PC No Longer Recognizing USB Storage Devices

Sep 2, 2010

My office has a group of XP machines which have been working just fine. They started changing to wireless mice with a USB connection, and now the pcs aren't recognizing USB storage devices any longer. They worked for a few days, then started acting stupid. They first wouldn't just install--needed admin authority. Then didn't recognize the device. Now they don't do anything. Since the problem started after the USB mice were installed, I am thinking there is a connection but am not sure. What do you do when the pc won't acknowledge your thumb or portable hard drive with all your data and files? We don't have a network where we store individual's data. The portable hard drive that they said "was not recognizable" works just fine with my pc at home, so I know the hard drive didn't die yet.

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Hotfix - Not Recognizing USB Devices

Aug 27, 2005

I have an intermittent problem with XP not recognising USB devices. Knowledge Base Article 892050 says a HotFix is available. However, when I try to obtain it, I am told this will cost me £35

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USB Ports Just Stopped Recognizing Devices

Mar 20, 2010

Running HP Compaq Presario..Windows XP Home edition.Thursday I went to plug in digital Camera via cord to USB Prot#2. Message said device malfunctioned.
Tried again. No change (I have used same port, same device many times before ...no problem)decided to Uplug my HP Printer, and try Dig Camera in USB Port #1.. Same Problem... NEXT was big surprise, decided camera may be damaged so went to re-attach HP Printer and NOW IT says Printer has malfunctioned.. same message..
later tried Flash Memory Stick.

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Install BSOD - Setup Couldn't Determine Mass Storage Devices

Jul 15, 2008

So I had this awesome post and it was removed by ctrl z. Touch pads on laptops FTL I tell ya. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm using two 150gb raptor HDD's connected with SATA. I had windows vista ultimate x64 installed but I didn't like it so I decided to buy windows xp MCE 2005 and here is my problem I'm trying to do the install but it continues to give me the BSOD. Even after I read a thread about the same issue, I couldnt get pass the BSOD and the topic was locked so here I am.

My raid is set to auto detect but I dont have a raid setup since I'm allowing xp to do this for me. I did have one setup for vista but I deleted it thinking I needed to start fresh for xp am i right? I boot from CD and tried to hit F6 but nothing happens. I let it go and continue with the loading. Here's where I'm at now. Windows Setup Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices isntalled in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter. Currently , setup will load support for the following mass storage devices.....

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No Audio Devices Listed By Sound Devices

May 6, 2006

I have lost my sound. The sounds icon in control panel say " no audio devices" AND the sound tab shows all listed devices as working porperly. I have deleted an sound object that allows it in device manager and allowed XP to load wht it will. I still have no sound. I checked for sound services in services and they are started as well.If I load Knoppix and test, my sounds work so I am assumming it is not a hardware problem.

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Dynamic & Basic Storage

Feb 12, 2010

dynamic & basic storage

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Password Storage File?

Oct 11, 2004

I was wondering if there's an accessible storage file, like index.dat, for the passwords IE asks you to save. And if there is, where is it located? I know that they can be cleared through Internet Options but I just wanted to see how many and which ones are saved.I'm running Windows XP SP1.

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USB Mass Storage Device

Sep 17, 2005

Should this be disabled in Win Xp Home under device manager. If I enable it I get the Safe to remove Hardware icon in the system tray? Lower rt corner of screen. Another thing, if I enable the device, I get 4 generic disks listed under "Disk Drive" in device manager.

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Removable Storage Drives Not Showing

Jan 26, 2007

I'm creating this topic on behalf of a friend; basically, his CD drive, his ipod, and every removable storage device is no longer showing up within Windows XP after he recently installed a program called "u3". The drives do not show up in my computer or device manager. He has since removed the program to no avail. I've never had a problem like this so I'm unsure how to diagnose it

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Something Eating Storage - Scanning With Adaware

Oct 22, 2005

I have a pretty old and crappy computer with a 40gb HDD. Just a week ago I had like 13-14 GB free on it. Then I got a virus. I successfully cleared out all traces of the virus that I could find using ad-aware and trend micro house call.When I was scanning with adaware, it shows the filenames and paths being scanned. There were all of these files(and I mean thousands) with porn names, and I had never put them there. Adaware didn't catch them as any sort of bad file either. The weird thing is, when I went to the directory that it said they were located in, nothing was there. I even made hidden files visible and still nothing.

