I know this sounds crazy, but for the last two or three days...my computer will be online and then about three hours later...I am offline. What could cause that? then a box kept coming up asking what connection I wanted to use and if I pressed one, it would dial up and thank God, in a way..an error message came up. I supposed I should never have entereded anything in that box.
Running XP Home, SP2 w/1 gig. All of a sudden my machine is beginning to do strange things. First of all my second hard drive (D disappeared...it didn't show in My Computer. "Add New Hardware" didn't bring it back. Then, all of a sudden it was back. Secondly, something changed my screensaver, but I was able to restore it the usual way. I've used Registry First Aid to check on registry content, and, I've run a virus scan (NAV) and I've defragged the drive. Also, neither Counterspy nor Spybot could find anything wrong.
my laptop has become very slow in starting up. Up to ten minutes in fact! It goes throuygh all processes as normal, but just takes ten times longer. Also, my mouse and curser are acting strange. the curser judders across the screen rather than moving in a smoth normal motion, and it occasionally dissapears completely for a second or two. All programs take ages to load and generally my PC is taking 5-10 times longer to do anything than it normaly does.Everything was fine up until 2 or 3 days ago when this started happening. I have NOT downloaded anything over the past week.I attach my HT log
I uninstalled AOL to install a newer version and when aol said it was checking to see the type of connection, nothing happened. The little yellow man just kept running. Dell ran diagnostics and said my computer is fine, but I cannot get aol to install. anyone have this problem before?
I recently attempted to install a program that installed Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1. The installation of the original program didn't complete so I uninstalled .Net. Now, when I turn on my computer the log on screen doesn't appear - it just goes directly to the desktop. This isn't a problem because I only have one user account, but I just wanted to see if my ininstalling .net had something to do with this, or if not, what else could have caused this to happen spontaneously? (I don't like it when my computer starts doing things I didn't tell it to do
I've tried everything with this, after i turn my computer on, everything is fine and when the wondows XP screen comes up where there its loading.. nothing follows only a black screen and the mouse.
dmp files or eventlogs to help me figure out why my laptop keeps crashing. it is a 1 year old Toshiba running XP media center. It seems to run ok is safemode so I think it is software related. I have not reinstalled windows yet and prefer not to. Windows was reinstalled about 4 months ago. Also when I try to log into this site I get a message saying the admin must white list me but it then lets me post anyway.
Just today I have noticed weird thins happenin with my computer. Unwanted events happen when I press certain keys on my keyboard. For example...The key being pressed & the event that occurs:R - Opens calculator N - Mutes all soun CTRL - Selects all or page These are jsut three that I've noticed in the short time I've used my computer today. Is there some setting that I need to turn off? Is my keyboard messed up?
Lately I have been experiencing a temporary slowdown/freeze and I notice that the hd light is blinking. I can be moving the mouse across the page, for example, when it will start responding erratically or stop. As this is happening the hd light blinks even though nothing is being saved or opened. I have disabled indexing, run virus checks and adware and spyware removal tools. I do have a wireless router attached but i haven't checked to see if it happens with my laptop also.
im stumped, ive been a moderate pc user for about 9yrs now and this has me stumped i dont work with windows itself thats why im here im more into Web Programs etc.... Anyway im getting the Following Blue Screen Error: 0x0000008E, This error is happening 5-10 times per day, Sometimes it will be random sometimes it wont. It happens alot when i use mozilla to browse or download files and it happens when im not using mozilla also.
What i am experiencing is when i have my home page up---i try to go to a different site and the page will close only way to get to a different site is hold the ctrl key down and then click on a site i want to go to. I tried going to add/remove to try and repair ie6 but it will not let me repair it. I also tried to over install ie6 and says i have latest version- i can't even uninstall ie6--not sure why? This is what i have: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) as i said it is strange having to hold the ctrl key sown togo to other sites.
When I open "My Computer" and then click to open one of the local or mapped drives, instead of opening that drive I get a "Search" window launched. I can open the drives by right clicking and selecting "Open", but I'd much rather just be able to open them normally!The strange thing (to me, anyway) is that this only happens in "My Computer" - not in any other folder or window...
Norton keeps popping up with this file trying to access the 'net: xflplkdxjv.exe. I think it's spyware, but sometimes it has an AOL ISP address, sometimes not. I have deleted the file more than 15 times, permanently deleted from recycle
The menu bar (File-Edit-View-Help)on many Windows applications such as Notepad has changed from beige to a white box behind the menu item. When I click on a menu item, such as "File" for example, the menu item background changes to a larger rectangular white box around the word "File" instead of the normal blue and stays white. And, so forth with the rest of the menu items. There is no affect on the drop down menu. Selecting still highlights the item in blue. I have had this problem before. It begins after a program uninstall, I think. I have restored to a previous point as a fix in the past, but Restore can't restore past the point I need. It just seems to be a cosmetic problem, but it bugs me.
Here i have a Desktop PC, since a few days past i am getting an strange type message on the screen and it keeps coming up every few minutes i have attached an screen shot of what i get.I highly appreciate if some one could help me out fixing this problem.
