"connection Refused" Or "unable To Connect To" Alerts

Aug 29, 2005

is a recent problem, first noticed on using ebay, when I clicked on to "All items ending now" and got an alert message saying "unable to connect to altfarm.mediaplex.com".This is now happening on loads of things but not all

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Computer Suddenly Refused To Connect To The Net

Jul 29, 2005

I got a virus (at least I THINK I did, I have no other explanation) about 2 weeks ago despite firewalls, up to date antvirus, and tons of other programs to keep me safe, ie: adaware, Spybot, spyware Blaster, MSN Anti spyware, loads of stuff. Anyway, my computer suddenly refused to connect to the net, when I put the mouse on ths "Start" button all I got was the dreaded hourglass, lots of niggly little things. I ended up installing a new hard drive as the master with the other as slave and was able to salvage most of my stuff. However, I now have no sound

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Unable To Connect Internet Connection

Jul 9, 2010

I am unable to connect my winxp computer to my network or get an internet connection. I also get message of unknown protocol when checking the properties.

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Loss Of Internet Connection: Programs Requiring Internet Access Unable To Connect?

Nov 19, 2006

After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.

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RAS Connection To Connect To Servers Via IP

Aug 2, 2007

I use Windows RAS connections to connect to servers via IP. Recently, they have "stopped working" the first time I connect, then every other time after that. The modem connects, I can log in just fine, it assigns me an IP address, but I can't ping the server. If I hang up and do it again, I can then ping the server. If I hang up and do it a 3rd time, it doesn't work. 4th time it does, etc, etc...I have dozens of servers I connect to and they all do this and it didn't do it a few weeks ago, so I know it's not the equipment. I have XP Pro verson 2002 Service Pack 2 and I'm current on all Microsoft updates. I have automatic updates setup and I do recall that my computer had reset (which means it did an update) a few days before I noticed the problem. I know Microsoft has had RAS issues in the past.

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Cannot Connect To I'net / Error : Create A New Connection

Aug 15, 2009

I have bought a laptop that has windows pro 2000 installed and want to connect to i'net via my wireless router on my main comp.the laptop shows that wireless is working fine.I cannot connect to net I was told that I have to create a new connection..but I have tried my best to do so and am lost.

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Dial Up Connection - Cannot Uncheck The Connect Using Broadband Listing

Jun 14, 2006

I went to set up a new dial up connection in XP.I went to connection wizard, I click next, I check connect to the internet, I click next, I check set up my connection manually and click next. On the how do you want to connect to the internet page, connect using a broad band connection is allready checked and the other choices are greyed out. I cannot uncheck the connect using broadband listing. Every time I try this it is the same thing.

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Press To Connect Remote Desktop Connection - Microsoft Debug Will Prompt

May 27, 2010

When I am press to connect remote desktop connection, the microsoft debug windows will prompt.If I am press Don't Send or Debug, my remote desktop connection windows will close.Did you all facing this problem before ? It is make me very irritated.

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Enable To Connect: Computer Keeps Randomly Disconnecting/losing Internet Connection?

Jan 14, 2009

I use wireless device which connects to my Desktop downstairs,which in turn connects to the router upstairs. So I've been randomly disconnecting when playing games like WoW, and CoH & losing connection on the internet as well. It can't be the router I assume since the laptop upstairs which connects to the same thing never disconnects. I have a D-Link router and a D-link gaming router which connects to the PC. Any help?

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Msconfig Refused To Run - Pop3 Server Error

Apr 21, 2007

Am helping a friend get her Outlook Express working (pop3 server error), and wanted to go into msconfig to disable all items at startup in order to make sure no firewalls or anti-virus were causing problems. When she typed msconfig in the Run box, she keeps getting a 'word is misspelled try again' error message. Have you ever had this happen? As far as I know there is no other way to open the msconfig utility.

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Error (login):0x10e0The Operator Or Administrator Has Refused The Request?

Nov 28, 2009

i want to know how to rectify the above shown orror notification in my windows xp dextop computer

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Unable To Connect

Dec 27, 2006

I have been having alot of trouble lately. Every time I try to click on a site I get an unable to connect message, if I go back and try again it usually goes through the third or fourth time clicking the link. This is happening with every site. I am running windows ME. I have tried disabling Norton, running ccleaner, all spyware utilities and nothing helps. It has taken me about 45 minutes just to be able to post this message.

