Bad Things Running On Computer

Sep 7, 2005

I am a begginner and have a windows 2000 machine and i think i have spyware and virus's how do i do the hijacker checker.

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Computer Running Sloooow - Things Running In BG

Apr 7, 2008

My computer has been running so slooooow lately and its only seems to be getting worse. when i shut down my computer, it literally takes about 4 to 6 minutes to shut down and 2 little windows pop up while its shutting down, stating that the following programs are running and are attempting to close - one is "ccsvchst" and the other is "Ccapps" (i think). what are thay and can i remove them/shut them down so they arent in the way anymore?

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Computer Running Very Slow: No Change After Removing Unwanted Things?

Sep 14, 2006

My computer (H.P. Pavilion ze 4900 laptop) is running ver-r-r-ry slow.I have: Defragged, Cleaned up my cookies, Uninstalled unneeded programs, Restored the system to a date prior to the occurrence of the slow running speed,Restarted the computer.I have not: Done a disc clean-up (because I have been given conflicting counsel [re: the safety of doing a disc clean-up] by folks who know more about computers than I do.)

Shut down programs running in the back ground(Although I have lots of programs running in the back ground,I have not shut any of those things down because 1)I dont know how to discriminate between what should and what should not be shut down and 2)I dont how to shut those programs down.)Done a virus sweep or a spy-ware sweep (because those operations take a long time even when the computer is running at normal speed

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Things Running On Startup

Sep 16, 2007

Frequently on shut down I see a message that says hpqimzone.exe is not responding and I have to click on "End Now" to continue with shutown. I did some researching and found out that this process belongs to HP Photosmart Premier. This seemed confusing to me at first because the shutdown isssue occurs even when I don't run the program. After some more examinations I found out that I have two items that seem to run on startup, one is called Adobe Reader Speed Launch and the other is HP Photosmart Premier Fast Start. They are in a Startup folder - file path: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart Menu Programs Startup. Are these critical components of startup and, if not, how do I stop them from running at startup? Would deleting the shortcuts do the trick?

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Slow Running And Other Issues - Have Tried Many Things

Dec 3, 2007

If I knew what was going wrong; I'd fix it. As I don't I've posted the issue here in the XP section, as everything I have done so far indicates some kind of software problem.A week ago (thereabouts) Windows XP start-up was much slower than usual. The start-up screen takes twice as long, the login screen is unresponsive for some time, and once logged-in it takes much longer than it should.There are a host of other issues. The audio is regularly distorted / skipping - it's especially noticable at login where that interminable jingle is really garbled. iTunes is much less responsive than usual.It seems to be in general though, that processes run slower and stutter. It's just particularly noticeable with audio.

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Things Running Slower After New Hardware And Reinstall

May 15, 2005

I recently installed a new motherboard, gfx card and processor, and had some problems getting windows to boot properly but im not sure the two things are related but my system seems slow. For example on this webpage, when i scroll down it moves extremely slowly down and a line moves down displaying the new page as it goes down for each part it moves to, and i don't think its my internet connection as it worked fine before i re-installed everything, and im on a 2MB connection.Also i had this message continually come up each time i closed it while installing windows XP pro: 'unregmp2.exe - entry point not found''The procedure entry point GETIUMS could not be located in the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL. not sure if thats related to my current problem though.

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System32 Folder Pop Up - Delete Bar - Svchost Things Running

Nov 24, 2004

problem #1. why do i always have the system32 folder pop up as soon as im on the desktop? its such a pain, for no reason it comes up... problem #2. why can i not delete the bar on the left side of the screen... its annoying too, and i tried alot of things too problem there too many svchost things running? i dont know what to terminate if i dont know what its doing other than eating tons of memory

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My Computer Is Doing Things By Itself

Apr 1, 2005

I posted this in the hardware forum, but since I posted that thread other things have been happening that make me think it could be a virus.My mouse was working fine up until last night, when my computer started behaving strangely. I would move my mouse across my desk and it would work fine, before the cursor simply stopped moving. I was still moving my mouse, but the cursor wasn't moving at all. It does this in every direction, and it happens at random times. I thought it might just be a problem with the optical tracking, but something else is happening today too. Whenever the cursor stops moving the mouse sometimes jumps to another part of the screen, this also occurs randomly. Even if I'm moving the mouse right it could jump to the lower left hand corner of the screen. It also clicks itself randomly, both left and right clicks. This means it's not just a problem with the optical tracking. I'm a big FPS player, so this isn't exactly what I need, especially when my gun fires randomly and the mouse stops tracking in a firefight.

