Upon opening my recycle bin before deleting all trash, I discovered a bunch of files with .bak after them. Since I don't know how to open them and see what they are, they look like information I had moved to my filing system to the left of my messages on IE. I have no idea how they got into the recycle bin as I didn't delete most of them. How do I find out what they are and where they are if I should undo delete? If I undelete will they go somewhere I can read them? Using XP
Recently I have RB.tmp files in my recycle bin. They are coming after turning the computer on, or after deleting a file. It can be RB8, RB9 or any other RB with numbers or letters. The worst part is - all content of the recycle bin is disappearing next day (except this files).Click on "proprties" of these files gives: 0 bites, origin: recycler.The mistery started (at least I noticed it) soon after I switched from Norton to Rogers Protection (wrong move?).
I deleted some large (2 to 3MB) Photoshop files in order to free up disk space, but two of them cannot be deleted or moved from recycle bin. "Empty recycle bin" command or "Delete command" yield the following error message; [error messages refer to the files as Dc2 and Dc8, respectively]: "cannot delete Dc8:it is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." "Restore" command, attempting to cut and paste, or attempting to drag either file to another folder yield this error message: "cannot move Dc8:it is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." This happens even when recycle bin is right-clicked from the desktop icon immediately after start-up and with no programs running.
I'm having a problem with my recycle bin. When I delete something from my c: drive it deletes permanently. It does not go to recycle bin. And when I go to recycle bin properties c: drive is just not there. I can see my d: and g: drive but the c: drive is just not there. Does anybody know what the problem might be, and how to fix it?
My computer's deleted files don't go to the bin, but are directly deleted. I have fixed the problem temporarily by renaming the c: Recycle folder and then letting Windows create a new bin, then deleting the renamed folder. This lasts for a day or two then the problem returns. I'm looking for a more permanent fix short of reformatting.
When I delete emails in Outlook Express they move over to the Deleted file ok. When I try and empty Deleted file I get an error message saying they can not be deleted and there may be some damaged section on the main drive. It then says I should run Scan Disk or similar. There is no ScanDisk but I went control Panel, c drive, properties and ran Ckdisk. It takes a while to run and I have done it several times, as well as Disk Cleanup Colin.
During the update of XP with SP3, the install got hung up on the Beethoven sample in the My Music folder. After two fails, I went into "My Music" and deleted this music sample that originally came with XP, along with the other samples. Now these files are stuck in the Recycle Bin. these won't delete, and I get a message saying "Cannot remove folder Dc3 (or Dc2, Dc4). Access is denied." The files also won't restore back to the My Music folder, either. since I tried to delete them in the middle of the update process (I was getting an errror message whenver SP3 got to the Beethoven sample), that this somehow locked them out.
I want to know if there is a way to delete my files from the recycle bin as when I try to delete them it displays an error saying "Cannot delete file".If you have some idea how to delete these then please tell me ?
I use my D: drive exclusively as a backup. I would like for it to keep a few items in case I delete something by accident, but I want to be able to empty it. I can't figure out how to empty it. It does not have the trashbox icon like the "Recycled" folder on my C drive. It does not have an "Empty Recycle Bin" in the File Menu drop down like the one on the C: drive. I have tried several times to delete the items in it. They go away when deleted as expected by they keep coming back. They are like zombies, you can't kill them.
something is wrong with my recycle bin ni wonder wuts wrong. wutever i delet doesn't go to Recycle Bin Folder..in one more thing i noticed dat the icon for Show Desktop is not working either..i tried alot im so pissed off.
I checked my Recycle Bin for another reason and was startled to find that I had 195 BAK files in that bin that had not been there the day before. In fact I've never had BAK files appear in my Recycle Bin before. What happened and is it safe to delete them
My recycle bin won't show its contents. I can delete a file and it goes to the recycle bin but when I open the bin, nothing shows. Clicking on "Empty Recycle Bin" gives a message asking if I want to delete x items. The x increases everytime I delete another file.
My daughter is running win XP professional on a desktop Gateway P4 (about 3 years old) and after successfully cleaning up incredible amounts of spam (Look2Me- horrible!), I found that her recycle bin shows no deleted files. It doesn't even show that they are being deleted, yet they disappear. Of course I have all the usual checked off in both the Recycle Bin Properties and in Win Explorer like 'view hidden files and folders'. It's also set to '10% max size', '1 setting for all drives', and 'show delete confirmation' (which it does not do). Also strange to me is that there is only a Global tab available in her recycle bin properties. I run XP Home on my desktop and laptop, and there are 2 other tabs for both C and D drives. She has no windows login set so there are no administrator rights set which would prohibit me from deleting. I've searched through article after article online and even downloaded a recycle bin fix (restorerecyclebin.reg) from a reputable site. I then attempted to do a manual fix to delete the recycle bin and let Windows replace the bad component (Info2 - whatever this is), which suggested using the command prompt (CMD) and typing in a series of directions, but when I type each line in and press 'enter', it doesn't recognize the direction (I'm not too sharp in the DOS area!).
