I'm trying to clean up my hard drive. Having run up against some problems with registry 'cleans' (which needed professional fixing) I'm keen to be safe. In my user folders I have hundreds of megabytes of Temporary Internet Files within Local Settings folders. I often use CCleaner to tidy up but it seems to have missed them.Can I safely delete these Temp files?
Windows XP SP2, and using TreeSize Free, i found out that i have so many gigs wasting away in my temporary internet files folder. it seems like every time i watched a video online, it was saving a copy in there? Is there a way to stop that from happening, so i don't have to delete all of it after it builds up?
Sometimes I want to delete my Temp Internet files and history. When I hit Internet Options I Get a pop up saying Restrictions. This operation has been canceled due to Restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact you system administrator. I have since download foxfire and everything is working fine.
There are many files listed in this folder. I am unable to delete them. When I go to this directory in safe mode command prompt there are no files. I even used dir /A:H to included hidden files and there are none. But I can still see them in Windows XP PRO. I have Norton 360 and it did not find any viruses. Went I try to delete them windows gives no errors. Some of the files even have the same name and extension. Is there a cache or a temp file I need to delete first?
I recently ran dupfinder 2.0 from windows xp pro on my lap top which runs windows xp media center 2005 sp2 My laptop is a Gateway mx6955 intel t1400@1.83ghz .99gb ram I have 9049 duplicate files on my C: using up 1,508,429 kb of space I am stuck on which duplicate files i can delete safely I have emailed Gatewy several times
I am going to re-install windows and I have a Compaq Presario computer that has a C and D drive. Is there any way I can make my computer one drive or is there a plus side to having two drives? Could I safely delete these files? Should I leave them and just reinstall to C drive? I thought I read somewhere that Compaq had portioned drives and it was a waste of space. I have reinstalled Windows before, have done backup of files I want to save and am doing the reinstall to get rid of a few things and fix some things that are going on?. My fault for messing with registry? probably?. Live and learn. C has total size of 32.9GB with 18.2GB free and D has 4.33GB with 2.44GB free. If you need any more info for suggestions please advise and I will respond as soon as possible. Once I finish back up of my photos? I will be ready to re install Windows.
For some reason,I have about 200 temporary files in the WindowsTemp folder that look a lot like registry entries.They are hidden files,and I have been unable to delete them. They all begin with CS, and have a time-stamp that coincides with bootup.Here is one:CS2F1A1E2B-3FE4-44EE-80E5-22C16FD91008.tmp I get an error message that the files are in use, but I can't figure out what is using them. I also tried to access them from Safe Mode command prompt. They don't show up there.
When I try to empty my temp folder (run/%temp%) I have 3 folders that wont be removed. Cookies/History/TemporaryInternet I have no clue how they got in there to begin with. I've tried to get rid of them from the temp but it wont let me
I have never done anything with temporary internet files before now as they have never done me any harm a far as I know. I have now been told that I should delete them regularly.Is this good advice and what harm do they do?
I play a certain game online, and I have dial-up, so 5MB every time I play takes more than long enough to download. I can get to the Temporary folder via the browser options menu, but there's no way to drag files into that folder in case they get deleted. So I was wondering if there is a program or something I can use to prevent certain files form getting deleted.
Temporary internet file is set to Zero and i can't change it. I slide the bar around and the box with MB beside it doesn't seem to repond. This is allowing me not to g on certain sites and i can't use the history thing. i set the history to 3 days but none is showing up. This is all the the Temporary Internet File Settings under Tools. When ever I click the OK button regardless of my setting it says: Please select a value between 1 and 0 on how much disk space temporary file may use.
Temp to clear the temporary internet files. I have installed Dual OS - Win 98 in C: and Win XP in D:. I am using Win XP mainly. For the past few months when i try to use this command it throws an error at me saying Windows cannot find D:Documents. But i know that usually there will no folder called Documents rather than Documents and Settings.
I have XP system. Can someone explain my temporay internet folder C:documents & settingspaullocal settings emporary internet files? I can clear all the files and then open My Yahoo or go to any internet site and the folder will then have maybe 100 files in it. If not cleared out in a couple days it can have 800 or more files in it. I do not do a lot of browsing but that folder baffles me. Is it supposed to do that or is wrong? I run anti virus & anti spam programs
Windows XP media Center seems to be completely hiding folders from me. When I untick "Hide protected operating system files and folders" then right click properties my Temporary internet file folder, it says there's 71 folders within it. I can't see ANY of these folders in my browser. If I boot up my other OS (Win XP 64 bit) I can view these folders just fine. Furthermore, within media center edition, I can access Temporary Internet FilesContent.IE5 if I type it in manually, and can see 68 folders within. Now, why would Media center be hiding Content.IE5 when supposedly I have display EVERYTHING turned on? I fear a malicious program may be doing this. An OS reinstall isn't a big deal for me, but I'd rather not.
