Animated Cursors - Virus Scans - BSOD

Jul 5, 2005

lets make this short and simple I have been getting this error for quite a while now and have tried to get it fixed on google this is the error I recieve: STOP 0x0000001e KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED in win32k.sys I have determined the cause of this with windows 2000 sp2 and 3 but I use windows 2000 sp4 and I have found nothing about this happening in sp4. It also runs somewhat different as it happens randomly and not as microsoft says with animated cursors, though it seems to happen more often when im trying to play a game, also when I try to do virus scans my computer will all of a sudden restart on me after a bit, im not sure if its always at the same place as the virus scan usually freezes up before my computer restarts, I have tried using Housecall and McAfee virus scans but it happens with both.

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Computer Will No Shut Down - Virus Scans Turns Up Negative

Feb 14, 2006

After I have been running my computer for a half a day I try to power off and my computer will not power off. Sometimes it will take 5 minutes to shutdown or it will not shutdown at all. I have spyware and virus scans and it turns up negative. Do you think it is hardware problem or software

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Stop 0x00000024 Error BSOD - Disable Or Uninstall Any Anti Virus

Aug 9, 2010

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps: Disable or uninstall any anti-virsus, disk defragmentation or back up utilities. Check your hard drive configeration, and check for any updated drivers. Run CHDSK/ F to check for hard drive corrpution, and then restart your computer. Technical Informtion: *** STOP: 0X00000024 (0X00190203, 0X86F3B848, 0XC0000102, 0X00000000)

It said all of this. I cant uninstall anything because this error comes up right after it says windows. I already tried safe mode, start from the best mode where it work and etc. It is not workin. i already tried the F8 steps, tht did not work either. and i dnt knw wat they are tlkin about when they say run CHDSK/ F. ummm yea so i need alot of help. Hopefully someone can walk me through of how to fix this. And also i do not have the window xp installtion cd or disk. I was wondering where u get tht from because when i was lookin up how u fix this problem most said u need this cd. So pretty much the basic of my problem is tht i have the BSOD and it is 0x00000024 error and i can not log on or even get to the log on part.

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Insert Animated Gif's Into Power Point

Sep 11, 2005

How do i insert animated gif's into power point,and how can i see the animation i want to write "interview" in the title and i want the "i" to be animated ,i got the animated gif and i dont know how to insert it,and just to make sure how do u download or save an animated gif from the internet

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Save Animated Gifs To Use In MSN Live

Nov 14, 2006

I am trying to save animated gifs to use in MSN Live. When I right Click on the gif and then click on save, I only get a still image. What can I do please. Keep it simple please as I am not computer literate.

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Only Search Animated Icon Appears In Explorer

Apr 1, 2008

Our Dell running XP has several user accounts set up. Mine is fine, but my wife's has a problem. In Windows Explorer, when she clicks on the search button, the animated icon appears (dog, in this case), but nothing else - no choices (All files and folders, Pictures, music, or video, etc.) appear. Right-clicking anywhere only gives the Close Toolbar option. the result is that she is unable to search the computer for anything. Same result when using Start->Search. The weird thing is, as I said, Explorer in my user account is fine. I assume it must be a setting somewhere, but I can't find it. Anyone ever encounter this, or know how to remedy it?

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To Scandisk - It Scans ?

Aug 13, 2005

How do I scandisk, and what does it scan? does it scan the c: drive.

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Check Disk Scans Come Up

Mar 11, 2010

Check Disk scans come up OK, I've independently tested the Secondary drive with other drive utilities and it comes up fine. I'd like to unselect CHKDSK at startup. I was thinking it might be in the BOOT.INI file, but am not at home to look.

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My Reboot Revisited Scans Now

Apr 13, 2006

I am getting reboots whenever I do scans now. Norton scans, webroot spysweeper, and registry mechanic.

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Website That Scans Computer For Viruses/worms/trojans ?

Apr 1, 2005

I mainly want to know if their is a site that can scan my computer to see if there are any trojans or worms. Any kind of stuff that a hacker could put onmy computer or anything that may have passed through my firewall.

