Cd Light Flashes On Boot Up

Nov 16, 2009

When booting up Xp it seems to stall on cd, light keeps flashing. On front panelt the number 1 is flashing, number 3 and 4 are steady.

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Light Flashes Across Desktop At Startup

Apr 11, 2006

Would anyone have any idea what is causing a flash of light (a very thin line~~kinda in a square shape) to go across my screen once at startup just as the desktop finishes loading? See it once at every startup, but only at startup, and only at the end of the desktop loading.Been happening for a few weeks now. It appeared a few times while I still had ME, but appears at every startup since installing XP SP2, which is about 3 weeks ago. My Screen Resolution is set at 1024 by 768 pixels, and my Color Quality is set on high (24 bit). My screen resolution is set at 75 Hertz.Here's what I have done so far~~I ran all the tests (on all the tabs) on the DIRECT X DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS, and passed them all~~no problems found.

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Power On Light Flashes - System Wont Turn On

May 28, 2006

my desktop pc is a Dell ptiplex GX110.XP-PRO,MB and 40gh.Whenever i press the power button for start up the power on indicator light at the front of my PC only flahes a yellow r orange color but never ghanges to solid green. The system never powers on fully.

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Power Light Comes - Computer Will Not Boot Up.

Oct 21, 2006

She's unplugged it for five minutes and tried again and also unplugged everything from the back of the box and tried again, but still nothing.

The power light at comes on when she hits the on button but apart from that nothing happens

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Dell 2400 Wont Boot Get F1 And F2 And Number Lock Light

May 16, 2010

I have dell 2400, when I try boot I get the f1 and f2 only keyboard failure and mouse failure with num lock lights all time.

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Computer Wont Boot Up - Power Light Is On But Monitor In Sleep Mode

Aug 4, 2005

The problem that I am having is with my HP Pavilion XT983 Desktop Computer. It will not boot up when I power it on. The power light is on and the monitor is in sleep mode. The only thing that is operating is the fan. I have tried rebooting with the boot up diskette but it is not reading my A: drive. It also will not read CDs.

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Will Only Boot Up In Safe Mode - Blue Screen Flashes

Feb 6, 2006

I am having trouble booting up my laptop. It goes to the "windows" screen the a blue screen flashes for just a second and the only thing I can read is "a problem has occured" because of the short duration the screen is up...there is a lot more words on there but I don't have time to read it all. Then it goes to the option screen to restart or start in safe mode...which is what I'm in at this time.

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Laptop Flashes Blue Screen With White Characters - Won't Boot Up

Jan 24, 2007

Sorry if this is a repeat. My Toshiba Satellite M45 running Win XP Home, SP2 is caught in a boot-up loop. It shows the Toshiba splash screen, the "Windows is starting up" screen, then flashes a blue screen with white characters (too fast for me to make out any detail), then the "Windows didn't startup properly" (I forget the precise wording) screen, with the choices of Safe Mode, etc. I've tried every option on the list, but it still fails, returning to the Boot Options screen. Mea Culpa: I haven't done a backup in quite some time, so I'm anxious about the data on the hard drive.

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Power Button Light Come On

Dec 16, 2004

Power outage.Lights in house went out and back on 3 times in about 10 seconds.And guess what,my computer no longer works.Push the power button and nothing.I need some advice on this one.Where do I begin?I was kind of thinking main power supply.I cannot see any burnt wires.What about off/on switch or maybe motherboard.It is a fairly new Dell 4600.Power button light does not even come on.

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How To Block Silver Light

Jan 21, 2010

I'd like to find a way to block Silverlight completely at the source- sort of like using the hosts file to block web pages. Not OS specific, just some completely viscious way so I never-ever see that pop-up, pop-over, pop-under again. I can go to Firefox or Chrome, but still, sometimes I've got to use IE8 and I dislike Silverlight in the strongest terms. TIA

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Keeps Re-booting / No Pc Link Light On

Oct 30, 2006

clicked off page, started to reboot for some reason, now just keeps re-booting, modem shows internet activity, cable activity, but no pc link light on.what's up?

