Blue Screen Power Loss During Partition Magic Resize
Jun 2, 2006
Recently i was attempting to resize my HD using partition magic(i did not backup prior During the process my computer lost power. Upon rebooting i receive the following blue screen error message: a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to our computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps:
disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentatio or backu utils. check your HD config, and check for any updated drivers run CHKDSK /F to check for HD corruption, and then restart your computer.
i was attempting to resize my HD using partition magic i did not backup prior During the process my computer lost power. Upon rebooting i receive the following blue screen error message: a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to our computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps: disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentatio or backu utils. check your HD config, and check for any updated drivers run CHKDSK /F to check for HD corruption, and then restart your computer.
i have a major problem. I used Partition Magic 8 last night and the program crashed halfwayn through. Now i am getting a blue screen on startup probably because of damaged sectors. I am unable to start xp to run a chkdsk or to install any partition doctor type tools I then decided to re-install my Xp. But during the start stages before installation an error comes up saying there is no hardrive on your computer. please make sure it is switched on or presesnt(or something like that)
I was partitioning my C drive of windows using partition magic so that to install Linux. my laptop(hp pavilion dv5000) had only 1 partition so I tried this stupid thing. Unfortunately power went off during partition, and now I m not able to install windows XP neither from recovery disc or from regular xp cd. Some linux (suse, fedora) and windows vista are installing fine. But I need XP disparately. What to do.
My existing C: drive. First I was getting the "Error 983" error. Then I un-installed SP2 which was causing a gang of problems, freezing programs for a couple mins mostly. After I got it uninstalled I did a disk defrag, then a chkdsk /f. Now I have partitioned the drive using PM8 again and this time after the reboot it is telling me it is completed but once Windows XP reboots there is no new partition.
Im trying to install Suse Linux 9.0. But I really want to have 2 new partitions, one for Suse, and the other as a back up.
I had perfectly working PC with XP Pro installed on a 160Gb Maxtor HDD.For no reason I error checked the hard drive, which the system did after rebooting, at the end of the test the system rebooted and announced that there was a error on the boot and boot.ini.Useing XP Emergency (on disk) I tried fixmbr which did nothing then I tried Fixboot. XP found the drive identified it as FAT and said that it was successfully fixed.The drive was FAT and is now unusable.Partition Magic sees it as a FAT drive as does XP when I switched the HDD into another machine.
I have been using the Picture Resizer powertool for over a year and it has worked great. All of a sudden it has quit working. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it several times with a new copy of the program downloaded from Microsoft. The program menu shows up when I right click a picture and it appears to work when you click OK but nothing happens. I have searched the hard drive to see if it is putting the new picture in another directory but it is not. It is simply not creating the new, resized picture.
I've just resized a partition on my main physical drive, and the OS sees the adjacent partition as unfromatted.
I'm using Partition magic pro 7 and WinXp pro.
The partition I resized is the primary OS partition which is formatted as NTFS, the adjacent partition is FAT32. How can I get XP to recognise the FAT32 partition again?
I was just using my PC this weekend and i tried to combine the 3 partitions in my master/primary hdd with my parition magic 8.0. After partition magic was done on its job, pc rebooted and i cant load xp anymore. have tried removing small battery, reinstalling with recovery CD and still wont load xp. i was getting diffrent things on the screen. first was that my pc hung on me when "booting to CD:" came, did something and next i got was mbr error 2, then i got disk boot failure after playing around with the the way my pc had acronis too. i figure it has something to do with it. i tried my recovery cd 3 tiems and after finishing the reinstall i still cant boot. i tried to use an xp boot disk and found that all my files are still intact and havent been reformatted.
does anyone know what will solve this annoying error that frequently disrupts the bootup of windows XP PRo? You can run Chkdsk from savemode and this solves temporarely the problem but time and again after shutdown this error reappears. Somewhere during shutdown it seems that the filetable(MTR?)is corrupted Partition Improperly Unmounted Error 1516 is the message.
