Formatting An Extra Hard Drive In Pro / Using Fdisk?

Apr 1, 2005

Fitted an extra HDD to my machine. Detected in bios but XP will not find it. Drive is unformatted (new), how do you format in windows XP. It was easy in 98SE, just go to dos, fdisk then format. How do you do this in XP?

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Backup To Extra Internal Hard Drive

Nov 8, 2007

i recently added an extra hard drive(40gb)internal to my e-machine running wxp-sp2.the new hd came with files i'd like to clear first.then,i want to copy my entire c (os) to the new d there a way to do so for free?

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Delete Extra Windows Instalation From Hard Drive

Jan 21, 2007

I have an extra operating system on my C drive that I want to get rid of. Can this be done without reformatting the drive

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HP 7890 Mother Board - Extra Hard Drive

Mar 4, 2006

system - HP7890 Pavilion Request - Need to know Motherboard specifications & PDF Manual link

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Formatting Hard Drive:with No Cd Of Pro?

Jan 17, 2006

I want to format my hard drive ( been two years ) ! It is now running XP Pro, which I do not have the discs, and I want to switch back to XP Home, which I have one disc that came with the computer !I've tried booting up with the disk, so that I can format my hard drive, but nothing happens!

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Formatting Hard Drive

Dec 29, 2005

How does one go about formatting the hard drive?

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Formatting Hard Drive Using Setup

Sep 20, 2008

I'm formatting my hard drive and re-installing XP, and I'm wondering if I can delete the system partition without any adverse effects to the system. When I try to delete it from the XP Setup disk, it warns me not to do it, but I'm trying to create a larger partition for the system. Can I delete the system partition and create a new one.

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STOP - Even After Formatting Hard Drive

Feb 19, 2008

I got a new system assembled a month back and after 15 days the stop error began to happen (this was after my bro tried to transfer files from his iPod & it didn't happen). I looked up a lot of forums but didn't find this one and couldn't figure out what the problem might be. Restored system, disabled services, but nothing worked. Finally I got the C: drive formatted and Win XP SP2 reinstalled. Didn't install unnecessary/extra software this time. But I found this site a day before getting it formatted, so saved the last 5 minidump files. And the day after the reinstallation, it has started happening again. The first time it was the bcmndis.sys file -- Airtel Beetel 220bx modem -- connected with the USB; couldn't find another driver for it online.

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Does Not Start Formatting Hard Drive

Jan 5, 2007

This is my DAD's personal computer now, we are trying to format his hard drive i get to the point where it asks me whether i want to proceed, i put yes and hit enter, it then doesn't start formatting, it just say C:WINDOWS?

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Formatting Hard Drive Without Losing Data

Jan 13, 2007

I know theres heaps of partition and format tools out there to help you do certain things, but what i was wondering is instead of formatting the old fashioned way, and losing everything, is there a way i can format and not lose anything, so i dont have to do a million re installs? my hard drive is partitioned NTFS. and i have my C: where all my windows files are stored seperate to all my other drives.

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Trouble Formatting Hard Drive With Disk

Apr 8, 2008

I have been trying to format my hard drives. I tried using Device Manager, it let me format my E drive, but not the C drive, and then I tried by booting with the XP CD. Somehow I managed to install Windows on my E drive, and my C drive is still as it was. I have been following the instructions on how to format and install to the letter, but it's not happening for me. All of the screens match what the instructions say, but the result is nothing.I have searched this forum for HD/XP advice, and have done as suggested, no luck.How do I format my C drive, and start again?

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Formatting A Laptop Hard Drive - Full OEM Version

Jun 23, 2005

This forum has been incredibly helpful, and now I must ask another "ignorant" question to maintain my computer loving insanity. I recently acquired a used laptop running XP Home. I use Pro for work, so I thought it wise to install Pro over the top of the the former owners' OS and thereby effectively delete his old files etc. Well, what I found was that Windows simply imported the old OS info right into the new install, leaving folders, files and programs I didn't want on the hard drive. So my question for you guys and gals is this. How do I destroy everything on my hard drive, then make the laptop (without floppy drive available), accept the reloading of my XP Pro CD? It is a full OEM version by the way. If I can format the HD, and have BIOS boot from CD-ROM, will I have a "fresh" CD-only install at that point, or will there still be little goblins of information running around in my system

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Extra Hard Drives

May 9, 2005

I recently was forced to do a re-install of XP to clean up a few bugs.The system has 3 hard drives, but since the reinstall, only the C: drive appears. The other two are nowhere to be found.I've tried mapping to them, but they just don't show up there as a mapping option.Anyone have any advice? When I added the extra hard drives I didn't have an available slot and did have to create a partition. I no longer have the software I had originally used though. Do I need it to make the 2 other drives visable?

