Restore Files From 1 .bkf File

Sep 21, 2002

I have recently had to recover Windows XP using the recover disc supplied with my machine.I backed up all my documents to a backup file before performing this operation.However, I am having problems recovering any data from this file.When I select the file, the Backup and Restore Wizard operates. However when I select the restore option the 'what to restore' window simply lists a folder called 'file' in the items to restore box.I assumed I should have been prompted with a list of folders and files that had been backed up. When I try to put the tick in the box next to the folder 'file', the mouse changes to a tick, but clicking the box does not select the folder or show any sub-folders.As an aside, I had two backup files, both some 600Meg long so I assumed the backup had worked, but both have the same problem.

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System Restore Won't Restore:some Files Corrupted?

Aug 20, 2005

My norton anti-virus said that some files were mssing. It said that if I restored my computer to an earlier date that this should correct the problem. My computer has restore dates so I picked one from the previous day. When my computer re-boted it said that it was not able to restore to an earlier date because some files maybe corrupted. Said to restate the computer and trying restoring again. I did but had same results. Any restore date I pick, it says it is unable to restore.

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Backed Up Files That System Restore Uses To Restore

May 9, 2005

Is it possible to get rid of the backed up files that System Restore uses to restore. Is this confusing? Would just turning off System Restore and turning it on again get rid of the files System Restore uses as the 'old' files? What would work if thats not the case. Should I make myself clearer or do you get it.

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Deleting Files - Lost A File From My File Server

Oct 3, 2005

I lost a file from my file server yesterday that was extremely important by accidentally deleting it when on my local computer. I am running win2k. When I delete a file from my computer it goes to the recycle bin. When I delete a file from my file server, which is using win2k as well, it does not go to the recycle bin on either computer. Is there any I can tell the file to go to the recycle bin when they are deleted

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Cannot Delete Or Restore File From Recycle Bin

Feb 16, 2006

There is an Adobe Illustrator file in my Recycle Bin (Windows XP Professional) that seems to be locked. When I try to delete it or restore it, I get the error message "Cannot delete Dc152: It may be in use by another person or program." I have no idea where "Dc152" comes from. That is not the name of the file. How do I troubleshoot this?

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Explorer Exe File System Restore

Feb 26, 2010

Will system restore restore a deleted windows.exe file?

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How To Restore Backup Files?

Jan 8, 2008

My daughter's friend's computer was riddled with viruses and I offered to help. I got down to one virus (internet speed monitor toolbar at the left of internet explorer) and tried to run combofix. I somehow parlayed combofix into a windowssystem32configsystem error and could not boot to windows. I then restored windows xp home edition which gave me the option to save all personal files in C:My Backup 08-01-05 0832PM. The computer now boots but I am unsure of how to restore the personal files and settings.

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Restore Images And Files

Jan 17, 2008

Not sure whether this is the right forum to post in. I looked for an answer but didn't find one.A few weeks ago I turned my computer on and found a message "NTLDR is missing". after a few restarts I decided to try and fix it, went into windows installation and did repair.In the repair window I started to wander across Drive C: and found out that alot of files are missing. so I decided to reinstall windows.After the installation I went to my old "My Documents" directory and found that it still exist but all the files in it were deleted.I'm now looking for a program to restore my images and music.

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Restore Lost Files?

Jan 9, 2008

I recently lost all of my files when I used a recovery disc. I am not a computer whiz, but I do know that they are still in the hardrive somewhere. Is this correct? Is there a free program out there that can recover these files?

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Restore Deleted Partition And Files

Jul 16, 2006

I deleted the partition on my External Hard Drive that held my backup files. I can see the files using Recover My Files. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing and are there any other options or software that I should research/explore?

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System Restore In XP - Exe, Toejam - 190,000 Files

Jan 26, 2005

A few months ago I had to do a clean install on my operating system and all is fine with it but before I did the install I tried a few rounds of system restore to try to avoid doing that. It didn't work, but it brings to mind a question.While I was looking around my HD to make sure I had backed everything up I noticed that certain files were named toejam(1).exe, toejam(2).exe, toejam(3).exe, ect all the way up to toejam(8).exe. If you take your computer back in time dosen't this replicate certain system files each and every time you do it? and if so, can you delete the extra files. Wouldn't it be safe to assume that the ones in the middle, toejam(2) through (8), would be OK to delete?I ask this question because I'm helping a friend sort out her computer and every time we do any kind of system scans it takes for EVER. There are over 190,000 files on her computer. I know that she has a lot of music and picture files on there, but I think that most of these files are from the many times she has done a system restore. I have a lot of picture files and MORE music files than she does but I barely break 80.000.Does anyone know how to do this and if it can even be done?

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Restore Point Files To Delete Or Not?

