Seagate 200GB SATA Wrongly Installed

Feb 24, 2007

I have 2 Hard drive 80GB and 200GB. Windows XP SP2 in 80GB Hard Drive.I was using 200GB Segate SATA as single partion with lots of my photographi working files stored in it. Recently I installed a new hard 40 GB drive but wrongly installed Windows XP1 and my 200GB hardisk show my 128GB but no file in it. Again I used my old hard drive with 80GB (Windows XP SP2) and connected the 200GB hard drive. Drive Show (The disk in Drive D: is not formated. Do you want to format it now?) PPTD to fix the MBR and rebuild partition. But Now It shows 200GB but Not able to view any files and asking me to Format.

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Installed New Seagate 120GB Hard Drive / Blue Screen Error

Jan 1, 2005

I recently installed a new Seagate 120 GB hard drive as a slave. I also installed iTunes and am importing songs from my CD collection. Since doing this I am frequently getting a blue screen on Windows XP w/ Service Pack 2. It also seems as though my system is a little sluggish.

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Internal SATA LG DVD-R/-RW/+R/+RW - Never Installed

Dec 28, 2007

I just installed an internal sata dvd-r/-rw/+r/+rw drive ( F: ) and it is being recognized as a removable drive. The unplug/eject hardware icon shows up in the system tray. Never installed a SATA drive before so I don't know if this is normal for an internal sata dvd drive??

In the BIOS I set SATA=IDE. Only other option is Raid which I assume would be for a SATA HDD.

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Sp2 Install Snafu - Installed WD SATA

Dec 18, 2006

Long story short - Athlon/mobo on old unit died, 3 hd's (all WD eide 80 [C:], 40 [F:], 80 [G:]) & 1.5 gb memory good until mobo failure. Had shop install new mobo along with intel duo processor, new ATI video card, reinstalled memory & both 80 hd. Installed WD SATA 160 [replacing WD 40 hd] & tried to make it master boot record. Had shop transfer files from old WD 80 [C:] MBR to SATA 160, leaving files on 80. Did an repair install of xp on old 80 hd. Wouldn't boot. Tried reinstall of xp on SATA 160 & rebooted. Able to do so, but couldn't access internet for updates. Got sp2 update disc from technician & updated, then restarted.

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Installed New Sata Hdd Pc Wont Load Windows From Disc

Sep 19, 2008

I have just installed new memory,new graphics card geforce 8800gt,new power supply,and new sata hard drive.

I have made a floppy disk from the motherboard cd for installing the drivers during windows instillation from my old pc first.

I switched on new pc to load windows and i get no signal on my monitor also my usb mouse and usb keyboard does not light up,iget power to motherboard and case fans +dvd drive,i have put my windows xp os disc into dvd drive and basically it does nothing.

Do i need to make a windows boot disc or something to start instillation.

I still have windows loaded on my secondary sata hdd but the system32 is corrupt,so i have opted to install new sata hdd,then transfer my files from secondary hdd,once that is done gonna format secondary drive and use it for storage.So i still have the option of entering the bios on my motherboard if i connect it up and disconnect the other drive.

I have left the drive disconnected while i install windows then gonna plug it in after windows installation.

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SATA - Systems Installed On FAT32 - Create Boot Sector

Dec 18, 2005

SATA Drive not recognized as boot drive on XP installation.Need to create an Xp boot sector.I have been working on this for days. Successfully installed once and ended up with corrupted files on the Win98 partition, so want to get it right this time. (Don't remember how I did the "successful" install - after several days of various problems - most of which are now solved - I am a little brain-dead.What I am looking for is a way to create an XP boot on the SATA drive. I assume this means changing the MBR.
System: MotherB: Asus A7V600 with VIA Chipset
Drives: 0 120gb SATA; 1 15GB IDE; 2 10GB IDE
Current Status:Win98 and WinXP both operational but no dual boot. Win98 was installed first. Both systems were a clean install. Both systems installed on FAT32 in seperate partitions on the SATA drive. Computer startup simply goes into Win98, as there is no XP boot sector on the proper drive......

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My Computer - Show In Groups Wrongly Labeled?

Jul 12, 2007

I had a trojan downloader I appear to be all clean now, but I've noticed a weird change that might be from the clean up, not sure. In MY COMPUTER, the icons used to be organized under certain subheadings like "Files Stored on this Computer," "Hard Disk Drives," and "Devices with Removeable Storage" etc.These headings are gone. When I go to Arrange Icons and click the Show Groups option, I do not see a return of my lost headings. Instead, my control panel, and each of my drives is shown in a separate category that has a random letter assigned as its topic heading. How do I change this? How do I restore the original headings, and what could possibly have happened to remove them in the first place

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Installing Pro On 200Gb Drives

Sep 16, 2005

My initial installation went without a hitch, until I noticed that my 200G drive was registering at 137G. Through some investigation I found that this was because I installed XP, then later added the SP2. I was able to partition and use the "unallocated portion of the drive" but would like to consolidate the drive.
These leads me to the questions I have...