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Can Use FDISK With NT?

Dec 2, 2004

I want to add a second hard drive (brand new) to my NT4 SP4 system. Can I use FDISK to create partitions on the new drive? If so, which boot disk (95, 98, ME, etc.) do you guys recommend?

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Extra Drive Letters

Nov 12, 2006

I'm running xp, and my c drive has now become c,f and g.when checking in disk management, there are no volume labels assigned. In Disk 0, it shows the three partitions (I've no clue why there are 3, is that standard?)39 MB FAT, 69.81 GB NTFS, and 4.64 GB FAT32.This happened after a failed software install that dell refused to help with (there's a shocker)It's just an annoyance, nothing more, but I would like to get it back to being just the c drive without risking losing anything in the process. Something I can do safely or just live with it?

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Corrupt W2k Pro Best Reinstalled With Or Without Fdisk First?

Jan 23, 2006

my existing W2K Pro has become corrupt and needs to be reinstalled. I have the original disk but I use the 4-floppy boot set instead. Tried to do reinstall without fdisking first and all that resulted was a blue screen. Should I clean-up the drive completely first with an fdisk then do a reinstall? If yes, what would be the best way to initiate the fdisk procedure?

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Formatting The Two Hard Disks Of 500 Gb?

Nov 26, 2009

I am having a problem understanding when I load windows xp pro.before I did it without no problems,what I mean by that is my hard drives.I have two of them both are I had for avid editing and the c drive for other stuff like software.I guess I just got lucky before.I had both of them 500gb.but what I need to know please remember I am not a genius

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Getting Out SP2 From OS CD Without Formatting The Hard Disk?

Jul 5, 2010

i just installed windows xp pro i had layin around just for the hell of it, and it turns out that it had SP0. my internet connection is extremely slow at the moment so it would be painful to download service pack 2. i have a winxp home cd that has SP2 included on that. is there anyway i can install it off that, with out formatting and using XP home?

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NTLDR Is Missing, After Formatting Win 98 Drive And Leaving Drive

Dec 28, 2006

On my pc, I had one drive with Windows 98 on it, and one drive with Windows XP on it
Windows 98 was on drive C: XP was on D: They were set up so I could choose which one to boot to at start up I wanted to get rid of the 98 entirely, so I edited the boot ini, just removing the entry for windows 98 after restarting the computer, everything was fine....going directly to XP so I wanted to format the 98 drive so I could use it as additional storage, which I did using norton partition magic, I then shut down my computer......turned it back on.....and I get an error saying: NTLDR is missing.

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Hard Driver Can't Formatting - Catalog Not Empty

Aug 24, 2005

I was posting some pictures to a bird forum last night and when I tried opening a folder I was told that the hard drive, c:, was nor formatted and asked whether I wished to format it. Naturally I clicked on No and tried to contain my mounting panic. I defragmented the hard drive and was told that the defragmentation process was successful apart from 123 Kb in My Pictures - I'm assuming this refers to the problem folder though originally that contained a lot more data. The files are all backed up so I tried to delete the folder but was told this was not possible as the "catalogue is not empty". In the end I just renamed the folder "Black Hole" in case I click at the wrong time and accidently reformat the harddrive. Under Windows 98 I would have run Scan Disk to see whether there was physical damage to the harddrive and repair or at least isolate the damaged section. As I recall that's not possible with XP. I thought of restoring an earlier configeration but I'm not sure when the problem arose. I really have 2 questions.

