Really Slow Start Up On Installed SP3

May 9, 2008

I have just installed Windows XP SP3 and now when I turn my laptop on it takes about 15 minutes!! to start up.I have 4 different users and this problem applies to all users on start up

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Slow Start Up, Internet Explorer Responding Extremely Slow?

Jul 23, 2007

Having trouble at start up, very slow and opening IE or any other program also slow.

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Real SLOW Start Up, Running Slow, No Internet

May 30, 2007

computer (WinXP SP2 - 1GB RAM) just started in the last day or two to load really slow -- it takes a good half hour or more to get to the point where you can click on an icon and it takes a few minutes to open. Don't even ask about the internet. it did not download anything in the last few days and has no idea why this is happening.

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Slow Start Up, Slow Running / Long Boot Up

Oct 12, 2008

My problems are a very long boot up (go away and make a coffee length) and also slow running, especially in opening progs for the first time ie, very slow to open Word initially, then much faster opening subsequent Word files. Even so, the laptop has slowed considerably and is often hesitant.

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Extremely Slow When Installed XP

Dec 15, 2008

Extremely slow when installed XP. It also lists many boxes across the top in the blue part instead of listing the site, place and Windows Internet Explorer. It also lists boxes in the tabs at the bottom and before anything pops up after you click on a site in Explorer it says About Blank in the tabs. Is this because the RAM in his computer doesn't support this version of Windows?

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Slow PC - Installed Adaware

Jul 6, 2005

I am new to this forum and would be happy if anyone can help me with this problem. (Forgive my english, it is not very good!)I am using a Windows XP laptop, used it in the office and at home. It is now extremely slow. I have read some threads and have done somethings (maybe right, maybe wrong) based on those threads... I am not good with computers and having difficulty to figure out what these threads are saying.I have installed Ad-aware and run it regularly, sometimes twice a day and everytime it will find a few critical items. I also do trend micro scan but there are certain things that I can't understand. I also do Panda active scan but it found one adware that it cannot disinfect.

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Slow Computer And Super Slow Start Up

Mar 3, 2005

Out of the blue, my computer started getting slow. Sometimes its ok, and then it will be on the verge of freezing.. then get itself back together. I realized, when I start up, it takes FOREVER. It also shows this screen I have never seen before. Its completely black, and has a line of grey rectangles from side to side. and slowly loads across. When it is finally finished 10-15 minutes it will slowly start up in regular fashion

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Slow Boot-up - Slow Application Start-ups!

Dec 6, 2007

My Toshiba Tecra laptop 8100 with XP is Slow/Slow/Slow!

When turning on, it takes 5 to 10 minutes to settle down. Once it stops grinding and I try to start any application -- such as Internet Exployer, it takes another 5 to 10 minutes. I have Nortons 360 and another anti-virus application that gives me the indication that all is O.K. How can I speed this machine up

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Slow To Start Up - Slow Opening Programs

Feb 11, 2007

I've gone through a lot of the threads in here and tried a lot of fixes, and I'm still having problems.
I have a Gateway, Windows XP laptop that's about 1 year old. A little over a week ago, it started "running slow". It's slow to start up (takes about 5-10 min), the mouse "sticks" sometimes although that is an intermittent problem, when I have multiple applications minimized (outlook express, firefox, My Documents, AIM), it's slow to toggle between them, and it's slow to open folders in My Documents.

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Slow Computer - Re-installed My OS On My Laptop

Aug 11, 2008

I just re-installed my OS on my laptop. Its a dell inspiron 9300. Its running windows xp, has 34 gig hard drive and half a gig of ram. Its almost 4 years old. Its really slow and sluggish even though I just re-installed. I have a backup hard drive too so I don't have to use all my space. Is it time for a new one? I don't want to put a lot of money into it if I should just upgrade to better machine. I use it as my main computer. I have a network in the house but that computer is VERY old and I just use it to connect the modem and router for our laptops. I have a second monitor attached to my laptop

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Upgraded PC - Installed WoW - Slow Computer

Nov 14, 2009

I recently upgraded my PC. I then went ahead and installed WoW, played it, but I get very bad framerates, worse than my old PC.

