Thumbnail Wont Show Correct Picture Of Image Files?
Mar 11, 2005
Thumbnails do not show the correct picture of image files.It appears that the thumbnail is of the edited version of the image.The image file opens correctly My neighbor has the same problem and we cannot find a cause or fix.
My problem is that in my computer with windows xp I used to always use the thumbnail view in the windows explorer to know which videos where which and also for images. But then my computer got all screwed up and I had to reformat it and install the windows xp again and downloaded all the new service packs and stuff.But now, I go to either the windows explorer or my computer and for images I can see the thumbnails but for videos it only shows either the windows media or realplayer logo but no thumbnail image of the video. It is driving me crazy because I really need to be able to see the thumbnails in order to identity them fast instead of having to open all of them!
I've been using XP SP2 and have never had a problem with thumbnail view in windows explorer - I turn it on, it shows me pretty thumbnails of any images, movies, etc in the folder. A few days ago, I noticed that it had suddenly stopped working for image files - video and html files still get a preview, but not images. It stopped working about the time when I installed an old version of Photoshop (7.0.1, the only one I had laying about for a quick job I needed it for...), and my efforts on Google seem to imply that it may be the culprit
Problem: When I try to work with a picture in an application the application crashes when the "my pictures" folder is viewed in Thumbnail.
examples: 1) From windows explorer when I go to My Documents click on My pictures and select thumbnail view and explorer crashes
2) if a picture is embedded in an email and I right click and select save "save picture as" the "my picture" folder pops up in thumbnail view and I get the error "ms outlook has encountered a problem...." if I report or don't report the error outlook crashes.
3) If I try to insert a a picture into excel...inset>picture>from file. The application opens the "my picture" folder in thumbnail view and then excel promptly crashes.
4) If I try to change the wallpaper on my computer and go to browse which opens "my picture" folder in thumbnail view and guess what...the application crashes. Here is get the error
"Run a DLL as an App has encountered a problem and needs to close." I click on DEBUG and get the error "Dr Watson postmortem has encountered a problem and needs to close" when I hit DEBUG again nothing happens.
I am using windows XP pro and MS office business edition 2003. I have a dell latitude d820 and I have recently have had the hard drive cleaned and everything reinstalled up to service pack 2 (service pack 3 eliminated that fax console which I use so I am NOT using SP3)
For some unknown reason, I can't change my desktop picture. When I go into the Display Settings, everything in the Desktop tab is grayed out. I can still use the customize desktop button and the position drop-box, but I can't acutally select an image.
I've tried going through the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem , but none of this helped. I had at one stage lost all the tabs, but I managed to retrieve them through the registry. It's not urgent that I get the desktop tab working, it's just really annoying.
I have just had windows xp home reinstalled on my PC due to a fault. I now find that all of my pictures saved show the name plus .jpg If I try to rename them a arning box comes up saying that the picture might become unusable if I delete the file extension. What can I do to only show the picture name.
Normally when you double click an image file, the default Windows Picture And Fax Viewer (I'll use WPF for short) program let's you view it. Recently, it's not working. I double click various images that showed up fine bef, but now nothing. It's like I'm Double clicking some empty space. Well, not quit empty space, as i do see the hourglass animation briefly when I do that, but previews in thumbnail and filmstrip mode are no longer there either.My pics are BMP, GIF, and JPG format. Pics i had before, as well as new ones I save using "save picture as" or via a screenshot utility canNOT be opend using WPF. The pics haven't gone corrupt
i have a weird problem with my laptop, words i type don't show az i typed them.for example:Hi = h5 How are you = h6w are y64 pronounciation =r6n64nc5at556n it all happened after trying the windows xp "remote assistance" feature with my friend, and i got this problem during the connection, and even restarting the laptop didn't help to fix it !
I am trying to clone my work machine to use on a dual boot system on my new machine. My old works machine has to run win 98 for some of the works programs to be able to run. When I use ghost 2003 and try to clone to an external drive it goes ok but does not show up as a ghost image there fore cannot restore on new machine partition running win 98. What am I doing wrong.
I recently upgraded Adobe photoshop from CS2 to CS3. When I try to open a file using Open with by rght clicking a say, a JPEG image file, earlier I used to see the Photoshop Cs2 as an option. But now, I not only do not see Photoshop listed as an available program option, even when I select browse and go to the program folder and select Photoshop.exe for opening with, the image does not get opened in the Photoshop.
