Change System Lock Timeout

Aug 30, 2005

Is it possible to alter the default time out setting for system lock, I would like more control over my system and tbe system lock while useful does get in the way sligtly, mainly when downloading large files. I have tried help and support center and it's not much use, and I am not sure exactly what to type in, system lock just seems to explain what it does.

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Lock Windows Clock To Make Sure That Nobody Will Change The Time

Jul 26, 2005

How can I lock windows clock to make sure that nobody will change the time?

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Timeout Error On Connection

Aug 20, 2005

For the past 2-3 weeks, I have had a problem where at random intervals (anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours so far), I am no longer able to connect to the Internet. I use Firefox 1.0.6, and eventually my Internet connection just dies. My roommates (all connected to the same Linksys Router) do not lose their connection. If I try to access a webpage, I will get a Timeout error. I can't check email, connect with an instant message program, or web browse (tried loading IE after it happens, no success with that browser either). I have tried shutting down Spyware Doctor 3.2, and Eset Nod32 Antivirus to see if they might be causing the problem, but I have not had success with that either. My connection will stay down until I reboot my computer. After rebooting, I can connect without trouble until the problem shows up again. I have fully updated Spyware Doctor 3.2, and Eset Nod32 Antivirus and run complete scans, but nothing is showing up. It is rather annoying, as I usually have at least 6 browser windows open at a time, and I hate to lose all of them by rebooting. The only thing I can think of is it seems to be about the same time I updated from Firefox 1.0.5 to 1.0.6

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IIS Timeout: Public Machine Loose The Webpage?

Nov 19, 2008

we have a web application that uses IIS. We have two public machines that connect to the IIS server. After a period of time (not a set amount) the public machine loose the webpage. The only way of fixing it is to run the iisreset command or reboot the server.

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Num Lock Or Caps Lock Resets Computer

Jul 8, 2005

Why should a computer reset sometimes when the Num Lock or Caps Lock key is pressed? I have tried turning Num Lock off in the Bios to see if that would help. But same thing happens The system is as follows Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition BIOS Version DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. 07.00T, 02/04/2001 Motherboard MSI745 Ultra Processor AMD Athlon 1200 (BUT SHOWS UP AS 900) Keyboard DescriptionStandard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard.

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Unable To Lock System

Jan 8, 2007

Im having a Lenovo laptop with the Windows XP OS installed in it.Firstly, Im unable to lock the system i.e if I try Control + Alt + Delete, the cursor automatically goes to the top left corner & I get the small window for closing the screen.Secondly, the Omnipass tool of finger printing was also installed in the system.Now, since my brother had got it for me, He has his finger printing to be recognized.Now, if I want my finger to be recognised, howw do I do it so that I do not need to depend on him?

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System Lock Automatic After Five Minutes

May 30, 2006

Windows XP pro and now every 5mins or so the system will just lock up and I can not do anything. I dont have much running when it happened and its only started happening these last couple of days. Its not overheating either. Its strange thou, when the computer locks up it seems like it hasn't, like msn will keep poping up with people and winamp still plays music, I just can't do anything.

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System Lock Ups / Crashes And Unable To Install Updates

Oct 1, 2007

I know that this is a lot to ask in one thread but they all do relate (I think ) I spotted a program listed in program fills that I have never seen before: Authentium. It had a file listed in it as: AuthFw.exe. When I Googled that it led me to a link to Tech Support Guy were member LOgic posted the following post: "As of late My computer has begun to lock up for no apparent reason. What happens is the following. When i go to click on any program none of them respond. I cant alt ctrl delete cause that window doesnt come up. I then click on the start menu and all the icons for the window update and microsoft update and such are not there as if the it doesnt recognize what program to read them with. I then proceed to restart my computer And The old menu pops up. As in not the 3 big red buttons that confirm log out, turn off and restart but a grey box that gives me the same options plus asking me if i want it to hibernate or stand by. Then when the computer is turning of normally it gives a big blue screen saying " windows is shutting down" But what happened when this computer locks up is that a logo of home edition appears in a small grey box and tells me its shutting down. Is my computer going into some kind of safe mode on its own? Every time i leave the computer own on its own?If someone can please help me with this problem it would be great.

