ToolBar - Access Start Menue

Jan 31, 2008

This Problem occured about 3 weeks ago. All of a sudden when I boot up my Pc my toolbar works alright for about 10 or so minutes but after that the toolbar locks up. I can't access my "start" menu or anything I "minimize". What is far more worse is I can't load programs when this is happening. Sometimes though the computer "gives" and allows me to load things i want to for a few seconds but then it locks up again. So basically whatever is already loaded I can use but when this happends I can't load any programs,go to my start menu or basically ANYTHING. SoWhat should I do? Btw I cleaned out my PC thinking it was dust but I found out I was wrong.

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Start Up Menue - OS - Reinstall Copy

Apr 13, 2006

When it asks you to select an Operating system microsoft XP Setup is Highlighted insted of Microsoft XP Home Edition after 5 seconds the next screen says:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or currupt <Windowsroot>system32.hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above

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Taskbar And Start Toolbar Menu

Jan 30, 2005

When I right click on the start button and when the menu appears some options have been added to the menu. I would like to delete these and add a few commands of my own, but I can't seem to find where to do this anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Start Menu - Toolbar Freeze For Long Periods

Nov 19, 2008

Sometimes when I click my start button it freezes the whole toolbar, this doesn't make sense as I have a reasonably powerful machine (check specs) and when I check task manager my cpu usage is at 2-4% and I have less then 20 processes running taking up 200,000k or less. I once had a virus on my computer but I followed the steps, removed it and formatted my hdd then reinstalled fresh windows xp pro and now this issue has come up. Just recently (after the problem appeared) I tried going to run regedt32 Hkey_Current_usercontrol paneldesktopMenuShowDelay and lowered that to 0 in a hope of reducing freezes but I haven't seen any difference.

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Want To Stop Language Toolbar From Appearing On Toolbar

Oct 13, 2005

I want to stop the language toolbar from appearing on my toolbar. I have deselected on the list of toolbars but it seems to reappear: how can I have it not showing, and stay not showing.

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A Disk Read Viruse On Bootup Menue

Feb 28, 2006

Im currently working on a system that has winxp, and the error is on boot up. The drive is seen in the bios but it cant boot, instead this error message comes up after loading the bios"a disk error occured" hit ctrl+alt+del. What tools could i use to possibly fix the mbr if i dont have the xp disc? i have seen some sites like but would a xp boot disc have a recovery console built in?

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Can't Enter Safe Mode - Boot Menue Options Missing

Oct 29, 2006

When I restart my computer and press F8, I get a boot menu to come up, and there is no "start windows in safe mode options"

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Right Click On Desktop Causes System Freeze - Desktop Menue

Apr 21, 2006

i am runnings windows xp sp2 with an amd 1200 . all of a sudden when i right click the desktop my system freezes up. Right click work and everything else works the freeze only happens when right click the desktop for the menu.

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Cant Access Programs Through The Start Menu

Jan 7, 2007

Something has been eroding the quality of my PC.I lost the ability to access programs through the START menu (I have to seek them out via Win Explorer).Now when I am on-line (Internet Explorer) and I click on a link, it usually (not always) freezes and I have to shut it down via Taskmanager.I cannot run a full virus scan because I have a damaged Intel file that causes the PC to freeze whenever the scan touches it. But I do run Ewido and Spybot (fast scans). I used to have McAfee via AOL, but it was KILLING the speed of my PC (start-ups were painful).

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Access The Start Button And Task Bar

Aug 12, 2002

If your system hangs about 2 or 3 minutes at startup,where you can't access the Start button or the Taskbar, it may be due to one specific service running in the background. Microsoft put out a patch for this but it didn't work for me. Here's what you do:1. Click on Start/Run, type 'msconfig', then click 'OK'.2. Go to the 'Services' tab, find the 'Background Intelligent Transfer' service, disable it, apply the changes & reboot.

