Does anyone know of a way I can get Windows XP to cause all window resize actions to "snap-to-grid"?Basically, I want Windows to make the window size of all my apps to conform to an invisible grid with grid lines every 20 or 30 pixels, say. This capability exists for icons on the desktop, but apparently not for application windows.I found reference online to a registry setting called Grid Granularity. However, even though that setting exists in XP, it appears to be ignored. I also found a note from someone who said he thought there was some shareware that would allow you to do this. However, I've searched for literally two hours, and can't find what I want. I thought this would be such a common desire that it would either be built into Windows or available in any of a dozen shareware desktop enhancements.But after looking at several of the top desktop enhancement packages, I can't find anyone who provides this feature.
I have this wierd problem with my desktop icons.i have many icons on the desktop, organized in groups around the screen.for instance all the picture editing programs utilities are aligned in 2 rows of 5 coulmns. groupes are hoto editing, utilities, spyware/virus/firewall, yellow folders with important picture projects, and documents. problem is randomly i will work on the net, go to the desktop and all, or most get moved to the left side of the screen all bunched up. i then have to rearange all the icons till the next time. i want to have them locked, and that they;ll never move till i need it to. btw, i have the "align to grid" on.
Somehow I've lost the ability to right click on an image file and resize it. I used to be able to right click on a file, go to "send to", "mail recipient" and have a wizard pop up that would allow me to resize images for the email.. but no longer. I don't think I've installed anything lately that would compromise this feature, but who knows
I was recently in "folder options" and then "file types", just going through and changing icons for disk drives and folders, JPG's and whatnot. Anyway, after doing that, I noticed that if I try to double-click on a disk drive it'll go to Search. And if I double-click on a folder it'll go to Clear Read Only Attributes. I've obviously changed the default action associated with a double-click on folders and disk drives, and I know how to change the default actions undertaken by disc drives and folders and everything else when double-clicked. The thing is, when I go into folder options, file types, advanced (after selecting say, disk drive) the option to change the default action to "open" isn't there, for either folders or disk drives. Other options such as Find are present, but nothing else
I need a program to block certain actions on limited user accounts. I am the administrator on my computer, however my mom and sister use the computer as well. They have limited user accounts. My sister and my mom have accidentally screwed up some settings before, and deleted files and such, there better then they used to be, but i don't want to take any chances. I am looking for a program of some kind to block certain actions, such as right click properties on the start menu tool bar, etc. i have made there accounts have classic folders, i have hidden the my computer icon from the desktop and start menu so that they only see "my documents." however, because they have messed my system up before, i just want piece of mind and have a program block certain things that i select.
Am running XP SP2 and have had this problem for years - I think I even experienced it on my previous computer, but I'm not certain about that. Essentially, anything controlled by explorer.exe seems to experience frequent delays when I try to do simple actions. For example, clicking the Start button or the >> button to show more Quick Launch items will often take 5 to 10 seconds. Here's some detail: I click either of those buttons, and am shown the "pressed/darkened" version of them as normal. There is then a 5-10 second delay during which the button remains in the pressed/darkened state. During this time, anything related to explorer.exe does not respond - I can't click anything on the taskbar, go to the desktop, etc. I can, however still switch windows with Alt+Tab and work within the applications fine.
When the menu decides to finally show itself, it appears smoothly and as normal. Anything explorer.ext related I clicked on or tried to do during the delay is now executed (e.g. switching windows, going to the desktop). For a while (no idea on the duration, I don't use the taskbar much) following this, the taskbar will behave and respond to clicks rapidly. This problem always seems to occur after booting up - I try to launch my first application, and explorer hangs for a while... then eventually decides to respond again and let the application launch. Occurs regardless of if I wait for all harddrive activity to finish after boot. It almost feels as if explorer is being paged out into virtual memory, but that's just silly and shouldn't be necessary with 2gigs of RAM and not using anything particularly RAM hungry... There also doesn't seem to be any significant harddrive activity during the delays.