Dec 27, 2005

I did a search for files to delete and wonder whether I need to keep all these restore point files. I certainly don't have this many restore points set - would they be required for the couple I do have?

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Restore Files From Formate Drive

Oct 13, 2008

Accidently reformat my windows an i lost a important folder fill with my beats.Is there any way i can get that folder back?

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Unable To Restore Missing Files.

Jul 11, 2007

I'm having some issues with one of my PC's. After about a minute at desktop, it would completely lock up. Using msconfig, I was able to isolate (at least) one of the things causing it: a service called 'Windows Management Instrumentation'. Keeping it, and it's co-responding service, unchecked in msconfig, stops the freeze, and allows my computer ot seemingly work as if all is well. However, I'm skeptical that is the case.
Also, another problem occurred yesterday....all of a sudden my admin account no longer displayed on the login screen. I had taken my PC to a repair shop last week, and the guy created a new account...this account has administrator priveledges, just as the old one does. However, it is missing a lot of files and documents that were from my old account. When booting in safe mode, both accounts still display. Why is this?
Another question, does anyone know what the service CaReTaKeR-CT NetMgr is/does? It looks a bit seedy, so I've currently disabled it.

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My Documents Files Gone After System Restore?

Mar 5, 2005

i lost all my documents files, so i did a sytem restore, and i still cant access the file
were am i going worng

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Restore Completely Disappeared - File Path Not Correct

Nov 24, 2008

My 'restore' has completely disappeared. I followed the advice given on in one of your forums, going to start/run/inf and then right clicking sr.inf and then install. I received a pop-up box asking for the file path (a path is already given, but it must not be correct) as well as a message stating I need to insert my xp service pack two cd and that I should then reboot. I did this, but I still receive the same pop-up and message. I don't know what path to type and obviously, when I rebooted, I didn't install anything. I tried to figure out how to extract just what I needed from the cd but I admit it, I'm a deer in the headlights.

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Erased Recycle Bin Icon - Unable Restore File

Mar 9, 2007

I erased my Recycle Bin icon off my desktop. Now that I need to restore a file I am unable to find it. Where do I go to restore my recycle bin?

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Copy System Restore File And Save At A Different Place?

Aug 9, 2005

I will be installing a software which will take lot of space and resource. At some point in time, say after 6 months, I will want to do a system restore. But from the Microsoft documentation, looks like I cannot create a system restore point, which will remain permanently. It gets automatically deleted after some time. Can I copy the system restore file generated, and save it at a different place, and then use this file to system restore whenever I want to - say after 6 months or a year? If I can, then what are the files I need to copy?

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Word File Restored To The Restore Point Date

Sep 19, 2008

When a system restore is required, do the document files, such as word, get restored to the restore point date? I have files that have been amended since the last known good configuration date. Don't want to lose information.

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System Restore / Lose All Software And Files

Aug 28, 2005

PC model W2785. It is a 2700+ AMD Athlon XP Processor. 512 MB DDR RAM, I have recently upgraded my graphics to a G-Force FX5500 AGP 8X with 128 MB DDR. I gave all this info just to get to the question: I am having a problem with Window's System Restore. I have through time created several restore points so that I could go back if I needed to replace something that I lost by messing up and deleting some part of some software that's on my computer.

Everytime I try to use Window's System Restore it acts like it is working. It goes through all the procedure, then reboots, but when my computer gets back up and running I get the message that my computer could not be restored to the chosen restore point. It doesn't matter which restore point I choose it is always the same. What do I do to get Window's System Restore to start working again, short of reinstalling my computers original software, which will lose all software and files

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Unable To Retrieve Files: Restore Points Are Gone ?

Sep 26, 2009

I have got 3 partitions on my HDD namely C, D and E drive.C is the windows drive , the other two are normal data storage drives. Yesterday when i started the PC, i found that all the folders on my E drive have become empty and the files which i can see do not work. Everything on the partition has become useless.Even though all folders show 0 files, the used disk space is same as before.Is it some kind of virus?

One more thing, i tried to system restore. When i reached the system restore screen, i found out that all my restore points are gone and i cant restore my PC to any earlier date, even though i have assigned nearly 20% of each disk for creating restore points. Even the calendar in system restore screen wont show a previous month except the current month.

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Restore - How To Find The Missing Folders / Files

Jul 7, 2010

I have a Dell M1710 XPS laptop, recently because of a power cut it failed to boot because of a corrupt file. I've re-installed windows XP (for some reason I was not able to boot from CD and repair), now obviously alot of the programs that are still on the hardrive will not open because they need to be re-installed. Unfortunatly I'm stuck on a ship with very little internet access and no CD's to re-install stuff with. I don't know if its possible to get these things working

Anyway my major concern is I've lost alot of my I'tunes music and photos that were on my hard-drive before. They seem to be still on the harddrive as I still have only 10% of the drive left as free space and yet when I double click on C: drive on my computer there shows only 32 gigs of stuff in folders there and I cannot find any of my music (program files seem to be unaffected, there still on the drive as normal even if im unable to run them). Is there anyway to find these missing folders/files that still seem to be on my harddrive but not visable.

