Drive Crap - System Freeze Or Not

Sep 28, 2008

For many months now, XP has had problems booting - when it gets to the loading screen, it often freezes and I'm forced to restart time and time again. For a while, when I would play with the power supply on restarts, it would get through this problem, but recently, the computer has stopped booting at all. This has left me to think that perhaps all I need a new power supply, but I'm not entirely sure if that has anything to do with windows booting up, if anything at all. My previous story is the only knowledge I have to go on for the situation. Is this possible, or did the drive just crap out on

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Cannot Format Hard Drive - Get Rid Of Any Crap

May 8, 2005

Am trying to do new installation (clean install) of windows xp pro and cant seem to get the option of formatting the drive.All it seems to do is rewrite over the previous installations(even though I choose new installation option).Since trying to reinstall I also keep getting the error "cant find c:windowssystem32oolsdelfolders.exe." It doesnt seem to be causing any problems as such as I can still use my computer but I would really like to format and get rid of any crap.Any ideas?Also clicking on C

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Kinds Of Crap On Laptop

Aug 5, 2008

So my sister is retarded and downloads all kinds of crap on my old laptop that I let her borrow. Now I'm getting the following error message:userinit.exe- Application error."The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005) Click on OK to terminate the application"No task bar, nothing...just the background picture. I am able to bring up the task manager, but I am not able to run any kind of program. I have been able to get into Computer Management, but there's nothing I can do in there. I tried restoring to a previous date, but the same message pops up. I do not have the XP cd or the Restore cd's.

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Crap Cleaner - Reinstall - Uninstall

Feb 19, 2006

I used crap cleaner and after using it, something was wrong with my java and I had to uninstall and reinstall it

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Ewido And Hijackthis Are Clean - Keep Getting Popups For Antivirus Crap

Sep 25, 2006

all i can say is ewido and hijackthis are clean, but i keep getting popups for antivirus crap. i'm going to try to delete mozilla, and then re-install it as some of the popups mention it. here's what one of the popups said:

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Hard Drive Is Going Bad - Computer Would Freeze Up While Booting Up

Apr 30, 2009

Every 3-4days my computer would freeze up while booting up at windows XP screen and scroll bars would freeze.What bohers me about this is i am sure what could be causing this. I use avg as my antivirus,and run A2, spybot,regcleaner, tweaknow on a weekly basis. I keep my system really clean, so now i am wondering is it my HD. PC: Win XP-PRO, 800MHZ AMD Athlon, 1024mb,80gHD. I did what cleaning i could in safemode, it still freeze on scroll bars. I tried last good config, result is the same. The last time i got pass the freezing was by doing a restore.

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Change Hard Drive - Upgrading Start Up Freeze Up

Oct 18, 2005

I am priarily a Mac user, I do grahic & web design etc. I recently bought a cheap older PC to use for validating my work on the Windows platform. The computer came with 98, I need XP on it. I got XP installed (had to change the hard drive ribbon to an 80 wire ribbon) but now when it starts up, it freezes up after a few seconds. Before opening IE or doing anything. The computer has 64 MB RAM, which I would be upgrading if I thought this computer is worth putting any $$ at all into - 64 is supposed to meet the minimum requirements for XP so although I expect it to be molasses slow I do expect it to run the system software. I have it hooked up to a Samsung LCD screen (onboard graphics card - Compaq board) and Windows keyboard and USB mouse.

Also, the computer ran fine under 98 (tested it for a bit when I got it, and previous owner is a friend who swears there were no problems under 98). I don't get blue screen or anything, computer just totally freezes and doesn't respond. When I restart it goes through proper verification and then starts up, freezes again. So, I have no idea wher to start - hardware issue? Software issue?

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Programs Look Up - Whole System Freeze

Jan 4, 2005

It started a few days ago. Programs just lock up the whole system, the system would freeze but no lock up, or it would boot me out of a program all together. Starting today, when I exited a program, the screens would go blank (the monitors would flip into power save mode [with the little blinky light]). I dont know what is going on. It is also slowing down something fierce. I have a p4 2.6, 1.2 gb RAM, 80gb hd, ATI 9200SE Video card. I hope I can get some ideas as to what is wrong.

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PC Already Builded - System Gets Freeze

Apr 21, 2006

My PC has a problem, Is already builded, but when I turn it on the PC likes Freezee , I'm on Windows XP SP1, Celeron 1,4000 , 256 memory , my pc temperature is OK, I chek power supply , I check the Procesors

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Switch User Freeze - Favorites Freeze

Jun 12, 2005

This place is quite active, and I am glad to see that. I own a Dell 4600
Demension computer, it was purchased about a year and a half ago. I recently
reinstalled Windows on it, and reinstalled the drivers/utilities that were
needed, with the help of a Dell expert. I have Windows XP Home Edition right now. I have the Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE for my spyware protection, and I have the AVG from
Grifsoft for my virus protection. I scan my computer every night, and I keep
all my databases up-to-date. Recently, my computer was infected with the
Trojan Backdoor.SdBot virus, and I looked on the Norton Antiviruses website
to get rid of it and fix the computer. So now, at this time, I believe my
computer is clean.

