During Graphics Demanding Games Computer Freeze

Dec 19, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro computer running with a 2.8GHz processor with a Nvidia GeForce Fx 5500 graphics card and 512RAM. However, when I'm in the middle of a "graphics-demanding" game (like warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne), the whole computer will totally freeze. It doesn't just hang or lag but the screen freezes and i have the restart the computer using the reset button.That's not the worst of it. When the computer has rebooted it will freeze from anytime as soon as the desktop begins to load to when the desktop has already loaded. The computer will only start up normally if i just shut it off and turn it on the next day.Oh and the computer can reboot to safe mode or start up to safe mode with no problem at all.

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Graphics Card Doesn't Working Games - Freeze

Aug 4, 2008

There was recently a power surge in my nieghborhood and it effected my computer. My hard drive and internet card were fried completely. When I disassembled my computer we found that the heating fan on my graphics card had broken, keep in mine the graphics card had worked perfectly fine. Also i do not use any games on my computer so the card does not undergo vigorous use. We bought the new parts and i restarted the brandnew clean hard drive and i went on the internet and did a search on google to find that when i scrolled down it moved in bars rather than a smooth flowing motion and when i minimized the screen and moved it around it lagged around quite a bit. ...

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New Graphics Card - Nvidia TnT2 Graphics

Aug 22, 2007

my graphics card is old and slow and i was lookin to but a new one What would u reccomend in the 100$ price range that is fast I have a 2002 windows xp P4 processor 1.50 Ghz and 256 MB of ram, 40.0 Gb, Nvidia TnT2 graphics card

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Computer Graphics Freezing And Not Starting

Jul 15, 2008

my computer graphics started freezing and going distorted. and now some times my computer will only show a black screen when turned on . i bought a new graphics card and it will not work either and after that i tried my old graphics card that also stoped working in a few hours. all this started happening after i added 1 gb of ram but even without it my graphics cards are still not working. when the computer starts up some times there is all distorted sysmbols over the screen then everything goes fuzzy and the computer freezes or restarts. When the graphics do work as soon as it gets past the loading xp part the screen goes black and i cant get to the part to log on.

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Upgrade Computer For Games?

Jun 29, 2005

I have the following computer that I would like to upgrade so that my grandkids can play their games on it.Is this setup upgradeable to play today games? Would it make sense money wise? What upgrades do you suggest?

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Finding The Right Graphics Card Compatible For Computer?

Aug 13, 2006

I am looking to purchase a new graphics card. I am looking more for a gaming card. My computer has the following properties: 3.0GHz P4 2.0 Gigs Crucial Ram (DDR PC3200, CL=3, UNBUFFERED, NON- ECC, DDR400, 2.6V, 128Meg x 64)MSI MS-6788 (865PE NEO2-V) Window XP Pro

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Computer Games Freezing Up During Gameplay?

Jun 4, 2006

Ok most of my games are freezing up during gameplay such as Everquest freezes up for no reason or same for Guild Wars. I think its something wrong with my computer (but no sure the problem) or it might be something wrong with the graphic card. I can telll the difference between lag of a game and the game just freezing up for no apparent reason.

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Computer Freezes When Playing Games

Aug 28, 2005

My computer freezes when playing games. I updated to last update for the
driver but it has been discontinued. Do I need to upgrade and if so what is
recommended ?I have no problem with the computer unless I play games.Model: Intel(R) 82810 Graphics Controller Driver: i81xnt5.sys Intel Celeron processor 1.10 GHz
Version: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10Speed: 1096 MHz256 MB RAM Windows XP SP2
Dell ComputerSystem Model: DIM2100Total Capacity: 37.26 GB Free: 23.66 GB

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Unable To Play Games On Computer ?

Oct 11, 2005

I was given some info to try which I tried to no avail and then someone told me to do a Hijackthis scan Could someone please at least check out this log and see if the problem lays there as I cannot play any games etc as they are totally unplayable even if they are really old or I turn all the specs as low as possible.

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Computer Freezing While Running High-graphics Applications?

May 29, 2005

I'm running a newly built system and am having an issue when running graphics-intensive programs, specifically a full system freeze. I don't believe I was having this problem at first, as I didn't notice anything unusual with a graphics-intensive game (Guild Wars) when the system was first up and running. Now, though, I can't run graphics intensive tasks without the system freezing. I updated a whole host of drivers in between, so I can't pinpoint a change or two that might've done it. System restore is acting a bit odd, telling me it can't restore to X point and no changes were made (but unfortunately offers no additional info on why).

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Computer Shutting Down By Itself And Freezing While Playing Games?

Dec 6, 2006

My computer shuts itself off and will freeze when i play games... I just noticed my video card and pci wireless card are both on IRQ 16, could this be the reason??