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Cannot Access Start Menu Items - Folders

Jan 6, 2008

You see, my problem is that whenever i try to open a folder, or go to my computer or control panel my entire desktop blanks out leaving only the wallpaper and returns to the desktop with no open folder (by blanked out i mean the tool bar and icons disappear) i have no clue were to put this thread in, so im assuming it could be an operating system problem, the only way i can access folders is by using the run prompt thing, but even then i cant use the Control panel or anything, i tried Control.exe but no luck,

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Loop Problem At Start Up But No Access To Safe Mode

Mar 21, 2006

I am not really a computer whizzkid but am not afraid to give most things a go ever since powering down for a holiday my xp start up is in a loop. Clicking f8 and trying to access safe mode doesn't work either. Have tried "last known settings" but still no luck although it does get me a bit further but then I get the message ODBC32.dll was not found in the winlogon.exe box. Then MPR.dll was not found message appears. Is there anyway I can access the c prompt and do anything or should I have a restore disc somewhere that I haven't found supplied when I purchased the PC

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Remote Access Conection Manager Failed To Start

Aug 19, 2005

Constant error message in event viewer, the event id is 7000 and the description is Remote Access Conection Manager failed to start.Please I need immediate assistance to resolve this issue.

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Desktop Icons Missing / Cannot Access Start Menu

Mar 18, 2010

Lately i've having issues with my computer (Windows XP Professional SP 2, Sony VAIO). The startup is normal until I log into my account, computer slows down and in the end nothing shows up, no desktop icons and even the task bar at the bottom disappears. However, I can ctrl-alt-del and log out of my account and when I log in a second time, everything is back up and running. Then, I go to start menu and for example I click on my pictures, the computer freezes again and I have to reboot. (if i dont click on start menu and instead go on the internet, everything is normal)I did some research and im not sure if it has anything to do with explorer.exe error or just my hard drive is not working properly,

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Wont Access Start Button / Task Manager / Cmd Screen?

Dec 19, 2007

I'm sure this is a simple question but I can't figure out the answer. I'm running XP yet my start button and the taskbar aren't blue, the standard XP color, they're now looking like they did in Win 98. How do I fix this? Also I can't access the task manager either by control alt del or by right clicking the task bar and selecting task manager there. I've searched on this and found a number of different methods to supposedly fix this but haven't been successful so far.

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Control Panel Has Vanished From Start Menu And System Access Restricted

Sep 10, 2007

I've seen similar recent threads opened detailing similar problems you've looked into. My control panel icon has vanished from my start menu, the link to it in My Computer has gone too and when I try to access it via the Run function using control.exe I am greeted with the message of "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer, please contact your administrator".I'm sure this is a malware problem I've picked up off the web but I've got no idea of how to fix the problem. Your help would be very gratefully received.

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My Docs Off Toolbar

Jun 26, 2005

In display properties I can select not to display My Documents & Network Places on desktop; however if I choose not to “Display Desktop Icons and select “Desktop Toolbar� they show up in the tool bar. What is the solution to this long standing bug in Windows.

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Language Bar On Toolbar

Dec 20, 2004

Not a serious problem, just an annoyance. One day, I started my computer, and the Language Bar was activated on my tool-bar. I turned it off, but then next time I restarted my computer, it was there again. Basically, any time that I restart my computer, I have to close the language bar.

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Extra Bar On The Toolbar?

Aug 19, 2009

I recently noticed that there is a thin bar above my toolbar on the bottom of the screen.It was never there before. This may be simple to fix, I just don't know how to get rid of it.Look at the toolbar on the bottom of the screen, you see the thin bar above it? That wasn't there before.How do I remove it?

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Toolbar Under Address Bar

Mar 11, 2005

I lost my toolbar under the address bar. It had back & forward ,stop, refresh, and many others. Want it back.

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Toolbar Stopped Working

Jun 6, 2005

my toolbar stoped functioning. I have windows XP and l could of done something by mistake but l'm unable to get it working once agian.

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Toolbar & Icons Disapearing On PC?

Oct 16, 2005

I've had toolbar & icons disapearing on this pc and restored it and ran spybot & adaware but no luck?

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Desktop With No Toolbar, Or Icons

Jan 20, 2005

Ok, Im DESPRATE for help right now, and im going to explain my whole situation which is grim
I have a SONY VAIO 2.53 GHZ P4 Processor, 512 RAM, Windows XP pro (not so valid edition) 2 year old Comp. And I have 2 hard drives both 200GB, C: (windows and programs) D: video editing files...

