Way To Report What Files Have Been Changed

Aug 17, 2005

I want to do some sort of auditing of our network with regards to what files have been deleted / moved / added over a given period.Can I somehow keep a synchronised copy on another server and then once a week run a job to synchronise the two folders (one way synchronisation from Server1 to Server2- not vice versa). I would at the same time like to get a report showing what changed from one week to the other, clear as mud.

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.exe Files All Changed To .lnk .exe Won't Run

Dec 5, 2005

all of my .exe files have become unexecutable and are now all .lnk ran a virus scan off of the cd and it came up with nothing, read some forums and thought it might be a registry problem so i tried the registry fixes off of dougknox.com...

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Icons Of Files On CD / DVD Changed

Apr 16, 2008

I installed XP Home clean from scratch; updated to the latest SP and patches, including WMP 11 and IE7. Ever since then the icons of all files on CD/DVD is changed to HTM ones:It does not happen in other folders or flash drives; only CDs/DVDs, any CDs/DVDs. I'm at my wits end as to how to resolve this. Clicking on the files however launches the appropriate application associated with the particular file type.

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Message - Files Had Been Changed

Jul 24, 2005

I've been working on a Dell computer for several days. Initially the computer had a spyware infection. While cleaning it up I got a message telling me some windows files had been changed and i needed to insert the Windows XP CD to restore them. Soon aftewards I got a message on reboot saying Windows had recovered from a corrupt registry. I was going to do a SFC /scannow, but at some point I was no longer able to reboot. I did a repair install at the 2nd prompt. Later when reinstalling SP2, the installation failed somewhere, and Windows automatically removed a portion of SP2.

This condition was totally unstable. Next, I did a quick reformat and fresh install. Everything seemed better until the old message came back, "Windows recovered from a corrupt registry..." on a reboot after installing SP2 or one of the other critical updates. Soon I was no longer able to log on to Windows at all...no user names appeared in the logon screen...hit CTRL + ALT + DEL twice and the old Windows 2000 sytle logon box appeared, but Windows refused to let me logon under Administrator or the user name set up with blank passwords. I ran the Maxtor iagnostics test from floppy, and it found no problems with the hard drive. I ran Windows Memory Diagnostics all night, but it found no errors. Right now I am doing a complete reformat and reinstall and hoping for the best.

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Cannot Open ANY Files Icons Changed

Jun 10, 2006

Getting quite desperate for help now as i do not have my XP cd to reinstall and my System Restore doesnt get rid of the .lnk files! Basically i booted my pc this morning and an error message came up for ALL of my programs stating: 'Windows cannot open this file'.To open this file, Windows needs to know which program created it.Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs on your computer.What do you want to do? Ive tried start, run, and various prompts suggested on other forums and it gives the same message WHATEVER i type in here! I can still access the net but thats about all.

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Changed Administrator / All Data Files Now Gone

Oct 1, 2007

I think I just made a terrible mistake, but perhaps someone can help me recover? I had been running my computer just as the default 'Administrator' for awhile and finally decided that I would set up an account and rename my computer to something meaningful. I set up a new administrator account, but now all the files, etc that I had been using are gone. Are they really gone, or can I just not see them for some reason? There was no warning about files being deleted, etc, but after the reboot it's as if I just took the machine out of the box. Only the software is still visible, none of the files that I had saved to the hard drive. I am running Windows XP. I tried system restore, but after running it says that nothing has changed since the restore point from several days ago. Can anyone help with this? It seems surprising that all of this info would be automatically deleted, but I sure can't find it.

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Files And Folders View Changed

Aug 13, 2005

When I open files and folders I no longer have the tasks and links to perform certain functions displayed to the far left of the file folder. Instead, now I have two panes--a panel which displays all folders, drives, etc. on the left-hand side and the individual files and folders listed on the right-hand side. What happened? I'm using Windows XP SP2.

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Backup Changed Files To 3rd Directory?

Feb 3, 2006

I'm trying to set up a backup system where I copy changed files to a zip file or directory outside of the regular backup set.In other words,And that would replace anything in D that had been changed in C. Great.But what if I want to save those changed files in C to echanged/%date%? I can't see a way to do this with Robocopy.And in case it isn't obvious, the advantage of using this method is you get redundant backups using much less space. In my experience backups are used more often to recover corrupted files than corrupted harddrives. And the problem with simply mirroring a drive is if the backup runs after the corruption, your backup is now corrupted too. And I know I could keep multiple sets of the whole backup, but that takes mucho space.

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Changed A Few File Types / Files Don't Work

May 29, 2005

I am having 2 problems. My boyfriend changed a few file types and named a program to open them. (One was Sims2 Pack files) now the files don't work. How does one change them back, when one doesn't know what opened them in the first place? Also I have some DOOZIES of virus/and or/spystuff. (One of the things is a red ball with an x in it, that sits in my systray. I found out that it is impossible to clean (ie format) my C: partition.