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Computer Restarts - Games - Music Or Watching Videos

Sep 1, 2007

yes my computer restarts when i play video games or when im hearing music or watching videos i think its the video/sound card but im asking to see if i need to send it to repair or it has a solution

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Computer Crashed/ Broken : Unable To Play Games ?

Oct 28, 2006

I am a WoW player, and I haven't been able to play in a while because my computer that has good enough specs is broken!Every time I turn on that computer, it brings up a screen that says to pick what you want to do:Safe Mode Safe Mode with Networking Safe Mode withCommand Prompt Last Known Good Configuration Start Windows Normally (Defaultly Selected)It says you can use the up and down buttons to select one, but it won't work for me.

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Freeze Up - Computer Don't Respond

Apr 19, 2005

I am currently running Windows XP. My other half was logged on and he surfs a lot of music sites for latest releases. After one of his uses we started to get this message when we would try to switch users MediaAcck.exe and the computer freezes. It asked you to click cancel or OK and doing either does nothing you also cannot close out by hitting the x in the upper right hand side. The computer does not respond to control alt delete and the only way you can get out of this is to manually shut the computer down. Again the only time it happens is if you are switching log on users. I have run the latest McAfee virus scan it picks up nothing - I also ran spybot and it also comes up with nothing. I ran a search for this file on my c drive and it does not show it exist at all. I am unsure as what to do next

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IP Address Is - Computer Freeze Up

Jun 10, 2010

My problem started when my computer froze up. I was unable to move my mouse or do anything else. I turned my computer off and back on, and when it came back on, the first thing I noticed was that the visual theme had changed to one resembling an earlier version of Windows. I eventually found a solution to that. Now the remaining problem is that I can't connect to the internet. I am "connected" to my wireless network, but it says "limited or no connectivity." My IP address is listed as When I use the "repair" option for my wireless network, it says it can't renew my IP address. It says the problem is probably with the network. Internet Explorer also says that. However, I know the problem is strictly with the computer itself.

When I renew the IP address myself, it just stays the same-- I can't connect to the internet this way. I use a Toshiba Portege M400-S5032 with Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. I have a Netgear 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v7. Please be patient with me, as I don't know anything about how wireless networking works, or very many technical terms assosciated with it.

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Avi Files Freeze My Computer

Dec 6, 2009

Anytime I try to open up a .avi file my computers CPU boosts up to 100%. I have tried Neros showtime and windows media player and both do the same. I have the latest directx and have installed the Klite codec pack. I originally did not have the codec pack installed and it was causing the problem. Any ideas?

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Computer Freeze Every Time

Jun 8, 2005

My computer has run totaly perfect until 1 day ago, i left it on overnight to download some stuff, in the morning i turned the screen on and it was frozen, i thought that was weird, so i restarted it, about 2 minutes after it was booted i started connecting to the internet, right when i was typing in the webpage, BAM, frozen again, i was starting to get pissed. To make a long story short, it now freezes EVERY time i turn it on, sometimes its within 30 seconds and i cant even open a program, other times its 10 minutes and it freezes. I dont think its the memory because i just got the new ram about 3 months ago from Mushkin, after i returned a already friend RAM stick and they sent me a fresh one back, and like i said it worked flawlessly and i didnt touch anything, just woke up and turned it on and its all of a sudden got a mind of its own, can anyone help? thanks. I also looked in the BIOS and nothing has changed since like 6 months ago when i built it, im clueless to why it all of a sudden locks up.

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Switch User Freeze - Favorites Freeze

Jun 12, 2005

This place is quite active, and I am glad to see that. I own a Dell 4600
Demension computer, it was purchased about a year and a half ago. I recently
reinstalled Windows on it, and reinstalled the drivers/utilities that were
needed, with the help of a Dell expert. I have Windows XP Home Edition right now. I have the Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE for my spyware protection, and I have the AVG from
Grifsoft for my virus protection. I scan my computer every night, and I keep
all my databases up-to-date. Recently, my computer was infected with the
Trojan Backdoor.SdBot virus, and I looked on the Norton Antiviruses website
to get rid of it and fix the computer. So now, at this time, I believe my
computer is clean.

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Freeze On Screen Saver - Freeze Seems Random

Oct 11, 2006

I can be doing anything, so not even be around the computer and it freezes, could freeze on the screen saver, or when im on hte internet, or playin a game, or writing an email anything.... not an overheating problem because it has happened say right after its done booting, or 5 mins after running or say 12 hours after being on.... or jsut not freeze seems to be really random

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Computer Desktop Items Gone After A Freeze Up

Dec 22, 2008

I had to manually shut down the computer after a freeze up, almost all my desktop items are gone, i had folders and school papers that i needed so i really need them back, does anyone know how i can get them back or find them?

