Repair Job - Missing Right Click - New - Compressed Zip & Send

Jul 2, 2006

After uninstalling WinAce i am no longer (As i was before WinAce) able to right click and go New > Compressed Zip or Send to > Compressed Zip. First problem. I need to know the shortcut target for doing this. It might not be a full target as it is part of windows explore like the shortcut for Search is "& Search" I can add stuff to Send To easily. But adding stuff to New is going to be difficult.

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Click On File Show Send Report Without Send Buttons

Feb 23, 2007

I am in a bad bad situation. Whenever I go to my computer/win explorer and try to right click on any item, i get an error in Windows Explorer with the send report and dont send option buttons. Im not able to do many things due to that. and this is not a virus or something I guess because I have a good AV software and I was using my PC throughout till yesterday evening when I shifted it from 1 room to another. And thats when it happened for the first time.

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Not Loading - Will Microsoft Send Repair CD?

Dec 2, 2007

I have lost the Windows repair CD. My computer will not boot up, not even in safe mode, and it first goes to the "welcome" screen with my name and logo to click in order fot XP to boot up. Then it says, "loading personal settings", goes to my desktop for 3seconds, then it logs me off I can't do anything. Will Microsoft send me a repair CD?

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Unable To Send Pictures Or Click On An Adress?

May 22, 2005

I cant send pictures or click on an adress, when the window pops up it says page cannot be displayed. I got rid of it Before but now it doesnt work again.

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Right Click Menu Freezes When Use Option Send To

Jul 15, 2005

On the desktop, when I rt. click a program shortcut the menu comes up, but when I go to "send to" nothing else comes up and menu freezes.

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Outlook 2003 Wont Ask For Password Until Click Send

Sep 19, 2005

I have recently upgraded from outlook express to outlook 2003.O/E used to ask me for a password for mailbox as soon as i opened the program, which is what i want from outlook 2003.but instead with outlook 2k3 i have to click on send / recieve before it asks for my password.which settings do i need to change?

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Send Picture Via Email Option Missing

Feb 9, 2009

I used to be able to go into Start menu and My Pictures in XP and select a picture and click on "email this file" and it would give me an option to "make picture smaller" or leave it the same size, and having chosen to make it smaller it would attach the smaller picture into Outlook Express and voila!I have not got this option box anymore! Can anyone tell me why I have lost this facility? When I click email this picture, it does slightly reduce the size, but not enough - like previously small, medium or large.

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Why To Click Repair - Internet Stops

Feb 6, 2006

sometimes my internet stops, like the loading bar is still loading but extremely slow, and i often get kicked off AIM, i get the Recconecting message window, i have to go to Local Area Connection Status, and click Repair until the internet works again? any idea why this is happening?

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Can't See The Task Bar - Click Repair Few Minutes Disappears

Nov 16, 2006

I can't see the taskbar anymore!! dont know what happen. When I restart or turn on my Pc I just cant see it for a few seconds then is gone. I have downloaded the taskbar tool you advice to download in a previous post but doesnt work for me when i clic on repair it shows only for a few minutes but then it disappears. I have tried using running my pc under safe mode, I click on the taskbar properties (the taskbar does appear under safe mode) and auto hide is not checked. I tried moving the taskbar in any other position of the monitor; but when i turn back to normal windows it can't stays on. I have used system restore on a previous date, it does not work either.

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Random Unexpected Errors / Send And Dont Send Buttons

Mar 11, 2006

All the programs on me computer randomal, every now and again (3 times an hour) decide to close with the same lovely error popping up every time about an unexpected error with the 'Send' 'Don't Send' buttons.think I may have two explanations, The RAM, a corrupt system file or a corrupt hard drive.Does anybody have any idea about why this is happening and if so, a solution?

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Program Not Responding With Two Option Send Report Or Don't Send It

Mar 22, 2005

I have a probleme, lately I figure out that when i log on ot the internet, I got this message " program not responding " and I have two option send roport or don't send it, then I have to start over, and the same thing keep going on.

