Run Command Missing: Right Clicking And Going To Properties, Search Appears?

Jul 6, 2009

Run Command has gone missing Please don't give me BS about right clicking and going to properties. When I do that Search appears, not Run

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Search Assistant Missing Components - Search Command

May 31, 2005

Not sure where to begin with this. I think I deleted a file I shouldn't have with the HJT log while I was cleaning up some spyware stuff. Anyone know how to help me get back my search command?

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Missing "search" Action While Right Clicking The Drive Icon?

Jan 27, 2009

when i tried to right click on my drives, i.e. c drive, removable disks, the option only includes open and explore. However, when i tried to right click on folders, the available option includes open, explore and search.. how do i include the "search" option?

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Right Clicking-Computer Properties Does Nothing

Feb 22, 2007

Something strange is happining with my computer. Certain things don't work, here's a few:1.If I Right click and select "properties" on "My computer"... it does nothing.2.Most icons in "Control Panel" don't open anything (add remove programs... sound... etc...)3.Double clicking a file without an extention does nothing (used to pop up a "which program to open with" window.) What could be the problem

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Clicking Shortcuts On Desktop Only Brings Up Properties Box?

Jul 10, 2006

Sometimes when I double click my shortcuts on my desktop the program doesn't open up. Instead the properties window pops up. This is not happening with just one of my shortcuts this is happening with all of them.I usually do a restart to fix this problem and it doesn't happen any more but that is only a temporary fix because it often happens again when I startup my computer. What is the reason for this? Is anybody else having this problem?

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Activate Screen Saver Only By Right-clicking Properties, And Previewing

Aug 1, 2005

My screensaver has suddenly stopped working. I can activate it only by right-clicking properties, and previewing. How can I correct this problem?

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Computer Running Slow : Clicking Folders Results In Getting Properties?

Aug 5, 2007

my computer jams every now and again for a minute or 2 depending on what i do for E.g if i press ALT and TAB to quikly change wat im doing it jams. also whenever i click on something like a folder or shorcut of a program , instead of opening the file or folder the proprties come up ( this problem is now fixed but it might be a sympton of a virus or sumthing ?).i think its cuz of a file i downloaded off the internet.

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Clicking A Folder Opens Search

Mar 28, 2008

when I click a folder instead of showing the folders contents it opens a search box. Is there anyway of changing this back.

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Search Function Appears To Be Disabled

Apr 22, 2007

The search function in windows xp appears to be disabled. Clicking on the Search button in any window has no effect. This might or might not be related to a second problem I'm experiencing. System Restore has been mysteriously turned off and I cannot turn it back on. Checking off the 'Turn off System Restore' checkbox and clicking on 'Apply' results in the following message: "System Restore encountered an error trying to enable one or more drives. Please restart your maching and try again." Restarting, of course, has no effect. Btw, the 'Status' section of the System Restore window indicates the following: "(C) Turned off. Not sure what that means.

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Explorer Freezes Upon Right Clicking File/ Using Edit Command?

Feb 28, 2006

I am having odd freezes, mostly with Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer freezes when: I right-click on any file. I try to use the 'Edit' command from the main menu, unless I am in 'My Documents' or at a higher level. I right-click Windows 'Start' button. Can I re-install Windows Explorer? Is it a registry problem?

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Only Search Animated Icon Appears In Explorer

Apr 1, 2008

Our Dell running XP has several user accounts set up. Mine is fine, but my wife's has a problem. In Windows Explorer, when she clicks on the search button, the animated icon appears (dog, in this case), but nothing else - no choices (All files and folders, Pictures, music, or video, etc.) appear. Right-clicking anywhere only gives the Close Toolbar option. the result is that she is unable to search the computer for anything. Same result when using Start->Search. The weird thing is, as I said, Explorer in my user account is fine. I assume it must be a setting somewhere, but I can't find it. Anyone ever encounter this, or know how to remedy it?

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Double Clicking On Local Disk C Opens Search

Jan 28, 2006

When i double click on local disk C it opens up search. I think this may be something to do with file types in folder options but im not sure. Any help?

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Double Clicking Forlder To Open / It Goes To Search Screen

Jun 18, 2007

I use XP Home edition. I do not know how I have change the Window operating system setting that when I double click on most of the folders in my computer it goes to a searh menu. Only "My Document" folder is working correctly (when I double click on it, it opens the folder rather than going to search mode). I have tried all the folder's option setting and anything else I can think of, still the folders do not open properly. I have to right click on the folder and select open option. Above "Open" option there is "Search" option in bold letters.

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Clicking Hard Drive Icon Opens Search Tool

Dec 23, 2007

OS is windows XP home. In my computer folder I doubleclick on the (C hard drive, but it doesn't open like a folder but as a search tool. I have to right click and choose open from the menu to "open like a folder".I accidentally was doing something weird in the control panel>folder properties(not sure if its called folder properties in the english xp).And now I would want it again to open like a folder, but I just don't know how.

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Double Clicking On Hard Disk Icon Open Search Window...

Dec 30, 2006

Whenever i click on a drive icon whether it be a hard disk or DVd drive rather than opening up the contents of that drive windows opens the search window. Whats going wrong?

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Clicking On Hard Drive Icons Results In Opening Search Option?

Oct 9, 2005

Dont know why but when i click or double-click de hard-Drive (C:, D:,) the search open automatically.. the only way to enter is right-click and choose open.i notice when i right-click the drive , the menu has the search in black and not the open. how can i edit and set the open the default or reset it.