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Computer Forgets Things

Sep 11, 2005

When I open a folder, lets say my pictures, and switch the view tothumbnail view that is fine. But when I close the folder and go backin later the folder has reverted back to how it looked originally.When I open internet explorer it sometimes comes up as a fully openwindow and other times as a window that only covers half my screen. and no matter what i do it never seems to remember to expand the window.I have a four speaker setup but every so often the Audio controlsswitch it back to 2 speaker. As soon as I select 4 speaker everythingis okay.

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Rrunning Big Things Crash Computer

Mar 25, 2005

I keep crashing every time i pretty much load something up such as a game, msn crashed, basically the computer is just crashing when i am running big things or not even big things.Familiar problem?I get messages such as Nv4_disp.dll when i crash after trying to load a game up.Obviously a problem with the video card here but what confused me now is that when msn crashed the computer or even internet explorer once i got these 2 messages as well when the comp flashed its blue screen.Win32k.sys Page_faults_IN_NONpaged_Area.At the bottom it usually will say something like begging physical memory dump and then some numbers just keep increasing until i just restart my computer.

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Reformatting The Computer / Cleaning Unwanted Things?

Mar 9, 2005

Okay, I did a search but there are just too many results to sort through. I need some help reformatting my computer. I want to start fresh with everything except for some school work, which I can save on floppys.So I just want to know, what is everything I need to reformat a Dell computer running XP Home edition? I know I need the system disc and thats about it. What do I do with it?

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Computer Slowed - Freaky Things Happened

Sep 14, 2005

I've been having terrible problems with my computer. I'm running windows XP. I cannot launch anything from the desktop nor access system restore. Alswhen i'm online the pages are staggered as i scrawl down. (the box comes up as blank space) have zone alarm (trial version) anti virus and anti <A TITLE="Click for more information about spyware" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;"

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Slow Running Computer And DSL Running Slower Than Dial-up?

Feb 21, 2008

I had dial up 4 years, I finally got DSL a month agao, now instead of my computer running faster , it is running slower than dial up! I also get a message after I shut down a window, ( memory could not be read error ) sorry I forget the numbers but will copy them down when i log off. I have Windows XP Home Edition.

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Computer Running Slow - Running Though A Router Setup

May 27, 2006

We run Comcast high speed, two computers running though a router setup. My son "opened a port" to speed up his game play. My computer now crawls. Pages take too long to load, and I now sometimes get the server error message here, server not responding. Any idea what I can do. My son seems baffled, but I know he doesn't want to sacrifice his warp speed game play.

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Computer Running Very Slow Due To Programs Running In Background

Sep 5, 2005

Someone told me that my computer is running slow because I have too many programs running in the background. Could this be true and if so, how do I delete the unnecessary programs and more to the point, how do I recognize which programs are necessary and which are not?

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Computer Running Very Slow: Running Ad-aware Still Same?

Dec 24, 2006

I ran Ad Aware SE and later Spyawre Doctor and found nothing also clen temp. files on IE/Tools/temp folders then I ran %temp% and deleted all temp files but it gave me an Error File or Folder mon000 that says close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I don' know what file that is. there are two files that were not deleted: mon000.log and one named Dat.File pefib Perfdata Also ran ATF-cleaner

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Need To Access Things On Each Others Computer By Remote Access

Jun 12, 2005

I have 2 users that need to access things on each others computer from 87 miles away. Both computers are behind routers and both are running windows xp pro. They need to use their computers at the same time.

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Running Processes: Computer Running Very Slow / Removing Processes?

May 20, 2008

How can I tell which processes don't need to be running on my machine? I think that may be some of what is slowing down my comptuer.

