Accidentaly Unistalling Primary IDE Drivers

Aug 27, 2005

I did unistall the 2 Primary IDE Drivers (IDE0 and SATA0), I wnated to get out of conflice between my IDE Controllers and my Onboard Sound Device."Gigabyte 8IG1000Pro-G rev1.2 motherboard with 865G Intel Chipset supporting AC'97 Audio from Realtek Onboard"" this is My configuration. Sometime in the past, I'd been hearing sound problems when trying to burn CD's or Copy contents to Harddrive, I unistalled the Secondary IDE and Reinstalled (it was very hard to reistall!) and the problem was gone. Now. I have the same Problem with My Harddrives, so I did Unistall both primary IDEs and I cannot install them anymore. It says: "Code 28 the driver is not intended for the platform" and the driver remains as IDE Channel with a yellow exclamation mark.

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Bios Set Up Primary IDE Master-Primary Slave Are Showing Not Installed

Feb 3, 2010

Dell Dimension 4100 desk top Bios version AO6 Information on Primary IDE master-Primary slave are showing not installed how can I fix this without these computer will not boot up since OS is on primary master drive

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Accidentaly Deleted Partition - W/o Formatting

Oct 18, 2006

I deleted the windows partition while installing Ubuntu linux for multiboot, but did not apply any changes. My data and mbr are sitll in tact, but how can i reconstruct it and make my hd bootable

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Touch Not Working / Bad Drivers Installed Drivers Over Bad Drivers

Oct 9, 2010

How do I uninstall all drivers associated with my (windows xp) touch pad. Touch Pad is not working / bad drivers installed drivers over bad drivers.

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How To Make Drive - Primary Master

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to replace a failinf IDE drive with a SATA replacement. How do I make it bootable? I am using an ABIT VA-10 mobo, Win XP SP3, 1.5 GB DDR333 Ram, and a mix n' match collection of IDE and SATA HDD's?
I cannot seem to get the mobo to recognize the SATA which is plugged into the primary IDE slot via a Silicon Graphics 680 adapter board. This of course fouls up my ability to boot from a CDROM drive as my secondary IDE port is supporting the original WD IDE drive and a Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 SATA drive. At one point I was able to boot from either the primary master or the 2nd master. I have fiddled with XXclone and cannot seem to get the machine to recognize the Sata drive any more.

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Hard Drive Preloaded As Primary

Jul 1, 2010

Can I just put a Samsung HD253GJ with Windows XP Pro w/ Service Pack 3 preloaded hard drive in a dell p-490 as the primary drive. Plug and play or...what would i need to do?

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Can't Find New Harddrive - Primary Drive

Oct 26, 2007

I just purchased a new hard drive and when I boot to the XP Pro CD I press Enter to install XP but I get the following screen. "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer". This is the only hard drive in the system.
When it first boots up I see Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG then it detects the Main Processor then detects IDE Drives GigaRAID BIOS V1.36 F/W Ver 02093030 it detects the new hard drive in Drive 1 - IDE 1 then siI 3112A SATALink Host Controller Bios Version 4.2.00 It doesnt find a primary drive

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Difference Between Primary And Secondary IDE Channels

Apr 14, 2005

Is there any difference between the primary and secondary IDE channels? I have my hard drive on secondary and my DVD 16X burner on primary. I tried this because when I put my DVD burner on secondary it would only get Multi-Word DMA mode 2 while the HDD got UDMA mode 5 on the primary. This is a new burner and capable of UDMA 4. After troubleshooting I switched channels and got UDMA mode 4 on the DVD burner when on the primary as master and still got UDMA mode 5 on the only HDD on the secondary as master. I don't understand the difference and the computer works fine and it appears I am getting the transfer modes I am supposed to.

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Can't Detect Primary Master Or Slave

Apr 8, 2005

I have an athalon 1200 on an asus a7a266 OS Winxp SP2 512mb onboard. Last year I replaced the main drive after four years of use with a Western Digital drive. recently on boot up, the system can no longer detect either the primary master or the primary slave drives. It does se the secondary slave as my Lite-On DVDRW SOHW-812s. Other than the master drive going away,(hopefully not) Is there any suggestions on what may have happened? The Asus MBO is 5 years old by the way.

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Second Hard Drive Failed Booting On Primary

Oct 12, 2006

I had a two seperate versions of windows installed on two seperate hard drives, when i turn the computer on it asks me which one i want to boot from. well the second hard drive is now dying and somtimes it tells me DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT BOOT DISK AND PRESS ENTER. now this only happends when the second hard drive doesnt work. I have tried to just unplug the second drive to see if it would boot off of the original copy on the first drive but i get the same thing.

