Lost Toolbar And Views Bar Were Set Up In Outlook?
Jun 11, 2006
I seem to have clicked somewhere and lost how my Toolbar and Views bar were set up in Outlook Express I seem to have only half of each one in one bar With an arrow in between them Not the views bar about and toolbar below it
I just downloaded IE7 to my Dell XPS400. Everything appears to have gone well thus far with one exception. I have either lost or can't identify the Outlook Express Icon on the new toolbar.
I am running Outlook 2003 and I no longer see the Norton AntiSpam Toolbar where it used to be as well as the Norton AntiSpam Folder which was sitting below the Deleted Items Folder. They have practically disappeared at different times one from another. XP SP2 musn't be blamed because this issue has sprung up prior to its installation. Last week I did install NIS 2005 but the music hasn't changed, The Norton Toolbar & Folder still no-show. I believe this has got to do with the so-called plug-ins.Is there anybody out there who knows if any chance to get them back without having to uninstall/re-install Outlook 2003 or whatever?
Old system had many .dbx files but zero .pst files - no export/backup had ever been done on it. Tried to copy over the .dbx files, and appeared to work, but then somehow outlook clobbered old and copied .dbx files, or rendered them invisible.
I want to stop the language toolbar from appearing on my toolbar. I have deselected on the list of toolbars but it seems to reappear: how can I have it not showing, and stay not showing.
When I turned my computer back on, I had lost all of my inbox, and many of my saved folders in outlook. I looked in the recycle bin, but it appears to be empty. Where did my stuff go?
I have ended up with DBX files on"Windows XP service pack 3"but cannot read them or change them. Is there a way to save them elsewhere on my hard drive
My Windows 98 basically crashed and i have now loaded XP onto one drive and my info from 98 is on another drive ( c/d ) I have gotten access to all my files,documents ect....however I have not been able to get into my outlook express old file which contains 1000,s of emails that I desparatley need.
created an identity on Windows XP for each of my parents. Tried to set it up where Outlook Express could be used identically from both identities,but could not. Used the Import/Export from OE to attempt to send the address book and messages to other identity, and now they aren't found in either identity's OE program. When I tried to import the address book back into main identity's OE, an error message stated that it won't retrieve that folder
I lost the Internet Explorer and Outlook express entries from START, ALL PROGRAMS. Don't know why. System Restore from yesterday could not restore anything. I also lost these 2 entries from the quick launch bar on the left, beside the START button. Obviously IE is still on the system because I'm here.
I have updated my system from win98 to winxppro. It was my understanding that it would not lose my contacts or favorites, but would simply update the program. I lost everything. Unfortunately, I didn't follow procedure and export the info to a disk. Is there any way to get my contacts back?
my computer Seems it ran and ran behind the scenes when I booted up and would take 10 minutes to hit another key and wait again. I went to MSCONFIG and removed the x from most ot the start up programs. It now works but some where I lost my ability to get on line or onto Outlook express. I have highspeed cable, with a backup computer, my backup computer works I have tried the hookup wizzards several times but in vain
I had a complete computer failure & got a new one. Qwest-MSN helped w/ reloading all my preveous emails. Then I began having error messages that "OE has encountered unknown problems & has to shut down" or it would just freeze up for no reason. Emails were coming in in duplicats. (2 of every email in the inbox) (*This problem is still happening)
They had me delete my account & start over several times. Then they forwarded me all my emails they had on their system. OVER 1,000 BEGAN COMING IN! NONE TO THE INBOX! (hidden file) We put a stop to it and began searching where these were being hidden. Since getting the new computer I have not been able to get Spell Check in my OE 6.0 I am told 6.0 does not have this. I had it before changing computers and I used 6.0 then also.
When inserting a file, usually a picture file or even uploading a picture file onto the internet, a window will pop up and you'll see a list of files to choose from. Here, sometimes the files appear as "Thumbnails" and arranged by "Type" but sometimes they appear as "lists" and sorted by "name." Each time I would have to right click and change "view" and "arrange icon by" to my preference, which is sometimes 'thumbnails and modified,' and sometimes 'type and name,' depending on application. But, as soon as I am finished they would go back to the default view that is either 'thumbnail and type' or 'list and name.' And I have to do it all over again. Is there a way to stop this from happening so that each setting remains unchanged?
I am using Windows XP Professional. My folder views options ("Details, "Icons," etc.) do not seem to be working. When I right click on the My Computer icon on my desktop and choose Explore, I would like to see a "Details" list of my folders and files in that window, for example in my C: drive. In contrast, I have some folders on my desktop and would like to see the files in those folders represented by "Icons." It was working this way unitl a few days ago when all folders (Explore and folders on desktop) seem to revert to the last choice I make with My Computer>View - then choosing "Icons" or "Details " To try to correct this problem, I then went to My Computer>Tools>Folder Options>View Tab and changed various settings, such as "Reset all folders" and "Apply to All Folders" with the, "Remember each folder's view settings" box checked. Nothing seemed to work.
