Window Xp Home Cant Connect To Pc With Window Xp Pro On A Setuped Small Network
Dec 10, 2005
name of pc is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of this server to find out if u have xs permissions. Logon failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer
We have a Dell machine running XP Home, connected to our DSL network. It is an independent connection: I do not use Network Connection Sharing. Recently my wife complained that she cannot access the net, When I Went to Control Panel|Network connections the window comes up blank.
Why is it when I open a web site in windows XP sp2, the opened window is too small. Of couse I can expaned it or max it bu twhen I go to another site, the same thing happens.Is there a setting somewhere that enables windows to open web site at max,automatically.
I cannot view in full screen anymore.I created a website that lets a user enter their name and social # and then choose a test in 1 of 3 languages. Once you choose a language, a new browser window opens and the test/information is displayed in this new window.
Ever since I bought my laptop a couple of years ago I have had this annoying screen pop up every time the computer starts up entitled Avance AC '97 Audio Setup (4.70) Maintenance the window itself it reads.... Installation wizard has finished performing maintenance operations on Avance AC'97.restart computer now or later
When i open any link with "open in new window" the new window is not full size screen window.Of course i dragged it by mouse many times and that should fix it later.It means it should be opened as it had been dragged,but that's never happened though i dragged it about a hundred time as a full screen size.What is the wrong here?
I just replaced my old Windows 2000 HD with a newly purchased HD and installed Windows XP Pro/SP2 with all the latest updates from MS.When opened this web page by placing cursor on the line and click, the Google page appears briefly on the myWin.doc window but immediately closes and opens a new, different size window for the Google web page. In the old Windows 2000, the Google page remains opened on the same window overlapping the myWin.doc window and no new window is opened.
When I first installed Windows XP Home Edition I went directly to my desktop at startup. Recently my Dell Dimension 4700 began booting to the Windows welcome screen where I have to click on my name (only user) to get to the desktop. How do I change the computer settings to boot directly to the desktop on startup?
I am trying to set up a home network to connect my laptop (with xp pro) to my desktop (with xp home) i am using a 3com office conect router as a hub. With the fire walls on each machine switched off I can see each of the machines from each other.I can share files on the laptop with the desktop, but when I try to access the desktop from the laptop I get the following message : xxxxxxx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Login Failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.
I have a Sony VAIO which (Already had XP Home installed on it from the retailer! I have a Dell Windows XP Home Sp2 installation disc I got with my Dell laptop. Can I use this disc to create a Slipstream CD Home XP sp3
i am having 2 new computers built, and the store is installing windows xp home edtn (oem). they said that i needed to buy 2 copies of windows (one for each tower). is this true? you cant use one copy and load it onto both?
also, office. i have a copy of 2003 and i was wondering if i could load this onto both of my comps, or do i need to buy 2 copies of this as well. sorry cuz i am noob.
My nephews hp pc that had windows xp home edition on it. it was running hella slow and he didnt have a recover cd for his old hp pc he has. so i had a copy of windows xp home edition (service pack 2) so i erased the whole hard drive and reinstalled my copy of windows xp home edition and after that i needed to activate the product key! so i tried to put the product key i have but microsoft tells me its wrong and to retry it again! so i downloaded a product key finder V1.0 and it came up with a different product key, so i tried to use the product key what the key finder found and still micro soft says its not right and to retry again!! so now im so confuse and dont know what to do any more!! the window xp exspires in 26 days if i dont activated.
I have read all the posts I could find here about going to Win 7.So I know I need to have a clean install done.Will be taking comp to comp store,learned the hard way to stop doing things when I'm not sure what I am doing.My question is,since Win 7 will be 64 bit,can I install 4GB of ram instead of the 2GB that XP only supports, mobo says only use 2 GB,a GB in each slot but I'm hoping that is because of XP, the mobo is 64 bit capable, in that it supports both 32 bit and 64 bit.And should I get a new small HDD to have the XP moved to,or can all the files and folders from XP be transferred to Win 7?
After two weeks of fighting, I finally got our lap top to reformat and Reload XP Home. I have followed the steps on re-installiing XP that was posted several times, my problem is it has been "stuck" on the wallpaper screen, with the bottom task bar loaded and the recycle bin icon present. The light indicating the drive is busy has stayed on and I can hear the disk moving. Does it normally take an hour and half to get this far after pressing the " finish" button on the install?
When my computer boots into windows or any office program and outlook, I get a box on the screen that says windows installer preparing install then a another box comes up it says setup this MSI must be launched through setup with a OK button.
Hi, I have a laptop Toshiba portege M400 using window XP "tablet PC Edition 2005 version 2002". The window is kinda messy with many problems on it so I want to reformat it. I've created a recovery disc, What am i suppose to do to reformat it as when i first bought it? thanks. (i understand everything will be lost).
When i go: Start> All programs > Accessories > System tools > Systeminformation i get this message ( freely translated from norwegian )
"Windows can't open Help and Support because a systemapplication can't run. If you want to solve this problem, start the application called Help and Support"
Where is the Help and Support application, and what do i do?
so i went to msn and did the verify ( windows genuine advantage ) verification just to see if she has done it so we passed the test ,Its valid so no problem there .this is a dell machine >Dimension 5000< only a few months old, 3 at tops . she doesnt even use the net much . its a machine for picture editing . any ideas why we cannot get the updates ..
also 1 time when i was on this machine surfing . this dell window poped up and showed something about updates , like it has over ridden Windows automatic updates . but i cannot find it anywhere on this machine
On Internet Explorer every time I right click anywhere, on any webpage, other than the top menu bar or a flash object, a new IE8 window will pop up and load my home page. Which is becoming a real annoyance. All other browsers work fine. I have ran virus scans, removed at reinstalled IE8 even formatted my HDD. Which sorted the problem at first, but now after windows updates the problems is back.
activate and there is a button that says Resolve Now. Press the button and you end up back at the login. I can boot into safe mode and get the same message. desktop in safe mode. I've tried using the install disk and repair Windows to no avail. I've also tried rolling back.
I goto run msconfig, it acts like it's loading, but the window never opens. When I check the Task Manager, msconfig.exe is in the processor list. So, why won't the window show itself
How can I start a program on Windows startup and set the window of the programm always on top. That means that no other program which starts as well on startup, can set his window activ. Just my program should always be on top.Is that possible with a VBScript?