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Unable To Connect Via RDC?

Sep 5, 2005

I'm trying to connect my PC with Windows XP Pro. via RDC on the internet, the screen pops up with blue screen but it never refreshes for login screen to come. It's stays there while and then it will disconnect. But am able to login on my own network either LAN or WAN. Outside my network it never works, what should I do pls!

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Remote Desktop Connection Comes With Error "client Could Not Connect"

Aug 5, 2005

I have 4 comp on a w2k enviroment, 3 of them w2k and one of them xp pro,I was always able t rd to any of them and from any of them to each other, today the xp fail to rd. I get this error "client could not connect to the remote computer,remote connection might no be enable or the computer might be too busy to accept new connection"

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Unable To Connect To Any Servers

Aug 25, 2005

for a little while now i've been unable to connect to any servers, or at least thats what i think. I play lots of games online and so on. things were fine and then one day i recieved this error while trying to play 'halo' online. 'An error has occurred while trying to contact the gamespy master server'. after messing around with halo for a while i tried other games; doom3, quake3, counter strike and so on, but all with the same effect, i couldnt connect to a server. This was also the case when i tried to update Ad-aware, it freezes when i try to update. I've checked my firewall and individual programs but have come to no conclusion. have also tried 'system restores' but each time they fail?

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Unable To Connect Message

Dec 27, 2006

I have been having alot of trouble lately. Every time I try to click on a site I get an unable to connect message, if I go back and try again it usually goes through the third or fourth time clicking the link. This is happening with every site. I am running windows ME. I have tried disabling Norton, running ccleaner, all spyware utilities and nothing helps.

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Unable To Connect To Firefox

Jul 28, 2010

Firefox made an automatic update to my system. consequently am unable to connect to firefox because mcafee wont let the update be activated.

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Unable To Connect Via Crosscable

Dec 9, 2008

I have two PCs, both dual booting Linux and Windows(SP3). I am unable to connect these two PCs via cross-cable on Windows.Windows to Windows connection doesn't work. I tried pinging the IP address of the PCs but they fail/timeout.

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Unable To Connect To Internet?

Mar 18, 2007

hi there, recently on my toshiba's laptop computer I am not getting dial tone to connect to the internet. Yes I am connecting the phone line properly because it works on my sony vaio laptop also when I connect online.i am able to connect on the vaio but not on the toshiba. It keeps telling me there is no dial tone. what is the meaning of this. one last question. On the toshiba laptop there is a blue line running from the top to the bottom of the screen. Is that something bad? is the screen going through?

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Unable To Connect To My LAN: Box Came Up Asking For A Netware Login?

Mar 6, 2008

I am trying to connect a laptop to our network. When I first logged on a box came up asking for a Netware login (we don't use Novell). I went to the network adapters and unchecked Client Service for netware, NWLink NetBios and NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBios and made sure the DHCP was checked for TCP/IP. I rebooted the laptop and went and tried to connect to the network, still came up with unable to connect, check domain name, etc. Is there anything else I can do or do I have to reload Windows XP?

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Unable To Connect To Wireless After Reinstalling

Oct 22, 2009

I followed the advice of the sticky above and with my "refreshed" XP Home Installation on my Dell Desktop, I can't connect to the Internet. The "find a connection" Wizard seems to want to find a dial-up connection and nothing in the way of broadband. I use a Linksys Wireless G PCI Adapter card. The reinstallation did not wipe out any documents or user created files, so am wondering if there is a place in the old Windows files that I can use to get my old connection?

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Laptop's Been Hijacked / Unable To Connect To TSG?

Jan 18, 2005

My laptop has been hijacked, can't connect to TSG, homepage's been taken over. I have ran AWSE6, Search & Destroy, but each time everything comes back as soon as it's fixed. Please help, this is my personal laptop and I need it.

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Upgrade Pro - Unable To Connect MSN Hotmail

Sep 4, 2006

I have recently upgraded to WXP Pro from Home and have since had trouble with my monitor picture, it frequently goes into a very fast scroll for a period and the fine again when using the internet.i have changed the graphics card I have changed the monitor and still the same problem. Also I am unable to connect to MSN Messenger but MSN Hotmail etc working fine.

