Swap Space Usage

Oct 17, 2007

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question because it's not exactly a problem, but why is my system using 250 odd mb of swap file space when it's only using 67% of physical ram? I think I must have misunderstood the way it works because I thought that swap space was used when you 'run out' of physical ram, and that it was undesirable because it is alot less efficient using the hard drive for memory.

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PC Is Slow, High CPU Usage, Moderate Memory Usage

Nov 1, 2007

My friend, who has given a Dell Optiplex GX240 running Win2K Pro. 512MB RAM To help her out, I got rid of porn, viruses, and spyware using: Ad-Aware, AVG spyware and AV free versions, Trend Micro House Call, Spybot I checked the task manager, and has constant 100% CPU usage, avg memory usage The system runs, but apps open slow, so I tried some freeware reg cleaners: CCleaner, Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, Wise Registry cleaner.

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Cpu Usage / Press Ctrl, Alt And Delete, The Cpu Usage Appears To Be 100%

Jan 22, 2005

I recently installed a winTV card in my computer, ever since that I have noticed that when I press ctrl, alt and delete, the cpu usage appears to be 100% full whenever I try to open an mpeg file I have recorded from the TV card. it is a pentium 4 2.8 ghz processor.

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Swap From One HD To Another

Oct 27, 2009

I want to move all the files i want to keep from the C drive to the F drive. Can i just cut/paste everything (including the windows folder) to the F drive or will this cause problems?

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Swap OSs Between PCs

Dec 28, 2007

I've got 2 PCs, one running XP Home, and the other running XP MCE. I'm planning on swapping the roles of these PCs, and am wondering if I'm going to run into activation problems once I'm done formatting/reinstalling windows on each of these machines.Think I'll end up having to contact MS? Will they let me do this without having to purchase new keys?

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Explorer/ High CPU Usage / CPU Usage Goes To 100% And Stays There

Apr 6, 2007

I'm running XP pro SP2. I have a gig of ram and my mother board is an Intel D101GGC. My CPU is Intel Pentium D 920.

If I use Windows Explorer to go deeper than the first level of any tree, CPU usage goes to 100% and stays there. I've disabled System Restore because it wouldn't let me go back in time anyway and this program is a known resource gobbler. Didn't help. I've attached a hijackthis logfile to see if anyone recognizes a Trojan, etc. I would appreciate any help at all.

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Swap OS Between Two Computers

Jan 26, 2008

My daughter has XP Pro on her laptop and I have XP Home on my laptop. Both are legal and registered but we'd like to swap the operating systems. Hers is a smaller, slower and older machine then mine so there shouldn't be any hardware problems or capacity issues.

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Can Swap Licences Between 2 Pcs?

Dec 17, 2008

I have xp pro on my laptop and xp home on my computer. however, in order to use the windows remote acess service my host computer (home) must have xp pro. Is there any way to swap the two licenses without wiping my computers and reinstalling?(Some of you will doubtlessly mention other remote access programs such as LogMeIn, etc. I've considered those but they are not my first choice, which is why I am wanting to go down this avenue before I default to a 3rd party client such as logmein)I've considered asking Microsoft but they charge up the a sshole.

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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Isolate Swap File?

Dec 31, 2005

I read a tip in PCworld about virtual memory that said if I could isolate my swap file, virtual memory would/could work faster. OK, I've got room, so how do I do that? Isolate.

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Swap Out A Hard Drive With OS

Jan 9, 2007

I am running XP pro on my CPU 2 drives C: & D: C his 30 gigs and has the operating system with all my program files. i am down to 600MB of space and it is making my pc sluggish. i have tried to move and delete any files i do not need but i am still very low on HD space.My D: drive is 80 gigs and has plenty of free HD space.can i switch my files from C over to D including the OS? In other words can i just copy everything over from c to d and make my D drive my boot drive with out having to reinstall my XP os?

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How To Swap Drive Numbers?

Apr 12, 2007

I have two LaCie drives one is allocated as drive F and the other as drive G.I want to swap them so that drive F becomes drive G and vice versa - can I do this?

