Friends, I found that I have the following are installed on my PC:Microsoft.Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack1 Microsoft.Net Framework 3.0 Service Pack1 My OS is Wind XP 2002 SP2,I tried to remove Framework (2.0) and (3.0) but cannot, how to do? Any advices? which one should I remove or keep? and how to delete it?
I have MS XP HE SP3. Try as I may, I cannot install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1. I need this to install Paint.NET. I have MS Framework 2.0 installed, and this Update is directly from MS Updates. The only message I get after trying to install is: Installation was unsuccessful. I have tried ending any unnecessary Processes through Task Manager, but to no avail
I did a full HP system restore and the Computer guy who came to my house installed the Service Pack 3, the latest version. I used to have Service Pack 1. I have had quite a few problems since then because of the full system restore and having to re-install alot of my programs, etc. But anyway I noticed today, that down in my system tray (or whatever you call it) on the bottom right of my computer where all the little icons are, there is this Microsoft Updates Automatic Updater with the yellow shield and it said that an update ready to install so I tried installing it. And this is what it said:
Automatic Updates Some updates could not be installed The following updates were not installed: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 ....SO- that seems like a conflict since my computer had Service Pack 3 and the Microsoft Updates is trying to install this Service Pack 1 thing. What should I do? Do I have to get it all in sync somehow and is this messing up things on my computer? Also does this mean I am missing out on all the correct updates for my computer?
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
I have tried to install a one note power toy for my office suite and it popped up and mentioned that I need something called a .net frame. Does anybody know where I can download this, and how big is it? I am only on dial up and can't handle anything too large.
My Windows XP automatic update feature on my laptop keeps trying to install "Update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant 1.0 x86 (KB963707)" but each time it fails.
Win Xp sp3. I just received an update from Microsoft. On installation I got the following message "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Security Update for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 (KB953297)" How do I either solve the problem or make the install shield go away? I note that I have higher versions of .Net Framework installed on the computer.
I would like to know with which version of Windows XP Service will I get .NET Framework. Please give me the Service Pack # and .NET Framework version that will be bundled along with that.
OS: Win XP SP2 Proc: 2.93 Pent4 Mem: 1024 Meg All security updates installed with exception of :MS06-033 (KB917283) which generates : "Error 25013. Failed to install assembly
WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework2.0.50727System. |Windows.Forms.dll because strong name signature could not be verified. Was the assembly built delay-signed?"Attempts to retry download fail.I do not know what it means nor do I know how to fix it
Can anyone tell me what this update is for which is considered high priority? I read what it says but still did not understand if I need it. I am only using this home pc. it is not at a business.
trying to update and install Net Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 I get following message: " Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id:0xf7c (3964), Thread id=0x40c (1036). "
I have tried to install this dozens of times, and automatic updates keeps downloading it over and over again, but "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 (KB110806)" always fails to install. I am forced to turn of XP automatic updates.
I update my system but the Framework 3.5 will not update, can someone provide me with help in doing so? I need to know what the difference is between the following as I do not know which one to download that would fix the issues I am having which is framework 3.5 wil not update:For Windows XP and for Windows Server 2003 Expand this imageDownload the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for Windows XP x86 and Windows Server 2003 x86 package now. ( Download the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 package now. (
When i try to install framework from WindowsXP CD,it does not do anything.What could i do.Can i find it in the CD,tell me.I dont want to install it from internet or update
I have been trying to download updates from Gateway that I need, and the following error comes up:Microsoft.NET Framework An unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will be shut down immediately.'-1' is not a valid number for maximum. Maximum must be greater than or equal to 0.I get this same error when trying to download an update from microsoft.
HP m7680n running windows xp, StandBy mode ran well first 8 months I had this machine then last month it stopped functioning. The error message is very specific; 'Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1.4322 Update' is keeping my computer from going into standby mode. I thought this would be easy to solve but I do not know, where this program is located or how to find it nor do I know how to uninstall it.