By default Internet Explorer stores a user’s temporary internet files within a user profile typically located under C:Users or C:Documents and Settings. This setting can be easily be changed within Internet Explorer. Configuring Temporary Internet Files in Internet Explorer: When Internet Explorer is open, click on Tools and then select Internet Options. On the General tab, under Browsing history, click the Settings button. Click Move folder. Then select the new drive and folder you want to use and click OK to exit the property pages.
About temporary internet files, I regularly delete them by going to tools>internet options>general>delete temp files, but I noticed that when I run either my virus scan or my adware scan, it scans the temporay internet files for close to 2 hours, how can there be so many if I regularly delete them? I noticed the files it scans for so long are .IE5. Searching through the net I read that by going to tools, not all files are deleted, namely some index.dat files, and that it's hard to get rid of them. I read about a program, Mil Shield, that deletes them but haven't tried it yet.My main problem is that whenever I scan my comp, it takes hours to scan because of the temp files. Can anyone advise on how to solve this issue? Is it good to delete index.dat files or would that cause problems?
This afternoon, after deleting all tempory files (C:/Window/Temp)* The custom theme I use suddenly changed into the old Window classic theme. Then supposing all the files deleted went into the recycle bin, I restored it and restarted my computer. Then, that's when the problem starts. Internet won't connect; it keeps acquiring network but is never connected!
I use Windows Explorer to access the subject folder to make sure Internet Explorer has deleted the cache and usually I could see one file in the Content. IE5 folder named index.dat. I've been doing this for years without any problems. A couple of weeks ago I went to do this and I was unable to see the folder structure below the Temporary Internet Files folder nor the index.dat file. But if I log on as another user I can see the Content.IE5 folder, file index.dat, and the randomly named subfolders beneath folder Content.IE5. I checked the Windows Explorer properties to see if my view was being restricted but the settings appear to be the same for both user IDs.
There is a Temporary Internet Files folder literally STUCK on my desktop. There was another listed under My Documents > When I tried to delete that one, it deleted. So then I tried to move the folder on the desktop to My Documents with no success. "Access Denied", or "In use by another user or program. Close all programs and try again." I tried to "Send" the folder to another location on the computer with no success. Also tried deleting it and cutting and pasting it some where else, that also did not work. Temporary Internet Files folder's properties: General Tab > Attributes: Read only box is checked and grayed out.
Internet Explorer includes some great security features. For this tweak I will talk about the feature that clear the temporary internet files each time you close internet explorer. This is a very useful feature since it saves disk space and also keeps the websites that you downloaded private.
What are the recommendations for "Temporary Internet Files".In large environments should we default the size limit? The default settings is normally huge as disk drives are so big.Users end up with 10s of thousands of files in this folder than can take 20 minutes to clean out.Many IE issues are also resolved by deleting temp internet files.We default the setting "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed" on all systems but this does not seem to always delete everything.
I let a nephew used my computer, and I found a lot of porn stuff in the temporary Internet files. This is my office computer and lately, I had been notice strange noises, and like something is starting (?) This morning the PC cannot find my DVD drive, I used the "restored" function, and it founded. Need some help to make sure I don't have "something" that it's not supposed to be there.
I have built an new xp pro machine and upon first boot up, it created (among others) a My Documents folder. Then when I used the Files and Settings Transfer wizard, it moved my old My Documents folder from the old machine to the new one. Problem is, they have different names. I expect if I'd named them identically, there wouldn't be two of them. Each file I try to save defaults to the one from the old machine. My question is, can I safely delete the other?
im trying to customize Windows XP Pro to my liking very strictly and for some reason i just cannot delete the History and Temporary Internet Files folder, i 100% do not want them there but if i try delete them it comes up with History is a Windows system folder and is required for Windows to run properly. It cannot be deleted.iv'e tried booting into Linux and deleting it off their but when i booted back into windows it replaced them again, i also logged in as the SYSTEM user and deleted them but to no avail. I seriously do not want them folders their, and to my knowledge they ARE NOT required for windows to run properly.
My Temporary internet folder is out on my desktop as I use it quite frequently. This has been the case for years and it has worked flawlessly. Recently when I open it I get a message, "This page has an unspecified potential security flaw, would you like to continue?". When I click "OK" the Temp folder opens normally. This happens even when the folder is empty. Its annoying to have to keep doing this. My Internet Explorer security settings are quite low, and haven't been changed for ages, well before this message started appearing. I've cleared the caches and index.dat files, run AVG virus checker, SpybotS&D, and all sorts of other cleaning/security stuff but to no avail.
I am the admin for our home computer.I used to be able to Explore all the other user's Internet Temporary folders just to monitor my kids viewing habits.not nosy, just trying to be a good parent. For some reason, this ability has disappeared.I'd go into the user's Local Settings and there would be a folder that said Temp Internet and I could pull up thumbnails on about 5 different folders with long cryptic names. Did something get turned off or switched? I'm running Windows XP and I used to be able to do this on this same outer.