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Computer Is Slow And Lagging / After Malware Scans Then Trouble Started

Jun 4, 2007

Running an e6600 everything good, then I ran some malware scans then trouble started. Every minute or so, my computer will lag for 2-3 seconds. Example, 1. I click on a link nothing happens for 2-3 seconds or 2. I type address into my web browser, and letters don't show up for 2-3 seconds. Anyone know what's wrong? Possibly hard drive going to die?

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"animated Funnies" Cant Be Opened - Security In IE?

Jul 22, 2005

I try to send different "animated funnies" to a relative and she cannot open a lot of them. I am guessing her "Security" in IE is set too high and I am waiting for an answer. In the meantime, do you know any reason why she cannot open the following

MHT HTM EML MPEG.EXE PPS (which I think is Power Point)She has WXP

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Trojan Horse Virus Infaected Embedded Object - AVG Anti Virus

Jul 20, 2005

I have the trojan horse virus. I'm running AVG Anti-Virus.

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Anti Virus Site To Remove Trojan Horse Virus

Jul 31, 2010

Does any computer wiz out there know of an anti-virus site that will remove the rojan horse virus free? I know that all downloads are free,but once they find all the infected files,they won't remove them with out u paying for them

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Virus: Semantic Anti Virus Picked

Apr 4, 2010

There is little to no information on this little guy, but it looks like xcechinu.dll is a Virus, if this is legitimate or not, but I cant remove it with anything that i have at the moment

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Fairly Nasty Virus - Downloaded Norton Anti-Virus

Sep 20, 2008

My PC recently got a fairly nasty virus (W32-Sinowal-based Maximus! or something along those lines) so we had to get it wiped. A few days later, my computer was all messed up again. I can only boot up in Safe Mode, my sound doesn't work, and it is running slower than normal. I need to find out if I have another virus (although the guy who fixed it downloaded Norton Anti-Virus and it seemed fine for a few days) or if maybe my computer is just dying. It's about three years old and apparently it was outdated before we even bought it. Is there any way the virus could have affected the computer's hard drive or whatever (yeah, I don't quite know what I'm talking about) or have I maybe gotten another virus?

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Trojan Virus - Is Computer Cleaned After Virus Infection?

Aug 14, 2008

I had a trojan Virus in the computer. I think that I got rid of it, but I am not sure could anyone that can read a log please tell me if there is anything else left in the computer. The computer now doesn't stay on-line it disconnects itself. I called the company that provides me with my internet service, and they said that I need a filter for the phone line. The person told me that, that will take care of the problem of the internet disconnecting. I think that it could be the virus I had in the computer. I wasn't able to get on-line for at least a week, I had gone and checked the disk for errors and finally the anti-virus program was able to find the virus's.

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Temp Folder / Anti-virus Keeps On Detecting Virus

Apr 27, 2010

My anti-virus software keeps on detecting some virus from different folders from the C:WINDOWS emp folder, yet all folders are empty. It detects trojans from those empty folders . All folders from the temp folder are empty. Can't I just delete it all?

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Anti Virus Under Virus Attack / Automatically Disabled?

Apr 13, 2007

A few days back I noticed my Anti Virus was automatically disabled. It usually runs continously in the background but of late it was being disabled.I tried re installing but it was of no use. Now I find that a suspcious program 'Form1' is running when I use alt+tab.Could not find this on the task manager though When I try to run anti virus scans / Spybot / Ewido, my computer just freezes after starting the scan!I know somethings wrong but I dont know what

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Anti Virus Stopped Working - How To Identify The Virus

May 16, 2005

I recently was infected with a computer virus. Norton AntiVirus 2003 initially caught the virus and it supposedly deleted it, so I was not concerned with the message details. However, almost immediately after receiving the message I realized the virus was not completely removed. A DOS window popped up two or three times and then Norton shutdown. I tried opening Norton again but it would not open. I then tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it would not reinstall. I tried the Windows Update site and the page shows no conent. Any ideas on how to identify the virus so I can take steps to remove it?

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What Is A Good Anti Virus Virus Program?

