My moms computer is having issues starting up. It takes an extremely long time to boot up.It says windows is starting up.It takes a good 5 minutes to get to the page where she would normally enter her user name and password.Once you type in the password, it takes another 5 minutes before another log on message appears saying The system cannot log you on now because the domain is not available.I have tried logging in under safe mode, but the same log on to windows box always appears asking for her user name and password.I can't even get past that screen to get onto windows.The desktop was built for her by an ex bf of mine, and is currently running on windows 2000 professional.We do not have any disks to restore it.Plus she has a whole bunch of graphics and work she does not want lost.
Im running Windows XP. I've encountered an extremely frustrating problem. My computer takes several minutes, sometimes a half hour, to do ANYTHING except open My Computer and the Explorer. Now I've looked at several posts on this site and I've tried things like CCleaner and Ad-Aware (which pretty much freezes my computer now whenever I turn it on) and neither of these have solved the problem.
Hello all, at the point of exasperation here and am requesting any assistance or insight which can be provided. I Am up to 11 minutes to boot my JetBook laptop with Win XP pro I also have trouble with and reappearing in the registry and starup, as I understand it these are malicious things too. I have used registry mechanic, trend micro, spyaware, adaware and no adware to try and track these things down, apparently to no avail. There is a message I receive when booting up looking for a registry item which is at least four (4) boxes which makes no sense, how to do a registry search to delete the value?
I bought a laptop in 2006 from my school board. It came with Windows 2000 Pro but I was not given the disk. I no longer work for that schoolboard but the laptop takes 10-15 minutes to boot. I don't know what to do.
My Dell Dimension 4500 PC has Windows XP Pro SP2 installed. When I start the computer it goes through the DOS screen and then moves to the black Windows start up screen with MS Windows XP Logo and the blinking blue progress indicator. At the end of this cycle an error message in a square box appears for a fraction of a second making it impossible to read it. Then the blue Windows screen appears with the message Windows is starting up. It stays like that for about twenty minutes before the log on screen appears. After the password is entered the computer works normally.
Possibly if I could read the error message it would help. Is there a way of stopping the start up process at this point to allow the error message to be read? Would this error message be recorded by Windows elsewhere so that it can be examined? The other option is to reload Windows but I would like to try to fix this issue before I take this path.
I have a new IBM x40.It came with 256 RAM. Booting up was SO slow (4 to 5 minutes) that I added another 256 of RAM. The operating speed improved but NOT the speed in booting up. It still takes about 5 minutes.
I run Windows XP had to recently restore my laptop.Things are getting back to "normal" except that now when I click on the "start" button and then "turn off computer"I have to wait about 4-5 minutes while the hour glass icon spins before I get the "log off, shutdown, restart" menu. Once this appears and I select "shutdown" everything goes okay and shuts down pretty fast.What might be causing this long delay?
I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. I'm unable to shut down my laptop. It's HP branded and runs on XP Pro. What happens is that it sits or seems to be stuck on the process of "closing network connection" when trying to shut it down. It takes about 25 minutes to shut down because of this "closing network connection". I wonder if anyone might be able to tell me what may be the cause and how to fix this? If i can ask what's really happening in the event of "Closing network connection" during shutdown process?
Well, while I was walking upstairs, I accidentally dropped the computer on the floor as it slipped through my fingers. When I turned on the computer, it booted correctly, except that its slower. I clicked on the start menu, and it takes about 30 minutes, just for it to pop out.
windows xpwhen I turn off my computer it usually takes 4 minutes to turn off, no matter if I just turn the computer on and do nothing. I turned it on for a hour and did nothing and it took 3 minutes to shut off
When I turn on the HP laptop, I see the IVENT logo, then the screen goes dark for 30 minutes, then boots completely to reveal Windows XP. I can use the cd/dvd drive but cannot connect to the internet. There is a warranty, but Best Buy advises there are no hardware issues. They said re-loading Windows would fix the problem. I have performed all the restore and windows trouble shooting start-up fixes and those do not work. However, under device manager, the 1394 adapter "has a problem" and there are yellow ? under Ethernet controller, Multimedia Audio controller, Network Controller, PCI Device, PCI Modem, Video Controller and Video Controller (VGA Compatible)and an exclamation pt under SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller.
I have windows XP and it takes a while to boot up before going to the windows xp screen. While I'm waiting for it i see white bars that look like this:(they connect when it loads)Before this problem i had my power supply replaced. It worked normally when i got the computer back but i had some blue screens saying 'memory dump'Then the slow bar problem appeared. There was a problem with the system32/config file being missing or corrupt. It said to use the recovery console to repair but I didn't know how, so I just reformatted.
My computer works really well, the only problem is, when I start or shutdown my computer, it's very very slow. It's appears to be frozen for a minute or so and then start or shutdown.It does start or shutdown properly but it's slow. It can take up to 2 - 3 minutes to either start or shutdown.I noticed that when I start my computer, I see the Windows Update yellow shield appear near the clock and then goes away. I'm not sure if it's related but thought I would let you know.