I have a project to turn in TOMORROW... I could get in Big trouble and Fail a class if i dont get this done TONIGHT


Last Night I noticed when I was editing that some of my avi exports were all distorted and fragmented... So i figured "I havent EVER ran defrag (stupid me) on this hard drive maybe I should defrag it" So I looked into a defrag program called "diskeeper" I defragged C: (windows drive) and attempted to defrag D:.... I came to my comp and discovered an error that just said failure with the drive or something... After that I could not access (D I restarted, diskcheck did not work, and I dont want to do system restore... I posted on another websites forum and someone said I probably went over the 137GB limit... I think when I went over the 137GB limit, it possibly overflowed over some kind of boot files or something that lets windows read the disk i dont know (not that techincal with computers)So i looked into that, and I have an ATA card... and Windows NO service pack XP pro... Ive heard things about having a 48 bit bios or something... And after installing WINDOWS XP SP1... I try to get on my computer and i load windows

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Can't See Minimized Apps On Toolbar

Mar 26, 2008

This just started happening today. When I minimize any app that I am using, it doesn't show up on the toolbar with Start in the bottom left corner. Only way I can see what's been minimized is to open Windows Task Manager.Can anyone please tell me how to fix this?

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Toolbar Intalled Without Downloading?

Sep 20, 2005

I want to have the hijack this link because my yahoo toolbar had been replaced by something called freepod. These popup windows would come and it would be saying another toolbar was installing itself without my downloading it. Also, as of lately when I log onto the PC if it just freezes up & doesnt let you type or click on anything.

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WebCollect Toolbar Installer

Aug 26, 2009

Apon attempt to install "webcollect toolbar", I get error message saying "not compatable with browser or o/s". What gives..?

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IE Toolbar Gone After Automatic Update

Jul 14, 2009

Am using XP, and noticed problems after the automatic update to IE8, which happened for me on 7/8. When we tried to use IE8, the toolbar had disappeared. I have no room on the bar to right click it, because it has a Google search window on the right side. In addition, IE doesn't even show in Windows Task Manager as an application when the browser is open--only as a process. I was able to uninstall IE8 (after uninstalling SP3) and go back to IE7, but it has the same issue--no toolbar. I tried the Fixit offered by Microsoft (50157) for this problem, but it did nothing. I tried doing a regedit to delete the ITBarLayout value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/software/Microsoft/IE/Toolbar/Shellbrowser (although it wasn't specifically labeled ITBarLayout, but was the only entry with a value, sorry I haven't worked with the registry much). I was able to do a successful System Restore to 7/5, but that did nothing. I am at a loss--should I try to reinstall IE8? SP3 first?

Besides this, since the System Restore my Norton Internet Security 2009 has an error in the browser protection, and I am unable to download the fix for that because IE won't stay open when I try to download the Norton Removal Tool. My mom has gotten the same browser problem, so I think something happened to both of us through the automatic update to IE8. She is also on XP.

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Pop Up Blocker In Yahoo Toolbar And I.E. 6.0 Both

Aug 30, 2006

I have installed, in my computer, Yahoo Toolbar with the Pop-up blocker and Internet Explorer 6.0 Pop-up blocker is enable too.Is there any problem to have them both enable? My operating System is Windows XP-SP2.

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No Desktop Icons Or Toolbar

Jul 7, 2010

System running fine now save for one thing -- my desktop page is a complete blank. It takes ages to load and then I see nothing but the desktop picture. No icons, no McAfee boot, and no toolbar. Everything has to be run from the task manager. Recently my lady, who uses the other desktop, doesn't even have a desktop picture -- it just comes up blue. She thinks she once saw a message about lack of memory.

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Remove Toolbar From Explorer

Feb 21, 2008

Just installed Windows XP, and I can't remove or hide the toolbar or the address bar from Explorer not Internet Explorer. When I click on View/Toolbars, both Standard Buttons and Address Bar are checked and disabled, meaning I can't un-check them. How can I un-check them? There must be some registry hack that they did to prevent us from hiding the toolbar. I'm not sure if this is related, but in Internet Explorer7, I can't seem to customize the toolbar? Again, when I right click on the toolbar, I select Customize Command Bar, and the Add or Remove Commands menu item is disabled.

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Lost Toolbar And Views Bar Were Set Up In Outlook?

Jun 11, 2006

I seem to have clicked somewhere and lost how my Toolbar and Views bar were set up in Outlook Express I seem to have only half of each one in one bar With an arrow in between them Not the views bar about and toolbar below it

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