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Accidentally Changed Hidden And Read Only Files

Nov 16, 2008

I was trying to find any Hidden Folders inside the "Desktop" folder, so I went to Properties and clicked on Hidden, thinking that would show hidden files, obviosly I was wrong. I then unchecked it. Both times a small window opened and you could see files being changed i assumed. Then I tried unchecking Read Only. But this time when the small window was up and the files were changing, I got a messege box asking if I wanted to change 3 files. I clicked Yes. I didnt find what I was looking for and rechecked the Read Only box since that was the way I found it. Now I have some problems (Im sure alot of you are shaking your head at me, i dont blame you). When I try to open Mozilla Thunderbird to check out Email, i get an error that says our disk my be full or close to full and that there is a security issue, to conact our IT professional. Now that wasnt word for word, but close. Its the same with a few other Applications. Is there any way to fix this? I am thinking I will need to reinstall XP Home again.

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Changed Account To Admin And Lost All Files

Apr 5, 2010

I was hoping someone could help me out with this.I recently changed my account privelieges to be an administrator and after a few hiccups logging in, i finally logged into a new screen and layout but lost all my files - everything from music to Word documents and pictures.

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Dell E520 Changed Desktop Deleted Folders Files

Aug 23, 2009

After putting Dell E520 in sleep mode for a day. upon restart logged in and a desktop came up that looked like a default dell set-up some program icons were there but my desktop image was not. No folders. Nothing I had customized for me was there.It was as if all files and folders I created or saved were deleted with no trace left behind.went into BIOS cked around everything looked o.k then shut down and started up same thing again. After doing this twice Started up again and logging in normally Everything came back up all folders and files , my desktop image everything as I had left it 2 days ago , totally strange.

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Drive Encyption And Paging File/Temp Files Changed By Itself?

Jan 9, 2007

I am trialing drive encryption (TrueCrypt) and have created an encrypted D drive. I set my paging file to exist on the D drive so it is also encrypted and therefore safe and done the same with the temp directories.The problem is the screen goes all funny at boot time (splits into 4 sqiggly screens) and then comes up. It was unable to create the pagefile as there is not yet a d drive.

You have to use truecrypt to make the d drive by putting in the password, which makes sense since that's what keeps the data safe.The temp directories are used after the d drive becomes available but the pagefile.sys is not created or used that I can tell. This is a problem because either it means I have to keep the pagefile on the unencrypted C drive which is a security risk or I have to do without a pagefile entirely.

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Changed From A Dial-up Connection To Cable: Search Engines Changed?

Mar 1, 2005

I changed from a dial-up connection to cable (Road Runner). Since then, my search engines have changed (when I search from the IE address bar, it uses MSN search now), and many pages that load, although faster, have the message "error on page" at the bottom. Outlook Express became my default email with the Road Runner email address, but most of the time it does not respond. Also, several games are slow to respond or do not respond at all (specifically CSI games and Hunting Unlimited). I run adaware and spybot at least once a week if not more, and defrag regularly. Are there extra precautions I should take with a cable connection?

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Particular Project - Report Box Pops Up

May 22, 2007

I downloaded windows live for a particular project I am working but everytime I exit the program my computer reboots and when it starts up the microsoft error report box pops up.

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IE SP1 Report Services As Missing

Apr 26, 2007

Just wondering if anyone knows why hijackthis reports many services as missing? When they are loaded and present (as far as I can tell) This is Windows XP x64

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 , Scan saved at 7:03:25 AM, on 4/26/2007, Platform: Windows 2003 SP2 (WinNT 5.02.3790) , MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.3790.1830)

Running processes:
C:Program Files (x86)Spybot - Search & DestroyTeaTimer.exe
C:Program Files (x86)McAfeeCommon FrameworkFrameworkService.exe
C:Program Files (x86)McAfeeCommon FrameworkUdaterUI.exe.....

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Constant Error Report

Jan 6, 2005

I am a little stumped by this error that came into Tech Support. One of our end users emailed us and stated that he keeps getting windows errors and then of course XP prepares a Error Report to send to Microsoft .I have done an extensive search about the problem on the internet and find this issue a lot. I have just never seen a successful resolution. Some say it is video driver issues, some say spyware. I am not going to sit and guess as what it is. I figured I would ask everyone here at this board and see what I came up with.

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Windows XP ChkDsk Report (log File)

Jun 4, 2008

Tonight I scanned my HDD using CHKDSK /r to rectify any errors which I'm sure are present. When it ended after about 2 hours, the result flashed on the screen SO fast and proceeded to reboot. I can't seem to find the report anywhere in the computer!! Does anyone know the log-file name and how and where to find this report (log file)?
I'm using Windows XP Home (with SP2).