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Question About Hard Drive Storage

Oct 5, 2006

I tried fdisking to my Hard Drive in DOS and it only recognized 5 Gigs, but the drive is a 40 Gig. I've gone into recovery console on XP and managed to delete the 5 gig partition and create a 40gig partition, but when I've gone into XP it has disappeared. So, I tried accessing it via Control Panel - It's there, but I can't do anything with it.

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Vidcam DVR Storage - Cannot Login System

Jun 19, 2008

I reused an old computer for vidcam DVR storage and ran into a problem. The system is and old HP which I did a reinstall of XP. I don't think I installed any user accounts. I installed swann DVR software and the swan card- everything was running OK and worked as advertised. The swann stuff starts automatically when booting. I then upgraded to XP SP2. After booting the system asks for the XP login. I have tried every combination that I would have put in along with the defults and the swann login stuff to no avail. Is there a way around this to get into the system?

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USB Mass Storage Not Visible In Explorer Or PC?

Aug 20, 2005

I have upgraded my PC (motherboard, HD, Processor, RAM and DVD drive) not much else left is there Anyway, I can see the USB mass storage device in "Device Manager" and all is well but I can't see it in Explorere or My PC. If I unplug it and reconnect it gets found and installed with the "new software is installed and running correctly" message.

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No Drivers For Mass Storage Device

Jun 15, 2005

I'm having problems with 2 of my computers recognizing USB mass storage devices. They used to work just fine but not any more. When I plug them in (I've tried my Palm - have program to recognize it as a drive - and a new card reader and my camera) I get a message that new hardware is found (mass storage device) but then it takes me to the Found New Hardware Wizard and none of the choices I select (Install Automatically, search web, etc) find any drivers. The crazy thing is, though, that when it did work, the first time I plugged them in the Found New Hardware Wizard didn't come up but it installed what it needed automatically. I'm thinking there is a corrupt driver and was wondering if there was a way to get just that driver back without reinstalling Windows. Also, what's strange is that two of my computers work this way. My one (other) computer accepts everything just fine.

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Denied Access Permission To Removeable Storage

Oct 26, 2009

I have denied the access to removable mass storage. Now when i tried to use it it promts access is denied.

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USB Mass Storage Device Not Working (USB Drive)?

Mar 24, 2006

I have an external USB 2.0 case with a 160GB HD that was working just fine until a couple of days ago when I stopped the drive and unplugged it from the PC. Next time I connected the drive to the same PC, I got a message saying "There was a problem installing your device" and in the Properties window for the device a Code 10 appears. I connected the same drive to a different computer and it is working perfectly. I uninstalled the device and reinstalled it again but the problem still persists.

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Error Ejecting USB Mass Storage Device

Sep 6, 2010

Yeah, I know, I've read all the Google results about "open files" and "locking handles" too, but bear with me and keep reading.This is on a WinXP Pro SP3 desktop, current with all critical updates. I have a laptop HDD that I've installed in an external case for USB 2.0 connection to my PC. It connects to the PC as drive letter D:. It works fine backing up my data until it comes time to disconnect it. Then, when I try to Safely Remove Hardware, I get the error msg in the topic title, along with "The device 'Initio 0M9AT00 USB Device' cannot be stopped because a program is still accessing it." So I fire up Unlocker 1.9.0 and it says "No Locking handle found." Then I fire up Process Explorer v12.04 and Search for D: - I get the result "0 matching items." So WinXP thinks some program is still accessing it, but what? I need some other ideas or tools to figure out what is going on. Up to this point, I've just been shutting down all open application programs and pulling the USB cable and one more interesting tidbit - when I connect this same HDD to my Win7 x64 laptop and click on safely remove hardware, Win7 releases the device properly and I can safely remove it.

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ATA Hard Drives Shows Up As A Removable Storage

Mar 11, 2005

have a Maxtor SATA 200 gig hardrive running windows XP. The hardrive always shows up as a Removable Drive. How can i get it to be a standard drives instead of a removable hardrive?MoochuComputer Spec:OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2CPU: AMD ATHLON 64 3200MotherBoard: GIGABYTE GA-K8NS 939Ram: 1Gig DDR 400Harddrive: Maxtor Sata 200Gig

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Free Seagate Storage Legacy Usb Support

Jul 14, 2010

When my XP re-booted after installing Free-Agent, the screen froze. Some say disable "Legacy USB Support". How do I do this and will it interfere with my USB mouse, etc?

