When Computer Starting - H.V Frequency Over Range Show And Stop?

Jul 7, 2007

My computer is starting then the message "H.V frequency over range" show and stop.

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Frequency Out Of Range: Error Message On Booting The System.

Apr 29, 2008

A friend is receiving anytime he turns his PC on this error message: "Frequency out of Range". The Pc can lauch the boot process ( asking you to press F10 to access the Boot Menu or F2 for the Bios Settings) then the operating system, but some how the above error message always closes the process up. Then nothing else can be seen on the dark black screen but this error message. I tried to run the Pc on safe mode to access the control panel, but in vain.

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Loss Of Internet Connection: PC Wont Show Wireless Networks In Range?

Jan 2, 2010

after having good wireless connection,my desk top PC shows no wireless networks in range, although the wireless adaptor is shown as working,and connection to the router is ok from my laptop,how can I reset my desk top PC?,no,restore facillity available

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Starting Pc Then Show Hard Disk Not Detected ?

May 28, 2010

When i start my pc then show H. D. D not detected & press f1 for conti how solve problm?

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Stop Unneeded Programs From Starting Up

Jan 19, 2007

I have Windows XP and there are apparently a lot of programs starting up that don't need to be. (I remember when I had another version of Windows that allowed me to see what the heck was running in the background easier than the XP does--make sense?). Anyway, I think that I'm having too many programs starting up and running in the background that don't need to be. I am sure that this has been asked on this forum a bazillion times, and I've searched but I can't seem to find the answer to my question. How do I stop all of these programs from running in the background?

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Stop TSR Programs Starting On System Boot

Dec 14, 2009

Has anyone got an idea of how i can permanently stop TSR's (systems started processes) from starting on system boot? System is XP

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Starting Up - Black Screen - Machine_check_exception STOP OV000009c

Nov 13, 2009

When I start up, I get the blue windows screen saying it needs to "check file and folders," but at the bottom of the screen where it gives the percentage scanned, it stays at zero, and after a couple of minutes, goes to a black screen and and says "machine_check_exception STOP:OV000009c,."whatever that means. If I hit anything on the keyboard (on the first screen) before it attempts to scan, it starts up fine, and runs fine. I tried defrag and doing the "correct error" thing from the Properties tab in My Computer C Drive. I used to get this if the computer was not shut down properly, but it would scan up to 100%. Now it does nothing. how to correct this, or should I expect the whole thing to crash if I keep using it this way?

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MS Word Starting When Starting Computer

Jul 10, 2005

I have Windows XP and MS Office XP (2003) loaded on my PC. Whenever I boot up the PC, 3 sessions of MS Word open - 2 sessions have a new (blank) document open, and the 3rd session just shows Word as being open (no new document).I went to Documents and Settings | Application Data | Microsoft | Word | Startup to see if there was anything in the folder prompting Word to open the 3 sessions. The folder was empty. I then clicked Start | Run | msconfig | Enter to see if Winword.exe is in the Startup folder. I thought I might see it in there 3 times – one for each of the Word sessions that are opening whenever I boot up the PC. Strangely enough, Winword.exe wasn’t in the Startup folder at all – not even once.

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Mar 9, 2005

My speakers are picking up a mexican radio station and it's annoying as heck. What can I do?

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Monitor Error Message Wrong Frequency

Mar 13, 2008

I tried to use our volunteer fire company Gateway computer with a flat screen monitor and "Wrong Frequency" came up on the screen. There was a count down of about 15 seconds before the screen went black. There was no "clue" as to what to do during the count down. I had used the computer the day before with no problems. The OS is "2000."

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Sync Out Of Range

Nov 28, 2004

I am trying to run NHL 2004 and i have had no problems running it in the past,but know i turn my graphics up just a little"not even as high as i have had them in the past"and i get game freeze up,then all i can see on my monitor is syn out of range,and i cant do anytink except do a cold reboot

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Over Range But Was Fine Before?