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Fail On Mobo Swap

Feb 4, 2008

I recently had motherboard problems with my computer.Swapped the motherboard for one given to me off a forum.The problem now is that on boot I get past the windows splash and get the BSOD.The error code was just a hex code for which google was not my friend.I could boot in safe mode (without cmd prompt or networking only), but I could not work out what the problem was.I have compounded the issue by using the XP install disc to perform a repair.All that has done is made it so i cannot boot in safe mode at all now due to the setup restriction with safe mode.I believe this is all to do with motherboard drivers that I need to fix.I probably need help in canceling the repair, and how to clean out the existing drivers.I have in the meantime installed Ubuntu to allow access to attempt repair.I would prefer not to have to do a full reinstallation if could be avoided.

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Swap User Registry?

Jul 17, 2008

I have just reinstalled Windows XP Pro on my PC and need to find a way to get my programs from a user that is no longer recognized by windows to work with my new user. The first thing I thought to do was copy the registry from the old user and replace the new one's with it, but I'm not sure if that would work, or how to do it.

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Optimal Swap File?

Sep 5, 2006

How to configure optimal swap file with 2 GB RAM - dual chanell? I have 2 systems and think that 1 GB RAM work better than 2 GB, especialy with overklock!?

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Swap Compaq To Hp Pavilion

Jun 22, 2010

i just want to ask how much if i swap my compaq to hp pavilion

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Motherboard Swap On System

Aug 31, 2005

My main XP Pro machine failed last night, with symptomology consistent with an actual failure of the motherboard. I'm going to try and attack it methodically tonight, but realistically I think the board will be "pining for the fjords.".I would like to take the primary disk from that machine, and cable it into the
old backup desktop machine in place of that machine's primary hard drive while I figure out what to do. That way I won't have to spend major amounts of time getting the Outlook .pst file moved and configured, not to mention all the other relatively important stuff sitting on that main machine.When I've done that in the past, that has always required a reinstall of Windows because the motherboards are totally different architectures and obviously take a different set of drivers and dlls and what have you.But I have a hunch this is not necessary if one knows the right tricks or perhaps how to run the mysterious Repair console.

Can anyone talk me through what I need to do in order to stick a hard drive with a good, running XP Pro installation onto a foreign machine? A second question: I run a small network at home cable modem into SMC .Barricade 4 port hub. The failing machine connects to the hub, as does a wireless router. I've found that when my primary machine is turned off (or in the case of this failure, is dead) that none of my networking works wired or wireless. I had to cable the backup desktop machine directly into the cable modem in order to have any connectivity. Just wired into the hub it waits forever for an IP address. I just don't understand what the main machine has to do with the networking process thought that was the job of the hub.

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Swap Memory / How Much Is Needed?

Aug 18, 2009

I've recently switched from Linux because it overheated my laptop. I installed Win XP SP 3. I partitioned my hdd in only 2 primary partitions, c and d. I don't know how to create the swap memory, as I did at Linux installation (at the first partioning). It appears that Windows did it already, because at Virtual Memory it says: minimum 2024 and maximum 4096 if I remember well, and allocated curently it is 2024MB. I don't know if it is ok, I didn't touch anything here. My RAM is 4 GB in Bios, but windows recognizes only 3 GB.

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Change O/S From Win 2K Pro To Home - Swap Over The Drives

Nov 15, 2008

I have a a home built system running win2kpro on a twin 80 gig HDD's C & D, D is only used for backups, Can I swap over the drives Re-format D and install XP home on it then do a file transfer of all relevant data and program files from the original primary drive, once done and up and running satisfactory I aim to re-format and use it as before as a backup disk.

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Virtual Memory Swap File

May 29, 2007

I've set up a 2 GB logical drive in my extended partition which I have dedicated to the Windows virtual memory swap file ("pagefile.sys"). I went into the "Performance Options" panel, clicked "Change. " within the "Virtual Memory" section, then set the size of the swap file for the logical drive. I then tried to set the size of the swap file on drive C: to zero.

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CPU Usage Always Showing 100% Usage Of Resources?

May 27, 2007

My CPU Usage always shows 100% and my system is getting very slow although I have not installed any big software and have strong antivirus (symantec) whose definition files are updated .So , why is it happening?

