Bunch Of Error Logs And Uninst Folders - Very Slow Start Up

Nov 28, 2007

when I turn my computer on each day, it takes FOREVER to start WINDOWS. I get the black WINDOWS XP screen, then, the screen goes BLANK for anywhere from 3-5 minutes before it proceeds. There are a bunch of error logs and uninst folders in my WINDOWS folder on the C:| drive.....any suggestions?

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Start-up Error?/"system32/tools/del Folders.exe Not Found

May 31, 2006

whenever is start-up windows iam getting this error..i installed xp twice but no use..let me know how to overcome it..the error is below something like this but not accurate.
"system32/tools/del folders.exe not found

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A Bunch Error Messages Popped Up From Various Software

Mar 17, 2006

I use Windows 2000 professional edition.It has both service pack 4 and ws2_32 package.I was trying to install iTune.After I restarted after installation, the process stopped at a blue screen saying there is a critical error,or something like that. So I restarted computer and this time used F8 button to make it start at last known good configuration. When Windows started again, iTune finished installation. Then a bunch error messages popped up from various software's. The messages included ws2_32.dll invalid or too old, sockets initiation fail, and TCP/IP not installed. On top of that the internet stopped working. I have tried installing ws2_32 package again, but it didn't work. I am about to try reinstall service pack 4 roll up 1.

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Browse Folders/double/right Clicking And Create New Folders Very Slow?

Nov 3, 2008

Notice considerable lag when doing the following simple tasks: use the dialog boxes to browse folders (save as, etc) is slow ,double clicking my computer or any folders is slow, right click and create new folders is slow, clicking START button and going to programs is slow

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Logs In And Logs Off Immediately - Infected With Malware

Jan 8, 2009

So the desktop i think is infected with malware or something because every time i try to log in on any ones name (even in safe mode) it logs off. i tried looking at other forums but i couldn't understand what they were saying and TechGuy has never failed me before so any ideas?

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Logs On Then Immediately Logs Off - Welcome Screen Appears

Jul 31, 2005

My WinXP has gone thru a lot lately but it generally works fine.owever, after a long trip, when it was jogged around a bit, it has notbooted since. Well, it boots to the welcome screen then immediately
logs off and returns to the welcome screen.It works ok in Safe mode, per se. I tried adding a new user but that just doesn't matter.

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Logs Off And Then Immediately Logs Back Out

Aug 9, 2008

my computers busted again (and for the third time I call for help from my trusty laptop...it never seems to die whenever my desktop is in need...she's like a good neighbour...) Few days ago my ISP disconnected my internet because they found an IRC bot infecting their network. I ran my antivirus and (gasp) it found system32/virut virus, among a plethora of other files. I'm not sure how bad this virus is, or if indeed anything can be salvaged. I let the antivirus remove what it could, and rebooted my PC

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Logs Me In Then Immediately Logs Me Back Out

Nov 29, 2004

I tried cleaning up some of the spyware that is on my computer the other day. Once I had, I restarted. The welcome screen appeared, it flashed my background and then went to a welcome screen with my name on it. I click on my name, the log in music plays, my background appears and then the log out music plays and I am right back at the welcome screen with my name on it. I have tried opening in every type of safe mode and all other available options when I hit F8. I called the maker of my computer and they said it is a spyware problem

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Starts To Logs In Then Logs Off - Virus?

Feb 2, 2006

I have Windows XP with SP2, and I normally have my computer set up with one user account so that it logs in straight away. I was working on it the other day and it randomly restarted, and came up with the classic user log on screen. i.e. where you must enter your username and password, not the one where it gives you a choice of user names. Also, before it loaded this screen, it flashed an unusual blue screen momentarily. I tried to log on using my username, and it started to log me on, made the traditional windows log on noise, but the dialog bow said logging out at the bottom, which is what it did moments later and I found myself back at the classic log on screen. I have tried several times to log on, I have restarted my computer, and I have started it in safe mode and it keeps doing the same thing.