System Information

Time of this report: 10/12/2009, 08:13:30

Machine name: DARRENS

Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090206-1234)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

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Installed SP2 - Now Explorer.exe Won't Start

Aug 24, 2007

I installed SP2 after a re-format today. And everything was going smooth at start-up. Then I started noticing that my icons weren't coming up, and my start button was missing! Well I opened task manager and manually started explorer.exe and it came up for 2 seconds and then terminated. I tried again and again, and it never worked. So I did a ton of Spyware and virus scans. I got rid everything, but it still isn't working! I just re-formatted not even 48 hours ago, I don't want to do it again. Oh yeah, and I tried to repair XP with my OS CD, no luck.

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Slow Bootup - Norton/updates Installed

Jul 1, 2006

I have a new computer with only windows, all the neccessary drivers, windows updates and norton/updates installed.It takes about 10 minutes to bootup. It gets to the Windows XP splash screen and it just keeps thinking. Eventually it boots up.I have 3 HDDS. A PATA for the OS and 2 SATAs. Every so often one of the SATAs is not recognised

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Re Installed Operating System - Running Very Slow

Mar 1, 2010

i have a dell dimension e310. 2.9 ghz. 4 gigs of ram. windows xp... umm so just recently we took it into the shop and they re-installed the operating system. because we thought it was infected with virus' or w/e.ever since, its been running slow. it boots up ok...and for the first few minutes its running...not fast. but not too slow. and then it kinda just freezes. i can move the mouse but if im running windows explorer(havent been able to re-install firefox) it kinda just sticks there. i installed norton 360 and it says the pc i running fine. i dont know what to do about it. i have to wait an hour just so windows explorer can close..very frustrating...

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Installed Pro Over Home / Still See Start-up Choice

Oct 13, 2009

I was running Win XP Home SP3 when it had a problem. This became fatal due to an IER flaw (Idiot Editing Registry.) Having no idea where my original disc was, I purchased and installed XP Pro SP3. Everything is fine except for the minor irritant that on every start up I am given the choice to start either Pro or Home version.I could probably do the one extra mouse click on a million boots for less trouble that it will take to fix it, but it just offends my compulsive sensibilities. Any suggestions on how to make it go to XP Pro without intervention? I have tried uninstallers and none of them see the Home version. I have deleted all the Home version files, which may have been dumb. I thought about a registry cleaner, but decided to ask before I got myself in trouble.

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Sp2 Pre Installed - Outlook Express Won't Start

Sep 25, 2006

I'm running XP Professional SP2 preinstalled. For some reason, outlook express wont start anymore, just says it needs to close. It did this 2 months ago, and I had to reformat/reinstall. I dont want to do that again. My understanding is that OE is build into IE. I cant reinstall IE because it says its already installed. I followed some advice on the MS site about editing the registry, it didnt help. I then found out that IE6 is part of sp2, I cant uninstall and reinstall sp2 because it came preinstalled. long story short, how can I get OE6 to work again?

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AVG Installed / No Programs Are Allowed To Start

Jun 10, 2008

windows cannot access the specified divice, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.I stopped by a friend's house to service his infected Dell Laptop.Now I can't even access the system information - this is all I know.I installed AVG immediately upon installation it showed me three virus. I clicked on heal and quarantine as needed.Now the computer won't allow me to start any programs besides internet explorer and other silly, useless programs.

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System Running Very Slow: Installed Spyware Removers?

Jan 30, 2007

System running very slow. Have run spyware removers, etc. Windows XP, running AVG Antivirus and ZoneLabs Firewall.

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Installed Service Pack 2 / System Working Very Slow?

Mar 22, 2007

my girlfriend had been adamant about not updating her computer because she claimed that is a way to get viruses.I scoffed and updated it anyway.I downloaded almost 2 years worth of updates over a two week period, the last update was the XP Service Pack 2 update.The very first time the computer was started after her SP2 update it loaded extremely slowly. The mouse doesn't work correctly (I can only right click) and most programs are inaccessible. I tried to System Restore (which is no easy task without a mouse) but it fails each time. I ran a virus scan with AVG but had no luck finding any infections.

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Slow Start Up And Then After That Running Very Slow

Mar 4, 2007

I have ran all spyware-adware programs, defragged, tried everything I know.

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Computer Extremely Slow After Fresh Reinstall - PC-cillin Installed

Nov 7, 2007

I recently got my computer back from the computer fixing guy (because I killed the master boot record and I had no idea how to fix it) and it's a lot slower than it was before. It was a clean install of XP, and the only difference I can see is that the computer magician installed PC-cillin on it. It's not any specific program that's slow now either. Firefox, IE, Unreal Tournament, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Civilization 4, all the stuff I usually use is equally slow

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Computer Running Extremely Slow: Having All Antivirus & Spyware Installed?

