Cannot Find Autocheck.exe - Not Changed Anything

Jun 19, 2005

I have not made any changes to my system last weekend I could not get my pc to shutdown. I finally got it to reboot, but now I get a blue screen with the message "cannot find autocheck.exe". The cystem continues to cycle trying to boot or just shuts down. When i try booting using the windows XP disk, the same thing happens; as soon as it tries to load windows, it gets stuck in a boot up cycle or shuts down

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Screwed Up My - Autocheck Not Found

Oct 4, 2008

I recently screwed up my computer by running a crappy reg-edit program which deleted a bunch of important registry and I started to get messages asking me to insert XP SP3 CD to install the files but I didnt have one so I tried rebooting. Upon rebooting I got a black screen saying "ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupted please reinstall ntoskrn.exe" In my panic state I used my XP recovery disks but they just installed another version of windows on my HD. So I used my XP install CD to get into the recovery console and I copied over the files from the CD to my HD.

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Boots As Far As Autocheck - Says Its Missing It

Sep 1, 2010

then flashes a screen too fast to read then reboots. the original system had boot issues after I used partition software to move to a bigger drive. I messes it up more using "r"repair console to replace mbr. xp setup disk doesn't see the system so it doesn't offer the repair option only the install one. If I slave it to another master WD hard drive with xp and assign it a drive letter I can see the the total contents so it's still all there just can't boot in

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Autocheck & PerfectDisk Work Together?

Oct 18, 2004

Autocheck always runs at boot.  Only if it detects that the dirty bit has been set on a partition (indicating an abnormal shutdown of the system OR that the file system has detected an inconsistency during normal operation and automatically scheduled chkdsk to run) will it actually run CHKDSK on the indicated partitions. Chkdsk as run by Autocheck does not do as comprehensive a repair as chkdsk /r.PerfectDisk is first in the bootexecute list.  When the system boots, here's what happens:- PD's boot time defrag code runs.- It looks to see if it is even supposed to run.  If not, it exits.- It checks to see if the dirty bit has been set - if so, it exits to let CHKDSK run.

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Autocheck.exe Not Found - Very Slow System

Aug 27, 2007

my computer has been operating very slowly lately, and my computer protection software (Defender Pro 5 in 1) detected an apparently infected driver. The notification said that the driver was infected by an email virus and it recommended deleting the driver. Thinking that it couldn't cause much harm, I took the recommendation and deleted the driver. The next time I started my computer, it seemed to boot normally: it showed the normal XP home edition loading screen, then it showed the blue screen of death! The screen said something like "autocheck.exe not found. Skipping autocheck."

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Autoprogram Not Found Skipping Autocheck

Jan 22, 2010

Hello, when I start up my loptap, I get this message (autoprogram no found skipping autocheck)and then nothing comes on the screen. It looks like it turns off by it self.

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Autocheck Endless Loop - Tried Most Advice

Apr 22, 2008

the latest victim of the autochck not found rebooting cycle. I've been thru the forums looking for a solution. this link

provided some good info however generally the point is being missed. You cannot get into the registry to modify any autochk values.

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Changed From A Dial-up Connection To Cable: Search Engines Changed?

Mar 1, 2005

I changed from a dial-up connection to cable (Road Runner). Since then, my search engines have changed (when I search from the IE address bar, it uses MSN search now), and many pages that load, although faster, have the message "error on page" at the bottom. Outlook Express became my default email with the Road Runner email address, but most of the time it does not respond. Also, several games are slow to respond or do not respond at all (specifically CSI games and Hunting Unlimited). I run adaware and spybot at least once a week if not more, and defrag regularly. Are there extra precautions I should take with a cable connection?

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OODBS Program Not Found -skipping Autocheck

Mar 18, 2007


OS::: XP w/ SP2

I am having a problem.

I installed a trial version of Diskeeper (DK) two months ago� used the program with good results, let it expire, & eventually uninstalled it

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OODBS Program Not Found - Skipping Autocheck

Aug 16, 2007

When I turn on my computer, before the login screen a blue screen comes up that says:

"OODBS Program not found - skipping autocheck"

Then It goes to the login screen and It works fine. How do I remove this error?