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Bunch Of "missing DLL" Error Messages

Jan 4, 2009

I installed a Windows update Upon reboot, system went into Check Disk and reported multiple errors. Once Windows loaded, a bunch of DOS shell windows began opening.Then every program he clicked gave an error message that the DLL file was missing. He has IE running and MSN Messenger; no sound.error message and then had him try to open Add/Remove Programs at the cmd prompt. It wouldn't, and the error message given was: Error in shell32.dll Missing entry: control_run.dll NOD32 system scan hung up at 20% so he gave up on that. He says his computer occasionally runs Check Disk on reboot.

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Logs Off - System Logs Off

Jul 19, 2005

I have Win XP HE and have two user accounts. When one logs off ( & if its been idle for app. 15 mins.) ..the puter locks up..This has never happened in the past. (usually after app. ten minutes the WindowsXP logo appears randomly on screen which I'm assuming is normal .When moving the mouse, the Windows sign
on screen appears.This happens sometimes).What I mean by locking up is that when we move the pointer to get to the sign on screen, the screen just becomes black

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Logs In The Instantly Logs Off

Dec 6, 2007

I go to log in on my Windows XP Home sp2 and when I log in, the background flashes then instantly logs me off. Happens in safe mode aswell as safe mode under the admin account.Ok I know alot of you have heard of this but, here is the deal, The windows xp home cd does not pick up my harddrive, I cant get signed in through normal mode aswell as safe mode, Last know config does crap, I have it hooked up to my friends pc right now and I just backed up all my important files. Nothing seems to be working, I have tried several bootable cds with registry editors in then and again none of them picked up my harddrive. So I am at a stand still! nothing seems to pick up my harddrive except plugging it into another pc.

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Slow Start Up, Internet Explorer Responding Extremely Slow?

Jul 23, 2007

Having trouble at start up, very slow and opening IE or any other program also slow.

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Folders Slow To Load In Same Window

Dec 21, 2008

I've got a Dell running Windows XP Home with a very specific but hard to search for problem:

1. Opening any folder in the same window (folder options set to 'open folder in same window') is incredibly slow (minutes) but opening any folder in a new window or setting folder options to 'open each folder in a new window' is perfectly normal.

2. Internet Explorer takes minutes to load a new page (you can see that it's loaded in the staus bar but you can hear the computer grinding for minutes until it displays the new page). Firefox is just fine.Both of these issues appeared at exactly the same time.

3. Probably unrelated but windows installer is not functional? (I haven't looked into this much yet)

Nothing unusual is running in task manager and none of the normal processes are running extra hard. I have done the basic spybot, adaware, and regfix scans with a couple files removed but none that affected this issue.

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Real SLOW Start Up, Running Slow, No Internet

May 30, 2007

computer (WinXP SP2 - 1GB RAM) just started in the last day or two to load really slow -- it takes a good half hour or more to get to the point where you can click on an icon and it takes a few minutes to open. Don't even ask about the internet. it did not download anything in the last few days and has no idea why this is happening.

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Slow Start Up, Slow Running / Long Boot Up

Oct 12, 2008

My problems are a very long boot up (go away and make a coffee length) and also slow running, especially in opening progs for the first time ie, very slow to open Word initially, then much faster opening subsequent Word files. Even so, the laptop has slowed considerably and is often hesitant.

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How Do I Add Folders To The Start Menu?

Aug 15, 2005

How can I add links like the My Documents link to my start menu for other folders that I frequent often?

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Add Folders To The Start Panel

Nov 28, 2007

I've been doing a lot of research and have yet find an answer anywhere on the web. What I want to do is add folders to my start panel where you would find My Music, My Pictures, My Documents, etc. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Very Slow To Show Up Folders & Contents In Explorer?

Feb 4, 2010

Hi everybody. Since a couples of days, when I clic on a folder into the left panel of Windows explorer, it takes really long and is Very, very slow to show up the related contained folders and/or its contents in my Windows explorer's right panel. I have a Pentium4 processor and additional 3GB of rams I also tried to adjust my PC for best performances in "advanced" Performances/properties of MY Computer.

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Opening Folders C / Back And Forth Buttons Are Slow

Jun 8, 2009

Intel Core 2 duo, E8500 3.16, 4 gb RAM. Running XP sp3 I am pretty sure that I am not lacking in power. However, I am REALLY SLOW, when opening folders, and going back and forth using the back and forth buttons in XP. I click, I get an hour glass for a seconds then it initiates. I have cleared out my Prefetch folder, changed a few registry settings, yada yada. I just cant figure it out. This is a fairly new install, just did a zero fill on my HD about a month ago.

