Computer Freeze After Full System Recovery

Aug 19, 2008

Why does 7330GZ gateway freeze all the time? It is a thing that just started after I did a full system recovery.

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Full System Recovery Frozen

Apr 14, 2008

I am in big trouble. I have an hp pavilion a206x- and oldie. The kids gunked it up and it was so slow and running out of memory. Add/remove programs did not help. I decided to use the recovery disks and start with a clean slate. I backed up what we needed on cds and did a full recovery after doing the ctrl backspace option 6 to erase the hard drive. (oh, btw, it is XP) After all six disks, it freezes. I get to the screen that says "Recovery in progress." with Finalizing recovery highlighted in red on the left. Chatted with HP tech and there are no other recovery disks available because it is so old. I don't want to put any money into it. She says repair or retail OS purchase only options.

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System Recovery Disk Full

Feb 20, 2009

HP MEDIA CENTER COMPUTER WITH XP. I noted the D disk, labeled as HP RECOVERY DISK when I click MY COMPUTER is 96% full. Is there a way to delete some of these files,do I need this much space tied up?

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System Recovery Disc Not Full - Repair Install

Nov 1, 2007

I have an HP computer that only has the system recovery disc and not the full xp disc. SP2 came with the install. I have an XP disc just with SP1a can I do a repair install with that and then just install SP2 after?

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System Full Of Trojans Want A Stable Computer?

Jan 21, 2005

I've had a lot of trojans and meltdowns and have reformatted 438545769 times (I have just finished reformatting again. I used to have ZoneAlarm and AVG until I sat and watched as they let a trojan just come on in and munch up all my files. Right now I just want a *stable* computer.

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Computer Wont Start - Coming Up With Bitdeffender - System Freeze

Apr 17, 2008

it first started with a trojan, i got one that keeps tryin to get through, but it keeps getting blocked by bitdeffender. now sometimes wen it starts up it gets very slow, and sometimes freezes so i restart and it will be fine. now i have had this for bout 3 months now cause i cnt find any way of getting rid of it, it was vundo trojan yesterday i tried to load it twice, first time it froze, so second time i tried to start it up it keep coming up with bitdeffender asking if i want to allow something, i didnt no what it was so i keep saying block, but it keep coming up again n again n again, i pressed allowed and it still keep coming up so i shut down the computer, cause i was in a rush

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Tried System Recovery Software: Computer Isn't Working Properly.

Oct 1, 2008

i got a new computer and gave my emachines T2885 Windows XP to my brother it was running great until he decided to wipe out the computer which i have done in the past with the system recovery disks that came with it and when he did this about half way thru the recovery we get a ghost.err now it won't even boot up. i have taken it to 2 gentlemen who both charged me and didn't do anything to it but 1 guy gave me a win crash cd and told me that i could get the computer back up and running with this cd. well i have no idea how to use this disk but he charged me 100.00 dollars anyway said he just didn't have the time to fix it that the disk is all i needed. well i am broke for this and still no fix for this computer.

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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Using The System Recovery Console To Perform A System Recovery?

Aug 23, 2006

I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?

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System Wont Recognize Full System Memory?

Feb 20, 2008

i am having a problem with windows xp not reading my full system memory it is in the bios but windows just one day decided to stop reading a full one gig instead it decided to read 256 megs of ram i've replaced the memory sticks five times now and i know i havent baught that many bad sticks of memory is there any way i can get windows to read the memory since i know the memory has to be good since the bios is reading the full memory i've even the a f-disc and reformat thinking that would fix it

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Want A Full Screen For Computer

Jul 23, 2010

I need toget to the display control to enlarge my game board please i am stupid when i do it and it took me 24 hours.

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NT4 Event Log Services - System Log Is Full

Sep 4, 2006

Dialog box with Event Log Services - System log is full.
It looks like the Disk is full and I can't find anything to remove until I talk to the user.
How do I address this message.