I bought a Seagate 169GB Barracuda Hard drive and set about partitioning it with Partition Magic. Initially I was being advised via phone by a friend in a neighbouring country. I put the Seagate as the Master and my previous Master as the slave. (a Maxtor 30 gb hard drive partitioned into 3. IE ..2 x 4GB and one 22gb partitions.......these were configured C (4gb) had the OS Win 98 SE on it ...E (4GB) was a back up? and F (22gb) was for video files mp3,s etc) I put Partition Magic on C and proceeded to follow directions. To cut a long story short. I got the Seagate successfully formatted.
BUT I have done something wrong. What happened was the E and F partitions on the Maxtor combined and showed up as unallocated space on Partition magic and Free Space on XP,s Disk management...Naturally I removed it till I got some advice on what to do.... I have since tryed three disk recovery programs and had a certain amount of success with one program .....I note however that from memory all the recovered files /folders are from the 22gb partition and none from the 4gb partition that combined with it.... I still have some options to try but as a beginner I thought it best to see if anybody in the forum with experience in this field could give me their advice so that I can hopefully recover as much as I can..
I installed PM 8.05 and used it to resize C drive (WinXP OS is there).I used the auto function to take a 1Gig amount each from drives D, E and F (about 25+ plus Gig free on each of these on a Seagate 120Gig HDD) to add to the 1Gig of free space on the C drive. The PM process seemed to go OK (went into DOS(?) and went through 7 steps to resize, etc) as there were no error messages. It said at the start it was going to do FAT 32 which is what I had the drives set up as. At the end PM said it was going to reboot and then the fan was hit. The boot up stopped at the "DMI Verifying Pool Data" message and the little line cursor just sat there blinking.
I've recently come across this problem. My computer froze up, so I did a hard restart (just holding down the power button until it turned off). The computer restarted and came to the loading screen. I let it sit there for about 10 minutes, and I received an error message. I restarted it again in safe mode and again received this error message.***STOP: 0x00000024(0x001902FE,0xF89C4B66,0xF89C4868,0xF83806D4)Ntfs.sys - Address F83806D4 base at F836F000, Datestamp 45CC56a7***
i have a acer t135 sempy 3300 w/ xp home,Ive tried to convert partition to ntfs its set as this 72.6 fat 32 on (c: ---and 73.4 ntfs on (d: i had a copy of partition magic from a guy at work but when i tried it i wiped hd and had to use acer restore discs
Windows XP .I am trying desparately to enlarge my c drive, which is partitioned from a large drive also containing f (programs) and g (data) drives. I need to enlarge the c drive to allow proper cmptr operation.i used Partition magic , which seemed to work up until the point where it rebooted and gave me error 58 "unable to write to the boot sector. Virus protection software may be running. "I have disabled Norton Anti virus, and Spyware Dr (complete shutdown). Still no success.How do i disable virus protection in the boot.
there was a notification error said that Partition Magic can't read my Hard Drive, because of 'drive wrong naming' (i forgot the exact word) then came up an option 'do you want to fix it?' YES/NO - I chose YES but after that, I can't go into to windows again (Vista64) it stuck on loading process forever
- Hard Drive are detected on BIOS
- When I use another 'health' HD with this 'broken' one, then the 'health' HD won't boot either, but it will normally boot again if I unplugged the 'broken' HD
- When booting via Windows Installation Disk (tried to re-install Windows), it stuck again on windows loading
Somehow I've lost the ability to right click on an image file and resize it. I used to be able to right click on a file, go to "send to", "mail recipient" and have a wizard pop up that would allow me to resize images for the email.. but no longer. I don't think I've installed anything lately that would compromise this feature, but who knows
when i open Partition Magic 8 i see my Maxtor 6Y120P0 drive in a yellow color and the file system marked as "other": but my Windows 2000 Disk Management shows healty: under windows i can read and write to the partition, so what is wrong? what does Partition Magic wants?
