Two Hard Drives Different Speeds - Will Not Boot First Time

Mar 19, 2007

I have two hard drives with different speeds the primary is 7200 the slave 5400, but my computer sometimes will not boot first time in the morning. I have to close it down after my screen turns off to power save. Which is the best way round for the drives to be installed or could it possibly be something entirely different that is causing the problem please. I have no virus or malware on my computer and all automatic updates are applied on windows XP SP2.

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Having A Hard Time With External Hard Drives

Mar 4, 2008

I had to do an reformat on my PC. Before the reformat, my PC read both my external hard drives no problem. Then after the reformat, it only would read one. When I would restart with both connected, it wouldn't budge from the welcome screen. After I would unplug the "questionable" one, it would then allow me to log in as usual. I think it could be a driver issue but I'm not totally sure because it does read it after a little while. I changed the USB cable, so for now, it is holding. Can anybody figure out what it might be?

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Dual Boot Between To Different Hard Drives - Both Pro

Jul 23, 2003

Is it possible to dual boot between to different hard drives both running Windows XP? I just bought a new hard drive and I want to install it on the same machine and have a drive just for me and my wife and the kids can have their own. They down load so much stuff and cause the system to boot and run so slow. I'm tired of restoring it just to find 2 weeks later it's like it was.

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System & Boot Volumes On Separate Hard Drives

Jun 25, 2010

I recently bought a new HDD because the old one appears ready to crash (clicking sound). My DVD-Rom is also dead, so I booted from the old hard drive & installed a fresh OS (Windows XP) on the new drive. However, I cannot boot from the new drive alone, because the 'system volume' is Drive C: (old drive) & 'boot volume' is Drive G: (new drive). How can I fix this? I don't mind reinstalling the OS, but I cannot boot from a CD & I don't know how long the old drive will last

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Running Windows On IDE Hard Drive / Changing Boot Drives

Sep 5, 2009

I was running windows on an IDE hard drive and bought a new SATA and installed a fresh copy of windows on it, now having a dual boot with the old installation on the IDE. I've been running on the SATA drive for a few months now and I want to remove the IDE drive from my system but when I disconnect it and reboot I get a message that tells me NTLDR is missing so I am assuming that the boot record is on the IDE drive. How can I make the SATA drive my main boot drive?

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Dule Boot Windows 2003 Server With Windows Xp Home On 2 SATA Hard Drives

Jul 22, 2008

i have 2 sata hard drives and i need to know how to duel boot windows xp home with windows server 2003?

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Computer Won't Recognize Hard Drives - "Tuff Test", Running At Boot Up

May 19, 2007

The Dell 8250 Pentium IV computer will not recognize the new master 160 GHZ or the origional, now slave, 40 GHZ, Hard drives. All the connections and jumpers are installed correctly. I tried a new motherboard and a new cable, both did not resolve this problem. Even ran a diagnostic program called "Tuff Test", running at boot up and the RAM and all other items checked OK, showing all working properly. The BIOS, now set to boot up correctly, off the proper drive, seems to recognize both removable drives and the floppy, but not the hard drives.
When I received the computer it was password protected. after asking and waiting for a week, with no response, I therefore, in safe mode,entered the BIOS and chose for it to boot off of the CD Rw that I thought was the proper and shut the Hard Drive off. Here the CD RW was a slave and not the master. No luck in installing the OS. I bought a new 160 GHZ HD with the thought that I could load the OS, again no luck. I replaced the battery and tried again with no luck.

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Dual Boot With Dual Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2005

I have Win XP home installed as OEM software on the C drive of my PC.
I also have this OS as a Norton Ghost file supplied with the PC as a
"Recovery CD".
I have installed a second hard drive designated "D"
This all works fine.
I wish to install Win 2000 (which I have on a Microsoft cd) on the second HD.
I would then hope at boot - up to be given the choice of which OS to load.
Can anyone tell me what is the simplest way to do this?

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Two Hard Drives

Oct 10, 2008

I just installed a 320gb I had around in a spare PC. I was reading up on jumping everything and understood that I should set the main HD as master and the spare HD as slave on the primary IDE connector, then set my DVD drive as CS on the secondary.My problem is that the master and slave connectors on the ribbon cable aren't long enough to reach both drives.(only places the drives will fit) So I hooked everything up CS while I put the main HD on the primary IDE and then hooked the DVD and spare drive on the secondary IDE. Everything seems to work fine and I can see both drives and everything, but on bootup I have to go into the boot menu and pick the main HD to boot. Is it safe to run everything this way? And if so how do I fix the booting issue?