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Ls Delete Program Not Found - Skipping AUTOCHECK

Sep 22, 2007

I have an error message on startup (XP home) which reads: "lsdelete program not found - skipping AUTOCHECK". ~~
I follow this method

I reboot the computer but still SAY:lsdelete program not found - skipping.

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Auto Check Program Not Found-skipping Autocheck

Mar 13, 2005

I seemed to have run into a problem. I'm running xp pro w/ sp2. I usually keep my computer on all the time but yesterday I turned it off. When I turned it back on this morning, I got a message "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem". I followed some advise online which told me to use the recovery option using my win xp cd. When I rebooted it seemed to work ok but then came another message, "Autochk program not found- skipping Autocheck" then it reboots. It keeps doing this over and over again. I found some more advise online which told me to copy the program from my win xp cd to the harddrive using the recovery option.

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Autochk Program Not Found - Skipping AUTOCHECK And C0000218 Bsod In Recovery?

May 20, 2008

I tried to log on to the internet (dial-up). The dialer panel came up, I hit dial, and it closed. I tried again with the same result. I restarted hoping it woud fix it. It got the the Windows XP loading screen, then went to a light blue screen w/ dark blue bars at the top and bottom (the new bsod) and displayed two messages that said the same thing: autochk program not found - skipping AUTOCHECK After about five seconds the computer reboots and repeats the process.

After the BIOS boot and before the Windows XP load screen, there is a recovery option. I tried this and got into the Gateway System Recovery. It says "Starting Recovery..." with a progress bar and then goes to this BSOD: STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure The registry cannot load the hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSECURITY or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. At this point the screen just stays there and the computer responds to nothing but the power button.

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Can't Find Missing Harddrive - Find Access To Drive

Aug 28, 2005

recently we had power failure and when I turned my computer back on, my bios came up.I tryed to exit out but some how disconnected or turned off my second hard drive and can not get it to go in the active state again, how do I check for the missing letter E that the drive is on orfind access to this drive

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How To Find The Find The IP Address On Computer

Feb 16, 2005

How do you find the IP address on a computer and how do you keep it safe from others accessing this information on your computer?

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.exe Files All Changed To .lnk .exe Won't Run

Dec 5, 2005

all of my .exe files have become unexecutable and are now all .lnk ran a virus scan off of the cd and it came up with nothing, read some forums and thought it might be a registry problem so i tried the registry fixes off of

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Net Framework V1.1 Changed LOG OFF

May 11, 2005

Microsoft's .Net Framework v1.1 changes the user's logon and shutdown method (due to the installation of ASP.NET and sets up an additional user account).I'm aware of how to change the logon annoyance so that process skips the password check and goes straight into the Windows XP Professional SP1 desktop. It's the "shutdown" method I'm referring.Net Framework has created a very annoying "dropdown" menu option list when you want to restart, logoff, shutdown, etc., instead of the Windows XP simple 3-choice icon option which is in plain sight after you select Start/Turn Off Computer. Does anyone have a fix as to how to return to the original way of shutting down prior to .Net Framework's tampering?

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IP Address Has Changed

Jan 13, 2007

So I downloaded this program to mask my IP adress called Hide IP Platinum 3.31.I have now unstalled the program, deleted all cookies and scanned for spyware.But my PC keeps showing with an IP address from Saudi Arabia.How can I get my IP adress back.I have a 2nd computer on my network, I never installed anything on it, and that one is working fine

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My Drive Letter Changed To F

Sep 2, 2006

I have a Dell Pentium 4 computer that has it's C: drive changed to the drive letter F: which causes some problems for me. I would like to know how I can change it back to C: without reloading my OS.

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PF File Extension Changed.

Apr 15, 2008

About two day's ago I looked in the PF folder in my machine and as usual the PF's were .txt (except the Layout.ini, of course). But just now I happened to take a look at them and noticed that they have all changed to .pdf in some way. e.g. if I recall correctly an AVG Free file would be [something like] AVG75Free.txt but now it is and when I attempt to open it I get an error saying:Adobe Reader cannot open because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example if was sent as an email attachment and hasn't correctly decoded).My default pdf reader is Foxit. And the proficiency with which files/programs are opened does not seem to have been retarded.I don't recall doing anything that I believe may have caused this. And the only thing I have downloaded since last looking in the PF folder is TweakUI. Could the cause simply be a matter of non-intelligent design?

