Auto Install Cd Gost / Sysprep Save Images - Cast Server

May 24, 2010

Wndows XP Pro auto install cd like the OEM one that comes with our pc's, except with all our software on it ready to go. I know I can do this with Ghost and sysprep and save the images onto a hard drive and use ghost cast server to deploy. However, he wants me to make a cd of Windows to self install without the use of ghost. He thought I could make an ISO of a ghost file and that would run. I told him that would never work. Is there a way to make this work via sysprep? I have all legal licensing as this is an enterprise license.

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Can't Save Images From Internet

Nov 29, 2009

I hope i'm posting this in the correct forum. here goes. i have an acer aspire one netbook running windows xp. now, usually, i am able to go on the internet, go into my facebook or flickr account and if i want to take that photo and save it to my desktop so i can upload it to another forum or a blog, i right-click it, 'save as', and then a new window pops up and it lets me pick a folder where i want it to go. for some reason, when i right click on an image and hit 'save as', nothing happens. no window pops up. i know it's not one of those copyright/code things because i went into my own facebook account, right-clicked some photos in my own album, and it still won't let me save them into a chosen folder.

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Unable To Save Images To ".JPEG" Format?

Jul 22, 2005

I'm using Windows XP and I've just realised that recently all the pictures I've saved have been in Bitmap fromat and usually the default extension it saves to is JPEG. It doesn't even give me the JPEG option now. I have to convert all my images from Bitmap to JPEG via Paint. Coz some pictures are riduculously big on bitmap like 40MB when its 1MB on Jpeg.

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Trying To Install Printer / Rpc Server Is Unavailable Error / Won't Install

Mar 19, 2005

I'm trying to install my printer, usb, lexmark x75 all in one. When I try to install it I get a weird rpc server is unavailable error and it won't install it.

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Sysprep.exe (System Preperation) With Screenshot.

Dec 27, 2007

I had a boot issue I couldn't fix so I took it to a shop. Now whenever I boot I get a system configuration tool popping up. Saying I can factory seal, extend grace period, ect. What should I do with this. FYI: The store did re-install windows.

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Error Encountered Sysprep.inf: Disabling NetBios Over TCP/IP ?

Oct 11, 2008

I am trying to disable NetBios over tcp /ip using the sysprep.inf, it's not working, can someone take a look and tell me what I am doing wrong?. I have tried NetBiosOtions=0, and NetBiosOtions=2 and it stays at Default.

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Cannot Auto Install The Update

Mar 24, 2005

WinXP SP2 home
This system was loaded with malware such as Websearch, Wintools, Myway, and Ebates. I cleaned it out by:

1) Emptying %temp%
2) Disable System Recover
3) Reboot
4) AdAware SE Personel
5) Reboot
6) SpyBot
7) Reboot
8) HiJackThis
9) Reboot
10) (new Beta version)
11) Reboot
12) Empty %temp%
13) Re-enable System Recover

I have re-run AdAware, Spybot, Housecall and even done a WinXP CD repair with all reporting that everything should be OK. Still, whenever I open Explorer (either one) and each different folder in Windows Explorer a couple of succesive "Windows Installer" windows pop up with "Preparing to install" and then they close without anything else. Also, there is very little that can be installed now. Norton Internet Security reports that it can't be installed now. Windows Update gives an error after you tell it to install the updates or display the detailed updates. Sun's Java says that there is another install that has to be finished first. Messenger says that it has a new version that has to be installed before you can use it but after it runs for a while it reports that it can't be installed.

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Way To Auto Install Win-fixer

Oct 12, 2005

All of a sudden I have major pop-ups about this program Winfixer. It starts to download this program and when I close the window it just restarts. I don't know what this program is or what has been installed on my computer. Should I just let it install? It is coming more and more often.

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IIS.dl_ And IIS.in_ To Install IIS On On Win 2000 Server?

Jul 14, 2007

I need IIS.dl_ ISS.in_ from a windows 2000 CD or windows 2000 server CD, a trial CD will be find. They're in the I386.

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Cannot Install / Could Not Be Launched Server

Sep 4, 2005

When i attempt to install program I get thismessage "the installshield engine ( iKernel.exe) could not be launched the RPC server is unavailable.