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Dual Boot Into Single Boot - See Both Drives

Dec 9, 2005

I had a Win 98 SE PC on a 20 GB drive (FAT32), and then I decided to ad an 80 GB and install Win XP. Since I wanted to maintain some Win 98 function compatibility, I opted for dual-boot, formatting my 80GB HD to NTFS and installing all of the Win XP OS into that drive. The Win 98 runs fine and is limited to the 20GB FAT32 HD, while the Win XP can see both drives but its files and programs are contained in the 80GB NTFS HD.

Now that I have deemed the Win 98 OS no longer necessary for this machine - I am trying to figure out how to make my machine boot from the XP HD (I plan to format the 20GB disk and use it for back-up storage

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Internet Speeds Gone

Jan 19, 2008

I have a 10/1mb cable connection, but in the last day my speeds have droped to 45/30kbs, I have ran 3 different virus scanners, spybot S&D, and nothing.

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Missing 1 Of 2 Hard Drives

Mar 28, 2006

I have recently re-installed Windows xp and all is fine with that operating system, but the problem that I do have is.I have two hard drives but only one is showing up. I know it is still there somewhere, but how do I make it available to use?

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Missing Hard Drives

May 31, 2006

I am having a small problem. I have an old server, a Compaq Proliant 1600. I have had it for about 2 years, and today I finally decided to work on it. I added some more RAM, and installed Windows XP. It has six 9.1 GB Hard Drives, but it only recognizes the one hard drive that the OS is on. That is the only drive that will show up when ever I go to My Computer. My question, how do I get the other 5 hard drives to show up?

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Booting From Two Hard Drives

Dec 30, 2008

I was wondering if there is any way to boot my new Windows XP computer off of an old Windows 98 Hard Drive without screwing anything up. What I am trying to do is access and run a program that was installed on the WIN 98 Hard Drive. The software was an expensive Patent Software and I no longer have the installation disk.Here is what I have already tried:1. Connected the WIN98 hard drive to my XP Computer and booted up. Computer started to boot into WIN98 but came back with some kind of memory error and shut down.2. Tried running the software from the WIN98 Drive in WINXP but came back with an error about missing DLL files.Someone mentioned running the drive as a virtual machine.

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Booting From Different Hard Drives

Mar 20, 2007

I think I have a simple question....maybe not. All I want to do is boot to XP home located on different drives, one older, one newer but both with SP2Just built new computer (first time builder) I installed three hard drives, drive H is a new boot disk with XP home, drive C is a storage disk from old computer and disk L is the older boot disk with XP home (reformatted within the past year). The MB assigned the drive letters, not me.H and C are slave and master on Primary IDE, L is Master attached to a PCI card.I want to boot from L. Boot sequence does not recognize L but it does offer the option of booting from OTHER DEVICE so I disable all drives (including H,C and two dvd drives) but it still boots to the new H drive.The bios does not recognize drive L (I guess cause its attached to the PCI card?). My thinking is that if I set up L directly to MB and switch one of the DVD drives to the PCI card it will work.If I do that then I think the MB will recognize drive L and allow me to set it up in the boot sequence the same way that the new drive works.I don't know what I should worry about BUT I am sure that I don't know what will go wrong.

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New Computer Using Old Hard Drives

Jan 18, 2007

I'm in the process of building a new computer to replace my old AMD 2800+ system. I would like to use one of my old hard drives that has all my files and programs on it without having to do a complete reformate and fresh install of winxp. Is this possible? and how do I go about doing this?

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Hard Drives Have Locked Up

Aug 8, 2007

I have filled my other hard drive with so much junk that it won't even load up anymore, and so it just doesn't come on and it was windows xp. Does any body know how I would wipe, or reformat it? One last question, I have another hard drive, its empty and I don't think its formatted. If I were to use it as the primary hard drive and use my XP boot cd, would it install?

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Location Of Hard-Drives

Sep 1, 2010

where can I find the location of my Hard-Drive Partitions? I don't mean as in My Computer and double click, Microsoft Windows XP Professional Backup" /noexecute=optin. That sort of data, so I can add my windows 7 OS to the Boot Screen.

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Partitioning Hard Drives

Aug 28, 2005

Is there any way to partition a hard drive in two without having to reinstall the OS? Do I have to buy a seperate program to do it? Or does Windows include some sort of utility that does it?

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Low Disk Space On First Of Two Hard Drives

Feb 28, 2005

Problem with low disk space on the 1st of 2 hard drives. This hard drive is only 4 GB, and is my master drive. I have moved as many files as I possibly can to the second (larger) hard drive, without uninstalling and reinstalling all my programs.
Is there any way to simply get any "overflow" to "fall into" the other drive.

