Windows XP ChkDsk Report (log File)

Jun 4, 2008

Tonight I scanned my HDD using CHKDSK /r to rectify any errors which I'm sure are present. When it ended after about 2 hours, the result flashed on the screen SO fast and proceeded to reboot. I can't seem to find the report anywhere in the computer!! Does anyone know the log-file name and how and where to find this report (log file)?
I'm using Windows XP Home (with SP2).

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Making CHKDSK Log To A File?

Jun 10, 2008

Is there a way to make CHKDSK /R log to a file AND still be able to see the output in the DOS box?
If so, how?

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Chkdsk Log File Location

Sep 30, 2004

Does anyone know the location AND exact name of the
Windows XP Home Chkdsk log file?

If one does not get created automatically (when executing
chkdsk c: /F), can I specify to pipe it to a file ? I
will be running this upon bootup , when I restart my

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CHKDSK Changes File Extension

May 1, 2009

So chkdsk ran on my camera's memory card and now all my .JPG pictures now have .CHK as the file extension. If I manually change .CHK back to .JPG, my pictures are back to normal. The problem is is that I now have about 1,200 .CHK files to change back to .JPG. Is there a program that will mass edit file extensions for me?

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Click On File Show Send Report Without Send Buttons

Feb 23, 2007

I am in a bad bad situation. Whenever I go to my computer/win explorer and try to right click on any item, i get an error in Windows Explorer with the send report and dont send option buttons. Im not able to do many things due to that. and this is not a virus or something I guess because I have a good AV software and I was using my PC throughout till yesterday evening when I shifted it from 1 room to another. And thats when it happened for the first time.

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The File Or Directory C: Is Corrupt And Unreadable / Run Chkdsk Utility?

Mar 30, 2005

I dont know when it started, but almost exactly after a week or so of me using this machine, it comes up with a The File or Directory C: is corrupt and unreadable. Please Run the Chkdsk Utility. error.I always try and run checkdisk, but then it comes up with the exact same error trying to load Checkdisk.
I end up Reformatting, and reloading everything, and then almost Exactly, The Same thing happens in a week... or just under. (its been 6 days now i think since the last time)

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"The File Or Directory Is Corrupt And Unreadable. Please Run The Chkdsk Utility. !!! Error

Nov 21, 2007

I have a Pentium 4, Windows XP Home Edition and this problem is driving me mad. My pc says dskchkr.exe - application error. When I try to run diskchecker it says "it is unable to run in autofix mode because volume c: is in use by another application" and asks if i want to schedule it to run on startup. It will not run on startup. I also have had this message onscreen "The file or directory is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the chkdsk utility. !!!
I have taken Macafee off my pc (or I HOPE so), and now I have NO diskchecker on AT ALL. I think I have some programs on which I thought I had removed but I cant get rid of them all without paying. Im losing my mind !!!!

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Double Clicking The Actual File - "windows Cannot Find File File Name.exe"

Sep 19, 2005

When double clicking the actual file, Windows reports "windows cannot find file ... <file name.exe>"

This is only SOME exe's. Particularly, older programs. Word, excel, WordPerfect all work. Older apps don't.

I've tried the exe fixes on site and kelly's corner XP fix.

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Way To Report What Files Have Been Changed

Aug 17, 2005

I want to do some sort of auditing of our network with regards to what files have been deleted / moved / added over a given period.Can I somehow keep a synchronised copy on another server and then once a week run a job to synchronise the two folders (one way synchronisation from Server1 to Server2- not vice versa). I would at the same time like to get a report showing what changed from one week to the other, clear as mud.

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Particular Project - Report Box Pops Up

May 22, 2007

I downloaded windows live for a particular project I am working but everytime I exit the program my computer reboots and when it starts up the microsoft error report box pops up.

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IE SP1 Report Services As Missing

Apr 26, 2007

Just wondering if anyone knows why hijackthis reports many services as missing? When they are loaded and present (as far as I can tell) This is Windows XP x64

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 , Scan saved at 7:03:25 AM, on 4/26/2007, Platform: Windows 2003 SP2 (WinNT 5.02.3790) , MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.3790.1830)

Running processes:
C:Program Files (x86)Spybot - Search & DestroyTeaTimer.exe
C:Program Files (x86)McAfeeCommon FrameworkFrameworkService.exe
C:Program Files (x86)McAfeeCommon FrameworkUdaterUI.exe.....

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Constant Error Report

Jan 6, 2005

I am a little stumped by this error that came into Tech Support. One of our end users emailed us and stated that he keeps getting windows errors and then of course XP prepares a Error Report to send to Microsoft .I have done an extensive search about the problem on the internet and find this issue a lot. I have just never seen a successful resolution. Some say it is video driver issues, some say spyware. I am not going to sit and guess as what it is. I figured I would ask everyone here at this board and see what I came up with.

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Clicking The History: Asking To Report To Microsoft?

Apr 11, 2005

I am running XP Home. When I go to windows explorer every thing works OK with the exception of when I click on the history folder. Then I get an error message asking if I want to send the error to Microsoft. I have tried to click �send� and the whole PC freezes until I hit control-alt-delete and hit end task. I have run anti virus and spyware with no negative results.

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System Recovered From Serious Error Report

Jun 6, 2005

On Saturday I got the first of these. I was on the internet, pressed the back key and the computer shut down without warning of any kind. It was slow to boot back up which it did of its own accord. Then displayed this message, "The system has recovered from a serious error."