1. Is there a likelyhood of a serious problem with the harddrive?
2. How can I get rid of the folder and prevent the same thing from happening again? I'm not sure if it's relevant but I have a dsl connection with a firewall from Zone Labs, a virus progamme (McAfee) and I regularly scan the harddrive using Spybot and Adaware.

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Formatting Hard Disk/ Reinstalling Creates New Registry?

Oct 4, 2009

Will a format of HD. and re-install xp create a new registry?

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Formatting Hard Disk: Sp3 Installation Requires Sp2 Or Direct Install?

Jul 29, 2008

Yeah I have reformatted my hard drives a few times over the years so I am no stranger to it however I am just curious about something. When I go to reformat with my DELL Windows XP Home Edition CD I will then revert back to SP1. I have SP3 installed onto my computer right now. I also have a SP2 CD I got from Microsoft about 3 years ago or so. Should I first install the SP2 cd or is there no need to do that seeing SP3 should have all of SP2 updates in it?

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Dvd Drive It Says Is Disc Needs Formatting When Put Dvd In

May 25, 2010

My hp dvd 1140i will not burn my movies it keeps saying that the disc needs formatting.

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Un-Formatting Flash Drive?

Feb 16, 2008

How can I unformat a flash drive? I formatted it to make it bootable to try to run feather linux which didn't work. Anyway, I am trying to get it back to where it was before. I tried HP's usb format utility, but it doesn't see it as it won't even show up in my computer. it does show up as a storage device to unplug but that is all.

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Slave Drive Formatting Way

Sep 10, 2005

I need to know if I can take a drive out of my friend's tower, and put it in my tower as a slave drive to format it, will it be a bootable drive back in my friend's tower? Or will it still read as a slave drive with no OS files? I have to do this because my friend lost his Win XP Pro SP1 disk, and all I have is a Win XP Pro disk with no SP on it, I have a separate downloaded SP1 file, but if I try to use that, it will chop their harddrive from 200 gigs down to 130'ish, like it did with my 160 gig drive Or maybe I could create a new Windows install CD with SP1 on it already.

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Formatting New Sata Drive

Jan 31, 2008

a few days ago i had a problem performing a clean install of Windows XP which is on another thread Link below:
URL...I now have managed to install XP on my 60GB drive but when i try to format my 400gb SATA drive i cannot. BIOS Sees my SATA drive and windows XP sees the drive as Unallocated. I tried formatting it in windows and Partition Magic 8 and both times windows seems to crash and hangs and there is nothing i can do but reboot to get back into windows.

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Formatting A Spare Drive?

Dec 30, 2007

I friend of mine is working on my pc for me. I'm putting in a new main HD (since mine crapped out) it's 80G. I also have a new 320G backup HD that he's putting in. Well he's got everything going and XP pro loaded up but says that he normally formats a drive with a program off a floppy. My PC doesn't have a floppy drive nor does the MB support one. He said he used XP to format the drive (which he's never used XP to format a drive) and the BIOS is saying 320G is there but windows is saying only 8G is there. Any idea what's wrong?

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Cant Copy Files From Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive Using Linux

Mar 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.

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Formatting The Drive And The Computer Shuts Off

Jan 17, 2008

i had to purchase a new hard drive due to multiple errors on my hard drive. My brand new drive is the same exact model as my old one but when i try to install xp on the new drive i get as far as formatting the drive and the computer shuts off and wont turn back on. I have to unplug it, let it sit for a little but and then plug it back in and it will start up again.

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Two Boot Options After Formatting The Drive?

Feb 24, 2008

we have an XP box at work we use for testing custom apps we create...we threw in an extra drive and put Vista on this drive just to test out our apps...after testing, we removed the drive (and hence Vista) leaving just the main drive with XP...our boot options still list Vista as a boot option..i know fixmbr works with XP, but there is another command (can't remember what it is, never used it) for Vista...using XP, can i use the fixmbr command to remove the Vista boot option? if not, how should i remove the second boot option from XP?

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Installing Windows After Formatting C Drive?

Oct 11, 2006

I may have to reformat my entire hard drive and reinstall a totally new, legal copy of either Windows XP Home SP2 or Pro SP2. Do NOT ask me how I know this! IF I want to format c:, what's the right process and sequence for doing this, and then reinstalling Windows from a CD?

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