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Freeze On Screen Saver - Freeze Seems Random

Oct 11, 2006

I can be doing anything, so not even be around the computer and it freezes, could freeze on the screen saver, or when im on hte internet, or playin a game, or writing an email anything.... not an overheating problem because it has happened say right after its done booting, or 5 mins after running or say 12 hours after being on.... or jsut not freeze seems to be really random

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Compaq System Restore Freeze

Mar 14, 2010

I decided to install an old hard drive from one of my computers that is no longer used into my aging desktop. I've always dual booted with Linux, and decided that with the extra space, I was going to put Linux into the "new" drive, and reinstall Windows on the old primary drive. Both are IDE, and the following problem occurs whether just the Windows drive is plugged in, or if both disk are hooked up: I have a Compaq SR1620NX. I've only added extra RAM, a TV Tuner, and the extra hard drive When I put in the Compaq restore CD's, you first boot from the CD's, in order to copy the files first (which are the first 50% of the install), then the computer reboots into XP, and continues the installation process (Mostly Drivers, Crapware, and the license key). I've done this process once or twice before, and it worked flawlessly, this time it keeps freezing.

Once the computer boots into XP, I'm prompted to insert the final recovery disk. A few files are copied over, and the computer reboots. Once the computer reboots, the same screen pops up, and continues the installation (as it's suppose to). After a minute or two after the reboot, the computer locks up completely. I've waited quite awhile, yet nothing happens. Although it's against what the screen says, I hold the power button in, and let the computer reboot. Again, the installation screen pops up, but nothing happens

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Start System Log In Screen Freeze

Sep 13, 2008

this problem for a while now and ive been trying everything i can think off. Basically when i start the computer up the windows login screen freezes. I have to press ctrl + alt + delete to get the login box to come up, and i can login that way. That's fine just a bit annoying . Secondly, When i look through my files in windows, even click a file on desktop or browse the internet, the taskbar and my desktop will freeze. I can move my mouse, but cant click anything, icons, start menu, right click - nothing. To get it back i bring up task manager and close it, then i can click the taskbar etc, i have no idea why that works i dont close explorer.exe or anything . I've ran anti-virus scans with avast and nod32 (i only have avast installed), anti-spyware scans with Spybot and superantispyware and nothing was found. I've disabled startup programs with msconfig, defragmented and updated video card drivers. but it still freezes. Specs are beside my forum name, and im using xp home.

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Operating System Freeze For Some Time

Oct 6, 2006

I am having frequent freezes where a window will become non-operative for as much as two-three minutes. No reason I can think of for this to happen. It occurs in Word, Wordperfect, and in my webmail text writing. This is not a normal timed backup which, on this fast machine, only takes a heartbeat.I also get funny occassional screen flashes as if a capture is taking place.I have Spybot S&D; Spyware Blaster; webroot; AVG antivirus; Process Guard; Wormguard; and a private firewall in addition to the windows firewall. All scans show nothing of concern.

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System Freeze At First Stage Of Setup

Jan 8, 2005

I'm installing XP onto a blank system. Everytime I get to the first stage of setup that requires user input (the screen where you enter in Name/Organization) The system freezes after a few seconds. After resetting the setup restarts and exactly the same thing happens again. Can someone suggest what the problem is and how I can overcome it (and get a computer that works!).

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Programs-accessories-system Tools Freeze Up

Dec 11, 2004

winxp home, pent 4 processor,when i open start menu andthen for e.g. programs-accessories-system tools or any other program, whilst moving mouse around these windows everything freezes up can only open task manager by pressing cad this shows no activity at all, when i move cursor over it egg timer appears, have to then switch off and start again, have no problems when online,only ondesktop

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Random System Freeze / Automatic Restart

Oct 14, 2006

it usually happens when im like working on it for about 2hrs or something. the pc would go dead, and reboot. or windows would hang, and from the hard disk led, i can see that it is all busy and unavailable. ta ta. its getting on my nerves. i just recovered my system from, and now i have slower internet connection. no nothing wrong with the isp. i suspect there maybe reminents of the old virus still holding back windows. could my fears turn out to be true? i have had the liberty of posting my HJT log here, so do point out anything suspicious and also anything that could slow down the system..

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Computer Freeze After Full System Recovery

Aug 19, 2008

Why does 7330GZ gateway freeze all the time? It is a thing that just started after I did a full system recovery.

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BSoD - Sudenly Freeze System - Logo Screen

Feb 8, 2006

I have the problem with the bsod error (0x00000007F or something). I can't get the other specific details because I can't catch the numbers fast enough before my comp restarts. I even checked off the automatic restart button too! Usually, the system crashes randomly, when I have alot of programs on, or when im playing counter strike in particu I almost forget, it started just recently when my comp suddenly froze (except the mouse). So I restarted it but my system wouldnt boot past the logo screen. I've did almost everything people suggested but I just gave up and decided to start up new. Bad idea. So now I got everything installed. I am almost sure that it has nothing to do with software because it worked with the same things before (Even though my audio driver didnt pass the XP certification thing, which is odd).