There was a power outage in my area and my computer restarted. After restarting it would hang at the Windows loading screen with the blue bar, and it would stay like that forever.
In XP and Firefox Browser, was changing screen resolution sizes to control the desktop icon size - have an 17" monitor and set resolution size to 1152x864 - but now the middle button on top right corner of screen will not not revert back to the double square allowing me to minimize my window - it seems to be stuck in Maximum size so I have to reduce the screen with the cursor, otherwise I loose everything above the Function Bar of File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, etc. I tried lowering the resolution, but that did not seem to work either...also when I click on this middel button between _ and X - it enlarges beyond my screen size and I cannot scroll
I consider myself somewhat experienced with computers in general and Windows in particular (been using computers since the DOS days), but there is a thing with windows that rather baffles me. The thing is that since some time ago, whenever I start a game or any other DirectX program in full screen it resizes all opened windows to that program�s screen resolution. Even dxdiag full screen tests seem to cause it.
Once the full screen program exits or if I alt-tab out of it, all mine previously maximized windows are resized to fit in whatever resolution the DirectX app was running but they seam to think they are still maximized (2 squares instead of one on the maximize button and I need to press it twice to actually maximize them again, and also their size when not maximized seam to be changed to the app's resolution as well I normally run my desktop at 1280x1024 resolution
I have formatted the XP partition, re-installed a Norton Ghost copy over the top. Repaired XP but still i keep getting these blue screens.I removed Zonealarm Free, as i found one file that caused a blue screen was linked to that program.But no matter what i try i cannot use my computer, with out the screens coming up.
I need some links to some sites that will provide information and also fixes for blue screen errors in Win NT/2000/XP. I will be using them on my website, which in turn will be used at my workplace. Thanks for any help that you can offer.
My Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop on boot-up consistently gives a blue screen with ERROR (0X000000ED (0X81ACA988, 0XC0000006,0X00000000,0X00000000). I have read most of your fixes BUT in my case no matter what I do it ALWAYS boots to this screen. Trying to boot to Safe Mode results in a list of drivers prefixed by ?multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)c:windowsdriver.sys etc The machine will not boot from Floppy or CD and I?ve tried every combination of boot sequence under the F12 menu. In the BIOS it will not allow me to change any relevant settings, only the ?system date?, ?system time? and ?quiet boot?.and I cannot select the dropdown menu items either. Booting under Normal Startup, I see the Windows Logo and all that, but then the blue screen appears. I?ve tried removing the hard disk to get it to boot to floppy, removing the battery (which is totally dead), memory module, etc. Only thing left I think is to sling it in the Caribbean Ocean and go drink a bottle of rum.
After a hard disk crash I replaced the disk and did a clean install of Windows XP. Now when I do a Shut DOwn, the operating system will shut down and I get a black screen but the actual machine will no longer power off.I have not changed anything in the bios but cannot find out what the problem is. Can anyone help?
There was recently a power outage in my home in which my computer has a forced shutdown upon loss of power while already in Windows (at the normal desktop screen). When I got power again I found start up o be longer than usual, and when the XP load screen was done the computer immediatly went to a black screen instead of moving to the normal login screen. There was video and the monitor was on, so I know the video card was functioning among everything else
I believe Windows encountered a few problems upon the quick shutdown prior to the power outage. Pretty much I tried everything I knew to try, using F8 at windows selection screen, and going to startup through windows with the most recent functioning configuration- this yielded the same problem unfortunately. I finally started up with safe mode, quite a few drivers loaded, but all in all the processes halted at a specific driver ( dont think this has any specific significance) mud.sys.
for some reason my screen saver does not come on and my screen does not turn off. for testing purposes i changed the screen saver to 1 min and changed the power setting for the lcd monitor to turn off after 2 min. i waited for like an hour but the lcd is still on and the screen saver has not come on. this is on a dell e1505 laptop. it worked before.