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System32configsystem Is Missing / Use 'r' For Repair

Dec 11, 2006

It's been a while since I had to do this so I'm looking for a little refresher here. Just booted up on my XP partition with the message: "windowssystem32configsystem file missing or corrupt please use 'r' for repair. I know I've got to go through the repair recovery, but I can't remember if I use the fixboot from the DOS prompt or fixmbr. Any suggestions or cleaner way to fix this would be greatly appreciated, I guess if all fails it will be back to the dreaded fdisk.

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Repair - Notepad Missing

Jun 25, 2005

Notepad has gone missing, the computer is running sluggishly (I have checked for viruses, Spyware ect and run defrag) and desite loads of earlier dates System Restore goes through the motions and then tells me that it is not possible to restore to any of them. I am guessing that my windows Xp is corrupted. Because i dont want the hassle of re-loading all my other programs and files, is there a safe way to repair windows Xp rather than completely reinstalling it?

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Repair - File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Sep 15, 2006

I have a big problem. My CFOs computer has been messed up with the uninstallation of Norton. The computer will not boot after trying to run Autocheck (file is missing or corrupt) and the gives an error. I tried to use the Windows XP disc and the setup sees the partition but cannot recognise the format.Unfortunatley I don't know any commands in command line / repair console. Does anyone know commands to get the machine to run checks / get the machine to install XP? Formatting is the last option as there are some data on the machine that is not backed up.

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Unable To Send Files Through Send To?

Jun 26, 2005

I would like to send files to my own folders using "Send To". It seems my choice for send to is very limited.When right clicked on a file, I can send only to Desktop, Mail Recipient, and My documents. It did not work either. Could someone advise me to how to increase the target for "Send To" (e.g., D:Important personal folder)?

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Ntfs.sys Corrupt Or Missing: Wont Reformat Or Repair From CD?

Jul 25, 2004

I plugged in and switched it on it has been crashing intermittently. This occurs at random intervals and does not seem to be related to whichever program I am using. The monitor goes black and the pc reboots but does not get as far as windows,displaying the message:windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys"unable to do this because after pressing "r" at the first "welcome to set-up" screen I get the message:

"Setup did not find any hard disk drive(s) installed on your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered up and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or Setup program.
Setup cannot continue. To exit Setup press F3"

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Repair MFT - Missing SYSTEM File And Boot Stops?

May 7, 2007

I have tried FIXMBR, FIXBOOT and now trying to reinstall using the guide in another thread. I do not get the same R option when I get to the SETUP screen. It looks to me like it will fresh install XP and wipe everything. Originally I was getting missing SYSTEM file and boot stops. I found what I thought was the SYSTEM file and put it into the directory but it still will not boot. I just get another new error.

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WHen Exiting Overlord Send/Don't Send Error With Modname "ntdll.dll"

Jul 14, 2009

Every time I exit Overlord I get Send/Don't Send error with modname "ntdll.dll". A mate of mine has the same error.
ps: is is normal that Windows XP has so many errors?

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Missing Or Corrupt: System32 Config System / Unable To Repair?

Jan 4, 2008

When I start up my laptop, the screen immediatly says Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem
You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.The deal is I dont have the cd. IF someone could tell me how to get an xp cd (without buying) that'd be great.

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Config System Missing Or Corrupt: Unable To Repair The Error?

Jan 20, 2008

Acer laptop (TravelMate 4020) that operates using Windows XP. When I started up my computer the other day, I received the following message: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:WindowsSystem32ConfigSystem You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows setup and using the original setup CD-rom. Select 'r' at first screen to start repair."

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Right Click New Options Missing

Apr 10, 2008

I had a thread about this before, but I'm back where I started. This time, tweak UI is not working for me.When a user purchases or reformats Windows XP, what are the default options for the File>New or Right-Click>New, and how can I restore them? I know I'm missing creating new text documents, but I know there must be other items as well.

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Right Click Menu Pops Up With Options Missing

May 31, 2010

I've got a very strange problem with my right click menu where if I right click something, file or empty space, the menu pops up with options missing. I'll open an application/program and the right click menu will lose some more options... eventually I'm left with no menu at all, I right click and nothing happens, and left click and I can see from the animations on buttons that the computer is recognising a click, but nothing happens. If I close a program, part of the menu comes back. This happens for any and every program, programs which I've been using for years. I always keep my antivirus software up to date and scans detect no viruses. I system restored back two months and the problem was still there. Today I wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Windows XP as a last resort to get rid of this issue, and it's still there! I have no idea what it is, what's causing it or why it's happening, and I can't find any way to get rid of it other than continue to close programs to restore options, but that's not good enough because eventually I end up with no programs left to close and the only way for my clicks to work again is to reboot.