Since a couple of weeks my PC (w. Win XP Pro) takes approx. 5 minutes before the desktop icons appear on the screen on startup. Everything is normal from turning on the power and logging into the PC and after logging into the PC the desktop background image (wallpaper) loads immediately - but then it takes some 5 minutes before all the icons appear on the screen and before I can even get the start bar to appear. But after these 5 minutes everything pops up nicely and the PC works perfectly. To mee it seems like the PC is trying to connect somewhere and probably fail after the 5 minutes and then proceed with the other tasks. Then thing is that it doesn't seem to be much activity because the harddrive lamp only blinks occationally during these 5 minutes. Have not got any Symantec virus warnings and I have not downloaded or installed any new programs at about the time this started to appear... As everyone here seems to add a HiJackThis file - I thought I better do it too - but I don't suspect to have a virus... Anyonw have any suggestions on what might cause this slow load of the desktop icons?
XP Home reboots in the 3+ minute range. Once it gets to the 'Starting Windows XP' screen, it loads fine. Some damnthing is hanging.MY comp is running slow. Expeciially on the net. Task manager is reporting no excess network use. IE 6 acts like it's on a 56k modem. I use Mozilla FireFox, which runs fine, but my wife is a IE 6 fanatic. Shareaza and WinMX load slowly and take a minute or more to change tabs. BitTornado (latest versions all) loads and runs fine, but seems to hang after an hour or so. It stops updating speeds, seeds, peers, etc. It also closes slowly. Once I get online, the comp slams on the brakes. Mozilla is the only app that seems unaffected. Sygate is also logging a lot of portscans. 7 in the in the last hour or so. All from the same IP address.
Explorer.exe very slow to show sub directory after clicking on C Drive
1) I am running Windows XP Home Edition on a fairly new Dell Dimension 8300 series with a Pentium 3 processor and 1 Gig of Ram. I have 100 gig hard drive of which about 50 gigs are full of all types of files, avi, mpeg, jpeg, audio files, program files, you name it!
2) I have downloaded all of the latest Windows XP updates.
3) My computer starts fine and opens to the standard desktop fairly easily and quickly.
3) I then click on explorer.exe icon on my desk top and Window Explorer opens.
My computer won't let me use the system restore function.It won't let me run or install programs.And if I try to a small black window pops up for a second than goes away.If I connect my computer to the internet a message pops up two minutes at the most later saying that windows has suffered a huge error or something and needs to shut down.And in the message a counter goes down from forty second than my computer restarts.That only happens if the internet is connected.
When I logon to the computer I keep getting a windows error message. I keep clicking on OK and it does not come right back but after a couple of minutes or even a couple of hours it comes back. Listed is the error message that I keep getting.
In the last couple of weeksI have been getting the following message: "Please wait while checking system configuration" - in a pale blue box at startup. It sits on the top of all programs and will not turn off, even after a couple of hours, The rest of the operations work ok.
I have read an old thread on this in the forum, but it was never answered to my satisfaction, so I am asking again.
When initiating Adobe Photoshop, this error message appears, and after I click okay it continues to load and I'm able to use it with no problem. My thinking is that it might be a plug in, however, if it's some sort of file generated from Windows XP,
I'm running Windows XP - Media Center Edition on Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.2GHz, 1.5G RAM.This morning, Norton 360 detected and blocked several intrusion attempts, but stated that everything was secure.Shortly thereafter, every program that attempted to open would generate the following pop-up message, "[program name] UNABLE TO LOCATE COMPONENT - The application has failed to start because msefrms.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."I click OK to acknowledge this message, only to have it reappear. After several "OK clicks", however, the program usually opens and functions properly.
I restarted my PC to get into safe mode to run a virus scan, but the message appears even before Windows begins (even on winlogon, services, lsass, etc.). Again, a few clicks of OK gets me past the message and into Windows.I haven't been able to find ANY reference to msefrms.dll on the web.
my computer take about 10 minutes to load. It takes about 5 minutes to get to the user screen, and another 5 from there. This computer uaully would boot in around 1 min.
when I booted up Windows XP it would only run up to the Windows loading page. Where you see the Windows logo and there is a bar running. After that my monitor either goes blank or gives me a "no signal" message. So I decided to reformat my hard drive and re-install the OS. Well now it only turns up the background, where I could see the background image and the mouse. But no start bar no nothing. I am running Pentium 4 Processor. Intel Desktop Board D915PBL Windows SP1
windows xp. when i go on an online course sometimes but not all the time the cpu will run at 100%. I have had a look in task manager and under process(es) under cpu it tells me that runa5w32.exe is running at 100%........this will last for 10 minutes or so then it will drop to a normal 5%, where i can then carry on with my course with out any problems. this also happens alot when i even start the computer up, when i am just on the desk top it will run at 100% for 10 minutes or so, and that come's down to svchost.exe
I have 3 svchost.exe.....1 svchost .exe network service.....and 1 local service. AS i say this doe's not happen every time but it can be a pain some times as i carn't do much with either off these when one of them is running at 100%. just thought i would post to see if there is anything i could do.
About every five minutes or so we get a pop up for our hp 1300 all in one. The main box pop up is as if we just installed new software for a printer, which of course we have not, and then a box pops up that has 1300 trb in the header and then says windows is configuring, and then another box pops up that says 1300 help in the header and then says it is also configuring. Nothing will print and we have one doc in que that we cannot cancel.
After Windows installed, the hardisk keep working for about 5 minutes.For those first 5 minutes, the computer is very slow and after that thing become OK. 1- Is this normal.