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Clicking The History: Asking To Report To Microsoft?

Apr 11, 2005

I am running XP Home. When I go to windows explorer every thing works OK with the exception of when I click on the history folder. Then I get an error message asking if I want to send the error to Microsoft. I have tried to click �send� and the whole PC freezes until I hit control-alt-delete and hit end task. I have run anti virus and spyware with no negative results.

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System Recovered From Serious Error Report

Jun 6, 2005

On Saturday I got the first of these. I was on the internet, pressed the back key and the computer shut down without warning of any kind. It was slow to boot back up which it did of its own accord. Then displayed this message, "The system has recovered from a serious error."

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Error - And Asks Me To Send A Report

Oct 9, 2006

I am not a newb with windows XP SP2 but this is starting to really annoy me First Generic Host Prosses 32 has an error and asks me to send a error report then My sound cuts out and when i go into Sounds and Audio Devices my soundcard isent there it says i have none and i to reboot This just started happening and its a clean install of windows.

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Create Report Of All Documents And Their Properties

Jul 30, 2007

I need to create a report of all documents and their properties. For example, I want to make a file that lists all of the Word documents on my system, when each was created, when each was last accessed.

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False Report Of Disk Space Used

Jan 23, 2008

I dragged a number of files to my cd-rw disk, using windows disk copying/burning utility. I can access them just fine, but when I use properties to see how much space I have left on the CD It shows the cd almost empty yet one file alone is more than 6 mbs in size. It seems I am getting a false reading. Does anyone know why or what I can do about it.

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Biting The Bullet - Belarc Report

Jul 20, 2005

Is this possible without excessive expense?I'm thinking of changing my aged Asus A7V266E m/b to a more up-to-date model, BUT want to use existing processor (AMD Athlon 1800+11.5 x 133, Socket A) and graphics card (NVidea GeForce 2 MX400) with existing memory 1 x 256, 1 x 512 DDR SDRAM) - i.e not spend anything more except the board.Belarc report on existing system is below.

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Starting IE7 Ends Up With Error Report

Feb 7, 2008

Recently , even after a morning start up, IE7 fails to view and an error box pops ups. The one that asks you if you want to send an error report. If I restart again it's 50/50 to get to see IE7 working. Not sure if this is related, but in the evnet viewer I've noticed event ID's 1000 & 1001 are listed in the same times that this happens

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Can't Install Net Framework 1.1 Update - Failure Report

Jun 21, 2006

My automatic updater keeps telling me I need to install the latest security update for Net Framework 1.1. I've tried a number of times and always get a failure report. The logs say Ox643 is the error code. Looking this up on the MS site was no help. Any ideas about how to get past this? I really don't need Net Framework ( I think), so would un-installing it be an option to remove the nuisance reminders about updating it?

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Eliminating Squid Analysis Report Generator

Aug 24, 2007

I use firefox and down at bottom of screen just above taskbar there is another bar and when you put a url in the address bar up on top well in this bar above the task bar it says searching for and while it says this it shows that other urls are being searched at the same time. Way to the right of this is the little box with the green marks that show how fast it is loading. Well it takes forever to load a web page. For example the last time i just searched for a web page these came up---looking up wrapper. ign.com, looking up atax.ign.com, looking up ads.ign. com. I put one of these into google and there is something about squid analysis report generator which apparently tells the whole world where i go on the web.

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Send Error Report To Microsoft Then Rebooted

Dec 13, 2008

Booted my computer this morning and had two error messages; send a report to Microsoft (which usually never do) then rebooted. Now I have lost my active desk top and can not re-activate. Do I have a virus?

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Beeping Sounds And Event Viwer Report

Jun 9, 2005

I have read various submissions regrding the beeping sounds being made within various tower units. My issue goes along the same line but the symptoms are different.yes the beeping starts at start-up. After I have signed in with the password/ sign-in name.But the beeping is not constant. It is erratic at times. Low piches and High pitches. Sometimes at the same time and others slow and fast. The beeping happens when I start some programs but is not specifically related.And the beeping happens at any time from start up right through the use and until shut down. And times where no sound is heard for long periods.In one of the members comments was mention of the 'Event Viewer' report.

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Malicious Software Removal Tool Does It Report Finds?

Dec 20, 2007

Ive been told that the monthly tool doesn report if it finds OR removes anything is this true

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Internet Explorer Needs To Close : Huge Error Report

Jul 6, 2005

Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close I get this dozens of times a day and do not know why it keeps happening. I looked at the error report details which was huge and indecipherable and it said the following will be included in the report

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