Hello! I am nkraoji I am using Win-XP Professional SP-2.While opening the Group Policy Editor by typing "gpedit.msc" in Run dialog box, immediately a small window titling 'Microsoft Management Console' comes up depicting the following error message : Snap-in failed to initialize:
Problem with getting device manager to display.Right click of my computer properties hardware device manager and I get a window titled "Microsoft Management Console" "Snap-in failed to initalize CLSID:{742468FC-4C96-11D0-ABEF-0020A-F6B0B7A}"I get it that something is missing, but what? I've tried going to the MMC to add a snap-in but the same window pops up again. Everything on this PC is exactly the same as my other one except that one has some DVD editting software. But they were both installed and maintained (updated) equally.
I installed Windows XP Home on a barebones computer, and mistakenly made the partition for the C drive much smaller (1.96 G with only 33MB free) than the D drive (1.6 G used, 24.9 G Free). Now I keep getting low disk messages. I want to resize the partitions so that the C Drive is larger without having to reformat both drives if that's possible. The file system on the C drive is NTFS and FAT32 on the D drive.CPU is 1.3 Ghz Athlon with 120 RAM.
In XP and Firefox Browser, was changing screen resolution sizes to control the desktop icon size - have an 17" monitor and set resolution size to 1152x864 - but now the middle button on top right corner of screen will not not revert back to the double square allowing me to minimize my window - it seems to be stuck in Maximum size so I have to reduce the screen with the cursor, otherwise I loose everything above the Function Bar of File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, etc. I tried lowering the resolution, but that did not seem to work either...also when I click on this middel button between _ and X - it enlarges beyond my screen size and I cannot scroll
How can i get the window of a program to stay the same size that i resize it to. I have Act and when i create a new email message the window is very small. I do not want to maximize, I just want it to be a little bigger. I resized to the size I want but when i create a new email it defaults back to the smaller size. Is there a trick to get the windows to stick to that size?
One of my programs (google earth) opens up with right and bottom edges hidden enough that I can't grab on to them to resize the window. Are there any key strokes to correctify?
I installed kubuntu 8.10 from live cd in my new IBM lenovo R61 laptop. I had a Windows XP SP3 pre installed as a single complete partition. I defragmented and compacted the drive using ultradefrag and started kubuntu install. In ultradefrag, I could see that all the data was in the first 30% of the drive, the remaining was free space. In Kubuntu install, I did a resize to 50 % and installed kubuntu in the freespace. The resize went without any problems, installation went good, I could boot into kubuntu after the install. But, the problem is, XP displays a BSOD with 0x0000007B error. After i select windows from GRUB, I get the option from windows whether to start normally or go to safe mode or ..... But whatever option i choose, I get this blue screen.
I have been using the Picture Resizer powertool for over a year and it has worked great. All of a sudden it has quit working. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it several times with a new copy of the program downloaded from Microsoft. The program menu shows up when I right click a picture and it appears to work when you click OK but nothing happens. I have searched the hard drive to see if it is putting the new picture in another directory but it is not. It is simply not creating the new, resized picture.
I have a 120 gigabyte hard drive. It has been divided into three partitions when I bought it. My C drive has about 15 gigabytes, the D drive has about 100 gigabytes, and the hidden recovery partition has about 5 gigabytes. Can I resize the C drive to make it bigger without losing data? Is it safe? I have Windows Xp SP3 and EASUS Partition Master Professional version 4.0.
Running Windows XP Professional.Windows that used to open to full screen (for example,links to websites,or windows opened by running programs) now are minimized and I have to hit the maximize button every time to re size them a real pain.Ran virus programs,adaware, etc. and can't find anything.Didn't used to be a problem. I read in some thread somewhere that this may have to do with pop up screens resetting something or other but I can't locate that thread. Any clues out there on how to fix this?
On my wifes computer I have a new issue. It is a Dell Inspiron 600m laptop running XP pro with all the updates. Recently I walked into the room where the computer was running to find it locked with a bluescreen containing the message "stop: c0000221 unknown hard errorsystem rootsystem32 tdll.dll" Restarting produced the same result. I did some searching and found the cure to this problem was to replace the corupted file "ntdll" which I did using system recovery with the origional XP disk.