Apr 3, 2006

My brothers computer recently developed a problem, its an old Dell optiplex GX1 500L+ and hes on XP pro
he came home and the monitor was flashing the little lights on the front that indicate it being over range
we tried an older monitor, as well as my own LCD that Im typeing on now, both had the same results, as well as in VGA mode the monitor acts normal up untill the loading windows screen, where it promptly goes blank and begins with the flashing lights but booting into safe Does work and gives us a picture, so I dont think it could be problem a problem with onboard graphics, so Im guessing its a malicious program that is inflicting this problem, unless someone can tell me otherwize does anybody know what would likely be the cause of this, or the best way to trouble shoot it, we already did a Repair installation,that didnt fix anything and I figured Id ask here on the tech forum before proceding to wipe his hard drive, my question on the forum is also a lilttle bit curiosity driven,

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Access Denied For Range Of Files

Feb 2, 2005

job search and financial files from '99 that were moved via floppy disk, tape, CD, or e-mail from old NT 4.0 to newer NT 4.0 box and then to current W2K box. On latter two boxes these files produced 'access restricted' errors and were inaccessible. I've kept them in hopes of someday being able to reaccess the data. These file types include doc, txt, html, MS Money data, and possibly another one or two. In other words, file type is not the issue. I was on the old boxes and am on the W2K box THE administrator, and taking ownership, changing permissions for folder and file, and still cannot access them. The current drive and previous drive were both NTFS, but I may have had a problem on a FAT drive also.

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How To Range / Rank Folders By Their Size?

Jul 19, 2005

How to range, rank folders by their size (the same as I can find and range files by their size in the search window)?

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Computer Not Starting Up

Feb 10, 2006

Today I did an update on my norton security 2005 and updated my ewido suite. After I updated both of them I restarted my computer in safe mode so that I could run ewido because for some reason I was getting a notification that I had a keylogger on my computer. I kept blocking it but it kept coming back. This is the first time anything like that has ever been on my computer. I put a 56k modem and aol on it because I moved and I dont have cable modem here and thats when I started to have problems with my comp. Well, when my computer went to start back up it froze, so I manually restarted it. When it started back up it came to the screen asking to start up in safe mode, safe mode networking, safe mode command line, last known working conditions, and normal start up. I tried to start in safe but it started loaded everything and froze up while it was doing its check. It did the same thing in all the safe modes. So I tried it in the last known working option and it went to the Windows XP black loading screen and finished loading then turned to an all black page and froze up again. I tried doing it in normal startup mode and it froze up again after the Windows XP loading screen. It froze on the all black screen again. So, now it wont get any further then that screen. I took out the 56k modem and tried and it still didnt work. Everything seems to be running in the computer. Its not hot. I have not downloaded anything on my computer if a few months. I havent even open any attactments in emails in a few months. Oh yeah I cant get a HJT log or anything since it wont start up in any open. I have windows xp pro sp2..

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Computer Starting Up By Itself

Mar 27, 2005

I have tried looking through this site, without luck to fix this.
on a Dell OptiPlex GX1 running XP, this computer is starting up by itself, is this a schedule problem, power managment, or bios or something else?? sorry not a virus, have done housecall, plus have nortons on it,
had another computer do it, never worked out the problem, didn't believe it till I was sitting beside it and it started by itself.

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Starting My Computer?

Oct 22, 2005

I have a used computer that will not boot up it has windows XP but nothing happens it boots saying error "pocessor disabled" then it trys to boot then it just resets itself any ideas the bios also has some password on it that I cannot figure out

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Computer Not Starting

Jan 16, 2006

When I started the computer everything seamed to start except my LCD monitor was not getting a signal from the computer the screen was black. After trying a couple of times I hooked up an older 15" monitor. I seemed to get a signal in the beginning but after minutes the screen was black. I booted the computer again in Safe Mode and the computer booted OK. I tryed Safe Mode a few times and it booted OK each time.

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Re Starting Computer

Apr 10, 2006

How to launch the windows desktop without going through the user select page. I know that it is just a matter of customizing the way i log on but i can't remember how it's done.

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Computer Not Starting Up

Oct 17, 2008

I recently increased my virtual memory and after that my pc is not starting properly and i have to choose last known good configuration for starting it

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Computer Not Starting

Nov 15, 2008

Just now, my toshiba satellite a105-s4342 laptop was installing a bios driver from toshiba drivers website. During installation, my computer froze, for like 10 mins, then I rebooted and the computer just stayed black. Nothing is loading in the background, I know that for sure. I tried using the Recovery and Applications/Drivers disc but it only works after you load the bios screen.

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Computer Keeps Re-starting

Dec 30, 2008

Every time my computer starts up it goes to the desktop and it re-starts it self. im running it in safe mode rite now and it seems to be working fine.
how can i fix this??