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Replaced Harddrive - Power Light

Jul 21, 2008

The hard drive on my PC is apparently dying. I need to replace it... no big deal, I can handle that. But I want to get my information off the drive because I stupidly haven't backed it up recently. I can get the drive to start (with protests and a very slow reaction time), but though I can hear it spinning and feel the vibrations, it won't trigger the monitor. I don't get a "no signal" message, all I get is the power light blinking at me

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Hard Drive Light Constantly On

Apr 2, 2004

I've noticed lately that my hard drive light is on constantly. I've done a virus scan, even on the boot sector. No virus, but what would cause this?

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Light Blue Bits Dispersed

Jan 24, 2005

When I get to the Log On screen, two of the user pictures have some small light blue bits joined to their right. When the mouse moves over them, they get smaller, and when it is off, they go back to their original size. After logging in, this problem is continued on the desktop, where it does it around a medium sized white box in my background. It happens in any program opened up, around the top, and around the Start menu bar. After a while, Internet Explorer stops doing it, apart from on certain pages, the same each time. However, when Internet Explorer has got over the problem, any programs opened up in front of it do not have the problem, until you close or minimize Internet Explorer. It does not happen to the three other users which, on the Log On screen do not have blue bits on. The lighter bits of an image tend to get light blue bits dispersed in. Is there anything I can do? The problem started around two days ago, without any seeming action to start it.MS Paint does not stop showing blueness even with Internet Explorer open, until size of window is changed to the actual size of the canvas minus about 20 px.

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PC Running Very Slow / HD Light On Alot

Mar 20, 2007

Recently my PC has begun to run very slow. The Harddrive light is on a lot . It takes forever to boot up. It used to get to the desktop in 2 minutes. Now I can fix a pot of coffee while waiting. Here is what I have tried:

1) Defrag

2) Virus scan

3) AdAware scan

5) Spybot Search and Destroy scan

6) Scan disk

I have not added any hardware or software that would lead to this. I did install "Autoruns" to try to get an idea of what was happening. I have since deleted it.I have 1 gb of RAM, and adequate space on my 'C' drive. Task manager shows only a couple applications , but 50 processes

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Firewall Turned Off But Green Light Stays On

May 4, 2005

I shut off my firewall on my xp pro computer but when I look at the security centre, the green light is still on, indicating that the firewall is still on. This is a new computer that was set up before I got it and I know on my old one, the red light would be on when the firewall is turned off.

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Computer Frozen Activity Light Stays On

Jul 13, 2008

My computer is stuck or frozen. The activity light stays on. I have removed all fans and cleaned them, remove battery and replaced after 30 minutes, used a different battery, unplugged all cables. After trying each one, I plugged the computer in again and still activity light stays on. The moniter is black. When I turn it off and on it shows "no signal" on the screen. I also replaced the ram with two 2Gs. What do I do to stop whatever activity is going on?

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No Internet Connection / Green Light Turns Red

Dec 6, 2005

I have a laptop with XP home edition, a Netgear Wireless-g USB Adapter, and Linksys router. I just bought the adapter and the router separately recently.The problem is that I can't access the internet wirelessly. I get strong signal with green lights. But when I launch Internet Explorer, the light turns red immediately and signal drops way down. So, no internet.Then the signal comes back on strong again with green lights, and everytime I launch the Internet Explorer, the light turns red again. It is just like that, on and off (green to red and red to green), for many days now.If anybody had that problem before, please help me out with your solution. I have been reading so many posts and I am lost.

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Little Blinker Small Light - Lost Background

May 29, 2008

my eyesight just ain't what it used to be. When you type an alphabet letter or number, there's always a little blinking line after the letter, or if you want to start a new line, you would hit the "enter" key and this little blinker moves to the beginning of the next line so you'll know where the next letter you type will be. When you hit the space bar it moves one digit to the right.

My problem is that this little blinker is so small and light, it gets lost in the background. The question is, what is the name of this little blinker and how do I make it a little bigger and darker. I found the one for the mouse cursor/pointer/i-beam but can't find the name of this other blinker.

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SP2 Goes To DR Redirect And Flashes

Feb 26, 2006

When I try to go to my homepage "" it will not go. I get a flashing "DR.Redirect" and that is all it will do, sit there and flash. Also I can not go to my bank account, it will not let me log on. I can go to most everywhere else on my computer and also on the internet. Have I gotten something set wrong in my security settings or is there some type of a virus that does this. Norton Antivirus can't find any virus.

