Stop Code 0x0000000F4 - Microsoft Malware Remover Tool

Jan 8, 2008

The system process "c:windowssystem32services.exe terminated unexpectedly with the status code 1073741819" then the computer would reboot. I have run spyware scans, virus scans and adware scans and removed all the spyware and adware tha was found. There was nothing found using Microsoft Malware remover Tool. I attempted to repair the XP install and that is when the blue screen with the stop code named in the title appeared when I rebooted. Is or has anyone else had and resolved this issue? If so please let me know how.

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Deleted Userinit - Security Tool Malware On Laptop

Oct 19, 2009

had security tool malware on my laptop.ran malware anti to remove it and it said i had an infected i deleted userinit.exe (big mistake).i have xp but do not have xp install cd.i have a floppy drive and a thumb drive cannot get back to my desktop NOR can i get to a c: anymore in safe mode believe i need to copy userinit.exe from somewhere back into c:windowssystem32 but do not know how with what i have to work with.

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Win XP Pro Stop Code:Stop: 0x0000007b

Nov 18, 2004

Major virus infection on computer resulted in fdisk and reformat. I used Win 98SE to fdisk and reformat, as I couldn't for the life of me find a format on the Dell Operating reinstallation CD. (could be first mistake)

Used Win 98 SE startup diskette to start system w/CD rom support.

Navigated to D: Drive which containe the XP OS reinstallation. Navigated to I386 folder and typed WINNT to begin reinstalling files.

Start WIn XP setup and began copying files to HD.

Screen shows: The MS-DOS based portion of setup is complete. Setup will now restart you computer. After your computer restarts, WIN XP Setup will continue. Remove floppy, etc.

Computer restarts - did inspection of system, shows Win XP Setup, loading files (drivers, controllers, etc.)

Starting windows - Welcom to Setup:
1. Setup - press enter
2. Repair (using Repair Console)
3. Quite - F3

Pressed enter

Next message:

Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer. This may involve running a mfg supplied diagnostics or setup program.

Setup cannot continue Press F3

System then attempts reboot, attempts installation again by booting from HD. Then error message:

Stop error:
Stop: 0x0000007b
(0xf7cb063c, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

At this point I must shut off the PC.


Dell Deminsion 4600 series p4 processor @2.4 GHz
512 MD DDR SDRAM @ 400 MHz
128 MB DDR NVidia GeForce FX 5200 graphics card
80GB 7200 RMP Ultra ATA HD
Win XP Pro SP1
48x/24x/48x CD-RW Drive
SoundBlaster Live! w/ 5.1 support

I have looked on MS site for the error code and think I understand that the problem is either a hd controller device driver is not installing from the Dell Reinstallation CD and therefore stops the installation of the software. How I can possibly extract and install the driver setup may be looking for.

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Microsoft Anti Spyware Found Malware / IBIS Toolbar

Sep 12, 2005

I have XP Home and Microsoft Anti spyware found some malware (IBIS Toolbar) that was removed but on rescans, it shows up again, but now located in the restore points. I believe that I have to turn off System Restore and reboot and then turn restore back on and do a new restore point.

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Microsoft Malicious Software Tool

Feb 16, 2005

Has anyone received a duplicate automatic update notification on Microsoft Malicious Software Tool I had KB890830 installed automatically on 02/14 and then KB890830 (the same number) again on 02/15. I really don't know how good this tool is anyway - now it makes me wonder if Microsoft has a problem with it

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Microsoft Office - Tool Box Buttons

Mar 5, 2006

Opened up my microsoft office for windows xp and at the top where it has the BOLD AND UNDERLINING buttons it's not there anymore. I can't find it. If i want to underline or BOLd a word i have to do it manually by highlighting the word and clicking on FORMANT >FONT. I was just wondering if anyone knew how to bring those buttons back so i don't have to do it manually.

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Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool

Jan 9, 2007

I use the microsoft malicious software removal tool what a mouthful manually when I download the update should I delete the old one first or will the new version install over the top.

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Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool

Sep 14, 2010

I ran the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v3.11, "Engine internal result code = 80508015" means and is it serious This is my desktop with WinXPsp3 which I've had for quite a while but hope nothing serious is wrong with it

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Uninstall Microsoft Genuine Validation Tool -

Jul 11, 2006

what is Microsoft Genuine Advantage Validation Tool, How do I uninstall it?

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Microsoft Office Missing Tool Bar - Resotre

Jan 25, 2005

I just noticed, when trying to do my daughters homework, that I no longer have the Office Folder or Short Cut. It must have disappeared as a result of my work done on this machine after it was impacted by Malware VX2. That is the only thing I can think of. I cant locate the Office discs so I cant reload. If I find a WORD document, I can open it and use WORD. HOW CAN I RESTORE THE TOOL BAR in Windows XP without the Office disc?