The computer restarted successfully after that but now has a new issue. The start button has enlarged itself to cover the bottom half of the screen and is so big you can only see the top of it and cannot even see the word start in it. I can lower it down by dragging the top of it with the taskbar unlocked but cannot resize it to normal and I cannot see the rest of the taskbar either due to it's size. It also takes the computer longer than usual to boot. Anyone see this before? Any ideas on a cure? I tried updating the video driver which did not help. I also looked everywhere for a setting to change this with no success.
I have had a 60G external hard drive that has worked flawlessly for 2 years with both my desktop computer running Win98SE, and my newer laptop with Windows XP. This external drive was formatted with FAT 32 and NO PARTITIONS for all 60G. Because I have a Lot of music files and digital pictures, I have filled up the 60G drive, so bought an IOGear 160G external drive. This drive arrived partitioned into 6 partitions, of 20-32G sizes. This is completely wrong for how I want to use the drive. All my mp3 programs requires the library to be all in one volume, so I need 60-80G all in one volume just for music. IOGear support says that Windows XP does not allow volumes any larger than 60G in FAT 32. (This seems crazy since my older drive is all one volume and is FAT 32.
How do I increase the size of the minimize, resize and close icons without also increasing the size of the icons on the task bar? I can go into Advanced Settings Properties in the Screen Settings and increase the size of the Active Title Bar, but that also increases the size of the icons in the task bar. Take a look at the pics below. The first shows the Active Title Bar smaller and then increased in size in the second
i was attempting to resize my HD using partition magic i did not backup prior During the process my computer lost power. Upon rebooting i receive the following blue screen error message: a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to our computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps: disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentatio or backu utils. check your HD config, and check for any updated drivers run CHKDSK /F to check for HD corruption, and then restart your computer.
Recently i was attempting to resize my HD using partition magic(i did not backup prior During the process my computer lost power. Upon rebooting i receive the following blue screen error message: a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to our computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps: disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentatio or backu utils. check your HD config, and check for any updated drivers run CHKDSK /F to check for HD corruption, and then restart your computer.
I consider myself somewhat experienced with computers in general and Windows in particular (been using computers since the DOS days), but there is a thing with windows that rather baffles me. The thing is that since some time ago, whenever I start a game or any other DirectX program in full screen it resizes all opened windows to that program�s screen resolution. Even dxdiag full screen tests seem to cause it.
Once the full screen program exits or if I alt-tab out of it, all mine previously maximized windows are resized to fit in whatever resolution the DirectX app was running but they seam to think they are still maximized (2 squares instead of one on the maximize button and I need to press it twice to actually maximize them again, and also their size when not maximized seam to be changed to the app's resolution as well I normally run my desktop at 1280x1024 resolution
I have a 20 gb NTFS drive that i partitioned to C: 6gb for system files and E: 14gb for programs. I have a second hard drive for data I: 40gb. The C: drive is getting full. when trying to defragment C:, the report shows a bunch of fragmented files in a path called "/RECYCLED". I cannot seem to find that path anywhere on that drive, so I cannot delete those files! Any advice? I also would like to resize the partitions, will QTparted work for NTFS partitions? OR, any chance I can move my system to the 40gb I: drive (probably not).
When I click on desktop and select properties to change the desktop wallpaper I have a list of family photographs!I still have the desktop wallpaper folder in windows web folder but how do I put it back into the desktop and remove the ones that are mysteriously there.
I remember few days ago.. my kaspersky identified some system file as a trojan.. so it probably a misunderstanding when i was installing system mechanic. it got deleted.. and i have this automatic option to delete them after they are put in backup in kaspersky. now whenever i open my pc, my desktop and taskbar and start menu,etc goes away after a few seconds! Now i rely on the task manager..
Several unwanted desktop icons appeared recently (I think they come via Search2000 when IE is used). They won't right-click for deletion, nor will they allow themselves to be drop-dragged to the recycle bin. They don't appear in the desktop icon list when using the desktop cleanup feature.