Sep 2, 2005

I'm in need for a good antivirus program that don't take up much resources and works, right now i have mcafee virus scan but for some reason it sometiems disable it self so some suggestions? anything free is welcome, but if something is really good i'd buy it

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To Delete A Shutdown Virus Not Fake Virus

Nov 3, 2008

I downloaded a prog and now when i open the computer it says : "windows shuttdown
and a ''cmd'' that says the same "-s -t VIRUS DETECTED

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Has Virus And Virus Scan Cant Complete Task

Jun 26, 2005

Hi just joined this forum today to see if anyone kind enought can help me out The problem is one of my drives has a virus,i have done a complete scan with online virus scans such as panda Trend micro housecall etc, i have used my norton program too but when these programs carry out a full system scan ,it gets to a certain point my
computer makes a clicking noise for a second then my screen freezes up i cant move the mouse pointer basicaly screen freezes. i know i have some infected files but i dont know which ones are infected as the virus scan dosnt finish and show end results

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Virus Melt :: Virus Pop Up Box While Surfing Net?

Mar 4, 2009

A family member was surfing the net for a television program she missed and a box popped up stating she had a virus. I never heard of it I guess it's some sort of spyware..

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Got This Virus Similiar To Virus Burster

Mar 31, 2007

I got this weird little pain in the butt virus. symptoms are similiar to that of virus burster. Random annyoing popups trying to get you to install things. i checked my add/remove and i cant find any trace of it... im completely clueless. did virus scans and it deleted all infected files

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Best Anti-virus For Windows Xp If You Already Have A Virus

Apr 4, 2010

I am looking to get the right anti-virus for my computer, however it already has a virus on it and i need to know what to do. It will not let me restore or anything. It took all the icons away

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Virus Can't Deleted With Anti Virus

Apr 16, 2007

I am another victim of the trojan virus deleted (with Antivir) . I've read some post from JSntgRvr helping other guys to solve the problem. I hesitate to follow the same procedure to skip more problems...this the report from AV Antivir...

Begin scan in 'C:' <VAIO>
[DETECTION] Contains signature of the batch virus BAT/Small.K [INFO] The file was deleted!
[DETECTION] Contains signature of the VBS script virus VBS/Small.K [INFO] The file was deleted
Now I have the error opening c: or d: drives "autorun.vbs not found" or something similar.

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Manual Deletion Of Virus " Byte.Verify Virus X3"?

Sep 15, 2007

I have computer ***. antivirus 2007. It is telling me I need to manually remove a Byte.Verify virus X3 I have. Directs me to: Start. Control Panel. Java Plug in Control Panel. Chache Tab and then to Clear.I can get to this manually but no one at CA will tell me what I am clearing or deleting so I am afraid to do this. Can anyone tell me what I'm deleting or clearing? I would not lose any significant data or programming?

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Recycler Virus Not An .exe Virus

Feb 22, 2009

I have not been able to get into my C drive directly, I have got to use a shortcut,when I try to get into it directly I get a message saying "Windows cannot find '' make sure you have typed the name correctly, then try again. To search for a file, click the start button,and then Click Search." I only know that this is a virus because when I plugged a cheap usb storage stick I saw a folder called RECYCLER start to be created, I managed to stop it from finishing, but there is no RECYCLER folder in my C drive.

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Keep Getting BSOD - 1gb RAM

Sep 14, 2005

I keep getting this blue screen of death. I don't know what is causing it and I don't know how to fix it. I happens randomly while surfing the web.I just did a clean install of windows. The only thing installed is my firewall (outpost) and my antivirus (fprot).I don't know what to do. I am using Windows XP Pro on a 3Ghz P4 with 1GB ram.Please, if anyone knows what this BSOD means or how to fix it, let me know.

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BSOD No Information

Jan 14, 2009

I have a friend who's computer keeps giving him a bluescreen, and it doesnt show any information other than the stop code, and it says A thread crucial to windows has unexpectedly been terminated. I've researched the code and not many people have much information regarding it...Heres the code
0x000000F4, (0x00000003, 0x89134020, 0x89134194, 0x8060566e)
we've checked the ram, its fine. i cant really get over to his house and replace the cable, live in two different cities, and hes kind of illiterate when it comes to this stuff. any help or info will be greatly appreciated,

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