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Desktop Flashes On And Off

Apr 21, 2008

The exact same thing happened to me last week..and I combed every message board I could possibly find. I found it odd that my web-surfing was unaffected.but the symptoms were the same as what you're experiencing. None of the answers I found helped at all.

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Ipconfig Flashes Off

Apr 25, 2010

I am running windows xp. When i run ipconfig it flashes off the screen before I get a chance to read it.I clicked run - then typed cmd and got to the dos screen - then I typed ipconfig and the screen flashes off so fast I do not get a chance to read it - how do I get the dos screen to stay on?? Remember I first went to run then typed cmd then at the dos screen I typed ipconfig.I researching this problem all I get is that I should click run then type cmd then type ipconfig. I did all that but screen still flashes off.

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MS Outlook Flashes On And Off Before Can Use It

Jan 22, 2008

I have WinXP, SP2, and have been using both Outlook and Outlook Express- I used the latter when Outlook started acting up. Have tried System Restore to no avail.

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BSOD Flashes And Go Away

Sep 10, 2010

I am facing a typical problem with my XP professional 2002 SP 3.While surfing internet the BSOD suddenly appears suddenly (no particular time, may appear may not appear)and go away putting my pc to restart automatically.So I can not give you the Error code also.

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DSL And The Internet Light Start Blinking Connection Lost

Oct 9, 2006

I am using the internet and all of a sudden the DSL and the Internet light start blinking. That means I lost connection in my DSL and internet.(when the lights are solid green that means they are working and have connection) When I first bought this product like 5 months ago this didnt happen to me but its been doing this for the last month.

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Light Room 1.3 Shown Run Time Issue On Opening

Dec 28, 2007

Light room 1.3 that worked ok two weeks ago but now when I double click on the icon I get this popup Run Time Error,program ilesadobephotoshoplightroom1.3lightroom.exe. This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way contact support team for info.

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Update Silver Light / Redemption - Shutting Computer Down

Dec 28, 2008

For over a month now, my Window Update program has been firing off multiple times per day telling me there are updates to install. These updates are always SilverLight and Redemption. I run the install, it says everything was installed, but an hour of so later, it tells me there is another install, that just so happens to be the same two files. Here is another clue: If the install runs while I am shutting the computer down, it never ends installing; I have to manually reboot.

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Screen Flashes Black On And Off

Jan 20, 2007

i have an emachines m5105 laptop. i just reinstalled windows xp professional on it, went through the whole process, everything was fine. i installed windows updates, all the emachines drivers, then aol messenger, a couple of simple programs, then adobe dreamweaver, reader, the google toolbar and microsoft office (in that order). by the time i was done, the laptop screen flashes to an almost black screen, on and off, constantly. i uninstalled office and dreamweaver, since that was not happening before i installed those programs, but i'm still having the same problem.

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Starup Flashes Screen

Jul 23, 2005

After turning on the screen there is a 'fuel rod' (press f8 ) then the screen flashes 3 or 4 times before the wallpaper comes up.Is it possible to avoid those flashes?

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Screen Flashes Black On And Off

Jan 20, 2007

i have an emachines m5105 laptop. i just reinstalled windows xp professional on it, went through the whole process, everything was fine. i installed windows updates, all the emachines drivers, then aol messenger, a couple of simple programs, then adobe dreamweaver, reader, the google toolbar and microsoft office (in that order). by the time i was done, the laptop screen flashes to an almost black screen, on and off, constantly. i uninstalled office and dreamweaver, since that was not happening before i installed those programs, but i'm still having the same problem.

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Blue Screen Flashes Right Before Win Welcome

Mar 1, 2008

I have about 1 and half year old PC and i had electricity problems in whole house, and while the PC was turned on, the electricity gone. After it got back i boot up my PC and from nowhere right before windows loading screen (WELCOME) it gives just for a half second or less some weird blue screen...I can log on to windows everything works but just that screen a bit worries me that might something happened. I tried to go to Safe Mode but while im pressing F8 i just get to select what to boot LOL.I hope anyone will read this message and write an advice or oppinion or something what might happen and if it is possible some solution.

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