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Virus In My Computer And Computer Running Slow - Trojan

Jan 19, 2007

My computer has been running slow and I just did a quick virus scan and I seem to have a 8 trojan horses or something

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USB Working With Some Things But Not With Others?

Mar 27, 2006

I have an Athlon XP 2400 and 80gb with 40gb hard-drive. My USB is very tempermental. Somethings work. Somethings don't. My gut re-action is that it is an external power issue as my printer was working. Strangely, my optical mouse is working fine. There is only one thing I can think of. Could it be a USB 2.0 problem as I have only 1. Please help. Where do I get drivers from? Do I even need drivers.

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Went To Start / Run And All Things Were Gone

Aug 26, 2005

I went to Start/Run and all my things were gone such as regedit, msconfig etc. replaced by hundreds of past URLS I've been to. How can this be possible since I don't use Start/Run to go to websites? I can't delete them either. How do I get rid of them. Agent Ransack can't find them on my PC and my Temp and Temporary Internet folders are empty. How can I get rid of these old URLs?

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Accidentally Deleted Things

Apr 2, 2008

I run a windows XP home standard computer.A few days ago I started trying to tidy up my computer, cleaning the registry and getting rid of duplicate files -with software help of course-.I used Eusing Free Cleaner, and apparently while it's just fine for registry cleaning, it does a very bad job at trying to clean duplicate files, since it shredded -meaning they can't be recovered- some things that were essential to the system. What they were I don't know.But apparently the 'Stand By' function in shut down no longer works, and I can no longer adjust the monitor refresh rate, which is stuck at its lowest setting.Is there anything that can be done to try to find out what files are missing, and to download them again?

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Too Many Things In Start Up Menu

Sep 20, 2005

Windows XP- I get a message I have to many things in my start up menu and all can't be show. I need to take some out or choose a smaller icon. I don't know what to remove.

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Strange Things Happening

Aug 31, 2005

Running XP Home, SP2 w/1 gig. All of a sudden my machine is beginning to do strange things. First of all my second hard drive (D didn't show in My Computer. "Add New Hardware" didn't bring it back. Then, all of a sudden it was back. Secondly, something changed my screensaver, but I was able to restore it the usual way. I've used Registry First Aid to check on registry content, and, I've run a virus scan (NAV) and I've defragged the drive. Also, neither Counterspy nor Spybot could find anything wrong.

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Can't Update - Things Install Or Run

Mar 20, 2006

I can't run windows update, things won't install, or they won't run, update doesn't work, my windows problem cup runneth over. Here is my Hijack This! log. I will be eternally grateful if someone can help, and I don't have to wipe my HD!

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 6:12:17 AM, on 3/20/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Things That Could Be Placed In Ignore List

Dec 4, 2004

this was my most recent log.. and while i'm not 100% on which to delete and which to ignore, i know for sure that there's quite a few things that need to go.

also, could you please let me know which things i can put in the "ignore list".

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Uninstall SP2 - Install Fix Things

Mar 17, 2005

We downloaded the sp2 when it sometime last year and it came with lots of problems.I finally had to go to microsoft and get them to help me uninstall it. I have not reinstalled sp2 because I am affraid to. Have they changed it and what happens if I install it and then have to "fix" things. I am not too advanced in my computer skills and I don't think I would be able to "fix" it.

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Clean Up - Corrupted With Things?

Feb 4, 2008

It's a good computer, corrupted with things that it doesn't need, and I'm afraid to remove anything. Is there a program or someone who can clean things up for me and speed it back up again? I have an 80gb hard drive, 256 MB of Ram, and a great Graphics card. (NVIDIA GeForce If i'm not mistaken.), but I really need to clean this up, because before it was really fast, now on loading up, and just anything it's so slow nowadays.

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Alt Tab Makes Things Slow

Sep 20, 2010

If I AltTab away from a program, like a game, then go back, often it becomes very choppy... any idea what I can do to fix this?

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HJT / Computer Is Running Slow And Now AOL Will Not Run

Jul 19, 2005

I need to delete? My computer is running slow and now AOL will not run. There have been massive pop ups and some other things.

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Hjt Computer Is Running Slow

Oct 3, 2005

trying to help a friend with his computer- running very slow.

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