Files just disappear from the Recycle Bin all of their own accord. Sometimes the files are there for only minutes, other times they survive through the shut-down
Can someone please tell me why this is happening, I had created on my desktop 2'new folders', I then decided to delete these created folders, yet everytime I shut down my pc and reboot the following day, these 2 'new folders' miraculously keep reapearing on my desktop even though I deleted them earlier and cleared my recycle bin, how perfectly bizarre is this, can anyone shed any light on what I ought to do to permanently delete these from my pc?
Recycle bin does not show any files that i have deleted, i need to restore them. When i go to empty recycle bin it asks if i want to delete these 10 items, but nothing is shown. I really need to find these 10 files and restore them. Any clues?
I just installed Windows Xp, into my computer, and occasionally I get the pop up box that says " windows explorer has discovered a problem, and needs to close, then the option to send an error report, or not send one" it especially happens on some websites and it wont let me enter them.
I don't use Outlook Express for anything and a while back l tried to set up an account but for some reason it failed but being that l don't use it l really didn't care.Now l'm setting up a Brother's copier for scanning and it's all set up except that when l try to e-mail the scan the Outlook Express pops up and for some reason it doesn't except my password or anything.Bottom-line how can l delete it or just get rid of it. I tried everything that l could think of which is not too much.
I finally need to update to Vista. My PC still works well, it's just been having some problems lately. Anyway, The reason for this thread is because something bizarre happened. I had just sent 2 or 3 files to the Recycle Bin. Then I right-clicked it and hit "Empty Recycle Bin". It deleted the files; that's all well and fine. Then I noticed, that after I deleted them, the icon had paper in the bin like there were files in it. So I opened it and saw nothing. I closed that and saw the icon still said there were files in it. So I right-clicked, hit "Empty Recycle Bin", then saw the same old "Are you sure you want to delete (insert file)?" message. Instinctively, I hit "Yes" and started reading what file it was while clicking it. BAM. The file was I thought for sure my PC was screwed for good. But I checked in "HP_PAVILION C" and it was still there, I looked again at the "Recycle Bin" and everything was fine.
yeah, uhh... im not sure what happened, but i created a new folder to drop compressed files into, did what i needed to do, everything was fine... i went and deelted it (didnt need it anymore) and it said that i couldnt because it was write-protected. i went in and deleted each file to see if any were running, and no... so i deleted them all, and then the folder, and it deleted. went to empty the recycle bin, and it emptied, but still showed up as full, tried to empty and i got this
I use Windows XP. There is not a lot in the Recycle Bin - some goes back to last year. Some recent deletes are there. I deleted a large number of music files (mp3) and folders and only 3 of these files are in the recycle bin. The Recycle Bin settings are global and do not allow for auto delete. The disk space available is large.
I have a download accelerator called DAP. DAP has an option to send a file that you downloaded to the Recycle Bin. I used that today and then emptied the Recycle Bin. When I emptied it, the Recycle Bin icon stayed the same (it looked like the Recycle Bin was still full). When I opened the Recycle Bin, it was empty. But the "Empty Recycle Bin" button in the Recycle Bin box
I just noticed a DivX entry in the Add/Remove Programs list and in the C:Program Files folder. I have not been to the site and downloaded and installed any codecs. How would it have gotten there? The only programs that I have recently installed are Webroot Spy Sweeper Sony Picture Package 1.5 (the software that allows me to view and copy video from my new Sony Handycam DCR-TRV480 camcorder to my computer) The Divx.dll file shows version and a modified date of 07-15-2005 and shows it to be associated with DivXNetworks.
There I was, typing along, when Norton flashed on my screen. I had a virus(I was connected to the internet at the time.) Norton announced that cleaning it up was NO problem. Good, I thought. A few seconds later came the blue screen we all know, and hate. Hit the off button, waited a few seconds, rebooted. To my shock and dismay, Windows announced that it could not find windows/system32/config/system.
Have an issue that I couldn't find a solution in Google or on these forums, so I am going to post.When deleting a file/folder from an WinXP desktop, typically it would go to the Recycle Bin, incase I need it for later. In this case, it isn't.its just deleting. Not ending up in the Recycle Bin, and no chance to recover. Is there anyway to change so that they end up in the Recycle Bin first, before being deleted?
It seems my recycle bin keeps saying I have 17 items, i keep emptying it but it always says the same thing. I open it up to look inside but there is nothing there. but it shows files in it every time.
I have not had a problem for a while regarding my desktop icons not refreshing, but have recently had my recycle bin display as the full icon when it has nothing in it? When I click refresh in the recycle bin menu,it remains "full"(I have even checked to see if its full by opening the "bin,but nothing shows up after opening it),and I was wondering if anyone familiar with this particular problem might have an easy solution?
I am using XP and would like to regularly transfer files as a backup to a usb stick. As the capacity of the USB stick is limited, I will have to delete older backups when I run my scheduled transfer of new files. I usually have these files encrypted as they are confidential. My question is where do they go if I delete them on the USB stick? Are they ending up on my harddrive or in the recycle bin of the harddrive from where they can still be retrieved later on? Do USB sticks have their own recycle bin or some area where deleted files slumber?
alright, i got mad last time iw as here and swore i'd never comeback but well i'm desperate I have managed to somehow recycle my recycle bin. Can't find it in a search.