Jan 4, 2008

After searching some searching, I am unable to find threads that will assist me with this. But i would really appreciate some direction on how to "unclog" my laptop. Windows XP Pro, 1gb Ram, 80 Gb hardrive (maybe the size is the prob?), Adaware CCleaner, AVG Free. AVG Spyware, Zonealarm.

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Installed Daemon Tools - System Slow / Stopped Responding

May 5, 2006

First of all, a SUMMARY: Computer (Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop; Windows XP Home) operating extremely slowly; SERVICES.exe using >99% of CPU (Processor speed c. 1.2GHz) I recently installed DAEMON Tools, the virtual drive programme, and when I first opened it, my laptop slowed to a crawl and stopped responding, meaning I'd to use the 'off' button to switch it off (Ctrl-Alt-Delete didn't work).

Since then, each time I've switched it on, it has been operating as per normal but at a horribly slow speed. I have uninstalled DAEMON, but it seems the problem lies elsewhere; eventually I did get the task manager to come up, and (though it took about 5 minutes) switched to the Processes tab. It turns out that the SERVICES.exe process (run by 'System') is using 99% of my CPU.....

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Installed Service Pack 2 Results In Getting Slow Boot Process?

Jun 11, 2005

I've been battling it out with a filth ridden computer for days,appear to be almost on top of it. It is completely clean of virii/malware/spyware I just installed SP2 on it, and since then it has been exceptionally slow to boot.Following the initial boot screen, the screen goes blank for over 2 minutes It then gets to the black screen with the grey progress bar along the bottom. It takes at least 5 minutes to get through this progress bar.

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Extreamly Slow Shut Down - Downloaded And Installed The Latest Security Updates

Apr 30, 2007

I recently downloaded and installed the latest security updates for Win XP. The computer runs fine, but when
it is time to shut it down it takes an extremely long time to complete the shut down. I defragmented the hard
drive thinking that would solve the problem but it had no noticeable affect

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New CPU Installed: Mouse Keyboard Stop And Start Working In Intervals?

Jan 16, 2005

When i turned it on today, he got a message saying "New CPU Installed!" But, i am 100% sure did not install anything the previous day. did nothing at this screen, but simply reset his computer, and this time, it skipped this screen but a computerized voice said something like "------ inaccessible" , it is too garbled to hear. After this i can access computer normally, except for one thing. mouse and keyboard stop and start working at regular intervals

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Installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta2 - Click Start / Shut Down

Aug 6, 2006

Some days before I installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 for Windows XP-SP2. But I didnt feel secure with the changes and decided to uninstall it. But a problem comes. When I want to close the P C, I do as always: Click Start, Close, Shut Down. But, the P C instead of closing restarts. My Windows XP-SP2 is installed on Portuguese.

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Slow Really Slow Start Up

Jun 1, 2005

on the wifes pc xp only a cheap one fron local retail out let but it does her.but drives me mad as my pc is so fast in starting up and hers takes about 2 years if you know what i mean,my pc and my laptop are fast at starting but hers is i said your able to make a cup of tea before its up and running...i have dissabled some start up programs that i thought may of afected it but to no aval still the same?

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Very Slow Start-up

Aug 2, 2009

Hi .friends laptop from switching on till it gets on homepage is taking over 3-8 minutes ,once its on the homepage and internet no problems. ive done the usuall things cleared temp files cookies n browsing history etc also did msconfig and cleared the clutter from start-up he is running xp and uses internet explorer 7 .have noticed that at top of screen it says internet explorer provided by sky broadband ,

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Very Slow To Start

Feb 5, 2009

My desktop has been slowing down over time. Start up you could almost make a cup of tea between on button and being usable. Performance picks up, but not what it used to be.Could someone advise me if a problem lies in this area and what to add/remove. Also there are 3 other user accounts, do I have to run seperate logs for these, or will changes I make carry over (ps. I am administrator).

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Very Slow To Start

Jan 10, 2008

When I start my computer everything goes fine and fast showing me the what I have got in my computer etc etc. My problem starts when I get the windows xp on my screen and the little moving bar underneath to show me windows is starting up it is taking anything upto 10 minutes before the screen changes to my desktop and allows me to use my computer. I have recently changed my power pack and reforrmated my system.Before everything was fine has anyone any ideas what could be causing this please.

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