Copies Screen To Clipboard

Feb 22, 2007

I have a program called "Printkey 2000" which copies a sceen to my clipboard but when I try to paste it here in a thread it won't let me. If I go to a word proccessing program it will let me paste what is on the clipboard.

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Copy The Screen To Clipboard From An Old DOS Drafting Program

Sep 21, 2005

I want to copy the screen to Clipboard, from an old DOS drafting program. This program works OK, but will only load by filling the total screen, i e no taskbar etc available. Various combinations using PrtScn key have no effect (I can view the clipboard OK when the DOS program is minimised). Also hot-key commands from a Screen capture program do not work

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Jul 14, 2005

Hi All,
I was just it possible that I've lost my clipboard
in the Start Menu>Accessoir. I can't find it any more. Is it possible to
re-install it again, if so, how do I do it? I have Win XP Pro SP2.

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Find Clipboard -

Jan 8, 2007

i cannot seem to find my clipboard.i had pinned to the start menu,i recently did a system recovery,now i cant find it,

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Lost Clipboard Program?

Jul 24, 2005

some how my clip board clipboard.exe seems to "disapear" and i tryed everything to get it back but i still can't find one.isn't there a installation program that has the clipboard?

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How Can Show Clipboard In Start Menu

Aug 21, 2005

how can i show clipboard in my start menu if xp even has it? and how to make a copy of my desktop using it or another programme so i can take a pic and send it to someone else.

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2 Copies Of XP

Dec 30, 2008

I recently took my computer to the local college and asked them to reformat it for me because my computer didn't come with discs. They sold me a new KEY and reloaded XP for me. After several months, I realized that they loaded a new copy on top of the old copy. My computer should be 35% full but now it is over 70%. Is there a program that I can get to take the old copy off to free up space on my hard drive?

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2 Copies On 1 Partition?

Mar 21, 2010

I recently FUBARed my main instalation of windows XP on my only computer. Basically the only thing that works is internet explorer and file explorer. All other applications say "the application failed to start because the settings are wrong or some bs..." which means I corrupted a lot of .dll files I shouldnt have. I need to burn stuff to DVDs so that I can format and reinstall windows again, the only problem is that no burning software will run, and XP pro doesn't support burning DVDs by itself (as far as I know, I cant get it to do it.) I can't install any new software because the installation program shows the same error. I have plenty of room on my hard drive, a good 200GB. I want to install another copy of windows onto the same partition so I can install dvd burning software and save all my stuff( I cant make another partition of free space without deleting all data on the old one AFAIK) From what I've researched I think that windows will add a .0 to the end of all system folders and files when you install 2 copies on 1 partition (windows.0, documents and settings.0, program files.0 etc...) I could then choose to boot the good copy, install the dvd software, navigate over to my old stuff and burn it, then format and install clean.

Ive done this before when I was like 12 on accident because windows xp kept locking me out after the 30 days needed to activate. I ended up with like 6 copies of xp on 1 partition that ran fine untill I ran out of HDD space, but I dont remember how exactly it did it and if it overwrote anything. I honestly had no idea WTH i was doing I do remember I had options right after POST that asked which copy I wanted, and thats what I need. I just want to make sure I can do the same again without overwriteing anything or deleting anything. Also, I dont want to get a error saying I dont have permission to access the my documents folder. I think I remember that being a problem, that I couldnt get to my documents folder on 1 instilation of xp from another instalation without getting a permissions error. I really REALLY need to save all this stuff so if anyone knows if this would work or has a better idea please speak up!

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Two Copies Of On System / How To Remove?

Mar 26, 2007

I was unable to boot one day, and despite clean boot, etc., I could not boot. So I installed XP again, and now am able to boot up with the original XP. It is annoying, as each boot I have to choose between the two copies of the OS.My question: how do I remove the 2nd, more recent installation of XP? Do I just delete the directory where I installed it (/windows2)?

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System Making Unauthorized Copies

Jul 27, 2007


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Unauthorized Copies Of System Files

Sep 29, 2007

I keep getting a windows security alert saying warning potential spyware operation your computer is making unautherized copies of your system and internet files run full scan now to prevent any unauthorized access to your files click yes to download spyware remover.

