Strange Things Happening

Aug 31, 2005

Running XP Home, SP2 w/1 gig. All of a sudden my machine is beginning to do strange things. First of all my second hard drive (D didn't show in My Computer. "Add New Hardware" didn't bring it back. Then, all of a sudden it was back. Secondly, something changed my screensaver, but I was able to restore it the usual way. I've used Registry First Aid to check on registry content, and, I've run a virus scan (NAV) and I've defragged the drive. Also, neither Counterspy nor Spybot could find anything wrong.

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Very Slow Start Up And Strange Things Happening

Mar 7, 2010

my laptop has become very slow in starting up. Up to ten minutes in fact! It goes throuygh all processes as normal, but just takes ten times longer. Also, my mouse and curser are acting strange. the curser judders across the screen rather than moving in a smoth normal motion, and it occasionally dissapears completely for a second or two. All programs take ages to load and generally my PC is taking 5-10 times longer to do anything than it normaly does.Everything was fine up until 2 or 3 days ago when this started happening. I have NOT downloaded anything over the past week.I attach my HT log

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Something Strange Happening?

Aug 22, 2005

I know this sounds crazy, but for the last two or three computer will be online and then about three hours later...I am offline. What could cause that? then a box kept coming up asking what connection I wanted to use and if I pressed one, it would dial up and thank God, in a error message came up. I supposed I should never have entereded anything in that box.

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Keystrokes Doing Strange Things - Virus Scan

Aug 21, 2006

I have a proble+m with +my keyboard. When I hit certain keys +my co+mputer does strange things. Here's a list of things I've found wrong:

"u" brings up windows standby +mode.
"end" places a period where the cursor is.
"m" types +m
"7" opens my IE home page
right bracket - shuts down windows

I haven't knowingly changed and key settings. Virus scan co+mes up negative.

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Uninstalling AOL Nothing Happening

Mar 27, 2006

I uninstalled AOL to install a newer version and when aol said it was checking to see the type of connection, nothing happened. The little yellow man just kept running. Dell ran diagnostics and said my computer is fine, but I cannot get aol to install. anyone have this problem before?

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Logon Isn't Happening Any More

Oct 12, 2007

I recently attempted to install a program that installed Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1. The installation of the original program didn't complete so I uninstalled .Net. Now, when I turn on my computer the log on screen doesn't appear - it just goes directly to the desktop. This isn't a problem because I only have one user account, but I just wanted to see if my ininstalling .net had something to do with this, or if not, what else could have caused this to happen spontaneously? (I don't like it when my computer starts doing things I didn't tell it to do

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Nothing Happening After Windows Screen

Mar 10, 2007

I've tried everything with this, after i turn my computer on, everything is fine and when the wondows XP screen comes up where there its loading.. nothing follows only a black screen and the mouse.

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BSOD Is Happening All The Time

May 13, 2007

dmp files or eventlogs to help me figure out why my laptop keeps crashing. it is a 1 year old Toshiba running XP media center. It seems to run ok is safemode so I think it is software related. I have not reinstalled windows yet and prefer not to. Windows was reinstalled about 4 months ago. Also when I try to log into this site I get a message saying the admin must white list me but it then lets me post anyway.

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Unwanted Events Happening - Key Presses

Sep 25, 2006

Just today I have noticed weird thins happenin with my computer. Unwanted events happen when I press certain keys on my keyboard. For example...The key being pressed & the event that occurs:R - Opens calculator N - Mutes all soun CTRL - Selects all or page These are jsut three that I've noticed in the short time I've used my computer today. Is there some setting that I need to turn off? Is my keyboard messed up?

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Hard Drive Reading / Writing When Nothing Is Happening

Aug 4, 2005

Lately I have been experiencing a temporary slowdown/freeze and I notice that the hd light is blinking. I can be moving the mouse across the page, for example, when it will start responding erratically or stop. As this is happening the hd light blinks even though nothing is being saved or opened. I have disabled indexing, run virus checks and adware and spyware removal tools. I do have a wireless router attached but i haven't checked to see if it happens with my laptop also.

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Browse Or Download Files - Blue Screen Error Happening

Jan 16, 2007

im stumped, ive been a moderate pc user for about 9yrs now and this has me stumped i dont work with windows itself thats why im here im more into Web Programs etc.... Anyway im getting the Following Blue Screen Error: 0x0000008E, This error is happening 5-10 times per day, Sometimes it will be random sometimes it wont. It happens alot when i use mozilla to browse or download files and it happens when im not using mozilla also.