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Full C: Backup And The System State - .bat

Jul 21, 2005

I'm creating a .bat to run a backup job and it keeps failing. The event log says that no media was specified. The job works fine if I load it to the GUI. The 4mm DAT drive is specified in the GUI but that doesn't seem to carry over to the command line. In the end all I want is a full C: backup and the system state, overwriting whatever tape is in the drive. This is the command from the .bat

ntbackup backup "@c:ackupserver.bks" /m normal /v:yes

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Full System Scan - AVG Spyware

May 18, 2007

I just performed a full system scan on my computer using AVG Spyware. The process (doing nothing else and having no other programs running) took 35 minutes and scanned 245,000 + "objects". My question is simple, and may leave me looking foolish, but I have to it "normal" for a computer used by only 2 people for only 3 months to have that many "objects"?

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Full Back Up Of Operating System

Jan 27, 2009

I have 3 drives:(1) 1 x 80GB drive with my full backup .(2) 1 x 80GB drive with my unfixable Windows + personal data.(3)1 x TB drive with 1 partition with Windows XP.I have a full back up of a Windows (1)Done prior to Windows becoming unfix able.Now I have a new Windows installed on a new drive (3)wondering how to restore that backup to replace the new Windows so as to save settings, data etc.I intend to upgrade to Vista as soon as the back up is completed if that is possible hopefully.

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Computer Is 95% Full Only 5% Free Space

Feb 27, 2007

I have 432MNz 192MB I have done disk clean I have done defragmented. and it said that I needed more space to do defragment properly. I was told that I had 5% free space. After defrag I did not gain any free space. I don't have much on computer to delete, Please help. I am not to computer literate.

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Objects Full Screen On Computer

Jun 28, 2006

We are trying to recouperate after loosing our PC in a total burn-up. Were up and running on the new one, with some glitches to be worked out.How do I get pages to open full screen-especially E-mails?

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Full Screen Popups On Computer

Apr 21, 2007

I have been getting full screen popups. They are promoting all nature of things,ringtones ,anti virus progams and of course a perfect cleanup progam. Thr header states the name of the item and always "Windows internet explorer."they cause no damage but are very annoying.All the popup stoppers seem to be in place and turned on.

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System Not Recognizing Full Disk Space?

Mar 22, 2005

I just had Win XP Pro installed on my machine. Primary HD is 80 GB. The drive previously ran Win 98 SE. The tech formatted it and installed Win XP Pro. System runs fine and all appears to function OK. However, the drive capacity is not accurately displayed anywhere in the system (other than BIOS). I'm trying to find out how I can have the drive space accurately displayed.

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Computer Running At Full Capacity - 100% Usage

Mar 12, 2006

My computer is running at 100% full capacity all of the time. As you can imagine, this makes things run very slowly. Any ideas of what could be causing this problem? My task manager has unfortunately stopped showing processes, and no programs are running when the capacity shows 100% usage.

I'm using a dell inspiron 8000, Windows 2000, Pentium III.

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Shut Computer Down / Hard Drive Is Full

Jan 8, 2006

I just did a partial run of BCwipe, just 2 scans, because I had to shut the computer down and now my hard drive is full!! Before using BCwipe, I had at least half of the drive free. What happend and what can I do now?

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HijackThis Log For Memory Full / Restart My Computer

Aug 6, 2007

The memory runs out on my computer when I open additional windows on my PC and I have 512 MB of RAM. I use internet explorer 6 and with windows xp home edition. Then I have to use Disc Cleanup to get more space by compressing old files and deleting temporary files. I cannot even run this utility when the windows are open and I cannot close windows sometimes so I have to shut down Internet Explorer and restart my computer.

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Programs Look Up - Whole System Freeze

Jan 4, 2005

It started a few days ago. Programs just lock up the whole system, the system would freeze but no lock up, or it would boot me out of a program all together. Starting today, when I exited a program, the screens would go blank (the monitors would flip into power save mode [with the little blinky light]). I dont know what is going on. It is also slowing down something fierce. I have a p4 2.6, 1.2 gb RAM, 80gb hd, ATI 9200SE Video card. I hope I can get some ideas as to what is wrong.