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Notepad Missing Right Click Menu - Rebuild Icons Without Re Installing

Jan 20, 2009

I just noticed that Notepad is missing from my right-click "New" menu. I have searched the internet and all I can find are instructions for how to put an application in the "Send to" of the right-click menu but I want Notepad to show up in the right-click "New" so I can right click a space in a folder and create a new text file in the folder. I recently uninstalled Adobe dreamweaver cs3 and Indesign cs3 from my PC. Could that be why it dissappeared from my right click menu? Anyhow, anyone know where this is in the registry. Oh yeah, I also have TWEAK UI but for some reason, in the templates, I can't create a new template there. And my icons have also gone crazy. I use firefox as my default browser but the .html files show an icon which is nt associated to any program!! Ho w do i rebuild my icons without reinstalling windows!!

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Registry Repair Sites Offering Repair Software

Aug 1, 2005

I have just installed some anti virus software and during installation I got messages saying my registry had been damaged and i should log onto such-and-such site to download repair software and run it on my system. I am suspicious that if I do this I am exposing myself to total destruction. One of the messages has just popped up again and the site it directs me to is

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Enable To Repair Drives: Get Logs On Restart After Repair?

Aug 24, 2005

Problems started was when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, windows works absolutely fine no problems what so ever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream.

It also said whilst recovering orphaned files insufficient disk space to recover lost files. It stopped for a while then carried on. After scan disk it restarted and wouldn't load windows, just got stuck on windows loading screen forever, eventually 15+ minutes i pressed reset as there was no disk activity.

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Ntldr Is Compressed

Nov 20, 2007

I reloaded Windows XP on a Compaq Presario. This was a standard, non-destructive recovery. After re booting, I received the error message NTLDR is compressed Press C tl+Alt+Del.. The fix is to go to a command line and enter attrib -c ntldr . When I do this I get the message that -c is an invalid switch. In looking through other material I do not see where c is a switch for the attrib command, but I can see where it could be used to "turn off compression" in ntldr. What am I missing here.Last year I did something similar, not this specifically, and it worked for a compressed disk problem.

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What Is Purpose Of Compressed / Zip Folder?

Sep 20, 2008

On my profile I entered under experience, "Sometimes smart, Sometimes dumb". This is a "sometimes dumb" question. Exactly what is the purpose of a compressed or zip file? I use a geneology program that automatically compresses data when you save a file so that a large amount of data can be stored on a floppy disk.

I recently sent some information to an individual via email and that person requested that I use snail mail instead because it took forever to download on their dial up connection. Using "properties" I look at the size of the file at it was 2.25 MB. I thought perhaps compressing the data would not take it so long to download so I placed it in a Windows XP Compressed folder and then looked at the size of that folder and it was 2.19 MB. Not much of a reduction and would probably take just as long for that person to download. Am I doing something wrong?

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Compressed Zip Folder - Can Never Open Anything

Sep 13, 2005

I guess I don't understand the zip files..I have Home XP and I can extract to the zip folder but I can never open anything.

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Compressed ZIP Folder Instead Of WinRAR?

Jul 30, 2008

I was looking at this today, when I found out I really am annoyed by WinRAR taking my ZIP files instead of just .RAR files. Where'd my .ZIP folder icon go? And my option to make a new ZIP file?! D:

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Need To Mount Compressed ZIP Disk

Jun 9, 2005

I am running Windows XP, Home Edition, to which is connected a 250MB external ZIP drive. My previous system used Windows 98, and, in a moment of madness, I compressed one of the ZIP drive disks. I realize that I need to remount the disk, using the Windows "Drivespace three" program. The only problem is that I don't have the program, and, to my knowledge, it does not exist in or for Windows XP. Is there any way I can obtain a copy of the Drivespace Three program, and, if so, will it run under Windows XP? If not, what version of Windows 95 or 98 has the program? I have access to an older system, belonging to a friend, and might possibly be able to use it to solve the problem.

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