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USB Working With Some Things But Not With Others?

Mar 27, 2006

I have an Athlon XP 2400 and 80gb with 40gb hard-drive. My USB is very tempermental. Somethings work. Somethings don't. My gut re-action is that it is an external power issue as my printer was working. Strangely, my optical mouse is working fine. There is only one thing I can think of. Could it be a USB 2.0 problem as I have only 1. Please help. Where do I get drivers from? Do I even need drivers.

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Went To Start / Run And All Things Were Gone

Aug 26, 2005

I went to Start/Run and all my things were gone such as regedit, msconfig etc. replaced by hundreds of past URLS I've been to. How can this be possible since I don't use Start/Run to go to websites? I can't delete them either. How do I get rid of them. Agent Ransack can't find them on my PC and my Temp and Temporary Internet folders are empty. How can I get rid of these old URLs?

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My Computer Is Doing Things By Itself

Apr 1, 2005

I posted this in the hardware forum, but since I posted that thread other things have been happening that make me think it could be a virus.My mouse was working fine up until last night, when my computer started behaving strangely. I would move my mouse across my desk and it would work fine, before the cursor simply stopped moving. I was still moving my mouse, but the cursor wasn't moving at all. It does this in every direction, and it happens at random times. I thought it might just be a problem with the optical tracking, but something else is happening today too. Whenever the cursor stops moving the mouse sometimes jumps to another part of the screen, this also occurs randomly. Even if I'm moving the mouse right it could jump to the lower left hand corner of the screen. It also clicks itself randomly, both left and right clicks. This means it's not just a problem with the optical tracking. I'm a big FPS player, so this isn't exactly what I need, especially when my gun fires randomly and the mouse stops tracking in a firefight.

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Accidentally Deleted Things

Apr 2, 2008

I run a windows XP home standard computer.A few days ago I started trying to tidy up my computer, cleaning the registry and getting rid of duplicate files -with software help of course-.I used Eusing Free Cleaner, and apparently while it's just fine for registry cleaning, it does a very bad job at trying to clean duplicate files, since it shredded -meaning they can't be recovered- some things that were essential to the system. What they were I don't know.But apparently the 'Stand By' function in shut down no longer works, and I can no longer adjust the monitor refresh rate, which is stuck at its lowest setting.Is there anything that can be done to try to find out what files are missing, and to download them again?

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Too Many Things In Start Up Menu

Sep 20, 2005

Windows XP- I get a message I have to many things in my start up menu and all can't be show. I need to take some out or choose a smaller icon. I don't know what to remove.

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Can't Update - Things Install Or Run

Mar 20, 2006

I can't run windows update, things won't install, or they won't run, update doesn't work, my windows problem cup runneth over. Here is my Hijack This! log. I will be eternally grateful if someone can help, and I don't have to wipe my HD!

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 6:12:17 AM, on 3/20/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Things That Could Be Placed In Ignore List

Dec 4, 2004

this was my most recent log.. and while i'm not 100% on which to delete and which to ignore, i know for sure that there's quite a few things that need to go.

also, could you please let me know which things i can put in the "ignore list".

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Uninstall SP2 - Install Fix Things

Mar 17, 2005

We downloaded the sp2 when it sometime last year and it came with lots of problems.I finally had to go to microsoft and get them to help me uninstall it. I have not reinstalled sp2 because I am affraid to. Have they changed it and what happens if I install it and then have to "fix" things. I am not too advanced in my computer skills and I don't think I would be able to "fix" it.

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Clean Up - Corrupted With Things?

Feb 4, 2008

It's a good computer, corrupted with things that it doesn't need, and I'm afraid to remove anything. Is there a program or someone who can clean things up for me and speed it back up again? I have an 80gb hard drive, 256 MB of Ram, and a great Graphics card. (NVIDIA GeForce If i'm not mistaken.), but I really need to clean this up, because before it was really fast, now on loading up, and just anything it's so slow nowadays.

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Alt Tab Makes Things Slow

Sep 20, 2010

If I AltTab away from a program, like a game, then go back, often it becomes very choppy... any idea what I can do to fix this?