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PC Already Builded - System Gets Freeze

Apr 21, 2006

My PC has a problem, Is already builded, but when I turn it on the PC likes Freezee , I'm on Windows XP SP1, Celeron 1,4000 , 256 memory , my pc temperature is OK, I chek power supply , I check the Procesors

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Freeze Up - Computer Don't Respond

Apr 19, 2005

I am currently running Windows XP. My other half was logged on and he surfs a lot of music sites for latest releases. After one of his uses we started to get this message when we would try to switch users MediaAcck.exe and the computer freezes. It asked you to click cancel or OK and doing either does nothing you also cannot close out by hitting the x in the upper right hand side. The computer does not respond to control alt delete and the only way you can get out of this is to manually shut the computer down. Again the only time it happens is if you are switching log on users. I have run the latest McAfee virus scan it picks up nothing - I also ran spybot and it also comes up with nothing. I ran a search for this file on my c drive and it does not show it exist at all. I am unsure as what to do next

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IP Address Is - Computer Freeze Up

Jun 10, 2010

My problem started when my computer froze up. I was unable to move my mouse or do anything else. I turned my computer off and back on, and when it came back on, the first thing I noticed was that the visual theme had changed to one resembling an earlier version of Windows. I eventually found a solution to that. Now the remaining problem is that I can't connect to the internet. I am "connected" to my wireless network, but it says "limited or no connectivity." My IP address is listed as When I use the "repair" option for my wireless network, it says it can't renew my IP address. It says the problem is probably with the network. Internet Explorer also says that. However, I know the problem is strictly with the computer itself.

When I renew the IP address myself, it just stays the same-- I can't connect to the internet this way. I use a Toshiba Portege M400-S5032 with Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. I have a Netgear 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v7. Please be patient with me, as I don't know anything about how wireless networking works, or very many technical terms assosciated with it.

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Avi Files Freeze My Computer

Dec 6, 2009

Anytime I try to open up a .avi file my computers CPU boosts up to 100%. I have tried Neros showtime and windows media player and both do the same. I have the latest directx and have installed the Klite codec pack. I originally did not have the codec pack installed and it was causing the problem. Any ideas?

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Computer Freeze Every Time

Jun 8, 2005

My computer has run totaly perfect until 1 day ago, i left it on overnight to download some stuff, in the morning i turned the screen on and it was frozen, i thought that was weird, so i restarted it, about 2 minutes after it was booted i started connecting to the internet, right when i was typing in the webpage, BAM, frozen again, i was starting to get pissed. To make a long story short, it now freezes EVERY time i turn it on, sometimes its within 30 seconds and i cant even open a program, other times its 10 minutes and it freezes. I dont think its the memory because i just got the new ram about 3 months ago from Mushkin, after i returned a already friend RAM stick and they sent me a fresh one back, and like i said it worked flawlessly and i didnt touch anything, just woke up and turned it on and its all of a sudden got a mind of its own, can anyone help? thanks. I also looked in the BIOS and nothing has changed since like 6 months ago when i built it, im clueless to why it all of a sudden locks up.

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Switch User Freeze - Favorites Freeze

Jun 12, 2005

This place is quite active, and I am glad to see that. I own a Dell 4600
Demension computer, it was purchased about a year and a half ago. I recently
reinstalled Windows on it, and reinstalled the drivers/utilities that were
needed, with the help of a Dell expert. I have Windows XP Home Edition right now. I have the Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE for my spyware protection, and I have the AVG from
Grifsoft for my virus protection. I scan my computer every night, and I keep
all my databases up-to-date. Recently, my computer was infected with the
Trojan Backdoor.SdBot virus, and I looked on the Norton Antiviruses website
to get rid of it and fix the computer. So now, at this time, I believe my
computer is clean.

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Freeze On Screen Saver - Freeze Seems Random

Oct 11, 2006

I can be doing anything, so not even be around the computer and it freezes, could freeze on the screen saver, or when im on hte internet, or playin a game, or writing an email anything.... not an overheating problem because it has happened say right after its done booting, or 5 mins after running or say 12 hours after being on.... or jsut not freeze seems to be really random

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