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Taskbar / Explorer.exe - Icons In System Tray Freeze

Aug 5, 2009

Every now and then the icons in the system tray freeze, and when I put my mouse over the windows the text disappears and the tool tips are blank black squares... how can I fix this? >.> (a temporary for me to fix this problem is to kill the explorer.exe process and restart it)

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Online System Freeze And Connection Tray Not Responding

Apr 6, 2006

Desktop pc freezes while online and only a hard reboot will fix the problem error says connection tray not responding.

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Files Wouldn't Transfer Over During Install - Freeze System

Jul 22, 2005

I took it home and attempted to install windows xp on it and in the process things got messed up. I started up the computer and logged in. Once in, I inserted the Windows XP install so as to upgrade it and the process started out fine. Well it got to the point where it said it needed to restart in order to contiinue with the process, which it did. It restarted and began copying files, and it tossed out a few error messages. They were: could not copy file: spra0410.dll & spra0411.dll I tried to write them all down but I couldn't catch the all. I do know however there were about six files, all similar to the ones above, that didn't copy. I'm not too sure what to do at this point because now the computer won't go to windows at all. It goes through the start up screen all the way to the point where it says "press any key to continue", but then just kind of freezes and won't go any further. I've tried pressing a button to go forward, also tried to boot in safe mode whic none of the F Keys or Del will take me to. I tried changing the Bios to Boot from CD first using the same XP CD. I'm not sure what else I can do to get this thing to open windows, even in safe mode, or system restore. Sorry for the novel, just trying to explain in depth.

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Status Code 1073741819 System Freeze / Restarts

Jan 31, 2006

Everytime I seem to connect to the internet my computer freezes and I have to restart (physically press the reset button) my computer. I am using windows xp. At times the following message appears "C Windows/system 32/lsass.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code 1073741819 system will now shut down and restart" I dont know if the freezing and restarting are linked faults. I have run several antivirus software and Ad-aware but the problem still persists.

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Boot Failure: Mot Start In Safe Mode/ System Freeze?

Oct 22, 2007

My Laptop running on windows XP Home just fails to boot up. It also does not start in the Safe Mode, (system freezes).When I tried to boot using the Recovery CD, the system just shuts itself down. If I try using the CD to boot, it simply shuts down after a few minutes.

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Computer Wont Start - Coming Up With Bitdeffender - System Freeze

Apr 17, 2008

it first started with a trojan, i got one that keeps tryin to get through, but it keeps getting blocked by bitdeffender. now sometimes wen it starts up it gets very slow, and sometimes freezes so i restart and it will be fine. now i have had this for bout 3 months now cause i cnt find any way of getting rid of it, it was vundo trojan yesterday i tried to load it twice, first time it froze, so second time i tried to start it up it keep coming up with bitdeffender asking if i want to allow something, i didnt no what it was so i keep saying block, but it keep coming up again n again n again, i pressed allowed and it still keep coming up so i shut down the computer, cause i was in a rush

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System Freeze Up And Refuse To Boot Since Doesn't Recognise All Major Changes?

May 29, 2008

I am thinking of buying an "upgrade kit", basically a much better mobo and processor, lots more ram, better sound and video card. It has No hard drive or DVD drives installed, those will come directly from my computer. I have XP installed. my question is, will it: Work great, since XP will detect the new hardware and everything is plug and play now Freeze up and refuse to boot since it doesn't recognise all the major changes

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Right Click On Desktop Causes System Freeze - Desktop Menue

Apr 21, 2006

i am runnings windows xp sp2 with an amd 1200 . all of a sudden when i right click the desktop my system freezes up. Right click work and everything else works the freeze only happens when right click the desktop for the menu.

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System Freeze In Safe Mode And Normal Mode

Sep 29, 2008

Ran smitfraud and rebooted but my computer keeps freezing both in safe mode and normal. I tried last good configuration but the same thing happened. Either just a black screen with the mouse icon or frozen on the long list.

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System Thinks External Drive Is Hard Drive

Feb 23, 2009

I turned the PC off to reboot when I though I was going into safe mode and went into regular mode instead. Now, it thinks one of my external drives is the C drive. On boot, I am getting a message that it cannot recognize find the system 32 windows config file (I'm paraphrasing).

I used the repair utility to get to the C prompt (which is pointed at the external drive) and checked the drive letters. I don't think the PC bios knows the hard drive is there.

I tried going into setup and reverting to factory installed configuration and that didn't change anything. I could not get it to recognize the hard drive.

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Installing Usb Drive On System / Wont Detect Drive?

Oct 9, 2010

i am having problems with installing usb drive as it shows up in disk management but my computer won`t detect it anyone have any ideas how i can solve the problem i have a gigabyte ga-g31m-es2l motherboard,i am running windows xp 64 bit

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