Is there any Policy setting for this? We are running a NetWare network,and all student clients are complaining since the Windows Security Center does not recognize F-Secure 5.43.The really strange thing is the Security Center recognized it on your all-norwegian image,this "error" appeared only after we decided to go for Multi-language(English first then norwegian on top)
While building up a new computer I go into Security Center to make some configuration changes. The resource "Change the way Security Center alerts me" is available at this time. Some time later during the building process I go back into Security Center and find that resource is no longer available. It is greyed out.
I do not show the Security Center Icon in the Control Panel. I can go to the Security Center by going to All Programs, Accessories, System Tool, route. How can I add Security Center to Control Panel?
the colors in my Security Center have changed. First I thought it was a problen with the windowblinds skin I was using but I don't think it is. Could it be the WB program itself? I didn't have this problem (fresh OS install) until after I installed a few things, WB, avast, zonealarm, and uninstalled antivis.
i really need somIm a gamer, by nature, i have what id like to think of as a high spec PC. It has Windows XP Proffesional, SP2. I keep it very clean, anyway enuff of my sadness.Jus recently i was hit by a virus. AVG free, finally cleaned it up, and now im receiving Windows Security Alerts. The exact message is "To help protect your computer, Your registry has to be fixed. To resolve theis problem, obtain the latest update." only trouble is, i click accept, it downloads this program called System Registry Cleaner 2.4, and then i have to pay for it before i can use it. Unfortunately it doesnt accept solo, so i went ahead and purchased a registry cleaner from somewhere else.
It appears I have gotten 3 viruses and am having trouble getting rid of them. The symptoms seem to be a much slower computer. Also, Internet Explorer occassionally opens trying to go to an antispyware website. Also I have a yellow triangle in the bottom corner telling me security alerts and to Download antispyware.The virus names are PSW.X-Vir, Trojan-Spy.Win32@mx, and Networm-i.virus@fp.
I'm running a Dell Latitude D500 w/XP Pro and have installed SP. Now, everytime I boot I get this balloon that tells me my computer may be at risk. The thing is, it isn't. And if it was, I hate the balloons along with others that tell me other things.The question, how do I shut that thing off? I can't find it anywhere in the Windows Security Alert section or Security Alerts section. Does anyone of you pros know how?
There are suddenly no options listed under the "Manage security settings for:" heading, just blank space, so I have no way to edit my Firewall, Antivirus or Windows Update settings from the Center. I opened services.msc and it shows the service started automatically.
After removing numerous malware, spyware, and adware programs, I get the following error message when I go into the Security Center under Control Panel: "The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the Security Center again." I've rebooted but still can't get into it? I also cannot get into the Windows Firewall because the Security Center is not set up.
Every time my computer boots, Windows Security Center (new to SP 2?)insiststo remind me of my current settings. It's reminding me what is disabled in a bubble-pop-up in the System Tray. I don't want ANY reminders. I don't want WSC running at all. Where is the setting to turn it off?
We're on xp sp2. When I check Windows Security Center, it is often disabled. I've enabled it more than once via the procedure listed at but eventually (like after logoff/logon or reboot) it's disabled again. I even set Recovery to Restart on Failure and Logon as local system account. Virus is unlikely with Spyware Blaster, SpyBot, NAV 2007, and Ad-Aware SE protecting it.
I have two weird popups that says "my computer is in danger"It says window security center has detected spy/ad ware. It says I should click on the popup to install protection. When I click it nothing happens.I have Macafee and have ran it and remove some virus. Even after restarting I still get these popups. I found some info
When I boot my computer, the task bar notification area shows icons for CA Security Center, a local area connection, and sometimes Intel PROset/wireless but that is all. If I run Task Bar Repair Tool Plus and select Show all listed Tray icons,the remaining icons are displayed until the next boot.
After I installed Service Pack 2, on startup showed Security Center. It said "The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the security center again.
I launched services.msc, changed to automatic (it was disabled), and started it. After reboot everything went back to "normal" - it was disabled, stopped. I know I can do this procedure every time I want to work on my computer, but this is not what I want. I have Norton Internet Security 2007; no other anti-virus software or firewall installed.
I just opened the security center and see that virus protection is not found How do I turn it on ? I went to microsoft downloads and cant find the virus part of security center. I did find anti spyware but no anti virus.
I just purchased a new computer with XP Professional SP2. When I go to the Windows Security Center (start/control panel/Window Security Center) I get the following message under Security Essentials: "The Security Center is currently unavailable because the 'Security Center' service has not been started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the Security Center service) and the open the Security Center again." I have my Windows Firewall is ON along with Norton anti-virus and the Norton firewall.
security center informs me that my anti virus is not enable. when checking this and going back opening the security center it now tells me that antivirus is enable even though i have not touch anything. also I have the built in xp firewall turned off but it is displayed as on in the security center.
I recently installed Comodo Firewall and once again, it was too much for me to handle, so I uninstalled it and went back to Windows Firewall until I can find something else. However, as most people experience, it is still listed as my running firewall in the security center. I googled the problem and I have tried everything that I have found to get rid of it and it will not go away! I followed the instructions on the Comodo page and when it comes to deleting the repository file, it won't allow me to. I hit delete and it comes up that a file is still in use. I tried again and again, went under safe mode, and nothing. I tried to run the Command tells me the repository file is not empty and Command will not let me proceed any further.
I tried System Restore, which solved the firewall problem but brought on antivirus problems (I have the Avira free edition). The AV guard will not work. I click "Antivir Guard Enable"....nothing. The definitions remain at the day I restored back to and when I try to update, it says my program is up to date. I go to the Service program under Administrative tools to start it, same problem. I have restored back a couple times and have never had this problem. So I ended up undoing both system restores and am back to the firewall problem. I can't get rid of it no matter what I do.
After installing Norton AntiVirus 2007 I received the following message when I opened the security center in the control panel; The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the Security Center again. I have naturally restarted the computer but that didn't fix the problem. I don't know that the problem is connected to the installation of Norton 2007, (upgraded from 2005), but the Security Center was available before the installation.
i am using a windows xp, sp2, computer and here is a low down on whats been going on:fake security center alert, about a virus called "win32.netsky.q" try to run msconfig get a warning saying "msconfig has caused system failure" and system restarts firefox / ie will not load and crash instantly msn loads then just disappears avg and Anti-malware scan show nothing. managed to get msconfig to stay open and removed from startup something called "fhexj6825097" under "Application data/google" and now msconfig will not close
when I start or restart my computer sometimes pops up an icon in the bottm right corner and a balloon saying my computer is at risk. I open it up and it opens the security center and it says I don't have any virus protection. I do and the one I have is Comodo antivirus. I know windows does not recognise this and I hit recomendations and I check the little box that says I am monitiring this myself. The problem is that in a few days it will pop this up again. Its not a big deal but it just makes me mad that I have to do this.
This message keeps popping up every so often.. is it legitimate? or is it just a part of a pop-up ad/adware/etc.? "Windows Security Center WARNING: Windows Firewall detected suspicious network activity on your computer. Malicious software codes try to steal your privacy information, such as credit card numbers, electronic mail accounts, financial data or passwords.