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Client Unable To Connect To Web Through ICS Host

Jun 29, 2008

My host PC (my desktop) is running an ASUS P5PE-VM with 1gig DDR PC3200 Crucial RAM, has a Intel DualCore E2180 @ 2GHZ. I use a dial-up connection, and even though it is dial-up, my connection speed averages from 52Kbps to 54.3Kbps. So its actually pretty good for dial-up. My OS is Win XP wit SP2. I think that pretty much covers the important basics. My client PC (my laptop) is an ACER Aspire 3100 w/ 512MB DDR2 It has an AMD Sempron 3200 @ 1.6GHZ w/512KB of L2 Cache. It also has an 802.11 b/g wireless Lan. I installed a wireless card (Belkin Wireless G desktop card) in my desktop (host) and set up an ad-hoc network between the two. Basically I set up a wireless network without a router. I've done this before and had no problem, however this time I cannot connect to the internet using the client (my laptop). Everything appears to be in order, ICS is enabled on the host, Firewall in configured, communication between the two is there, I verified by pinging both IP's using ipconfig. The host is able to connect to the internet and browse with out no problem. its just the client I am haveing trouble with. Could it be a DNS problem? When I open IE on the client it just displays the 'cannot display web page', I even tried pinging the web page and am successful in that, it just wont display the web page. Am I missing something?

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Unable To Connect To Windows Update

Jun 17, 2010

I now think a problem, that may have been a bug, could now be a winsock problem. What is happening, is I cannot connect to windows update. It is only anything having to do with and url dealing with windows update. When I get the screen, "unable to connect" and select to have I.E. run diagnostics, it doesn't come up with anything. I've run serveral virus/malware scans and nothing comes up. I have XP, a legal copy, but it does not have the diagnostics software. I have downloaded some sort of winsock "fix" software, but do not want to run this, in fear of totally messing something up.

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Unable To Connect To Internet From Computer

Oct 24, 2008

I am unable to connect to the internet from a computer that is directly connected to a 2Wire wireless router with a ethernet cable, the serial number to it is 2701HG-B. side note i am able to connect wirelessly with a laptop and even with a xbox 360 with an ethernet cable. i called support and they said that the problem is because of a software app but it is not the anti virus or the firewall i have installed.

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Unable To Connect To Internet With Machine Using XP

Jul 24, 2010

I have a Gateway FX6000 that came with Vista. I have managed to change the OS to Windows XP Pro 64 but I probably have outdated drivers. I am unable to connect to the internet with that machine using XP. I do have Linux Ubuntu installed as well and and using that OS I can connect to the internet just fine so I don't think it's a DSL Modem, Router, NIC or cable problem, it's most likely a driver issue. When I look into XP Device Manager, the Network Adapter shows as 1394 Net Adapter but under "Other Devices" ethernet controller, PCI simple and SM Bus I see big yellow questions marks.Will I need to update those yellow question mark devices and if so what's the best approach keeping in mind that on that box, for XP, I don't have a working internet connection.

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Unable To Connect To The Internet While Using Wireless?

Jun 11, 2006

I just purchased a new HP computer yesterday. I have a linksys wireless connection. I cannot connect to the internet. I use microsoft explorer. I have been on the phone with Linksys, HP and Netgear for four hours to no avail.

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Unable To Connect Through Wireless Internet

Sep 21, 2008

I had to set my XP back to factory defaults (long story) and of course when I did that it wiped out all my stuff. I have my main computer hooked to a wireless router via a cable. The computer that I had to set back to factor defaults in the one with the wireless card. I reinstalled the wireless card software and it it talking to the router but I can't get to the internet.

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Unable To Connect - Internet Browsing

Sep 12, 2009

I had a problem blue screen had to do a clean install of xp pro. I managed a successful clean install, however, I am now unable to connect to the internet, my wired pc doesnt seem able to automatically obtain the ip address from the netgear router. I am able to connect my vista notebook wirelessly using the router.

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Unable To Connect To 3rd Party Applications

Dec 27, 2005

After a fresh format with Windows XP, and a fresh install of SP2, I am unable to connect to 3rd party applications like AIM, or Yahoo messenger.I am able to surf using IE and get on MSN messenger, but nothing else seems to work. I've double checked to make sure proper exceptions were set in the windows firewall.

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