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Cannot Install The RPC Server Is Unavailable

Sep 4, 2005

When i attempt to install program I get thismessage "the installshield engine ( iKernel.exe) could not be launched the RPC server is unavailable"

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NTLDR Is Missing After Auto Install Updater

Apr 14, 2005

Windows updater indicated that an upgrade for windows was available so i let it automatically download and install it. I let it restart my computer and everything was fine. Today i turned on my computer and as it was booting it went to a screen saying NTLDR is missing. press ctrl-alt-delete to restart. so i press ctrl alt delete and it restarts only to pause at the same screen.

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Install Over Server 2003 Without Having To Reformat First?

Jan 22, 2008

What i mean is can I just start my computer from the XP install CD w/o having formatted my harddrive which currently contains server 2003 and expect XP to install over server 2003? Or can I format my harddrive if i only have one?

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HD Space Would Be Needed To Install NT Server 4.0?

Apr 11, 2008

How much HD space would be needed to install NT server 4.0 and all of it's service packs? Best guesses are also welcomed and more than 1 response as well.

Also, How long should it take for Pentium 4 PC running XP Pro take to boot up?

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Chipset - Install 2000 Server

Sep 29, 2006

Looking for the correct chipset for my mobo. It is a via tech Model is vt8501 apollo mvp system controller. I am looking to install a win 2000 server.

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Temp Files - Cannot Install Grand Theft Auto IV

Dec 7, 2004

I Recently Purchased Grand Theft Auto IV For My PC and was trying to install it but when it was about a quarter of the install bar was done a popup came up and said about an error an then the Windows error report thing came up and said that there was a error with a temp file called 2a3_appcompat.txt I searched around in the temp folder and found nothing so i the used the search option to search the whole computer and still nothing so now i am stumped because i think it has been deleted. Can anyone help with finding it or somehow getting it back

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How To Stop From Auto Install Drivers When USB Plugged In For NEW Device

Sep 26, 2008

i want to instal a sound card (USB) and when i plug it in XP installs drivers on its own i want to use the CD drivers. there was an option "have disk" cant find it

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Install Office From A Terminal Server Onto A Users PC?

May 26, 2005

how to install office from a terminal server onto a users PC?

If I am in terminal services and i click on setup.exe i get the error message:"The windows installer service could not be accessed.This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."

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Trying To Install The Latest ATI Drivers / RPC Server Unavailable

May 26, 2006

I was trying to install the latest ATI Drivers when the Installer gave me an RPC Server Unavailable error. Both RPC Services ARE running. I dont know what else I can do.

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Unable To Install 2000 Advance Server

Sep 28, 2006

I have an older server, manufacturer unknown, that was running Windows 2000 server with all the latest service packs. It was being used as a Citrix server in our environment. The server was put in before my time here and I saw that somebody had changed the C: to a M:We have since taken the server off the network and plan on using it as an internal file server. For some reason, I am unable to install a clean copy of Windows 2000 or 2000 advanced server on it.I have tried to wipe the disk clean with DBAN and KILLDISK and WIPEDRIVE but all just hang on the system.I have a Windows 98 startup disk that I was able to boot from and ran an FDISK.I was also able to format the C:.When I am in DOS and switch to the C: I type in Dir and it comes up with no files found.I checked the partitions in FDISK and it shows the Primary Partition as being active and shows the correct amount of disk space. Whenever I try to install Windows 2000 Advanced Server the system goes through the process of checking the files and gets to the point to begin installation. When I try to install the operating system, the next screen comes up saying it cannot find the hard drive.This is very frustrating as I know the C: is there as I can see it from DOS and it looks to be configured properly.

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Update Files Save Location Before Install

Aug 22, 2008

I have a computer that seems to have gotten its updates corrupted. I need to know where it would keep the updates before I install them.

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Unable To Auto Install / Reinstall Generic Device Drivers

Mar 2, 2008

I have a Sony RS-220 desktop w/ XP home w/ SP2 & all updates since that's unable to auto install generic device drivers. I discovered this when I tried plugging in a couple different USB flash drives & it would just stop at the found new hardware wizard. Running the wizard w/ "install the software automatically" & also enabling "also search windows updates" returns unable to find device driver. The USB flash drive was the only bang in device manager. I uninstalled the usb controllers, rebooted and amazingly the controllers wouldn't auto reinstall. Suspecting the behavior extended to more then just USBs/the chipset I uninstalled some unneeded devices (56k modem & 1394) & they also wouldn't auto reinstall.