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Opening Excel Folders On Start Up

Aug 5, 2005

Is there a way for me to auot open several excel folders automaticaly upon start up each morning?

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Explorer Running Slow: Viewing The Folders Larger?

Jul 3, 2006

When viewing folders larger than even just a few MB, it can takes minutes to load and even take forever to select an item and scroll through the folder.

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Slow Computer And Super Slow Start Up

Mar 3, 2005

Out of the blue, my computer started getting slow. Sometimes its ok, and then it will be on the verge of freezing.. then get itself back together. I realized, when I start up, it takes FOREVER. It also shows this screen I have never seen before. Its completely black, and has a line of grey rectangles from side to side. and slowly loads across. When it is finally finished 10-15 minutes it will slowly start up in regular fashion

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Slow Boot-up - Slow Application Start-ups!

Dec 6, 2007

My Toshiba Tecra laptop 8100 with XP is Slow/Slow/Slow!

When turning on, it takes 5 to 10 minutes to settle down. Once it stops grinding and I try to start any application -- such as Internet Exployer, it takes another 5 to 10 minutes. I have Nortons 360 and another anti-virus application that gives me the indication that all is O.K. How can I speed this machine up

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Slow To Start Up - Slow Opening Programs

Feb 11, 2007

I've gone through a lot of the threads in here and tried a lot of fixes, and I'm still having problems.
I have a Gateway, Windows XP laptop that's about 1 year old. A little over a week ago, it started "running slow". It's slow to start up (takes about 5-10 min), the mouse "sticks" sometimes although that is an intermittent problem, when I have multiple applications minimized (outlook express, firefox, My Documents, AIM), it's slow to toggle between them, and it's slow to open folders in My Documents.

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Cannot Access Start Menu Items - Folders

Jan 6, 2008

You see, my problem is that whenever i try to open a folder, or go to my computer or control panel my entire desktop blanks out leaving only the wallpaper and returns to the desktop with no open folder (by blanked out i mean the tool bar and icons disappear) i have no clue were to put this thread in, so im assuming it could be an operating system problem, the only way i can access folders is by using the run prompt thing, but even then i cant use the Control panel or anything, i tried Control.exe but no luck,

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Slow Right-click Menu Appearance For All Folders And Folder-shortcuts

Mar 22, 2008

Today I had uninstalled several unused programs with the Add-Remove utility of Windows XP.Then I also unchecked a few services in the 'msconfig' (System Configuration Utility) and rebooted.Now, when I right-click on any folder or folder short-cut, the menu shows up only after waiting a full 3 minutes. The mouse cursor turns into the 'busy' indication and the system freezes during that time. The same scenario happens when I try to delete any folder (or folder-shortcut) using the 'Del' key on the keyboard. There is no such issue for any of the files.I would like to know what exactly is causing this problem and how it can be resolved. My PC is working fine now otherwise, and seems much faster than it was yesterday.

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Computer Running Slow : Clicking Folders Results In Getting Properties?

Aug 5, 2007

my computer jams every now and again for a minute or 2 depending on what i do for E.g if i press ALT and TAB to quikly change wat im doing it jams. also whenever i click on something like a folder or shorcut of a program , instead of opening the file or folder the proprties come up ( this problem is now fixed but it might be a sympton of a virus or sumthing ?).i think its cuz of a file i downloaded off the internet.

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Creating Folders For Start Menu Program Shortcuts

Mar 31, 2005

I would like to organize my program shortcuts into folders in the Start, All Programs menu, but I can't find the main folder where these shortcuts are listed?

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Start Menu Expanding Options: Lots Of Folders Listed?

Apr 4, 2005

Using WinXP Home Sp2. On my start bar I have lots of folders listed, and as a result, Win shrinks the start bar down to my recently used folders. This is really annoying because I always have to click the expanding buttons at the bottom of the start menu - see bellow. Is there anyway to have the start menu contsantly expanded by default so I don't have to keep manually expanding it?

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Slow Start Up And Then After That Running Very Slow

Mar 4, 2007

I have ran all spyware-adware programs, defragged, tried everything I know.

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