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Things Running On Startup

Sep 16, 2007

Frequently on shut down I see a message that says hpqimzone.exe is not responding and I have to click on "End Now" to continue with shutown. I did some researching and found out that this process belongs to HP Photosmart Premier. This seemed confusing to me at first because the shutdown isssue occurs even when I don't run the program. After some more examinations I found out that I have two items that seem to run on startup, one is called Adobe Reader Speed Launch and the other is HP Photosmart Premier Fast Start. They are in a Startup folder - file path: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart Menu Programs Startup. Are these critical components of startup and, if not, how do I stop them from running at startup? Would deleting the shortcuts do the trick?

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Bad Things Running On Computer

Sep 7, 2005

I am a begginner and have a windows 2000 machine and i think i have spyware and virus's how do i do the hijacker checker.

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Computer Forgets Things

Sep 11, 2005

When I open a folder, lets say my pictures, and switch the view tothumbnail view that is fine. But when I close the folder and go backin later the folder has reverted back to how it looked originally.When I open internet explorer it sometimes comes up as a fully openwindow and other times as a window that only covers half my screen. and no matter what i do it never seems to remember to expand the window.I have a four speaker setup but every so often the Audio controlsswitch it back to 2 speaker. As soon as I select 4 speaker everythingis okay.

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Fresh W/Sp1 Install, Things Still Fubar

Jan 16, 2005

I formatted the PC, reinstalled WIndows XP w/SP1. I've got Norton Personal Firewall and Norton ANtivirus installed, all up to date. I have Spybot S&D and Ad-Aware 6 installed, also all up to date. They catch nothing. Everything works peachy keen for a while, but then, I cannot open new instances of programs(such as IE or Firefox), taskmanager will not open on my screen(the the CPU meter appears in taskbar), and attempts to install programs while this is going on causes the isntall to hang, and things to get really messed. I even formatted agian, reiinstalled XP again, and it's STILL happening. I've downloaded all the security patches from Microsoft, except SP2 it hangs because of the problem stated above

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Some Things Refuse To Delete From Start Up?

Jun 19, 2006

with XP - Pro SR on HP media centre. using msconfig and going to start up list I delete MS Messenger & Real audio update ( I NEVER use these) they are the only items that keep coming back even after several reboots etc.

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Removing And Blocking Non-essential Things In PC?

Jun 18, 2005

I have a pretty simple inquiry. I was wanting to know if there are any non-essential things that I have running that I do not need (& that none of my installed programs need to run). I'm not positive if I need the stuff like O4 - Startup: DLHelperEXE.exe or stuff like O9 - Extra button: Wild Jack Poker - {17709D14-4A02-42c6-B9FA-18C90A851F51} - C:Program FileswildjackMPPMPPoker.exe so I want to double check with someone who knows. Please let me know if I have anything running or installed that is not neccessary.

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Retrieve Things You Have Deleted From Trash

Aug 12, 2005

I don't know how I did it, but I deleted some very important info into my trash and then deleted my trash. It seems my restore system only does a restore once a day, and yesterday at 4:00 doesn't work for me.I thought my old version of widows had something like that. Any ideas

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Cannot Right Click Things On Start Menu

Mar 11, 2010

I have tried literally everything I've found. I've even check registry keys but just cannot find what causes me to be unable to right click anything in the start menu. I can right click everything else, this is the only problem. And I've also checked the enable dragging and dropping.

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Uncheck Things That On Start Up List

Apr 12, 2007

I used to have a way on Win 98 to uncheck things that I didn't want to have on my computer when it boots up. I now have Win XP and can't figure out how to get to the list where I can uncheck things. I activated the Windows Messenger and I'd like to stop having constantly in my face. I'm sorry I activated it in the first place. I don't want to completely remove it, but would like it to stop working for now. Can someone give me specific steps to get to the "start up" list?

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Start Bar Gone Amoung Other Things Wrong

Mar 25, 2007

Big Big problems on my system today. I believe (although its been denied) that a program was installed and uninstalled incorrectly on my system (by my teenage son). Besides having missing files and programs that won't start up, I am missing my start bar..the whole the bottom of the desktop/screen. Also, when I click on, say, IE to open up, it looks like it opens up then disappears. When I do a control-alt-delete, it looks like IE is up and running. Any ideas on how I can get my start bar back and programs to stop running "in the background"? I am running Win XP. Also I am unable to log on to Outlook to retrieve email.

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