I was recently issued a new laptop at work and after a few pushed updates from our IT department, I discovered that everytime I boot I now get a strange screen just after the Windows logo but before the login prompt. The OS continues loading about 5 seconds after this message is displayed. I've contacted our IT department but they don't seem to know either.I have a strange feeling it was caused by a failed update. Judging by the spelling mistake in the message and the timing of the error, my guess is that it originates from a 3rd party driver/software. It is interesting to note that when booting up in safe-mode the error screen does not present itself. This further makes me suspect a driver of some sort. There are also no related errors in the Application or System Event Logs.
I have an 300GB Maxtor drive with a 234GB partition (drive C and an unallocated unformatted partition covering the rest (after I accidentally deleted it).Windows XPSP3 shows the partition in explorer as drive E: but with no size and I can't access it.When I right click the partition and choose Format it shows as 257GB big so I backed out.Acronis shows the drive the correct size but won't let me format it.
I have an intermittent problem that causes a left click on my mouse to highlight not only the item I'm trying to select but everything below the selected item. For instance, clicking on a link on a web page causes the whole page below the link to become selected as if I was selecting the whole area. This happens across all programs when it happens including Explorer, Outlook, or anything where a selection can be made which leads me to believe it is an XP problem. The only way to resolve the problem is to reboot. I'm running XP Pro SP2 on a 3.4 P4 with 1 Gig of memory. This is a fresh install of XP on a new SATA drive but the problem occurred before this install as well. I thought the new install would cure it.
I have a strange problem, everytime that I boot my machine, for the first 15 mins or so it is kinda frozen. Let me explain, If I open any program, it appears to open and then freezes.I have close it with task manger. I can open folders but I cannot open any items in them. I can open control panel but none of the tools, if I click say printers and faxes, an hourglass shows, then nothing. Now 15 mins or so later, magically everything works, printers and faxes pops up and i get notices about force closing the programs. The computer will run fine after the first 15 mins, I have left it on for 2 days straight with no problems. This has been happening for 6 months.I have tried msconfig to try and narrow the problem down, the problem did not occur until i got to services. I went through each and everyone of them and I got to a "Server" service ,this is a Microsoft Service, i disabled it and rebooted, the issue stopped! So I am thinking maybe this is related to the issue. I believe I need this particular service because I share files and printers between the computers in my home and this is my primary desktop.
I open files to read them from the web--whether from MSN or from someone's website--they read fine except for the odd looking Japanese looking character.This mainly seems to happen on the letter "s" and usually at the end of words.At first I thought it was an error on the personal website I was looking at, but it was also in Yahoo and a Google page. It's very annoying.
The problem is my Dell Inspiron 600m laptop running Windows XP Home has a weird symptom that just started up. Literally, every second my system has a brief pause or stutter for just a brief moment, like clockwork. From playing a game or video, to just moving a window around on the screen, or even just moving the mouse about, every second it'll just pause or come close to pausing, and then jump to where it should be. Almost like every second some background process is briefly using all the cpu.Here are the series of events, and then I'll give some more details of the problem itself.
I had this strange icon appear in my start tray. It looks like 3 letters spread out in a fan, with a blue light in front of it. When you hover the pointer over it, these numbers are displayed;, I'm having trouble sending emails, and was wondering if this was part of the problem as the numbers looklike port addresses. I'm using windows xp and outlook express.
I have some trojan issues which I thought I had gotten rid of...but I guess not. I was in the middle of taking a test for university, the monitor screen went black and this folder appeared, it happened twice.The file has a brownish diamond.goe010202b
If i double click the icon on the destop it opens a command window with the message, waits for input, i type a number and press enter and then the same message apears on the following line, i type again, press enter and the same thing happens. It doesn't work. If i enter in Total Commander go to the desktop dir and execute the same batch file. IT IS THE EXACT SAME FILE
Operating system: XP home edition AMD athelon 2000+ ~1.7Ghz 512 MB, 240MB used, 1005MB available???? (i got all this info from dxdiag)
My problems started with a game i have called dark reign 2. I have had this game for several years, but all of a sudden one day everything jams and goes really slow and very jerky for like three minutes and it clears up again. This happens at intervals of five minutes or so. I reinstall the game and the problem becomes more regular
After my computer starts there is this buzzing sound that continues. It didn't happen when I got the computer. This buzzing sound keeps continuing.When I play games and some minutes into the game computer starts to slow down and it starts to freeze.Then I try to alt tab or all the shortcuts control alt delete. Doesn't work. I also see tiny little grey lines around my mouse, I can move my mouse but everything else has frozen. I then have to restart computer. When I restarted my computer there was like little blue lines going down my screen not many only 3 or 4 or something.
The blue lines happen when it goes to the loading screen where it says windows is loading and has a blue bar that goes across. It also has a few blue dots near the bar that goes across. When that loading is finished nothing appears on my screen it is just black. Just now I turned off my computer for a while hoping that it was just a heating problem. I turned it back on and it works I just have the buzzing sound.
Ok, a little worried as I've never experienced or heard of this before... This isn't the first time I'm hearing this random strange recorded noise that goes something like "ho ho ho ho!" (in a scary santa-like way?!) followed by a female voice saying "hello?" and then another female voice saying "you better be behaving yourself" - something like that anyway.