"Shaky Window Movement"?

Jan 18, 2008

I can't remember all the specs for this desktop I bought for my younger brother, but it is a fairly new Gateway. I want to say that it is a Gateway� GT5656 (link:http://www.gateway.com/systems/series/529598054.php), but I can't be sure. The point is that the processor is plenty fast and RAM is not a problem.
so the other day, I killed Vista via booting from XP Pro disk and reformatting the HDD. After this, I proceeded to put XP Pro on that same HDD. Everything worked fine at first, I didn't even have to install any drivers. That's when I noticed that every time I would pull something up, like say explorer, and tried to move it about the screen with my mouse, it would jump all around the screen --- real glitchy-like. It does the same when I try to move notepad or solitaire around. I tried reformatting again, because after trying for awhile I guessed that wiping it again and reinstalling might work, but that didn't work either.
Does anyone know what might be going on here? It almost seems as if it's running slow or something, but everything else works lightning fast. Just moving a window manually is the problem...

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Mouse Stall With Fast Movement

Nov 11, 2007

Every time I move my mouse at a highspeed it stalls or glitches. That is if I try to do a 180 turn in game with a whip motion I get a stall, or if I scroll from the top right X button in FireFox to the Start menu too fast I also get a stall. Wiggle the mouse, stall, do anything other than smooth very slow and linear movements and I get a stall.This problem happens with all of the mice I own; 2 different types of Logitech mice, and a pos Creative. The Logitech Optical Mouse I own is totally brand new out of the box and still gets this issue.I've tried installing individual MouseWare drivers for each of the Logitech mice and the problem still has not been solved.I've tried putting all the mice in all the various ports they support, usb, and p2 whatever im computer ignorant.

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Laptop Extremely Slow - Very Slow Cursor Movement

Dec 12, 2005

Anyhow, on my second laptop, my roommate borrowed it and of course has no idea what she could've possibly ever done. She's probably a lil' too dense to realize if she download or got some kind of virus using it. And, of course, she didn't bother telling me right away so when I went to start up the laptop one day, it was going extremely slow.It took about 10 minutes for the laptop to boot to the windows login screen. Any mouse movement whether on the mousepad or when I hook up my USB mouse takes about 1 minute to register any movement. I haven't even been able to get to the main desktop screen. (I'm trying as I type.. but, judging by the length of how long it took the other stuff, I could be in for a long wait.) Even when I typed in the password it took about 5 minutes for it to seemingly type out.. but the "dots" cut off so I have no idea if it actually will go through or not or if I will get the "incorrect password" error message.

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Window Xp Home Cant Connect To Pc With Window Xp Pro On A Setuped Small Network

Dec 10, 2005

name of pc is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of this server to find out if u have xs permissions. Logon failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

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Window Browser Window Not Displaying In Full Screen Anymore.

Jan 19, 2005

I cannot view in full screen anymore.I created a website that lets a user enter their name and social # and then choose a test in 1 of 3 languages. Once you choose a language, a new browser window opens and the test/information is displayed in this new window.

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Avance AC Window - Plugin Window Upon Startup

Mar 18, 2005

Ever since I bought my laptop a couple of years ago I have had this annoying screen pop up every time the computer starts up entitled Avance AC '97 Audio Setup (4.70) Maintenance Complete..in the window itself it reads....
Installation wizard has finished performing maintenance operations on Avance AC'97.restart computer now or later

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Open In New Window Is Not Full Size Window

Aug 12, 2005

When i open any link with "open in new window" the new window is not full size screen window.Of course i dragged it by mouse many times and that should fix it later.It means it should be opened as it had been dragged,but that's never happened though i dragged it about a hundred time as a full screen size.What is the wrong here?

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Want To Open Hyperlink Window In The Same Document Window

Jul 1, 2007

I just replaced my old Windows 2000 HD with a newly purchased HD and installed Windows XP Pro/SP2 with all the latest updates from MS.When opened this web page by placing cursor on the line and click, the Google page appears briefly on the myWin.doc window but immediately closes and opens a new, different size window for the Google web page. In the old Windows 2000, the Google page remains opened on the same window overlapping the myWin.doc window and no new window is opened.

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Get Window Saying That Window Installer Is Trying To Run

Sep 18, 2008

All of a sudden I get a window saying that the Window Installer is trying to run. I do not want this to run. How do I get rid of it?

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Unwanted Window Pop Up

Dec 25, 2004

When my computer boots into windows or any office program and outlook, I get a box on the screen that says windows installer preparing install then a another box comes up it says setup this MSI must be launched through setup with a OK button.

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How To Reformat Window XP

Jul 26, 2007

Hi, I have a laptop Toshiba portege M400 using window XP "tablet PC Edition 2005 version 2002". The window is kinda messy with many problems on it so I want to reformat it. I've created a recovery disc, What am i suppose to do to reformat it as when i first bought it? thanks. (i understand everything will be lost).

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Help And Support Application For The Window

Nov 9, 2007

When i go: Start> All programs > Accessories > System tools > Systeminformation
i get this message ( freely translated from norwegian )

"Windows can't open Help and Support because a systemapplication can't run. If you want to solve this problem, start the application called Help and Support"

Where is the Help and Support application, and what do i do?