I was in shock because it repeated the problems that I have been having and after many attempts have failed to solve. Let me add that I have as LOgic started using a different sound card. actually I removed SoundBlaster and started using the onboard audio on the motherboard (ECS 848P-A) which has Realtek AC97 Audio. I have updated the drivers for this and searched everywhere I can think of to see if this is the problem. LOgic's problem was apparently solved when he went to windows update and updated a driver. My problem is that often when I go to windows update it will down load updates but fail to install them. When this happens as it did just tonight, it takes me days to get support from Microsoft to help me resolve this issue. I have reached a point that MS is a dirty word that I try not to say anymore.

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Lock My Account No Really LOCK

Apr 30, 2007

I am sure that everyone knows that you can lock your account in XP, blah, blah.But if I am doing something important, I don't want other administrators to be able to log me off!Is there a registry key/local poicy/other solution so that only I can unlock my account when I lock it?

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System Shows Error Run32.dll When Change Operating System Style

Jun 15, 2007

Some time ago I booted up my computer,to find that my XP switched to Windows classic style,I didn't take it seriously so I went to properties to change when I get an error message saying there is a problem with run32.dll,not only that,but the visual styles can't load I assume,becuase of run32.dll,so now I'm stuck with the piece of s*** style.

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How To System Change Cd To Dvd Rom

Jun 11, 2010

AM already converted CD to DVD but not working DVD?

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Num Lock

Apr 25, 2008

I have Win XP. My Num lock wont turn off, and when I type words I dont get letters, just numbers.

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System Change - Ntsf Or Fat 32?

Apr 10, 2008

Last year I installed Windows XP on my pc. During the installation it ask me to choose ntsf or fat 32. I made a mistake I think and chose ntsf. I know the system was fat 32 when I bought it with Windows ME installed. This computer has not worked well since I did the new install. Is it possible to change it back to fat 32 or do I need to do a new install?

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Change System Retailers Name?

Aug 2, 2005

I have purchased a new laptop (my old one died) and now find that it is called "Bond & Bond", the name of the retail outlet. I changed the system name to mine but still all the drive paths have Bond & Bond in them. I do not want the retailers name on my computer forever.

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System Change - How Can Get Back

Aug 19, 2007

I got a windows vista computer and it came with an upgrade dvd. So i upgraded my windows xp to vista thinking I could change it back when I needed to use xp but I can`t . I went into the recovery console and it gave me 3 choices that I dont understand. I can now only use the vista version on both computers. How can I get Xp back?

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Possible To Change The Under System Information

Sep 6, 2009

I just received a used laptop with Windows 2000. Is it possible to change the "System Name" under "System Information"?

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How To Change System Partition

Aug 1, 2010

I have two hard drives in my computer, the first with Windows XP installed and the second with Windows XP x64 and Windows 7 installed. I never use Windows XP anymore so my plan was to delete it and copy the 64 bit installation to that drive, but as it turns out the XP partition is the system partition. From what I've read in similar topics, I could format the drive and then use the Windows 7 disk to do a startup repair. As a test I set the XP partition to inactive and used the Windows 7 disk, I learned that the disk dosent even see the Windows 7 installation unless the XP partition is active, it also tells me that Windows 7 is installed on drive C which is false. I figured these tings would work themselves out and deleted the XP partition anyway. I had to recover it to get my computer to boot again but now it goes straight into 7 without giving me the choice to boot into XP or XP 64. Is my problem a little more complex because im working with three operating systems? Please tell me what I can do to fix all of this and achieve my original goal.

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How To Change The System Id On Laptop

Feb 4, 2010

I have an Acer one ZG5 laptop and I need to change the system ID. I purchased "RadioGet" great program, but it installs to a specific system ID and they want me to purchase it again apparently cause they won't respond to my emails. If there is a way to change it Please Let me know. I got a worm virus that made it past McAfee (probably my fault) and had to re-install XP.