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Pop Up After Starting My Computer?

Jun 5, 2005

When i turn on my computer, Notepad pops up with some kind of a code


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Computer Re-starting It's Self

Jan 23, 2006

Yesterday I started getting a bunch of corrupt file messages while running XP pro S2. I was told to run chkdsk each time. Then the computer just started re-starting it's self over and over again. Sometimes after being on for 5 minutes sometimes 30. I re-installed windows deleting the old partions and starting from scratch with a full format. The mystery shut downs have disappeared but I have a new set of problems. I get the odd corrupt file message but I can;t seem to install ome programs. Office will not install for me. it keeps asking me to find different missing dll files which are clearly on the cd. i tried copying the files to a hard drive and pointing setup to thembut that didn't work either. i have two cd drives and it is does it on both. My power supply is fine.

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Couldn't Connect To The Internet From Wireless Network In Range?

May 12, 2010

My toshiba laptop detected the wireless network in range, but when I try to browse nothing comes out!!!will reinstalling the windows solve the problem, to ensure that all drivers are defined??

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Wireless Network Claims To Work But No Networks In Range

Apr 21, 2007

Just yesterday, my wireless was working. I have not added or removed any programs. Today, my computer shows that my wireless card is working properly but it is not finding any wireless networks in range, which is wrong. Yesterday, while at my apartment, I could see 9 networks, today I see none. When I go to the coffee shop, it does not see that network either. Right now I am sitting at my school and it is not picking up the network in here either. Everyone else around is picking up the network, just not me. I have checked everything and cannot figure out what the problem is. I have a Compaq Presario R3000Z, running on an AMD Athlon XP Processor (3000+), 800 MHz and 2 GB Ram. Running XP Pro w/Srvc. Pack 2.

My internal network card is a Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN. I even uninstalled this and rebooted and after reload, it still does not want to pick up any of the networks. Any ideas where I can start? Already tried the program that fixes corrupt TCP/IP drivers (WinSock XP) and it did not work. Again, nothing was changed prior to this problem. All the settings are the way they have been for the last 3 years.

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Reverse Connecting Wifi Router - Increase Range

Sep 12, 2006

Is it possible to reverse connect a wifi router? Using the wifi router instead, of say, a usb wifi adapter? Has anyone tried this? Would this increase the range of a wifi network?

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Computer Starting Up Problem

Dec 26, 2008

Every time I go to boot my computer it won't boot up it goes to a screen that gives me 3 or 4 options like Safe Mode or Last known good configuration I have to select these choices about 10 times before it finally starts up.

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Starting Computer Problem?

Feb 3, 2005

I push in the start button to turn on the computer, It runs for about a second or two, then shuts off. No blue screens, no nothing. Shuts off before the monitor can come on. If you try for a few times, holding it in for a second or two, sometimes it will work right away and sometimes it takes 3 to 4 tries. No virus or trojan, ran everything under the sun for checks, Nothing shows in device manager as a problem. I have windows XP home and a HP computer. I get lights in the front of the computer as usual but they go off as soon as it shuts off. Added nothing new as far as programs go, but windows updates and norton updates are installed in the past 2 weeks. Am not a computer wizard, know enough to get a few things done. Checked HJT and its the same as two months ago. Nothing new. It clicks on as normal, then you hear it click off before it even does much of anything.

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Error Starting Up Computer

Apr 1, 2005

I turn on my computer, it starts up just fine then it gives me the Windows 2000 Professional loading screen then a bluescreen error which reads:

*** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF9D6DA10,9xC0000032,0x00000000,0x00000000)

then gives some info on how to fix it like restarting, running CHKDSK /F and checking for virus'

i'v tried all the F8 startup obptions like safemode and last known good config etc, i made sure all the hardware was securely plugged in and had no dust in it, i made a DOS boot disk and tried to run scandisk but it seems it wont access anything on C and only scans A... I dont have a windows 2000 pro disk at the moment.
I am running Windows 2000 Proffessional, quite sure its NTFS formated

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Starting Computer From CD In WIN95

Jul 11, 2005

I have computer running WIN2000. I have several old applications running on WIN95 which cannot run on WIN2000. Is it possible to start computer from CD in WIN95 with file allocation table FAT32 to use those old application?

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