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Recovering Deleted Files - Tried To Run System Restore

Feb 9, 2006

The files were deleted (and Norton Protected recycle bin emptied) from both the C: (boot drive/OS) and D: drives and when I tried to run System Restore, it gave me an error message, so I assume some of the system files may have been deleted as well. I am not the primary user of this computer and while the computer was functioning after I discovered this, I made the mistake of re-booting the computer and now get a ''NTLDR is missing - press Ctrl + Alt + Delete'' at boot. I have the Sony System recovery discs (no Windows XP disc that I can find) but I don't want to lose any more data and I would still like to try and recover the previously deleted files.

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Cannot Open Recovered Files After System Restore

Oct 11, 2010

I have a folder containing pdf's, word and excel documents and mp3�s (about 13 GB in size ). When I opened my mother's laptop, I discovered that someone accidentally dragged my folder to another folder next to it (my whole famiy uses that laptop) I opened it and all of my files were deleted! So, I searched for ways to recover deleted files and installed a software to recover it on drive C: (my folder is in drive D: ) . The program was able to locate my files but I cannot recover it because the program is not free so I downloaded other free programs. The other drive's space is not enough to accommodate the deleted files so ( not knowing the consequences of my actions ) I transferred some files of C: to D: (about 1.5 GB ). However, the free program was not able to find my files so I searched again. I tried System Restore and I was able to recover it. But when I tried opening the files, it says that "There was an error opening this document. Access is denied" for pdf,s, "Windows Media Player cannot access the file.

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Transfer Laptop Files And Software B4 Restore

Jul 17, 2005

I want to use the restore CD's on my laptop, win2000, but I'd like to save both data files and installed software and drivers. Is it possible if I can transfer to an external hard drive? Or, can I only save the data files? How can I save the software and drivers?

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When Fails To Restore From 3rd Party Backup Files

Dec 14, 2007

Recently, Windows XP could not Restore the system to Restore Points created by it, OR even to Restore Points set by third-party anti-Spyware programs.I am using AVG Free Edition, PC Tools Spyware Doctor, and also Spyware Terminator, along with the Firewall of Windows XP, for on-line protection whilst surfing the Internet.Additionally, CCleaner and CheckLinks both Freewares are used, once a week or so, to remove unwanted cookies, dead links, temporary files etc.Since these Freewares also create Restore Points, I would like to know whether this affects Restoring of the system to EARLIER Restore Points created by Windows XP. To overcome this problem would it be safe to run the above-mentioned Freeware programs without allowing these to create their individual Restore Points and then create new Restore Points with Windows XP ?

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Retrieve Files - Done A Complete System Restore?

Aug 27, 2005

I have recently had to perform a complete system recovery on my computer because I had lost control. The computer kept shutting down and starting up on its' own. I tried everything I could before I did a recovery, but it did not help. I thought I had all my important files backed up but that was not the case. My question is, can I retrieve any files now that I have done a complete system restore? I am trying to retrieve all my Quicken files. How would I go about it?

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HDD Not According To System Restore Status - Files Not Accessible

Oct 13, 2006

It seems my HDD doesn't seem to be on according to System Restore under status. Device Manager also comes up with nothing, however my GFX card seems to be working even though it is not being detected. I can access all the files in my HDD too. I have no other HDD plugged in or CD Drives in (the CD drive worked when it was in). Also, the bars and such seem to be in the Windows 98 style not XP, as if it was in safe mode. I have looked at the msconfig and it is on normal start up however it is not working. I also cannot change the computers name, etc.I have tried to reinstall Windows but it comes up "0x0000007B (0xF78D2524, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000". I have googled this and things have come up but they do not suite my situation as I only have 1 HDD (And yes it is plugged in properly as well as the CD drive).I would also like to ask if a HDD should be the Master IDE or whether the CD drive should be.

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Deleted User Account / Can I Restore Files?

Jan 22, 2007

Is there a way to easily restore the files that were in a user account that was deleted such as in "my document" and the destop of that user name? Must restore, might have months of baby photos that are lost.

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System Restore Created Alternate Locations For Exe Files

Oct 13, 2006

I recently used system restore in WinXP and now in all of my program directories there are additional folders named Data with a folders name resources in those. In the resources folder are the exe files for the programs and all shortcuts I have for those programs point to these exe files. So when I use one of those shortcuts two instances of the program opens and slows my computer down.

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