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Ideleted The Primary Partition - Getting Black Screen

Aug 29, 2005

I deleted the priamry partition on my gateway computer. Windows XP. Is my home computer and it was infected with tons of viruses. I think I screw up big time. I keep putting the recovery Cd back in, but at one point it doesn't recognice some of the files that is uploading. After a while it goes to a black screen.

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Change Primary Drive For Operating System

Mar 6, 2010

I was about to reformat my C: (that has an nonworking windows partition) from my current partition D:. I went to my Computer D Management and it said that my C: was a primary partition [green] while my current one was a logic partition blue.boxed in green. Someone at Yahoo! Answers said not reformat the C: because it would screw up my D; Drive. Is it safe? What should I do? I just wish to use my C drive for data storage and my D drive as a Windows partition.

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Primary Master Hard Disk - OS Is 2000

Sep 13, 2005

i have a maxtor 3.5 series 40G hard disk and when i turned on my computer it says primary hard disk fail. if i click F1 to continue it says disk boot failure what should i do guys need your help i have important ducoments in this hard disk my computer is a windows xp 2003 version with a OS is Windows 2000

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Zone Alarm Security Suite As Primary Protection

Oct 5, 2006

So what are you guys running to protect your PC? Right now I'm running...
- Zone Alarm Security Suite as my primary protection. (Firewall, AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, IM Protection, Email Protection, Program Control, Identity Protection, and Parental Control)For backup software (the more, the merrier) I'm using...
- AVG Free (AntiVirus)
- Spybot: Search and Destroy (AntiSpyware)
- Symantec Client Firewall* (Firewall)
- Symantec Client Antivirus* (AntiVirus)

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Partitioning Primary Hard Disk Drive Without Reformatting?

Mar 25, 2006

Is there a way to partition the primary disk on a computer without reformatting?A computer that I inherited (HP Pavillion) has a 120Gb hard drive partitioned into two sections C drive 104Gb NTFS primary D drive 7Gb FAT32 recovery I would like to split the primary into two sections, if possible without reformatting

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Primary Image - Background Pattern In Desktop Wallpaper

Sep 21, 2006

When I used win98 I used to be able to put a primary image, usually centered, on my desktop and then was able to put a background pattern (eg. triangles or bricks) around the primary image I am having difficulty doing this with XP. Can anyone tell me how to get the background image pattern to work.I have SP2 and Plus.

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Video Drivers Messed Up - Device Manager Display Drivers Update Can't Find

Aug 17, 2009

video card on my laptop messed up somehow, i can see a exclamation mark on the device manager in the display drivers tab... now im searching to update my driver but cant find any sources that would suit xp windows now everything is very laggy cuz it shows im not using any video card or something like that anyway?

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Home Firmware Drivers: System Recognizes The Drivers Wont Install?

Jul 30, 2005

I purchased a SIIG PCI firmware adapter. It has no drivers and says that it will use Win XP drivers. Well I installed the board and booted the pc, Win XP
recognized the hardware but could not find any drivers. I tried unplugging it manually, installing it in another card slot with no luck. I took it back to
my pc dealer and he plugged it in his system and had no problems. I decide to try another brand, an IO Gear GIC1394.

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Pro Drivers: System Crashed Installed New Copy / Missing Drivers?

Nov 3, 2007

A friends HP Media Center PC m7077c crashed. Had no recover disk, etc. Installed XP Pro SP2 and I need drivers (according to Device Manager). No sound is obvious but video controller is not. Video seems okay. Where do I find drivers for this machine. XP Pro, Home and MCE are different OS's ... as far as my experience. The drivers are not the same.

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Installing Drivers For Graphics And Wireless Network Card Drivers

Jan 1, 2006

Whenever i install drivers on my pc, (i've tried graphics card drivers and wireless network card drivers) my pc stops working. When i installed the graphics card drivers, i tried testing the graphics on a game (counter-strike) but as soon as i got into the game, the pc flashes a blue screen, and reboots. I cant see what the blue screen says because it flashes on and off again to quick for me to read it. I decided to uninstall the graphics card drivers, and the game worked perfectly, but the graphics were REALLY bad. So i thought i might need to update some other drivers, so i tried to install my wireless network card, but when i finished installing the drivers when i had to restart my computer, it flashed the BSOD.... AGAIN! I need help urgently as im going to a LAN gaming comp called "rezidue" and its on in 2 weeks, i need my pc fixed by then! All these problems started when i upgraded my CPU. Everything was running smooth, and i was happily playing along on my computer, when i was asked what my FPS was in counter-strike, and i was all "mine are 65!" and there like "wow that sucks, mines 130" so i set out on my epic quest to get better FPS then everyone else and MAN THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I upgraded from my celeron 2.8ghz cpu to a P4 3.0ghz HT cpu, and thats when things started messing up on me. My entire system is as follows (incase it can help someone help me) P4 3.0ghz HT CPU, Microstar P4 motherboard, 128mb Nvidia Geforce mx4000 AGP x8 graphics card, 256MB ddr ram (recently brought new 1GB ddr ram off ebay just for rezidue! should be here soon!) TP-LINK 54mbps wireless network card) And last but not least