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Start Out With Fresh Window Xp

Aug 1, 2005

i was wondering if i could delete windows xp and start out with windows xp

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Cannot Update - Window Popup

Jan 7, 2006

so i went to msn and did the verify ( windows genuine advantage ) verification just to see if she has done it so we passed the test ,Its valid so no problem there .this is a dell machine >Dimension 5000< only a few months old, 3 at tops . she doesnt even use the net much . its a machine for picture editing .
any ideas why we cannot get the updates ..

also 1 time when i was on this machine surfing . this dell window poped up and showed something about updates , like it has over ridden Windows automatic updates . but i cannot find it anywhere on this machine

windows xp home sp_2 is what she has .

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IE8 Opens New Window When I Right Click

Feb 23, 2010

On Internet Explorer every time I right click anywhere, on any webpage, other than the top menu bar or a flash object, a new IE8 window will pop up and load my home page. Which is becoming a real annoyance. All other browsers work fine. I have ran virus scans, removed at reinstalled IE8 even formatted my HDD. Which sorted the problem at first, but now after windows updates the problems is back.

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Activation Window Expired

Mar 9, 2010

activate and there is a button that says Resolve Now. Press the button and you end up back at the login. I can boot into safe mode and get the same message. desktop in safe mode. I've tried using the install disk and repair Windows to no avail. I've also tried rolling back.

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Msconfig Won't Display Window

Sep 17, 2008

I goto run msconfig, it acts like it's loading, but the window never opens. When I check the Task Manager, msconfig.exe is in the processor list. So, why won't the window show itself

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Set Tile Window On Startup

May 20, 2007

Here is a logfile from Hijackthis:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 6:57:33 PM, on 19/05/2007

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16441)

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Set On Startup Program Window Always On Top

Aug 7, 2005

How can I start a program on Windows startup and set the window of the programm always on top. That means that no other program which starts as well on startup, can set his window activ. Just my program should always be on top.Is that possible with a VBScript?

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Set Password For Window After Resume

Jul 29, 2010

i want that when i leave my computer for some time than after resuming it should be protected with password

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Set Default Window Size ?

Sep 4, 2004

Every time I open an explorer window on a floppy the window is maximized. Everytime I create a new folder, the default size is maximized. Whenever I plug in my flash drive, the window size is max. I already have remember folder size enabled, but it appears that each of the scenerios above are not included in this "memory" So the question is, how do I set the default size for each of the above to something other that max?

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Program Window Comes Up At StartUp

Oct 14, 2007

When i start my computer up, it will come up with the screen C:ProgramFilesYahooSearch and i have looked in msconfig in Startup to see if it's labled there but it isn't. Is there anyway i can get this to quit coming up?

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Password Window At Startup ?

Dec 2, 2007

I'm not sure what happened, but up til a few days ago when I would boot up my computer, it would go straight to the desktop screen.when I boot it up a window pops up asking me to enter a password. I've never set up my computer to take passwords. I'm the only one that's ever used this computer. So I just click OK and only then does it go to the desktop.

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Home - IE6 Resize Window

Jun 2, 2006

How do you resize the window in IE6, so that it opens to the same size, everytime it is opened ? I know I saw it some where, but forget where?

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Dos Window Appears After Downgrade From IE7 To IE6

Jan 17, 2007

Hello all firtst thanks for all the good advice i haved rec'd in the past. ie 7 decided to get me on the ms downloads my bad...went back to ie 6 via add/remove in ctl pnl worked fine now i'm at ie6. A dos window will appear on screen and attempt to download pages to my printer. The name on the window is "C:WINDOWSTEMPWIN3E3-1.EXE. it can only be closed using the end task screen.

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Booting The Computer Log On Window Comes Up

Jan 31, 2005

Have finally reinstalled XP Home and everything is looking good (fingers crossed). The only problem I have is when I boot the pc up and the log on window comes up, I have the message below my name that I have 125 unread messages, I have double checked and I have not got any unread messages at all.

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Up Grade Window But Failed

May 31, 2005

I originally had Windows Me on my pc and lap top. Well I decided to up grade both to xp pro but failed to "read the small print" and now, I can only activate one. I decided to activate my lap top but now, I am unable to use my pc because the activated license is on my lap top. How can I uninstall the xp pro from my pc and reinstall windows Me. I have the start up disk and cd for windows Me. If I can do this myself with help from all you wonderful members, I would really, really appreciate it.

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Window Won't Boot And Won't Display

Sep 7, 2006

I have XP installed and have run the computer for about 2 years without problem. However, 2 days ago, the computer won't boot up and without any signal to the LCD monitor. I noticed that the CD drive was lit up once I switched on power on the computer. The CD drive light kept on and the computer did not go any further.

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Lagging And IE Window Freezes

Sep 16, 2005

I currently have four hard drives, and I have noticed a problem on one of them that in windows related. The drive is not my OS drive, and only stores data. I have noticed that when I try to access or add files to folders on the drive, windows will lag for 5-10 seconds. I click on a folder and the system lags, then after 5-10 sec the folder I clicked is highlighted, and I can open it and its subfolders with out further problem. During this 5-10 sec, the explorer window is frozen. If I back out to a root folder, and try again, the same thing happens.When I try to save files to this folder from the internet I get the same thing. I right click an object, click “save as…” type in or retain the default name, navigate to this folder, and click Save. My IE window freezes.

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Window Installer Is Not Working

Sep 24, 2008

i am new to computer and i have window xp professional .everything was ok and 2 months back my window installer got currupted and i am unable to instal any programmer.

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Installer Window Keeps Popping Up

Oct 6, 2008

I keep getting a windows installer popup window whenever I open ANY program. It says that �The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-Rom or other removable disk that is not available. Insert the disk and click OK. There is nothing listed in �Use Source�. I can�t tie it to anything I have done recently. I have Windows XP SP2.

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