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Change Any System Icon

Jul 27, 2003

1. Get a copy of Microangelo.
2. While Microangelo is downloading you need to make 2 backups of any files that you will be replacing. for this example we will use shell32.dll This file is located at c:windowssystem32shell32.dll. To view these files you need to turn off 'Hide protected operating system files' and 'Show hidden files and folders' in the view tab of the folder options under tools in my computer. One of these backups is for editing purposes and the other is pure backup.
3. Once Microangelo is downloaded and installed, open librarian. librarian is an application that can open up exe's and just about any file with embedded icons.
4. Once librarian is opened, open the first backup of that shell32.dll file. and VoilĂ !! Tons of icons, actually most of the icons in the entire system. :) ........

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Not Able To Change Operting System

May 14, 2010

I am trying to install XP on a 10 GB partition on my laptop. Current OS is Windows 7. The Model is Compact Presario CQ61z-300. Every time i push the button to boot from CD it loads all the files and then blue screens.

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Possible To Put A Lock On Folder

Aug 5, 2008

Is it possible to put a lock on a folder so you have to enter password to access the contents? I tried using locker.bat but couldn't get it to work.

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Num Lock On At Boot

Jan 26, 2010

I work as a technician in a number of Primary Schools and I have been asked by some of the schools if there is a way to ensure that Number Lock is switched off on all machines before they log in. I have done a few searches on google but have no results that work.I have tried editing the registry however this only works AFTER they have logged in. Disabling Num Lock at boot in bios doesn't work as windows likes to override this setting.The reason i have been asked for this is that the schools have Laptops which the children use and when they are typing in their usernames they are obviously getting a mixture of numbers and letters in the username field.Does anyone have ANY ideas how i can disable the number lock at boot?

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Can Lock A Folder On PC?

Jan 8, 2006

My pc is used by all the family, other than having my own user password is there a way to have a password protected folder?

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Way To Lock Task Bar

Aug 29, 2005

Lock the taskbar at the bottom of the screen so that no one else can move it even if they take the tick off.

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Lock Up Freeze

Aug 31, 2006

I've recently started experiencing a frustrating problem with my XP system pc which I hope someone can help with.My pc will boot up fine to the normal desktop.I can start/run "some" programs without problems ie. Windows Explorer - Norton Utilities/Antivirus - Belarc Advisor - Ewido Easycleaner.Other programs such as - Internet Explorer - SisoftSandra - Aol - Windows XP system Restore - will "almost always" cause the pc to Lock/Freeze with no use of the mouse/keyboard or access to the Task Manager to close the program.The lock-up's appear to occur when I try to run Internet based programs such as AOL - IE but will also freeze with SisoftSandra & the XP Restore facility? Very occasionally I can start/run AOL - IE and all other programs without problems but these occurences are few and far between.

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Change System Properties/Registered To?

Nov 27, 2007

In viewing System Properties on my PC I see the display of

Registered to:

This information is the default for registering any new software which is installed.

How can I change this? I searched through regedit but have not found the exact location of this information.

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Change Ram Information In System Properties?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to change ram amount information in system properties of my computer

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Change Default Operating System As 98?

Dec 13, 2004

i have windows 98 and XP on my pc.both r working defaults OS is XP .if we didnt select 98 XP will i can change my defaults OS as 98?

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How To Change To System Default Font

Nov 1, 2006

I use CorelDraw and with it comes a little app called Bitstream Font navigator. I try to use it as little as possible though as it always messes up my system fonts. Normally it comes right again after a reboot. This time though it won't change back. Seems it's stuck on Tahoma or something. how to change it back to whatever the default system font is?

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Cant Change System Date / Time

Apr 1, 2010

i can't change my date/time in win xp

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Change System Volume From One Harddrive To Another

Apr 28, 2010

currently I have 2 hds,running with windows xp, one is the system volume and the other is the boot volume, i want to make the boot volume both, how do i do that?

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