I have erased my hard drive and was reinstalling xp pro.when it is copying install files i keep getting messages that certain files did not copy correct, and I can skip them but xp probably won't work.After several attempts, I just started skipping all the files and xp was on the hard drive, but when logged on it would crash.I have tried using different copies but i get same message about files aren't being copied correct.
I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?
I have a problem with playing video files. I can hear sound but no picture, no video. I'm using Windows XP home and I downloaded the latest codec for Window player and still won't work. I downloaded divx player and it won't work.. only sound.
i've had problems with my computer background for months -.- and it's really getting on my nerves. i'd like to find a solution to my problem.. when i right click my desktop, click properties, click desktop.. and browse and find the photo i want to set, it looks fine in the preview but when i apply it, half of it is off the screen in the corner. i tried changing it to stretch, center, tile, i re sized the image to my exact desktop size, i also tried different resolutions and still no change! please if someone can help.. i've googled this Many Many times but none of the solutions worked for me, i've also tried multiple images... I'll post some screenshots now
I'm not sure how it happened, but all my files that I have set to open with Windows Picture and Fax viewer all display the "missing icon" icon. The one with the picture of a Windows 95 window on a white page. I figure the normal icon for pictures got deleted somehow, but I'd like to fix this without re-installing Windows if possible
Images (jpg, gif, bmp etc.) on my desktop suddendly stopped working a few weeks ago when I double click on them, they work fine anywhere else and displayed using the default "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" but on desktop it's always "No Preview Avaliable". It will work when I right click on the file, open with and choose "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer". After installing SP2 hoping it will fix it, it won't even show "No Preview Avaliable" now the Picture Viewer quits itself. I've tried searching for this problem anywhere but had no luck.
A folder full of PSD files. I have the folder on thumbnail view so I can easily find a look I wan't and choose it instead of opening up each one. The problem is that the folder is not generating a preview of the file anymore but instead shows the PSD icon. I just got a new computer and it is since then that this has stared, as on my old computer the previews showed up fine. Is this a setting I need to change somewhere?
This may seem trivial, but it's bugging me. I have a windows XP and i have the windows classic theme. Every time I put a picture as my wallpaper the color around the words under my icons doesn't blend in with the picture but stays a solid color, so there's like little boxes of blue of white. How do I make those icon words blend in with the picture?
I have just installed Windows XP SP3 in my computer. Everything is normal except when i browse a folder that has image files (at least .jpg). It makes thw windows explorer hangs (stop responding) and i have to end it then restart it with task manager.
I keep having applications hang when I try to search for image files. Apps that are hanging include Windows Explorer, Outlook Express, Adobe Photoshop, and Quark XPress. I've gotten the Dr. Watson debugger message whenever Explorer hangs. The applications hang as soon as I select the folder where my images are stored. It's not all folders, only some, and it seems to randomly pick when it will or will not work. I have tried rebooting and it seems to work sometimes, but then other times I reboot and have display issues, such as fonts not being recognized and email messages shown all in italics. As a workaround, I have rebooted and been able to go to Explorer, and drag a file to the desktop. Then it seems to be fine when I access from the desktop.
something is wrong with my recycle bin ni wonder wuts wrong. wutever i delet doesn't go to Recycle Bin one more thing i noticed dat the icon for Show Desktop is not working either..i tried alot im so pissed off.
Like to know where all of the system files went? Such as the pagefile, autoexec.bat, etc. In any folder that contains files. Click on the tools menu and select folder options. Then click on the view tab. Locate where it lists Hide protected operating system files and uncheck it.Click yes on the box that will pop up.Click OK.
so i have a epson picturemate(personal photo lab) and i have it installed but everytime i put the memory card in it so i can copy the photos to my computer, the screen that asks me what i want to do (copy files to folder..view..etc.) doesnt show up anymore and i want to know how i can get that back so i can save my photos to my use to show up before i got internet and now it does not..
i am not able change the settings in My Folders options..Everytime i click on Show Hidden Files..nothing happens..and my radio buttons do not check any of the two options.i.e Show hidden files & do not show hidden files..also i have tried to change the value of CheckedValue in regedit to 1..but everytime its comes back to 2...i think there is some virus thats doing it.
i have a pentium 4 with windows xp, service pack 2, thats been infected with a virus that prevents me from checking show hidden files and folders radio box. The virus is named ''0hct8ybw'' and from my research its quite new and first showd itself on 12 february 2008 and google has next to nothing about it. mcafee has totaly nothing and i have no idea what to do next.