I went to the sony website & strangely Sony doesn't list the chipset available for download w/ the other drivers I downloaded the chipset direct from intel & installed it but that didn't work either. I've tried many other things to no avail. Malware scans (spybot, AVG AV, rootkitrevealer)...all came up clean. I've tried a new admin user profile, cCleaner registry cleanup, resetting registry permissions w/ subinACL, setting related windows services to automatic, checkdisk /r. Another thing I thought about doing was uninstalling the PCI controller, but I think I recall that can get ugly. Ultimately the only thing that allowed me to get my usb controllers, usb hubs, modem, 1394, & usb drive working was to "install from a list or specific location" & "include this location in the search" C:WINDOWSinf. Does anybody have any idea how I can restore the functionality of generic drivers auto installing & not having to point to an INF directory? Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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Compaq Server Won't Install - System Formatted At Every Start Up

Sep 2, 2005

I have a Compaq Proliant 8000 here that had Red Hat Linux pre-installed and in working order. My company then decided that it wanted Small Business Server 2003 installing, so after using Compaq Smartstart to format and re arrange the disk arrays, which is no problem at all system formatted then a raid 5 disk array set-up which smart start detects and reads correctly However, now that is done the system will NOT install SBS 2003 or any other operating system at all, at the point of the install where the disk reads "Windows Set-up" the system just stops and freezes, this happens with other disks and different O/S discs.

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Install Operating System Terminal Server License

Dec 1, 2009

I got a request from a customer to install windows terminal server license in windows xp. He also sent me 2 .Doc files which says about the payment and stuff.

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Problem Importing SQL Server 2000 - Bak Files Into SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2006

The procedure is as follows:

Right-click databases -> Restore Database

I mark 'from device', click the '...' button & select 'File' in the dropdown, then brows to the file itself. Under 'select the backup sets to restore' I check the only checkbox there, then in the 'To Database' I select the name of the database in the file (a new DB name appears there as you select the file).

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Notepad, Wordpad, Paint Automatically Closes Whenever Save Or Save As Is Selected

Mar 9, 2010

I've been searching for most parts of the net and the forums here and did install uninstall restore my notepad, paint and wordpad but nothing seems to work.When these files are opened, nothing seems to be a problem. But whenever you attempt to save by Ctrl+S, or the by clicking File>Save or File>Save As the program automatically closes. This has been a consistent behavior for the 3 softwares.I'm using Windows XP 64 bit OS and had no error messages of any sort except that these programs just close themselves when a save attempt is done.I did virus and malware scans by Avast, ESET Nod & Kaspersky and nothing was detected.Reinstalling isn't an option for me now as I don't have any optical drive... besides, this may be very hard for me but I'm willing to suffer for the sake of learning.

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Unable To Sync To Time Server - RPC Server Is Unavailable

Aug 8, 2007

XP Pro SP2, all latest updates. When I reboot, I can correctly sync to a time server, but after an unknown amount of time it goes back to saying "The RPC server is unavailable" instantly after clicking Update Now, regardless of what server I tell it to sync to. I also noticed that if I view my nForce Networking Controller status, then click Properties and go to the Authentication tab, everything is greyed out. If I hit OK without changing anything (I can't change it even if I wanted to), a message pops up saying "An unexpected condition occured. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made" and just goes back to that window. I have to hit cancel to close it

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Customize The Save Menu List To Save My Pictures?

Apr 9, 2007

A while back I had a program or a tweak that enabled me to change/add to the list on the left side of the window that opens when you want to save or save as. So, if I was saving a photo, instead of clicking on My Documents >> My Pictures, I was able to just click on My Pictures, ect. (See Photo) Does anyone know of a tweak/program that would allow me to do this?

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Set Up An Application Server To Run Office From A Central Server?

Aug 1, 2005

I am currently working on a project and I am in need of a way to run applications off of a central server from an XP client. The applications that need to be run are from the Microsoft Office package. This is for a school project, if more information is needed I can try to provide it

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Build NT 4.0 Server On Primary Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I tried the net but couldn't find the info so I am turning to you guys. How do I make nt server in to a promary domain server?

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Getting A Code After Trying To Install A Printer "the RPC Server Is Unavailable"?

Sep 17, 2005

I am getting a code after trying to install a printer."the RPC server is unavailable"I had to delete this SPOOL.EXE file due to a virus How do I reinstall this file?

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