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Installation Problem From Copies Of Window 2000

Feb 16, 2005

I had win98 second edition on my computer but for some reason it was corrupt or something so I slicked my disk clean and partitioned and formatted my computer all over. I then went to bootdisk and made copies of the windows 2000 disk set and tried to install it when I put the floppy in it says non-system disk or disk error, replace and strike any key to continue.

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Download Uninfected Copies Of The Dll's To Enusre Security?

Aug 14, 2006

A few days a ago I got a trojan dropper and it changed some of my dll's. Should I download uninfected copies of the dll's to enusre security?

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Server 2003 GPO's - Copies Of The Profiles Don’t Work

Sep 19, 2006

i have recently been working on server 2003 i have created users and groups no problems. i have even created group policies that work and everything i wanted them to do but i have some problems with copies of the profiles that dont work i have checked all the settings i can think of and the working profiles have all the same settings as the none working profiles. the thing is that even the none working profiles do work in part the redirect of folders and mydocuments work. is there anyone out there who can give me some tips as to where i might be going wrong.

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Finding Cheap Copies Of Operating System Less Than $54.99?

Jan 21, 2009

I don't work for this company or know anyone who does; but, this is as good a price as I've seen for a non-OEM copy of Windows XP Pro. I ordered two copies today.If anyone knows of a cheaper price, post it here; but, this is as close to free as I've seen.

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Closing Creates Multiple Copies And Fills Up Cpu Power

Jun 8, 2007

After I leave my computer on for a few days straight, things begin acting strangely. What happens is when I close out of programs, I see in the taskmaster that my cpu usage goes up to 100%, and it appears that a copy of this process is the one taking up the most even those as simple as notepad.exe or calculator.exe. And if I open multiple notepads, as I close out each time it gets stuck on taskmaster and then it becomes painfully slow until I go in and end process multiple times.

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Pop Up Show Unauthorized Copies Of System/Internet Files

Sep 4, 2007

Running Windows XP on a Compaqnc6000 Every 5 minutes a pop up keeps showing up saying Windows Security Alert. Then in the Body it says Warning Potential Spyware Operation. Your computer is making unauthorized copies of your system and internet files. Run full scan now to pervent any unauthirised access to your files! Click YES to download spyware remover. All of this is even with the misspelling.

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Large File Copies Corrupt / Copy Without Generating Any Error Message

Sep 13, 2005

I have a problem with copying large files (50MB+): Both command line command "copy /B" and copies in Explorer of large files always risult in a slighly different (corrupt) copy without generating any error message. The number of different bytes is proportional to the lenght of the original. The size of the copy is correct. Position and value of the different bytes vary between each copy.

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Product Key-two Copies That Are Idententical Except For The Product Keys Which To Send?

Feb 3, 2007

My son moved out of town and now wants his copy of Windows XP Pro that he left behind. I have two copies that are idententical except for the product keys. Is there somewhere in Windows that would tell me which copy to send and which to keep? will he be able to reuse this disk to put on a new HD in a new computer? Can he put his old HD in a new computer?

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Black Screen After Boot Screen, No Welcome Screen, No Logon Screen

Oct 28, 2008

its my previously-formatted HP Pavilion dv5201tx! The problem is as the title above. I can go into safe mode. I've used system restore twice. And in Documents and Settings folder I noticed it has:

Administrator description name description name.000

Is it creating more user folders? At some point description name.000 wasn't there. Corrupted registry hive? I'm not sure! Restarted many times, used Last known good configuration, and it's still black after the boot screen. Please help!

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Screen Freezes Up Then Black Screen Upon Reboot Sometimes A Red Screen

Apr 5, 2010

My computer screen freezes up after a while, then turns into a blank light blue screen and then into a black screen. I have used regcure, PCMedkit, and PC Doc Pro I have also tried some of the online help for a fee but nothing seem to work. Lately when trying to reboot I got a blank red screen. I'm using xp pro and a Nvida GeForce 9400GT GRAPHICS CARD.

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I Press Alt+Enter DOS Screen.opens 2 Full Screen Then Go Small In A Couple Of Seconds

Mar 19, 2008

I got a problem
I use a developer program to make executables (hobby of mine saves me going troppo) called Clarion, it works OK, I made a DOSable program with it, it works OK.
Once I could open to full size DOS screen by pressing the Alt+Enter keys and it would stay open until I was finished with it, then I could revert back to a small screen by pressing Alt+Enter keys again.