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Missing Search Engine - Search Companion

Mar 23, 2007

i have just gone to a search in the search link in the start menu and got a file missing message saying a file that is required to run search companian could not be found you may need to run set up

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SEARCH Won't Work File Missing / File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

May 5, 2005

I'm battling spyware removal at the moment (aurora) and somehow my win xp sp2 search function no longer works. i get an error "A File That Is Required to Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found" you may need to run setup I went to the microsoft website and downloaded the hotfix, however it doesn't work with sp2! anybody know how to fix this? I checked and i do have the srchasst folder in windows.

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My Documents Folder Appears To Be Missing

Jul 19, 2005

One of the users on my PC does not have the My Documennst folder appearing the list "Files stored on the this computer".it is just a registry tweak

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Missing Installer Appears With Not Preparing To Install

Sep 8, 2009

Have a Dell E510 with Wind XP Home. Well meaning friend tried to speed it up by installing Firefox and deleting Internet Explorer. Managed to also delete WordPad and when I start up - a message box labeled "Windows Installer" appears with the note - "Preparing to Install." Notice goes away and I do whatever I need to do online. However I need to reinstall a printer and am getting the message that the installer is missing. How do I fix that.

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Missing Taskbar And Desktop Icons - Only Pointer Appears

Jun 17, 2005

I start my pc and when I reach the desktop, I just see a black screen with the mouse pointer appearing. The taskbar and the desktop icons (in both safe mode and normal) mode are missing.When I try to have new task 'explorer.exe', it says that 'can't find explorer.exe'I surfed the net for solutions but it seems that I need to reinstall or repair windows.

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Cpu Info Missing In Properties

Aug 30, 2009

when i go to my computer properties my cpu is not listed anymore it used to be there now only list ram. I'm using windows xp the cpu is amd athlon 7850 it came on the mother board which is asus M3N72-D does anyone have an idea what could of caused this and what to do?

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Missing 3 Tabs In Display Properties

May 5, 2005

I just ran into a problem with my display properties. It occurred after a virus attacked my computer and reset the desktop to a false "blue screen of death". I was able to remove it Ad-Aware SE, but once i was working with the computer again, I found that the tabs under "display properties" were missing. They included "Themes", "Desktop" and "Appearances". I already tried reinstalling XP and carefully reinstalling the ATI drivers, but i still only see the "screen saver" and "settings" tabs.

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Tabs Missing From Display Properties

Aug 31, 2006

I reformatted my hard drive and after words of reinstalling OS I wanted to change my bachground so as usual i right click desktop and go to properties but there is nothing there but the themes tab! Does anyone know what to do to fis this problem so that I can set screensavers and change backgrounds?

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Missing Some Tabs In Display Properties

Sep 14, 2008

I am seem to be missing some of the tabs in display properties in control panel. I am running windows XP home edition. I picked up a virus and I had some other issues for a little while. I noticed when it started to infect and I pulled my internet cord in case it was going to try to get at any of my personal data. I ran my Norton 360 right away and after about an hour of running the scans and deleting some stuff, my comp started to work a lot better, but now I seem to be missing the tabs where you would change wallpaper and screen saver settings. There might be more, but I'm a casual computer user and I don't remember what the others might be Well looking at my norton history there were a few viruses:

Trojan.Zlob times 3
and one named simply downloader

Right now the comp seems to be working OK and all scans come back clear, so it's just the tabs as far as I know.

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Missing Tabs On Display Properties

Jun 4, 2005

Windows XP Home SP1. The only tab that shows on Display Properties is Themes. Desktop, Screen Saver, Appearance, and Settings are missing. Both with the onboard Intel vide chipset and with an ATI PCI card plugged in for troubleshooting. I remember something like this several years ago, but can not find anything in newsgroup or Microsoft searches.

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Missing Tabs On Display Properties (SP2)

Jul 9, 2005

I was downloading a picture from Webshot Desktop which was automatically installed as desktop wallpaper but there was an error in the installation. As the result some of the Display Properties' Tab are missing (themes, desktop, appearance). I've copied new desk.cpl file but it doesn't fix the problem.

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Desktop Tab Missing From Display Properties

Apr 18, 2007

But now, just relizing this, my "Desktop" tab is missing from my Display Properties. I am running XP SP2I have entered "gpedit.msc" after i clicked run from the start menu, i just get an error. So i couldn't follow jsut very sad as i just got 150 Themes for my computer and i wanna use them! but i can't since the Desktop Tab is missing.

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Tabs Missing On Display Properties Sheet

Apr 5, 2005

Running Win XP Pro on a AMD Athlon XP 2800+ with 512MB of DDR 2700 RAM.When I right-click on the desktop to make any changes (like wallpaper, or screensaver) all I get is the Display Properties box with no tabs.The sheet displayed is Themes. The selected theme is Windows XP.If I change the theme and click Apply, the tabs all appear. But if I close & re-open the Display Properties, I'm back to Themes with no tabs.There is a similar post here already, but no one has posted any solutions.

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Themes Missing In The Appearance Tab Via Desktop Properties

Jul 9, 2005

i'm slightly puzzled to why my XP pro themes are missing. The Themes service is running but the option to select XP themes is missing in the appearence tab via desktop properties. I have no third party software running on boot and as i said before im puzzled.

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Missing Default Device Sounds & Audio Devices Properties

Sep 11, 2008

In device manager I have a Creative Audigy Audio Processor (WDM) which is showing as working ok and the device is enable.However under Sounds & Audio Device Properties this is missing from both the Sound Playback and Sound Recording - when the drop down tab is selected nothing is shown.Any ideas how I get this back so I can select as the Default Device,

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