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Primary Hard Disc Drive 1 Not Found - Unknown Device

Jul 6, 2004

I created a mess (but I'm learning more each day), and after a week got it going at least, but on boot got messagae "primary hard disc drive 1 not found" which required clicking F1 to continue. I ended up reinstalling XP, got everything up and running, but still have the HD message at each boot. I've passed all of the diagnostics in Set-Up, and found nothing on any of the troubleshooting sites that helped. Set-up says: Primary Drive 0 - Hard Drive; Primary Drive 1 - Unknown Device; Secondary Drives 0 adn 1 are both CD-ROM Readers. Everything works just fine, but I'd like to figure the drive problem. I had to create a partition for the reinstall - had no choice.

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Primary Slave Hard Disk Fail - Harddrive Crashed

Jan 2, 2005

I have seen this messge twice. Once on a friends PC and just now on mine. My computer has been running for maybe... 3 days straight now. I turned it off for about 3 hours to keep my room cool. I turned it back on an heard "beep...beep...beep...beep" (the same beep you hear if the ram isn't snapped in the socket all the way) and at the boot up it said "Primary slave hard disk fail" XP would not start. So i hit the reset button, same thing, hit it again, same thing. Powered off and powered back on and it started up fine.

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Extending Primary Partition On RAID Array On 2003 SBS Server

Aug 6, 2007

I have a Dell Power Edge server with a C: drive that is too small. The RAID array is about 40GB but only 9 GB was given for the C: drive and it has run out of space so I cannot install service packs, extra software, etc. The remaining space is an F: drive with the "data" on it. What method should I use to extend the partition, I am thinking of just moving all of the F: drive to an external hard drive and then deleting the F: drive and trying to extend the partition in Windows Disk Manager, but I wonder if that will even work, or if there is a better tool out there to use to manage these partitions. I would like to preserve the Windows installation and everything on the C: drive if at all possible. I dont care if I have an F: drive, if I can just get a big enough C: drive, that will be fine.

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Pro: Downloading Software Asks To Download Drivers?

Jun 25, 2010

I just recieved an IBM laptop while downloading some software, it was suggested by the site that I should download all the updated drivers. I am very wary of this advice because I don't want to fix something that doesn't seem to be broken, but at the same time, I would like to be up-to-date. I am running XP Pro, how I should proceed? And where I might safely download such drivers?

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Recover Data From External Primary Hard Drive - Error C0000218

Jul 23, 2009

My problem is a result of a long series of attempts to fix a corrupt Windows registry file. A few days ago I booted my laptop and received a blue screen error: c0000218, relating to a corrupt Windows registry file. Windows could not load. After a lot of searching online I found a way to manually replace this and four other related files from the c:WindowsRepair folder using the command prompt.

This process seemed to work and Windows began to load. I then received a lsass.exe error saying something about invalid passwords. My laptop began an infinite cycle of restarting itself. I looked up the lsass.exe error and people seemed to think it was unrecoverable. As my hard drive was reasonably small (100g) and had been showing some signs of problems I decided to just buy a new one. I went out and purchased a new 320g 2.5" hard drive along with a 2.5" USB drive enclosure and another 1g stick of RAM......

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Primary Hard Disk Drive 1 Not Found - Changed Setup Utility

May 16, 2006

I changed something in setup utility, but not shur what it is that I changed. now I get this, and Secondary hard disk drive 1 not found.

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How To Install Primary Hard Drive Boot Swap And Compatible Partition?

Mar 20, 2007

I installed gentoo on my primary hard drive and have boot, swap and root partitions on it and they take up the whole drive. I want to install windows on the secondary hard disk but it is saying it needs a compatible partition on the primary drive but it is already full!

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How To Add Drivers To Default Drivers Installations List

Aug 8, 2005

Is there anybody who can tell how I can add a driver so that windows Xp recognize this and does a unattended installation of the hardware device (a example is a USB mouse) But the Windows XP is alreay installed so, I am not really looking for a sysprep solution?

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Need Graphics Drivers, And Sound Drivers

Oct 10, 2007

I recently reformatted my computer, after it went FUBAR on me, and now I am having some glitchy scrolls whenever I scroll down web pages, and I have no sound, it's the same thing that happened the last time I reformatted it, and it was like 5 months ago, so I can't remember the damned names of the drivers. Any help? I have windows xp home edition, and my graphics card is an ATI.. I remember something on the lines of CCC Catalyst Control Center.

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