Security Alerts Regarding Certificates

Oct 20, 2008

How do I turn off security alerts on windows XP regarding certificates? Thank you.

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Security Certificates Is Not Active Or Outdated

Oct 16, 2005

Have a friend running new home brew computer with XP Home. All of a sudden when she goes to her bank website she get the message "Security Certificates is not active or outdated" Clicking on yes or no does not allow her to continue.

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Getting Security Alerts After Attacked By Virus?

Jan 9, 2007

i really need somIm a gamer, by nature, i have what id like to think of as a high spec PC. It has Windows XP Proffesional, SP2. I keep it very clean, anyway enuff of my sadness.Jus recently i was hit by a virus. AVG free, finally cleaned it up, and now im receiving Windows Security Alerts. The exact message is "To help protect your computer, Your registry has to be fixed. To resolve theis problem, obtain the latest update." only trouble is, i click accept, it downloads this program called System Registry Cleaner 2.4, and then i have to pay for it before i can use it. Unfortunately it doesnt accept solo, so i went ahead and purchased a registry cleaner from somewhere else.

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Changing The Way The Security Center Alerts?

Sep 12, 2005

Is there any Policy setting for this? We are running a NetWare network,and all student clients are complaining since the Windows Security Center does not recognize F-Secure 5.43.The really strange thing is the Security Center recognized it on your all-norwegian image,this "error" appeared only after we decided to go for Multi-language(English first then norwegian on top)

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Norton AntiVirus 2007 Security Pop-up Alerts

Mar 3, 2007

Norton AntiVirus 2007 security pop-up alerts every 5 seconds?

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3 Viruses/Trojans Found, Telling Me Security Alerts?

Nov 8, 2007

It appears I have gotten 3 viruses and am having trouble getting rid of them. The symptoms seem to be a much slower computer. Also, Internet Explorer occassionally opens trying to go to an antispyware website. Also I have a yellow triangle in the bottom corner telling me security alerts and to Download antispyware.The virus names are PSW.X-Vir, Trojan-Spy.Win32@mx, and Networm-i.virus@fp.

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Dell Latitude D500 - Security Alerts Section

Oct 2, 2004

I'm running a Dell Latitude D500 w/XP Pro and have installed SP. Now, everytime I boot I get this balloon that tells me my computer may be at risk. The thing is, it isn't. And if it was, I hate the balloons along with others that tell me other things.The question, how do I shut that thing off? I can't find it anywhere in the Windows Security Alert section or Security Alerts section. Does anyone of you pros know how?

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Security Center: Change The Way Security Center Alerts Me?

Aug 2, 2005

While building up a new computer I go into Security Center to make some configuration changes. The resource "Change the way Security Center alerts me" is available at this time. Some time later during the building process I go back into Security Center and find that resource is no longer available. It is greyed out.

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Security Center: Change The Way Security Center Alerts Me?

Sep 7, 2005

Why would WSC have the option "Change the way Security Center alerts me" grayed out?

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White Box On Desktop In Upper-Left Corner Of XP- Certificates Button At The Bottom

Jan 30, 2008

I have White Box on my Desktop In Upper-Left Corner of my screen that I cannot delete or otherwise remove. I am running Windows XP, and McAfee and Ad-Aware say I have no viruses. In trying to get rid of this box I have discovered that I can expand and reduce the size of the box from the lower right hand corner, and if I drag a web page shortcut icon from my desktop over the box, the web page is displayed. When a web page is being displayed inside the box there are scroll bars on the right and bottom sides to scroll around the web page. If I click on a hyperlink within the box, my default web browser is opened to the link. At first I was using IE, and then I switched to Firefox, and it made no difference. Periodically, the web page being displayed inside the box will disapear, along with the scrolling bars, leaving behind a white box.

When there is a web page being displayed in the box I can right click on the box and I get a menu with the following options: Back, Forward, Save Background as, Set Background, Copy Background, Set as Desktop Item, Select All, Paste, Create Shortcut, Ad to Favorites, View Source, Print, Refresh, Export to Microsoft Excel, Print, Properties. Some of these items are grayed out. If I select properties, there is a "General" tab with the name of the web page, Protocol Info, Type, Connection, Address, Size, Created, Modified. There is a Certificates button at the bottom in addition to OK and Cancel buttons.