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Common Senerio Of Computer Freeze

Dec 5, 2006

I have a common senario of a computer freeze. However, I would like to know whether it really is a system problem or a or hardware one just in case we may have to reformat the hardrive. Here is the system HiJack Log:Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:04:09 AM, on 12/6/2006 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

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Installation / Uninstall Computer Freeze

Dec 5, 2007

when i try to install or uninstall anything on my computer it just closes or terminates it self. if i open it and try it again it just does the same thing

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Computer Freeze And Update Issue

Feb 6, 2008

Computer it Keeps frezzing up and really slow and can't up date anything that has to do with conneting to the internet say proxy problem I restored my computer to December and everything work really good but everything i had on it got lost because of the earlyer date but put it a couple of dates before the problems started and i still have problems i ran my McAfee and found no problems but my husband thanks there is a virus inbetted in the computer is this true? And how can I get rid of this virus or is there any other way to fix this problem?

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Start Up Time Out - Computer Freeze

Aug 6, 2007

I have is during start up, one time out of three or so I get to the log in screen where I click my name but a second before its completly there the computer freezes up. The Icon and Name are about 10% faded in and I'm left hanging. Even if i restart my computer 50 times I get the same problem untill I hit F8 during startup and go to "Last Settings that Worked".

This is bareable untill this time, It didnt work, as usual and I went through F8 etc. When I got into windows it started to load about half my icons and locked up :S. So here I am in safe mode, just want this problem to stop. Im a Uni student in my final semester of my degree, don't have time for this.

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Computer Starting Slow Down - Freeze Up

Jun 18, 2008

My computer is starting to act funny. It is beginning to slow down. It freezes up often. The computer is 3-4 years old and is a Dell 4700. I had to replace the hard drive about a year after I bought it. I have deleted the cookies and also I have deleted the temp. internet files. Also I have defraged and ran disc cleanup. I blow the dust out of the inside about every 6 months. I ran the Dell diagnostics and the computer froze up when it got to the "optimize start up " section. I have the Hijack Log available if needed.

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Internet Causing Computer To Freeze?

Sep 18, 2005

It seems as if my new wireless adaptor is causing problems, or the fact that my old one is still showing up in the device manager but it says it cannot be uninstalled because it may be needed to boot the computer. The one I cannot uninstall is 3 isntances of Linksys Wireless-B USB Network Adapter v2.8 Deterministic Network Enhancer Miniport. It is listed 3 times as #2 and #3. I did not have any problems over the summer when I used my computer back home and hooked up to our wired internet rather than the wireless. My computer now keeps freezing and then when I push the reset button and the computer starts up, it goes to the blue screen of death. When that happens I flip the switch in the back of the computer and turn it off and on again and it starts right up, soon to freeze again. Does anyone know what could be going on here?

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Noise During The Start Up And Freeze The Computer

Mar 26, 2008

I am having a problem that just started about 2 days ago. My computer, XP home edn., will be working fine, and then I suddenly hear a little squeak coming from the computer, kinda like something being pulled over a pulley and then bang, the whole thing just freezes up on me.So I'll hold the power button to shut it down, start it back up again and sometimes it'll come right back up, like normal. Other times, it'll make that noise again during the start up and it'll just freeze at whatever screen it's at. I just took it in yesterday b/c at the start up screen it was saying something like cannot boot from CD. insert system CD when it was at the very start, saying how much memory and system, etc.The guy said something was just loose, fixed it, and then it worked fine. But it just started up again, with the whole squeak-freeze deal.

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Computer Starting To Freeze After Booting To Desktop?

Feb 16, 2005

Got a P4 1,6Ghz Dell that starting to freeze after booting to desktop and then rebooting.

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Hard Drive Is Going Bad - Computer Would Freeze Up While Booting Up

Apr 30, 2009

Every 3-4days my computer would freeze up while booting up at windows XP screen and scroll bars would freeze.What bohers me about this is i am sure what could be causing this. I use avg as my antivirus,and run A2, spybot,regcleaner, tweaknow on a weekly basis. I keep my system really clean, so now i am wondering is it my HD. PC: Win XP-PRO, 800MHZ AMD Athlon, 1024mb,80gHD. I did what cleaning i could in safemode, it still freeze on scroll bars. I tried last good config, result is the same. The last time i got pass the freezing was by doing a restore.

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Update Computer Freeze - Blue Screen

Mar 29, 2007

The little windows updater appeared at the bottom of my screen so I allowed the update to continue. When it did, a window came up to install the update (I thought it was wierd at the time because it looked like a non windows looking update), however I let it finish and then my computer just froze...

I rebooted and now when it gets to the windows loading screen I get a blue screen that says REGISTRY ERROR Below that, the exact error is STOP: 0x000000051 (0x0000001, 0xE1777008, 0x0134A000, 0x0000001D6) Is there anyway I can try and do windows restore or backup my files in any way? I have tried every possible boot option (safe mode etc...) and it does the same thing. I can't afford to reformat

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