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Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool

Oct 12, 2006

I am getting this Security Alter message saying that " Your computer is infected with last version of PSW.x-Vir trojan. I recently downloaded this program called Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool. Hopefully this program will help me remove this trojan, but if anyone can let me know about what programs i could use to remove or if anyone could help me remove this trojan that would be greatful. Also i am getting this message on my toolbar with an x and a question mark on top of it saying that your system detected virus activities and when i click on it, it sends me to this weblink

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HP 530 Blue Screen With A Stop Code

Jun 25, 2010

I'm working on an HP 530 and when I boot up, it blue screens with a stop code.The code is 0x0000007B So far, I have attempted F8 w/o success, tested and swapped the RAM, and run checks on the Hard Disk.G-Parted can see and partition the Hard disk , but Windows Repair disk can't see the Hard Disk.I have re-imaged this unit and it completed successfully, but when I rebooted, it BSOD'd again.There is nothing in the BIOS to change it to IDE from SATA and the self-test is reporting no errors.

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Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

Jul 19, 2005

I received advice that the following Updated Version is now available:-Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool <> I tried over the last three days to download it to my Desktop, but every time I get the following Notice: Cannot download this file.Invalid http server reply. Details MZ followed by a square

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Bsod Errors Code - Stop 0x00000050

Aug 21, 2007

I am getting a BSOD and the error says: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA STOP: 0X00000050 (0X81000078, 0X00000000, OXF9E129BD, 0X00000002) spooldr.sys - address f9e129bd base at f9e11000, datestamp 469e788d I tested to see what drivers are not digitally signed because I read somewhere to check that and it said that the omci.sys and tcpip.sys are not digitally signed. I am testing all the hardware as we speak with PC-CHECK, the RAM seemed to pass all the tests. I can log in to safe mode and I tried restoring to a previous date and it worked for a while. I was able to uninstall the McAfee Antivirus which I thought might be the problem, but still BSOD...

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Error Code 1601 - Installing Microsoft Net Framework

Dec 17, 2008

having a problem. Windows XP: IBM think pad. computer freeze up after loading windows, I can only use my computer in safe mode!

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Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool On Dell Dimension XPS Gen 4

Jun 17, 2005

I have attempted to run this software, but each time i do so, it cause my entire system to freeze. I have tried running it from the website as well as downloading it and then running it. Both cause my system to freeze, requiring a hard boot. i have a Dell Dimension XPS Gen 4

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CPU Change From Intel To AMD Produces Stop Code 7B On Bootup

Jan 15, 2006

Summary: XP Pro System crashes with stop code after being booted from a different CPU family. Old CPU=Intel, new CPU=AMD. Hardware abstraction layer issues? Existing system is an Intel CPU 2.6Ghz on a Gigabyte GA-8SIMLH-P motherboard. It is working well and has all the latest software patches and driver updates applied.It is used in a small office environment, mainly as a type of server, having lots of customisation to the security attributes for different shared folders across a LAN, FTP server, custom IP addressing, user attributes on secured folders, etc. Rebuilding the software from scratch is not a viable proposition - it would take too long and I'm sure I would miss something. System is fully backed up daily and has not been having any problems of note, but is starting to buckle under the load.

Along comes a AMD CPU running at 3.4Ghz on a Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra-SLI motherboard with added oomph in the way of extra RAM and a faster graphics card. Clone the drive and put it in the new motherboard system and fire it up. During startup up comes the blue screen of death with the stop code as shown above. Popping in a new drive on either system and doing a fresh full install works fine with no problems the hardware is 100% functional on both motherboards - no questions of unreliability as diagnostics have passed with no errors on the drive, CPU and all other components.I want to change the XP drivers to recognise the new CPU and at least boot up so that I can do a refresh update, add the appropriate device drivers, or patch the appropriate driver files and registry entries directly.

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Installation Failed Component Microsoft . Net Framework 3.0a - Error Code 1603

May 19, 2010

I am running version 2002 xp SP2. I need to install 3.5 framework for a software program. I first had to install windows installer 3.1 and did so without any problems. then I started downloading 3.5 framework and got this error message.

[05/18/10,22:30:15] VS Scenario: [2] Failed to pass the Warnings/Blocks checks in CVSScenario::Start()
[05/18/10,23:10:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[05/18/10,23:11:23] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed.
[05/19/10,11:55:39] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[05/19/10,11:56:21] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed.