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Error - And Asks Me To Send A Report

Oct 9, 2006

I am not a newb with windows XP SP2 but this is starting to really annoy me First Generic Host Prosses 32 has an error and asks me to send a error report then My sound cuts out and when i go into Sounds and Audio Devices my soundcard isent there it says i have none and i to reboot This just started happening and its a clean install of windows.

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Create Report Of All Documents And Their Properties

Jul 30, 2007

I need to create a report of all documents and their properties. For example, I want to make a file that lists all of the Word documents on my system, when each was created, when each was last accessed.

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False Report Of Disk Space Used

Jan 23, 2008

I dragged a number of files to my cd-rw disk, using windows disk copying/burning utility. I can access them just fine, but when I use properties to see how much space I have left on the CD It shows the cd almost empty yet one file alone is more than 6 mbs in size. It seems I am getting a false reading. Does anyone know why or what I can do about it.

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Biting The Bullet - Belarc Report

Jul 20, 2005

Is this possible without excessive expense?I'm thinking of changing my aged Asus A7V266E m/b to a more up-to-date model, BUT want to use existing processor (AMD Athlon 1800+11.5 x 133, Socket A) and graphics card (NVidea GeForce 2 MX400) with existing memory 1 x 256, 1 x 512 DDR SDRAM) - i.e not spend anything more except the board.Belarc report on existing system is below.

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Starting IE7 Ends Up With Error Report

Feb 7, 2008

Recently , even after a morning start up, IE7 fails to view and an error box pops ups. The one that asks you if you want to send an error report. If I restart again it's 50/50 to get to see IE7 working. Not sure if this is related, but in the evnet viewer I've noticed event ID's 1000 & 1001 are listed in the same times that this happens

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Can't Install Net Framework 1.1 Update - Failure Report

Jun 21, 2006

My automatic updater keeps telling me I need to install the latest security update for Net Framework 1.1. I've tried a number of times and always get a failure report. The logs say Ox643 is the error code. Looking this up on the MS site was no help. Any ideas about how to get past this? I really don't need Net Framework ( I think), so would un-installing it be an option to remove the nuisance reminders about updating it?

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Eliminating Squid Analysis Report Generator

Aug 24, 2007

I use firefox and down at bottom of screen just above taskbar there is another bar and when you put a url in the address bar up on top well in this bar above the task bar it says searching for and while it says this it shows that other urls are being searched at the same time. Way to the right of this is the little box with the green marks that show how fast it is loading. Well it takes forever to load a web page. For example the last time i just searched for a web page these came up---looking up wrapper., looking up, looking up ads.ign. com. I put one of these into google and there is something about squid analysis report generator which apparently tells the whole world where i go on the web.

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Send Error Report To Microsoft Then Rebooted

Dec 13, 2008

Booted my computer this morning and had two error messages; send a report to Microsoft (which usually never do) then rebooted. Now I have lost my active desk top and can not re-activate. Do I have a virus?

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Beeping Sounds And Event Viwer Report

Jun 9, 2005

I have read various submissions regrding the beeping sounds being made within various tower units. My issue goes along the same line but the symptoms are different.yes the beeping starts at start-up. After I have signed in with the password/ sign-in name.But the beeping is not constant. It is erratic at times. Low piches and High pitches. Sometimes at the same time and others slow and fast. The beeping happens when I start some programs but is not specifically related.And the beeping happens at any time from start up right through the use and until shut down. And times where no sound is heard for long periods.In one of the members comments was mention of the 'Event Viewer' report.

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Malicious Software Removal Tool Does It Report Finds?

Dec 20, 2007

Ive been told that the monthly tool doesn report if it finds OR removes anything is this true

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Internet Explorer Needs To Close : Huge Error Report

Jul 6, 2005

Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close I get this dozens of times a day and do not know why it keeps happening. I looked at the error report details which was huge and indecipherable and it said the following will be included in the report

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Open Outlook Express 6 (email) - Send Error Report

Mar 24, 2008

Windows XP totally up to date. I think. When I open Outlook Express {email} I keep getting messages that "Outlook Express has encountered a problem and needs to close".....and it does close when I click on send error report. At times when it does work for awhile, when I click to delete a email, that email won't show as deleted from inbox, but when I then go to the deleted folder it shows up there....checking back at the inbox the email is now gone from the inbox.

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Doesn't Report Correct Free Space After Failed Cut-paste Job

Aug 11, 2008

Tried to cut-paste a 900 mb file from hard disk to a pen drive. The operation failed. And now, though the file is nowhere on the hard disk, XP doesn't recognise that those 900 mb are supposed to be free. Of course, I've learnt my lesson. Copy-paste is kosher, cut-paste is evil. All the same, any idea how I can get those 900 mb back? I hope I can avoid formatting. It's simply dreadful to begin installing everythign from scratch.

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Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr.exe) Wont Run / Option To Send Error Report?

Feb 21, 2006

I am running XP SP2 and when I try to run Disk Cleanup (from menu or command prompt) I immediately get a popup telling me "Disk Space Cleanup Manager for Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close" with the option to send and error report to Microsoft. This started happening after I added additional memory to my PC. I am not having any problems with other programs. I successfully ran a Disk Cleanup late last week. I tried removing the VolumeCaches entry from the registry and that did not fix the problem.

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Send Error Report Message Shown When Close Internet Explorer

Jan 7, 2009

Recently, I have come across a problem in the internet Explorer of my system. After I start Internet Explorer it does not cause any problem but when I close even one Internet Explorer window it asks me if I should send the error report. Even if I say, Send Report or Don't Send,it just closes down all my Internet Explorer opened windows.

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Windows Cannot Open File

Aug 24, 2006

My folders are not the standard yellow. When I attempt to open any of the folders, I get this message,"Windows cannot find a program to open the file"

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