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No Sound On Windows Media - Emails Alerts

Apr 7, 2005

Sound working fine on new computer, but now deafening silence! Have checked volumes on control panel but all seem fine. Have flat screen monitor with integrated speakers. Have teenagers who deny changing/doing anything to it, but not convinced. No sounds on windows media, aol welcome, email alerts etc.

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Data And Partition Recovery: Getting Alerts All The Time?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm going to go ahead and appologize if I'm a bit unclear anywhere in this post as I'm not 100% certain how to phrase what happened. Also if this isn't in the proper forum.A few days ago I got the following alerts from avast.3/4/2010 9:22:41 PM 1267755761 SYSTEM 1216 Sign of "Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]" has been found in "C:WINDOWSsystem32driversNpfs.SYS" file. I clicked delete when they popped up and proceeded to attempt to restart my computer in safe mode to run mbam to get rid of an "antivirus" program that installed itself on my computer. When I tried to restart though I kept getting an "Invalid form id" error and had to do a system recovery.

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Program Alerts When Friends In MSN Messenger Go Online

Dec 30, 2006

I'm searching for a program that alerts me via email when my friends in MSN Messenger go online.I can't find it.Does such a program exist?

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Popup Virus Disguised As Online Security Guide/Security Troubleshooting?

Feb 23, 2008

Its making these icons appear that are either porn or these downloads to those trojan spyware things. There are two icons where the time is, a yellow yield sign and the red x and they just lead me to more of those sites, can someone help me get rid of them?

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Security Center:no Options Listed Under The Manage Security Settings?

Sep 7, 2005

There are suddenly no options listed under the "Manage security settings for:" heading, just blank space, so I have no way to edit my Firewall, Antivirus or Windows Update settings from the Center. I opened services.msc and it shows the service started automatically.

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Sharing And Security Settings Not Showing Security

Jun 23, 2005

I've forgotten but in a new install of XP-Pro,SP2 using NTFS on C: I don't have the Security Tab when I right click on a folder to setup sharing. I want this so I can set Permissions, etc. I have it on my other PC set up the same way but for some reason I don't on this new install.

What am I doing wrong? My username is a member of the Andministrators group.

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Getting Security Warnings That My Security Settings Has Blocked?

Feb 13, 2009

I haven't been to this site for a while and I noticed I'm getting Security Warnings that my security settings has blocked of an ActiveX install. I know how to change those settings, but am reluctant to do so. Can anyone shed some light on this. I occasionally will get similar warnings on other sites, but it is consistant on this one. Once in a while IE6 will hang up on this and I'll have to got to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get out of it.

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Security Centre - Detects Old Security?

Feb 27, 2008

My Windows Secuirty Centre is still detecting an old AV program as up-to-date and active even though its no longer installed... same with the firewall is there any way of resetting the security centre or where in the registry can i find the entrys to modify?

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National Security Vs. Personal Security?

Nov 2, 2006

many of the security holes found in software (especially Microsoft Windows) might have been deliberately put there as back doors into our computers for easy access by our governments. I guess my question is this.Will total, absolute, 100% security ever be possible or will our government always demand a back door in? It just seems that if any back door exists, it will eventually be discovered and exploited.

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Security Center: Unseen Security Center Icon In The Control Panel?

Aug 1, 2005

I do not show the Security Center Icon in the Control Panel. I can go to the Security Center by going to All Programs, Accessories, System Tool, route. How can I add Security Center to Control Panel?

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Security Center:the Colors In My Security Center Have Changed?

Sep 12, 2007

the colors in my Security Center have changed. First I thought it was a problen with the windowblinds skin I was using but I don't think it is. Could it be the WB program itself? I didn't have this problem (fresh OS install) until after I installed a few things, WB, avast, zonealarm, and uninstalled antivis.

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"connection Refused" Or "unable To Connect To" Alerts

Aug 29, 2005

is a recent problem, first noticed on using ebay, when I clicked on to "All items ending now" and got an alert message saying "unable to connect to".This is now happening on loads of things but not all

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Must Do Security Settings

May 12, 2003

Increase Security by Disabling Services:

If you are unfamiliar with adjusting services, first, please refer to the following guide: ...

