it wouldn't remember it and I would have to do this all over again.

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Losing Memory And Buggy Recycle Bin

May 26, 2008

My laptop runs Windows XP Pro. I'll post any needed information.

The problem is this:

I purchased Everquest from gamestop, installed it and tried to burn the exe to a disk (it was a download purchase) so I could delete the file that was eating up a lot of space. I created the file to burn it to the cd and then went to delete it but the recycle bin froze. The laptop started running slower and slower and I noticed that my free space was getting progressively smaller (i.e. had 11 gigs went down to 8, went into safe mode to try to delete the files from the recycling bin and rebooted and it went down to 5). Now the files are in a folder called hidden_files/recycler and the clean disk doesn't recognize the recycling bin as having files to remove. When I open the bin it freezes up and I'm still losing memory.

I tried using the following to delete the files in the command prompt but it said file path not valid.
1.Open a command prompt window
2.Type cd recycled
3.Type attrib -h inf*
4.Type del info
5. Restart Windows

Every time I try to delete the files it freezes up or acts like they were deleted but upon searching for the files they are still there and my memory is still really low.

I'm willing to post anything that may be needed to resolve this problem just let me know (as I don't know what would be helpful here or what to run and post logs of).

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Losing Desktop Profile On Every Reboot

Dec 12, 2006

I don't know what is happening to my XP Pro computer but everytime I reboot the computer, it tells me that windows cannot find my desktop profile and it recreates a new one. This is obviously becoming very annoying and making it very hard to be productive as all my icons are gone etc. I have noticed that no actual programs or files are missing, it is just that all the profiles I set go away. I did a google search and found nothing.

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Restore Hp Laptop With Out Losing Program

Oct 12, 2005

can i restore my hp laptop windows xp . with out losing the programs that i have put on .i would like to put it back to it's orginal settings . i have 6 recovery cd's

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Hard Disk Is Losing Its Memory

Jun 18, 2010

My computer started to lose its memory. I have had to remove items just to keep it running. Even though i don't have any big games in the computer i only have 2% free space left. I don't add anything but I still lose memory. I have run 2 virus programs (trend and super anti spyware) and a lot of problems were deleted.

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Hard Disk Losing Memory?

Dec 17, 2004

I have a computer running Windows 2000 Professional and one running Windows 2000 Server. Both display the ram in kilobytes I'm trying to figure out if there losing memory or what. This could be perfectly normal for 2000 to display this, but I need to make sure.

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Losing Cuser While Typing Document

Jun 11, 2005

While typing a docment, a sound will occur and I will lose my curser. This causes me to put the arrow where I want to type and left click to reset the cuser. This incident seems to occur every so often at about a minute or use. This is annoying and I do not know why this is occurring. My operating system is XP. There is no error message just a sound. May I hear from you at your earliest convince.

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Adding Text To Graphic Without Losing Animation

Aug 16, 2005

I lose the animation when I try to add text to a graphic in the paint program, is there a way to do this without losing the animation?

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Re-installing A Genuine Copy Without Losing Data

May 29, 2006

I got my PC from someone with Windows XP already installed, now there is a pop up which says that my copy of Windows is not genuine. I am a student and have gotten a Windows XP Professional with SP2 (Single User) ISO Image which allows me install a copy on my PC. I would like to reinstall with this new product without losing all my data and software

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Keep Losing Hard Drive Space On Every Reboot

Jun 27, 2005

I am using XP Home SP2. Everytime I power on I lose 1gb of hard drive space. For example I have a 60gb harddrive on my laptop and am actually using about 20gb, however, if I power off and reboot and then go to Windows Explorer and go to C drive and check properties it will list my C drive at 21gb in use. f I reboot again and go to Windows Explorer and check C Drive and check properties it will say 22gb in use. I am now at the point that it says I am using 42gb of hard drice (C drive) even tho I am only using 20gb in actuality.

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Local Disk C Is Dramatically Losing Space

Jun 14, 2006

I have a HDD that I partitioned into C:, and D:. I've noticed recently that C:'s capacity is dramatically going down. It's original capacity is 15GB, and now it's become 930MB. That was not all of a sudden of course, but it's just too much, especially that I do not install new programs in it.I used to open 'Properties > Disk Cleanup', where I would clear all System Restore points except the most recent one. Now Disk Cleanup loading process hangs, and I can't get into its menus. Is there other ways to manage System Restore other than 'Control Panel > System > System Restore'?

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Losing My Free Space - Fragmented The C Disk

Aug 8, 2008

I have an old laptop with only 4GB of memory between the two disks. The last time I fragmented the C disk, last week, it had 15% of space or about 700MB. Suddenly the next day it jumped to under 200MB. It did that the month before, as well. I have known for some time I have to get another hard disk, but I am trying to hang in there a little longer. I have taken off everything I can think off and have moved everything to the other drive. When it is so low, I can't even System Restore

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Losing The Network Shares Some Time After Login ?

Jul 27, 2005

I have Windows XP Home system that shares a folder and 2 printers with 2 other XP Home systems and 1 XP Pro system.All 4 computers are in the same workgroup Somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes after startup the XP Pro system loses the ability to browse the local network and loses contact with the shared folder and the printers. The share and the printers are still visible and useable to the other systems on the network

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Formatting Hard Drive Without Losing Data

Jan 13, 2007

I know theres heaps of partition and format tools out there to help you do certain things, but what i was wondering is instead of formatting the old fashioned way, and losing everything, is there a way i can format and not lose anything, so i dont have to do a million re installs? my hard drive is partitioned NTFS. and i have my C: where all my windows files are stored seperate to all my other drives.

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