Now if I press Alt+Enter keys the DOS screen appears, but it stays open in full screen for a couple of seconds then automatically closes back to the usual small screen.

I have tried right clicking on the icon, properties, screen and putting a dot in the full size option, but this does not work.

I have scanned my PC for viruses etc but no joy there.
I have Dialup only, so don't ask me to do a Panda or Trend scan as they drop you if you no got broadband.

I'm using XP pro, 512meg ram, using a Gigabyte MB, and Nivida video card.
XP working OK-dokie, sound ok-dokie, video ok-dokie, screen to DOS wonkie.
how to fix this?

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Screen Blackout Then Appear With A Black Screen A Blue Box Giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS?

Jan 19, 2007

My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Boot Problems, Black Screen Startup

Jul 17, 2005

when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."

You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...

Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.

Any ideas?

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Blank Screen Freeze Up Before Splash Screen. Safe Mode Works

Oct 7, 2007

Very similar to the following problem but i do not have a raid, and it seems that this PC has a raid and i don't, plus it was never really determined what the actual solution was.

The basics: XP Professional Boot up screen, right before the windows loading screen, or direct after the F8 Menu if you hit "Start Windows Normally..." it will just lock up, no HDD activity, blank screen. now BSOD, nothing.

All 3 safe mods work fine.

Ran chkdsk /r in recovery.
Ran proper fixboot procedure.

Went into safe mode and checked the event viewer.

The only concerning message i got was: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

Formatting really isnt an issue since i can back up anything i need through safe mode. However its just the fact that the Windows gremlin has struck me again and i must defeat it once more.

I highly doubt this is a hardware issue as it is more of a driver/software issue.any help?

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Black Screen Appears After Load Screen - Uninstall A USB Bluetooth Driver

Nov 10, 2006

i get this error when i tried to open up my computer, first the windows xp loading screen works fine, then after that the screen just goes black and stays like that forever. this happened when i tried to uninstall a USB Bluetooth driver and it was requested to restart my pc so i did, and after that restart i cant get in no more, the screen just goes black after the windows xp load screen. im wondering how can i fix this problem? please help me guys... thank you.. and o yeah one more thing.. when i tried it on safe mode it went to the welcome screen but after that when i try to move my cursor i didnt move at all then i restart my pc again and the whole thing happens once more

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System Crashed/ Screen Is Frozen/ No Signal' Message On A Black Screen?

Jul 20, 2005

friend whose computer has crashed the screen had frozen. He could do nothing except reboot it using the power button but on rebooting, there was a 'no signal' message on a black screen. We have checked the monitor connections (the monitor works when connected to his second computer) and even replaced the video card but of course this made no difference (no signal) We've taken out the HD and installed it on his second system. Does this mean that the most likely cause now is the motherboard/bios or is there something wrong in our approach/deductions

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Blue Screen After Installing Service Pack 2: Screen Freezed/ Restarted?

Jan 18, 2008

I have a celeron/p4 machine with 256 RAM and 160 G Hard Disk. Well i installed a service pack 2 for xp. After installing my screen freezed so i restarted the pc and I got a blue screen. What can i do please?

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Full Screen Results In White Screen While Playing Video Online?

Jun 16, 2010

This all started out that I was having a microphone audio recording problem the other day and was trying to solve that...A couple of days ago, I did a complete HP System Restore on my computer to try to fix the problem, not realizing that it would do all that it did to my computer. Im having to re-install alot of my programs, etc. Now When Im trying to watch a video online, if I click the 'full screen' view it comes up just totally white screen with no picture at

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Failure To Boot: Blue Screen Blinks/ Blank Screen/ Windows Dont Start?

Jun 20, 2008

When i turn on,first Windows screen appears,then a blue screen blinks,then hp screen,then a blank page with cursor on the top left,then a screen with the message"we apologise for the inconvinience but Windows did not start successfully.there was a hardware or software problem.I tried to run it in Safe mode, Windows normally,last known configuration but no luck......Then someone suggested to Get into the Recovery Console by making a Recovery CD with ISO image but the machine is not responding to any of it.Is it with CD/DVD ROM drive or any major hardware problem???...I ran a self hard drive test and it seemed fine

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Playing Game Rebooted Computer / Start It Went To Blank Blue Screen / Before Account Screen

Oct 23, 2005

I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.

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