1) How can I install XP Pro on a system with a 200G system drive and get it to reckognize the full disk size, even though I need to download the SP2?
2) Is there a way to get Windows XP with SP2 included at a reduced price from MS if we return the copy we have?
3) If I decide to set up a RAID system, and am using three 200G drives, will XP only reckognize them as 137G each until I install SP2?

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Pro And DELL BIOS Dont See All Of 200GB HDD

May 29, 2007

Im running XP Pro SP2 on my DELL Dimension 3000. I just installed a 200Gb IDE Western Digital ATA drive. I cant get WIndows XP to see anything over 137Gb and I tried to enable LBA in the registry but the key to do so isn't there. I don't want to lose 63 Gb on this drive. I upgraded the DELL BIOS to A003 version from A000 version thinking that would help. It did not. Is there any utility out there that I can use to enable the LBA so that my PC sees the full 200 GB hard drive?

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Promise SATA 300 (SATA IO) PCI Controller On SATA 150

Aug 2, 2005

I was wondering if it makes any sense to buy and install a SATA 300 controller to work with two WD SATA 300 drives. I kind of doubt I will achieve 300mb buffer to host transfers with only SATA 150 motherboard.

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Converting 200gb HD From FAT32 To NTFS Is Taking Too Long?

Feb 24, 2007

i have an IDE 200 gb HD and 185gb of i think is used there is 43000 files on it i started the conversion using partition magic and it started DOS to do the coversion and now its stuck at the point where is says coverting file system: thats was 30 hours ago and its still the same.the pc didnt freez the curesr in the DOS window is blinking and when i open task manager it says the DOS is running but but there is no CPU usage in task manager for DOS or partition magici cant access MY_Computer too

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How To Repair Seagate HD

Jan 6, 2010

Seagate model #8t3160022ace keeps dropping the program it is in and going back to the desktop

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Seagate St3200822a Driver

Feb 28, 2010

Seagate st3200822a driver for xp.

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Seagate HD Not Setting DMA Mode

Nov 20, 2007

XP Home, Asus P4C800-E MB, 2 hard drives on IDE 1: both work fine at UDMA 6.Second IDE has my DVD burner in the master position and works fine at UDMA 4.I'm using the proper cable, plus I also tried a new one when installing the drive. I installed a 320 gb Seagate ST3320620A ATA100 into the Secondary Slave position and jumpered it as shown on Seagate's website (no jumpers). I made three partitions, and formatted them as per instructions in XP's Disk Management. They all show as 'healthy' in Windows. The only thing is that my computer has slowed to a crawl, with a re-boot taking about 7 minutes. I checked Dev. Mgr. and saw that the burner was at UDMA 4, but the new drive was at PIO mode, even though 'DMA if available' was selected. I tried Bob's suggestion of changing the settings back and forth and also deleting the secondary IDE channel and rebooting, but nothing works. It remains in PIO mode. I checked all the settings in the bios and they seem correct. Tried alternatives too, but it didn't change anything. On bootup, the bios screen shows all the drives correctly, the drive in question as UDMA 5. I have Windows 98SE on drive 1 on the Primary IDE with Windows XP Home on the second drive, to allow a dual boot. It has worked well until I tried installing this new hard drive. I removed it and installed it in a second machine and it is the Master on the Secondary IDE, with nothing in the slave position. Still in PIO mode. This other machine is also a dual-boot with 98SE on the first HD and XP Pro on the second, both on the Primary IDE.The 3 partitions are in NTFS format and all drives are visible in Dev. Mgr. and all partitions are visible in My Computer.

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Added New 250gig Seagate To - How To Partition

Sep 29, 2006

I added a new 250 gig ATA Seagate drive to my son's EMachine 2882. I added it as a Slave drive (setting jumper to slave and placing on the end of the parallel cable) to use for backing up purposes.Everything is fine, I think. Went into Disk Management and attempted to partition the un allocated new disk. For some strange reason, everytime I try to partition the disk it appears to be (not sure) but it appears to be creating 8 megabyte partitions? Do I have some setting in the BIOS that needs tweaking? I am not a total idiot, but I am beginning to wonder! Can anyone please get me on the right track here? XP does recognize the Seagate drive but something is screwy with the formatting process.

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Seagate Hard Drive Feasibility

Jan 19, 2009

I have a pentium II running windows XP PRO. I intend to buy an external hard drive - 1TB Seagate SATA to use it with my USB port.I would like to know if is feasible , if would be any conflicts, easy to install or the possibility that the BIOS may not recognize it and what would be the easy way to format it.

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Seagate 7200 80 Gb HD Not Showing It's Space

Feb 6, 2005

My C Drive recently crashed and I replaced it with a Seagate 7200 - 80 Gb Harddrive. I also installed Windows XP - Home Edition. First thing I did when I had it up and running was to look at the Properties for the Drive.I shows it as being 7.82 Gb. I phoned my installer and told him about my problem and he suggested that I go to the Seagate Website and get a Seagate disk overlay.

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Free Seagate Storage Legacy Usb Support

Jul 14, 2010

When my XP re-booted after installing Free-Agent, the screen froze. Some say disable "Legacy USB Support". How do I do this and will it interfere with my USB mouse, etc?