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Both Hard Drives Arent Recognized

Mar 21, 2008

everytime i start my pc i get the following message:
error auto-sensing primary hard disk drive 0 strike the f1 key to continue, f2 to run the setup utility.

when i push f1 the same message will pop up.if i go into the setup utility and look at the primary drive 0 it says hard stands on auto but it doesnt show the capacity.
the same thing with the secondary rive 1.i have 2 hard drives.1 with 20 gig and the second 1 with 250 gig.both arent recognized by my pc.i cant format the pc cause i dont have hard drives to install xp on >.<

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Won't Recognize One Of My Hard Drives Connected By USB

Apr 26, 2007

I have a computer running Windows XP PRO SP2 with 2, 250gb hard drives. The operating system and programs are on the C drive and the second drive which is removable is supposed to be for my data, but Windows doesn't recognize it so I can't use it. Right now I have my data on an external hard drive, connected by USB.

The second hard drive is new from my manufacturer (I have a custom computer and this is a replacement hard drive--the original was faulty) and I haven't put anything on it yet. When I first put it in my machine, I was able to see it in "My Computer". The next day when I was ready to start copying my data over, it was nowhere to be found. I turned off the machine, pulled out the drive and put it back and rebooted--still no show.

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Have More Than One Copy Of XP On Same Computer With Two Hard Drives?

Mar 29, 2007

Can you have more than one copy of XP on the same computer with two hard drives, that can be validated please.

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Transferring Hard Drives To Another Computer

Sep 23, 2006

I have transferred a Hard Drive into another computer and thought I had to re-install Windows (XP Home) - this I did.In so doing I created another Folder - Windows2 so as not to overwrite anything. I have a Windows folder as well.I also still have a Windows98 Folder on this drive.I cannot access the latest e-mails in the new configuration - or anything else for that matter and know that I am going to have to reinstall all programs.How and where do I find those missing e-mails, or can I uninstall this new version and revert to the old one?

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Cannot Access Hard Drives From My Computer

Dec 5, 2006

I was hit by a virus and now I can't access my hard drives from My Computer. I get a message "Windows Script Host" and "cannot find script file, "C:autorun.vbs" when I click on my "C" icon. Right clicking gives me gibberish in the menu box where the "Open" should be. I can still get through to the contents via My Documents and up-leveling.

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Start Up Choice From 2 Hard Drives

Oct 30, 2006

Is there any way I can be given a choice of which Hard Drive I can startup on when I turn on my computer if I put 2 individual Hard drives in it?If there is, I will purchase another copy of XP but I need to know before going to the expense of buying another XP operating system.

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Booting - Freeze Up - First Set Of Hard Drives

Jan 12, 2007

I was working on the computer yesterday when it froze up on me. I didn't think much of it, so I rebooted and continued what I was doing. Later that same day, the computer locked up about 2-3 more times. Then I started hearing ticking noises coming from inside. I shut it off after it froze again. When I powered it back on, the screen during bootup that displays my Hard drive's status (I have four HDs, paired up with one another), says that the first set of hard drives (which is where the OS is on) is healthy, and on the other set, it gets an error with red text. I rebooted, and sure enough, they were both healthy again.

This is where it messes up. It starting loading the Windows logo, with the progress bar. The next thing it does is go black. It doesn't boot at all after that. I have to reboot everytime. I then tried to boot in safe mode. Black screen again. I tried all the possible options in the boot menu, none of them worked. That's where my first problem takes off. So I now have a non-booting OS. The next thing I do is insert the Windows boot disk, and installed Windows XP on the same HD the original OS was on (Don't ask why, I don't know either). After the installation, Windows booted up fine, except I was running on a fresh install. Which how I'm on this site...........

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Could Not Find Any Hard Drives On Computer

Dec 4, 2005

I have an HP Pavillion zv5000.Windows xp sp2.I was online and the laptop and got a blue screen of death
don't recall exactly what it said, something about ie encountering an error and needing to shut down.Went to reboot, and it tried to boot off of LAN.checked my BIOS everything seemed fine, disabled that boot option.
Tried to reboot again, got a plashing flat cursor in upper left hand corner.Tried to use Norton Disk, scanned memory only.Did not scan boot.Tried to use XP disk to repair, and it came up with screen saying that
it could not find any hard drives on this computer.What happened to me, is it viral, or hardware.This laptop is only a year old, but no longer under warranty.

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Starting Media Center Speeds Up The Fan?

Apr 8, 2006

whenever i start media centre the speed of the fan on my video card increases a lot, this will continue until i exit mc and go back to windows, once in windows it runs normal...also when i put pc into standby mode the pc goes into standby but the video card fan keeps keeps going...hmmm anyone seen this before? I am really stumped!

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