The "Remember each folder's view settings," box currently is checked. Still, if I set one of the folders views on my dekstop to "Icons," then go to "Explore" and set the view in that window to "Details," then the folder on my desktop has its view changed to "Details." It's as though the "Remember each folder's viww settings" is not working and the view for all folders (for folders on the desktop and in My computer) reverts to the last view setting I used. How can I get the folders on my dekstop to show iocns when I open it, while having the folders in my "Explore" window show "Details," when I open it, given the "Remember each folder's view settings," does not seem to be working?
Trouble remembering my folder views/settings. For example, I can set my folder to view Tiles or List or Details, but when I go back, it resets the view to what Windows chooses. Also, my quicklaunch bar won't remember the order of icons. After I change which icons I want where, it resets after a system restart.
So far, I have already tried deleting the BagsMRU key from the registry to reset the folder views. Also, I have already played around with the "remember folder settings" option in folder views. I have also tried a program called MRUBlaster to reset the settings. And, if I choose "set all folders to this view" setting, it works, but if I change the view later, it won't remember it
how to do something in Folder Options, View settings. I have most of my folders in Windows Explorer set to appear as a list. But I would like folders in 'My Pictures' to appear as thumbnails. But when I change them to thumbnails they always revert back to list view when I go back into that folder.
I am running Windows XP Home SP2. I was wondering if there is a quick way to make my folders view the same way. Instead of having to go into each folder and right clicking, then choosing "arrange icons by" or "view" is there a way to do it from control panle or elsewhere so I can apply it to all my folders?
After upgrading are users from 2000 to XP the users will change the folder view from tile to details and click the apply to all folders. The setting will not apply to all the folders.
My favorite folder view setting in XP is "Details". After trying out some tweak apps, Windows Explorer shows every folder I open in "Icon View". I change it back to Details but later it reverts to Icons.
I know there's a simple way to: 1. globally change all folder views to Details...and 2. Preserve the setting.
It seems that the default view for all folders is the view with folders open on the left side of the folder. Clicking the X on the left pane or click off the Floders button on the tool bar changes the folders view to the Windows XP style folder view. Then going to Tools>Folders Options and cklicing the View tab, then clicking on the button, Apply to All Folders does not apply this change to all folders and resets the folder back to what it was before I made the change.
Im using windows XP and ive recentlly built a new computer. I've transfered my photos from the old PC to the new one but all i can see in 'my pictures' is an icon with a frame and a paintbrush on it. How can i see them as thumbnails?
I have created a folder, and inside this folder are a number of sub folders, each containing various text files, images, etc etc. I would like each sub folders content to be arranged in the same way. So have used VIEW/ARRANGE_ICONS_BY/TYPE/SHOW_IN_GROUPS
This setting places all .JPG, BMP, GIF, TEXT etc. in groups, and looks quite well ordered and neat. Probably not everybody's first choice, but it works for me. However, to achieve this layout I have to visit every single folder and it's sub folders individually, in order to make the necessary adjustments, and so that they all view in the same way. This can, and does, take hours. Is there any way that I can specify how I would like the contents of all sub folders within a main folder to be set up, without having to make the adjustments for each one over and over again? What's more, I have an external HDD connected to my P.C as additional storage, and when I transfer any folders to this external drive, whilst the contents remain intact, the settings for how each folder should view appear lost. So, back I come to the same old layout issue again.
I am trying to set up Windows 2000 Pro to open multiple windows of folders. I went to the control panel, folder options and set the radio button to open multiple folder windows. It will not do it. I can only open one folder view at a time. What am I doing wrong? I know this is not earth shattering as far a problems go, but I really need two and three windows of folders open at a time.
When I open my "My Computer" folder, it displays my computer contents just like any other folder on my pc... it doesn't break my icons up into groups. I can post a screenshot if you can't understand what I mean. Here's the really weird thing. If I login under my personal account, I have this problem. However, if I log off my account and log back in under the Administrator account, the "My Computer" folder displays properly, without anything wrong.
I am running XP at this time. XP Media Center Edition to be exact. My computer is fairly new, only purchased in July of last year. It is a Dell with a 3GHz processor and 4GB of RAM if that matters.
I am having a constant problem with my XP installation. The "Folder Views" will not retain "details" setting even though I constantly reset it to "details" and have that set as default in all folders through folder options. This does not happen on an old computer with a really old Windows XP installation. Set it at viwe "details" years ago and it has stayed set. Any ideas on something else to get this to stay as I reset it?
I have problems with folder views continually changing from Icon to list or whatever. I read once that this has happened because I have used up the number of folder memories set in the Registry and you can edit this function in the Registry by increasing a value.
I am using outlook express to check my email but i want to use microsoft out look, and i want all my last emails to be transfered to micosoft out look. help me how to transfer my inbox, sent items and address book from outlook Express to microsoft out look.
I know procedure for backup and restore my email messages from outlook express. Now I want to switch to Microsoft outlook and I wonder if it is possible to transfer messages from outlook express to MS outlook 2003?