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Seagate Tools Ghosting New Drive Shows Less

Mar 2, 2008

I have a Seagate 120gb HD and used the Seagate Wizard Tools that I downloaded from them to ghost (clone) to a new Western Digital 160gb HD. They are both 7200rpm and SATA. The new drive boots up ok but only shows 128gb, not 154gb as it did before it was cloned (I am not talking about the size of the data that was cloned). I redid it in Manual mode but no change. As far as I know there are no partitions on the Seagate drive. Another thing I noticed is that the System Files were at the front of the Seagate 120gb drive but are at the end on the WD 160gb. This shows when the drives are Defraged. Can anybody sort this out for me? I am doing this so that I have a backup drive incase of a terminal crash. Forgot, I am using a Intel 915gag w/P4@3.2 and W2000Pro with all updates.

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Seagate External HD Installation - Not Opening My Computer

Jun 1, 2010

I have recently purchased and installed a Seagate external Hard Drive. When I turn my computer on the screen remains blank. I have to turn everything off, unplug the External hard Drive and then everything operates normally. Once the computer is booted up I can reconnect the external hard Drive and all works fine. The othe rnoticeable difference ids that the computer has become very very slow to respond to commands.

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Seagate Firewall Asked To Accept Toskml.exe

Apr 15, 2005

I am running Win xp sp2 with Sygate Firewall.In the last 24 Hours I have been asked by Sygate Firewall if I want to accept C:Windowssystemn32 toskml.exe.I have said no because I think it might be a nasty.What do you all think.

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Computer Wont Recognize External Seagate Drive?

Jul 10, 2005

I have an external USB 300GB Seagate drive that used to work fine.Then, periodically XP would not recognize when I turned it on. A re-boot would fix the problem. Now, XP won’t recongnize the drive at all. I get an "unknown device" error. I have a USB 2.0 card I plug the drive into, and all other devices in that card work fine. The device driver manager says all is well, except of course with the "unknown device" it notes, which is the external drive.

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OS Setup Screen Does Not Load - Reformatted Seagate Disk

Feb 17, 2009

My computer was missing a system file after restarting one day. I inserted winxp disk to repair I would boot from it but the setup would wouldn't ever load anything. I reformatted with the Seagate disk and tried a different winxp disk to install same thing, it hangs at asking for third party adapter software. Any ideas?
Winxp, 160gig SATA seagate, 1gig of ram biostar mobo. It all worked fine until I lost that file now I cant even reload windows!

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Seagate Barracuda 7200 9 160 Gb Restore To Factory Settings

Jun 4, 2010

Set this back to factory settings? it came out of a dell and its going into my home rebuild!

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250 GB Seagate Drive In Bytecc External Hsng Not Recognized

Feb 27, 2008

Win XP Professional in new Dell Vostro does not recognize Bytecc 320 external hsng with 250 gb Seagate drive. Under hardware manager it shows up and says this device working properly. XP does not assign a drive letter. Disk management shows device but reports it as 128 Gb capacity. I do not want to settle for half the drive's capacity so i did not create a partition.

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AcomData External Hard Drive Vs Seagate External HD

Jan 7, 2007

quality of AcomData External HD? Also, is this a well established company? Any info as to how this brand compares to a Seagate External HD?

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Re-formatting - SATA HDD

Jan 15, 2009

Well, as the title suggests, i'm the latest in what is seemingly a long line of people having trouble attempting to perform the same task - reformatting a laptop running on Windows XP to run on a fresh, clean, smooth, lovely version of XP SP2.

I have read through every single topic with reference to what I am trying to do, and am still COMPLETELY lost. I have tried absolutely everything I can think of, my friend can think of, everything that has been suggested on various websites to no avail. I must just be doing things wrong.

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CD SATA Install To IDE

Jan 28, 2008

I'm getting a Bad_Pool_Caller BSOD, along with some misc. BSOD's while trying to do a fresh install of Windows from a SATA Cdrom to an ATA IDE harddrive. Are there any known issues with trying to install an OS from SATA to IDE?

I was supposed to have SATA hdd as well, but shipping screw'd up, and I got sent an ATA instead. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to figure out the solution tomorrow when I get to record the other information on the BSOD screens. I was just curious if there are any known issues or negatives associated with writing from a SATA cdrom drive to an IDE?

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Floppy For Sata

Nov 25, 2006

I want make a floppy disk in order to instal XP Pro SP2 in a Sata-2 HD.(Mobo recognize it as Sata-1)Where can I find latest files?Or I could use the ones which are in mobo's cd-rom? Mobo is Asus A8V Deluxe 2.0, agp, bios 1017.

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Find Sata Socket

Sep 12, 2008

I recently bought a dvd drive online but I find it has what I think is a sata socket. Can anyone tell me where I can see a picture of a sata socked so I can be sure, I can describe it looks rectangular with two plastic bars running parallel in the centre one longer than the other with little dots at the bottom.

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How Setup SATA Bios

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2TB SATA HDD for storage purpose and one SATA HDD for my OS, how can i setup my bios to be able to boot to my OS?

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