I am running version 2002 xp SP2. I need to install 3.5 framework for a software program. I first had to install windows installer 3.1 and did so without any problems. then I started downloading 3.5 framework and got this error message.
[05/18/10,22:30:15] VS Scenario: [2] Failed to pass the Warnings/Blocks checks in CVSScenario::Start() [05/18/10,23:10:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603 [05/18/10,23:11:23] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed. [05/19/10,11:55:39] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603 [05/19/10,11:56:21] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed.
This update won't install and I had trouble once before...a long time ago... installing this update. I went to Google for a fix and on some forum a tech told me to un-install the ver. 2.0 that I have on there now...reboot...and then d/l the new update. I didn't bookmark the forum unfortuneately. Now, my system won't even allow me to un-install the old ver. 2.0 so I'm at a loss as to what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this
I start up my computer, I get this message pop up: Fatal Execution Engine Error (0x7929f276) By accident, I went to my control panel and clicked on Administrative tools, and clicked on the Micrsoft.Net Framework 1.1 Configuration and got this same error message: Fatal Execution Engine Error (0x7929f276) so how do I get rid of it then? I went online and found out that I needed to go to my Add/Remove Programs and put a check mark next to the "Show Updates" which makes it show all of the Microsoft .Net Framework stuff. I did that, and managed to remove the Service Pack 3. BUT when I tried to remove all of the Service Pack 1 it said something like that "something is already in the process of installing, please wait till it gets done"
Microsoft made any announcements about whether they will release a Service Pack 3 for Windows XP this year? If so, I haven't heard anything, and Microsoft service packs usually generate a lot of media attention. I thought perhaps Microsoft would bundle SP3 with the upcoming Internet Explorer 7. If there is no SP3 on the horizon, I suppose Internet Explorer 7 will be released by itself.
I'm running the Home Edition Version 2002 and ever since I downloaded Service Pack 3, I have had nothing but BIG PROBLEMS. Is SP3 compatible with this version or should I still be useing SP2. I've slowed considerably, jumping, lagging, skipping.
This has happened on two computers: my wife's and my parents'. Automatic updating is turned on. My wife's computer suddenly lost Internet service upon reboot. I checked everything. She had access to the Linksys router, the network properties showed she was connected to the Internet and, most importantly, I, on another computer, was connected (my auto updates was turned off). I fixed the problem by going to the Device Manager, uninstalling the network card and then scanning for hardware changes. Bing! Working again.Two days later I'm at my parents' house. I turned on their computer, updates were installed and the system restarted. Again, no Internet service despite all apparent "go" connections. Uninstalled the network card, rebooted and it worked again.
I keep my updates off because NetFramework 2 wreaks havoc with a library program I have, so no NetFramework at all. And I've had no problems. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had similar problems? My wife had spent more than an hour on the phone with a tech support guy at Linksys and he had her setting up her notebook computer and changing its settings. When I got home, she was right in the middle of working with a computer that wasn't the problem. I guess this guy was paid by the hour because he was in no hurry to wrap everything up. But he told my wife that he works for several companies in tech support (real surprise there) and that MS "updates" create numerous "issues" I think they call them now.
Once I installed sp3, I could not get past the windows loading screen, so I started in safemode and uninstalled sp3 that way. My question is, does uninstalling sp3 remove sp2 as well. I can not see sp2 under add/remove programs, but my windows update history says I downloaded sp2 last May.
I have been installing each and every update from microsoft. I now get the Windows Update to install a security patch for It fails to install every time and comes back again and again to install. I did a very quick search on this problem and it seems there are problems concerning how Framework was loaded and what versions youo have.First of all, as far as I know, I have only loaded a new Framework version because a program I downloaded informed me I need this new version. I do not keep track of how I loaded Framework, what versions or anything. Looking as some of these proposed solutions require knowing a lot more about how you loaded them and what versions you have.
Have an error that reads "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting" "This copy of Windows did not pass genuine Windows validation". We are running XP with service Pk3. It put an icon in the task bar and a banner on the desktop. anything I can do to remove this without formatting