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Blue Screen Stop Code - Copy Casper To Backup Hard Drive To External

Jul 30, 2005

My computer seems to work fine except when I try to do a copy in Casper XP to backup my hard drive to external HD. I also got this stop code last night when trying to do a disk check to correct errors. Stop 0X0000000A (0X00000188, 0X000000FF, 0X00000000, 0X804E35E9). I have located online page for stop 0X0000000A codes which states could be driver problem... that last one parimeter 4 -- 804E35E9 how/where would I
find out which/if this is associated to a particular driver so I can possibly correct it?

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Premium Rate Dialler Remover?

Apr 11, 2005

There i have a pc on my corprate network, and it appears to be dialing premuim rate dialers. is there a program i can download that will safely remove theese i am aware of spybot but.

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Stop Microsoft Pop Up Ads?

May 15, 2008

How Do I Stop Microsoft Pop Up Ads?

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Malware Issues Lot Of Malware On My Computer

Nov 5, 2006

I have a lot of malware on my computer. I have run ad-aware, spybot, avg anti-spyware, and some others all in safe mode. Still I got lots of issues. Ran Kaspersky Anti-Virus and avg anti-virus, but like before lots of problems still.

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Blue Screen Of Death Stop -'s Fix Using Setup Disk

Apr 28, 2005

I recently have built a new PC using parts i ordered and parts from my old system which desperately needed to be replaced. After my new system was created it ran well for about a month. When i came to turn on my PC one day i was greeted by a blue screen telling me that my windows registry files became corrupt. I used's fix using the setup disk and had my PC working again. About a week later i was surfing the net and soon every program i accessed started to become corrupt. Knowing i didn't wanna mess with any log Microsoft fix i simply formatted and reinstalled windows XP on my system.

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Spyware Removal - Remove A Tool Bar Called 'security Tool Bar 7.1

Oct 29, 2007

I have been trying to remove a tool bar called 'security tool bar 7.1' I think its a rouge.

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Validation Tool Advantage - Bypass This Tool

May 2, 2008

I use to update my Xp SP-2 regularly from MS website. Now a days it is insisting to install "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)" first to proceed for downloading update files.Is it a FORCE or I can bypass this tool. I do not want to install it, as somebody told me this is a tool by MS to takeout personal information on my OS (XP) and MS Office and other MS Software.I know I use genuine legal copy.But why should I allow MS to take more information ? Is not WPA through internet is not sufficient ? Can this tool take information on other products/3rd party software like NERO,MS OFFICE and ArcSOft ?

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What Is Newer Microsoft Office 2004 Or Microsoft Works 4 5a

Jan 6, 2010

not sure which is the older ms office 2003 or ms works version 4.5a?

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Error Message : Stop 0xC2 Or Stop 0x000000C2

Sep 16, 2005

Error message : stop 0xC2 or stop 0x000000C2 ,Error message says pool header has been corrupted.

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Removed All Malware - Looking For Se.dll

Mar 14, 2005

Recently I removed all malware from a friends PC 'that I could find' with x2 spyware removal tools, sophos anti-virus app and manually looking through program files in explorer.Since doing this I have stopped all annoying pop-ups and IE is running a lot quicker but there is a RUNDLL message that I cannot get rid of:
Error loading c:Documents and Settingsusername locals settings empse.dll
The specified module could not be found.I have cleared out the temp file in hope that something in there was looking for se.dll but no luck.

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Microsoft Office - Microsoft Natural MultimediaKeyboard

Mar 13, 2009

i have windows XP home edition service pack 3. and i use Microsoft office 2003, and well recently it began to pop up and say microsoft office word has not been installed for current user. please run setup utility. Well i only have one user, never had another user created until recently (temporary fix) is there anything i can do, the main user is called the owner, it says its the computer admin, but i guess there is still an admin user, i cant get to that. the only way i can get ms office to work was to create a new user, open all the office programs, export the office registry, and import it to my main user, thats the only thing that works, for a little bit.

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Update And Internet - Malware

Jul 18, 2010

I had a malware infection some time ago, which I hope is gone. Then later I had a firefox update and now all things have gone wonky. For some reason my internet connections reset to using a proxy. Once I unchecked that option in Firefox and also under LAN settings, at least I now have both Firefox and IE working again. But I can't go to Windows Update website, or really most microsoft websites. On either browser. They both give me error messages. I am suspicious that it has something to do with the malware but I don't know what to do.

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Log On Log Off Loop - Malware Virus

Sep 13, 2009

i had a malware virus that was removed by norton, its stuck in a log on log off loop, i tried a image file it did not work, next step in hard drive removal,can some tell me how the network 2 computers so i can change the registry to usernet or whatever

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