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IE Security Warning

Apr 29, 2008

I am getting this message: Windows has blocked this software because it cannot verify publisher. I have 2 computers set exactly the same. I can open page on one computer and not the other. I've gone into Tools, IE, etc. etc, unchecking anything to do with ActiveX, but nothing is working.I am trying to open a virtual tour of a hotel. I've disabled pop ups. I can't download ActiveX. Everytime the ActiveX bar comes up, the Windows blocked software message comes appears.

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Security Updates Since SP2

Jun 9, 2008

All the security updates since SP2? Not for me, just been asked.

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Security Centre Not There?

Oct 24, 2009

I had a old computer given to me, (and I mean old, fixed it up just to do email and do letters etc, doubt it would cope with anything else) anyway I got it going and managed to load the OS on to it, (XP Pro) checked and all drivers where present so XP Pro had all the drivers (shows how old the mother board is) anyway before installing service packs etc I went to turn some bells and whistles off and configure settings as I like them. (This computer has not yet been connected to the Internet, I have not even put an Ethernet cord into it yet, so not a virus) I go into the Control Panel and there is no security centre icon there, this is the first time I have come across this. I have searched the net but only articles or forum entries I have come across have been for if malware or other nasties had been removed and then noticed the icon missing, so this does not apply to me as its a fresh install, and this computer has not been connected yet.

Ideas running through my head is maybe updating drivers, or something to do with the bios, going to check the hard drive itself tomorrow, a bit hesitant to try things unless I know its going to help other than this everything seems to be opening and closing as per usual.It just amazes me with all the installs I have done (in the hundreds +) and this is the first time I have had this happenAny ideas will be much appreciated, oh and have not loaded anything else on yet, its just the basic OS, decided not to go any further with installing of anything else till I have sorted this

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How To See Security Tab In Home?

Oct 18, 2004

How Do I see the Security Tab in XP Home?This tip provided by Gilles Pion. Download the x86 (Intel) version of the Security Configuration Manager and save it to your hard disk.Double click the SCESP4I.EXE file you downloaded and extract the contents to a temporary location on your hard disk.Then open the folder you extracted the files to and locate the Setup.inf (Setup Information) file.Right click Setup.inf and select Install.After the installation is finished, reboot your computer.Adjusting the permissions on a drive, file or folder can lock even the Administrator account out of that drive/file/folder.Deny Permissions take precedence over Allow Permissions, regardless of your group membership

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Is The Firewall Enough For Security?

Sep 8, 2005

I know this is an old topic, but I thought I'd try to get the latest opinions on this. I'm trying to decide whether to get another firewall. Everybody says the problem with the XP firewall is that although it controls
incoming connections, it doesn't control outgoing connections. I already have the free ZoneAlarm firewall on my Win2K computers, which works fine. And I could add it to my new XP Home Edition computer. But apparently some people complain that ZoneAlarm adds log files that grow large, etc. etc. so I figured I'd avoid adding another firewall *if* it wasn't really necessary. What's the current consensus, if any?

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Cant Download The Security Updates

Mar 21, 2006

After sourcing the net for a solution to the problem of my computer not being able to download from the Microsoft Website the security updates and updates for Windows Defender I found the following.

When you try to connect to the Microsoft Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site, you receive one of the following error messages: � The necessary services are disabled or unavailable

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Recommended IE Security Settings

Aug 7, 2005

What are recommended IE settings that would promote security and not decrease performance?

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New Changes In File Security Settings

Jan 26, 2005

Recently I reinstalled XP Home Edition and XP Pro using a slipstreamed installation disk contain SP2 and the latest hotfixes. Following those installations I found that I could not easily access any Drive Image (pqi) files that were created under the newly installed operating systems. The images could be restored but only after booting from the Drive Image rescue floppies. I also was not able to open and explore any of those images using Drive Image ImageExplorer. Images created prior to these installation could be opened and restored within windows with Drive Image. To access the images created under the new OS installation I had start the Home Edition in the safe mode and the go the image file, right click and select security. Then I had to add my user name under services and then check full control. In the XP Pro system I had to disable simple file protection and then change the security settings in a similar manner. This all had to be done even though the user has full administrator rights. I've been using Drive Image 2002 for the last 2 years for backups on both Home Edition and Pro versions of XP so this behavior is something I believe is new an possible a result of security updates included in the new installations. I really need access to these images from within windows but I also need to retain simple files sharing on my XP Pro machine.

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