System backups are of no help as I apparently deleted any such when I cleaned house yesterday. The closest I have come to fixing the problem is to change the file type in Folder Options to Text Document using the TXT file extension which places the Notepad icon on the PF files (even after restart) instead of the usual [plain] text doc icon. But the PF files are now otherwise building and opening properly. Is having the Notepad icon on the PF files a problem? Complete AVGFree a/s and AVGFree a/v scans with current updates indicate no problems. I am using XP Home SP2 with all critical updates.

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Ctr Alt Delete Changed The User Name

May 1, 2007

A Friend of mine has recently broken up with his wife, And when he does Ctrl-Alt-Del, It say's his Wife's name in the "User Name" collumb, But this happens when he is on his part of the computer.

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Format Changed From Ntfs To Fat ?

May 20, 2006

I recently upgraded the hard drive on a pc that I had built and I am sure when I installed windows it was formatted with ntfs, when I installed and cloned to the new drive I noticed it was fat 32, is it possible for windows to change its format?

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Drive Letters Changed

Feb 15, 2008

After a reconfiguration of boot loader in suse Linux two of my drives swapped their drive letters in WINDOWS XP SP2 (weird) now i can not reassign the drive letters as the disk management utility in control panel fails to start and gives error " service execution failed".so can u suggest any third party windows based software for achieving the task i have searched the internet and found nothing

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Icons Of Files On CD / DVD Changed

Apr 16, 2008

I installed XP Home clean from scratch; updated to the latest SP and patches, including WMP 11 and IE7. Ever since then the icons of all files on CD/DVD is changed to HTM ones:It does not happen in other folders or flash drives; only CDs/DVDs, any CDs/DVDs. I'm at my wits end as to how to resolve this. Clicking on the files however launches the appropriate application associated with the particular file type.

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Way To Report What Files Have Been Changed

Aug 17, 2005

I want to do some sort of auditing of our network with regards to what files have been deleted / moved / added over a given period.Can I somehow keep a synchronised copy on another server and then once a week run a job to synchronise the two folders (one way synchronisation from Server1 to Server2- not vice versa). I would at the same time like to get a report showing what changed from one week to the other, clear as mud.

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Drive Letters All Changed Around

Jun 8, 2005

I recently did a format/reinstall of XP and I've found that my drive letter's have changed. It is set up in the following way:What I want to do is make the HD (personal) D:, the way it was before the format. Now I've gone to START->PROGRAMS->ADMIN TOOLS->CPU MANAGEMENT->Disk Management but I can only change the letters of my harddisks and the external drive there, and D isn't an option for the second HD (second partition, technically); presumable because the DVD-RW is using that letter.

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Shell32.dll Is Changed To Sxell32.dll

Jul 12, 2010

i have shell32.dll problems. After my pc (used winxp ) has been attacked by virus (mgy.exe), there was changed shell32.dll to sxell32.dll. And , all applications are empty in start menu > Programs. And , all icons are changed. All my data lost in drive D: and E: There was name.exe file ( eg. photo1 is my file name, it changed photo1.exe, photo1.exe.exe, photo1.exe.exe.exe, photo1.exe.exe.exe.exe, photo1.exe.exe.exe.exe.exe, photo1.exe.exe.exe.exe.exe.exe ) with 15.6 MB size of each files. how can i do this problems and can i get my data file.

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Restore Desktop Changed

Jan 31, 2005

Is there a way to restore a desktop ?I tried to restore using the System Restore Program in XP Pro but this is a entirely different desktop, it seems 90% or more of my former icons have disappeared forever ?

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Tool Bar On Internet Changed

Mar 29, 2007

my computer suddenly went to large icons (which I fixed) and the tool bar on the internet changed. The icons on the tool bar are on the left and the menu is on the right. I would like to move the menu to the left side but it wil not move and cannot be modified. Is there any way to fix thi and allow changes?

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Theme Has Changed To Classic

Aug 20, 2005

Out of the blue my XP theme has changed to Classic.but only for Startup and
Shutdown.All else remains XP theme

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Buttons Changed Performing

Oct 6, 2007

Rebooted the pc with the discs and now the @ button is number 2 .it shows the @ button middle row of letters where it always was . how do i change it back .

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