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Sp3 HDD Swap - Remove The Old EIDE Drive And Boot

May 22, 2008

I've purchased a WD 500gb SATA HDD to replace the near-full WD 80gb EIDE drive. My motherboard supports SATA and using XP's disk manager I've partitioned the new drive as E: and all is well with XP recognizing both drives. I've used Ghost 9.0 to export all of the data and files to the new drive, as well as making backup image files on DVD disks. The problem is when I remove the old EIDE drive and try to boot, XP hangs up and gives me the "blue screen of death". If I put the old drive back in, life's good again. I'm assuming that XP is hanging up because my SATA drive is still labeled E:, and XP's disk manager won't let me change E: to C:, or at least I can't figure out how to do it. I've got two questions: Has anyone used Ghost to export data from one disk to another disk, and is it OK to assume the transfer got all of the files required to make a boot disk? And, is there a work-around of some sort to make XP recognize my SATA drive as C: and boot from it?

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Swap File - Screen Is Black Jack

Feb 11, 2007

This machiene has Fedora core 6 currently loaded on the ATA133 150 gb segate drive with an AMD 3200+ 2.2ghz and 1.25 gig of ram along side a Geforce 5900xt all riding on the a7n8x nforce 2 chipset. This is a kick butt system however Vista does not support my hardware and linux is not using my swap file correctly.I put in the legal copy of windows xp sp2 and boot my pc asks me to press any key to boot from cd and upon completion the screen reads Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration. then the screen is black jack and there aint no going back I've left it up for hours. Tried booting using the BARTS ultimate boot cd, same thing. Tried a floppy boot disk and I get a similar issue. Even when trying to boot from a USB I have trouble. But Fedora core still comes up fine and I can boot into that setup.

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How To Install Primary Hard Drive Boot Swap And Compatible Partition?

Mar 20, 2007

I installed gentoo on my primary hard drive and have boot, swap and root partitions on it and they take up the whole drive. I want to install windows on the secondary hard disk but it is saying it needs a compatible partition on the primary drive but it is already full!

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15GB Free Space And It Shows Not Enough Disk Space?

Aug 13, 2007

i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up.
I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files

Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.

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Free Space Inaccuracies?? Calculating Disc Space?

Mar 14, 2006

I've noticed sometimes that the Free Space on my harddrives won't reflect changes I've made. For example, on my 28.6gb F: drive, I had about 586mb free. I just deleted a video file of about 700 mb, so it should be up to about 1.2 gb. Oddly enough, its still at 586mb.

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Erosion Of Free Space On Hard Drive Becoming Used Space

Aug 6, 2005

I recently noticed that my free space on hard drive has been eroded and my used space has been increasing. I have not added any software. Much to my dismay I cannot figure out why this would occur. We did make recovery disks and removed our partition some weeks ago. It seems our C drive is using up space without any explanation. Ran many different anti virus and spyware software and they did not detect anything.

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DVD-RW Drive (E:) Used Space/Free Space 0

Oct 2, 2006

I had to uninstall HP Photosmart C4100 series only because I was missing some wording on the buttons that just disappeared for some reason, It said to uninstall the program and then just reinstall it.
Well now, when I go to reinstall, it will not automatically start so I clicked on my computer and dvd-rw Drive (E and there are no files, in fact it states that my my file system is CDFS and the CDA Default - Full It says all space used 672 MB and Free Space 0 Bytes

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1.10 GB Free Space In Safe Mode, In Normal 804 MB Free Space?

Jan 30, 2006

does anybody know why i have 1.10 GB free space in Safe Mode and 804 MB free space in Normal? thanks. and i know that 804 MB free space isnt alot, this is a pretty small harddrive from what the computer says it is .

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Pc Asks Me To Empty Disk Space Though There Is Enough Disk Space

Feb 22, 2010

My issue is my machine displays "not enough disk space " error when i try to paste a file of 4gb though there is enough disk space of over 8gb free in my drive

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Hard Disk Space Go / Disk Space Seems To Vanish

Mar 31, 2007

I don't get it. the more i go on, the more and more disk space seems to vanish into thin air. xp usually takes a couple of gigs up on the hard disk, right? maybe 5 gigs at the very most. i've got 8 gigs taken up by videos in one folder. the programs i've got installed are negligable. the program files folder is 500mb. and yet my disk only has 20 gigs spare on a 40 gig hard disk. i've looked in every folder on the hard disk and i simply can't find any folders with anything of any great size in it. i've defragged the hard drive.

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