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USB Mass Storage Device Detected / REBOOTS

Jan 20, 2006

I am attempting to use a USB DVD writer (LG GSA-4167BA)When I connect it I get the message "USB new mass storage device" pause screen goes black - REBOOT.Thats it every time wether it is started up connected or not.I have XP with SP2 and all the updates, Plug and Play is started just cant get any futher.Works perfectly on my friends XP system (of course!!)

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Using Digital Camera As An Portable Storage Device?

Aug 12, 2002

This is not really a tweak as such, just a very simple thing you could do with your digital camera that most people don't think about.Do you have a digital camera that shows up as a removable storage device in explorer? Well, start using it as one!You can use the memory cards on your camera for storing documents mp3's or whatever you choose to store there. Perfect if you need to bring some files to a friend, but the files won't fit on a diskette and you don't have a CD burner - just save it on the camera!

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Reinstall With The Special Disk - Losing Everything On Storage Partition

Feb 16, 2006

You think if reinstall with the special xp disk that came with my toshiba a70 will it automatically think I want to reset everything, reformating my hard-drive and thereby losing everything on my storage partition?

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Deleting The Recycler Folder On A Drive I Use For Storage What Would Happen

Dec 7, 2004

I have a drive I just use for storage. The recycler folder has like 3 gigs of crap in it.what if i just deleted it?

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Mass Storage Controller Error In Device Manager

Jun 11, 2006

Just re-installed xp.In device manager the yellow exclamation mark is beside the mass storage controller icon.

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250GB Internal Storage Drive - Recovery Consol

Jul 17, 2009

These two folders appeared some time back on my 250GB internal storage drive. The names of the folder are 15 characters long and are alphanumeric and have one subfolder in each named i386. And are ?0? in size. I first tried shift delete, ?Can?t remove access denied? I download and tried Erase. First with 1 pass, nothing? Not even an error! I went all out and did the Gutmann, 35 passes. Nothing and no error! The file just remains. For convenient sake I renamed the main folder to 1 and 2 and booted into the recovery consol and tried to delete it from there. Same thing! ?Can?t remove access denied? What the!!

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USB Removable Storage Locking Up: Unable To Find Drivers?

Jul 26, 2007

We use a USB device which allows us to plug in IDE and SATA hard drives to test and read data. We use one computer for this testing and we test a lot of drives. Well recently the device started locking up the computer just as the computer finishes loading the drivers. I first thought it was the USB in the machine, but mice and keyboard both work in all the ports. I then thought it was the device but I tried it in another machine and it worked as it should. I tired plugging in a flash drive into the machine and it does the same thing.

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Finding Location Of Network Connection Passwords Storage?

Aug 7, 2006

if someone know where windows xp stores the network connection passwords ( and how to reveal it)

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RAM Not Recognizing

Feb 5, 2008

I recently added 2GB of RAM to the 2GB I already had installed. My system is showing the RAM as being there in my BIOS, but, when I run DXDIAG only 1GB is showing out of the 4GB I have installed . Is it because of the Windows version I am running and if so, what can be done?

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Not Recognizing My 4GB Of RAM

Jul 31, 2006

I have Windows XP Pro installed with all the updates. I have an Asus P5ND2-SLI Delux motherboard (it takes DDR2 533 and 667 memory). I had 2GB of DDR2 533 memory; I removed those and installed 4GB of DDR2 667 RAM (Kingston KHX5400D2K2/2G). When Windows XP runs, it shows 2.25GB of RAM only!! The BIOS sees 4GB of RAM and I ran Asus PC Probe and it sees all four 1GB modules (a total of 4GB) ... what shall I do to get XP to see the 4GB of RAM? Shall I reinstall?

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Virus Machine Couldn't Delete - Memory Not Storage - Email Doesn't Appear Working

Jan 10, 2005

a virus on their machine ,I don't know which or what, then tried to get rid of it by reloading windows. Because I teach office applications such as word, excel etc, they think I can fix it for them straight away. I have a little knowledge, they have none so to speak. Someone has pointed me to your site and so I thought I would give you guys a shot. What is happening. - The computer hard drive has got very little on it - but it is running very very slow. I know this is processor memory not storage memory that governs the speed, but I thought you needed to know that bit of info. The email doesn't appear to be working - it says the IMAP setting is wrong but I have checked the email account properties and they all look ok to me. It will log onto the internet - eventually - but is exceptionally slow and will not open any pages - although the browser window opens it keeps saying 'page cannot be displayed'. I have run adaware - but there wasn't much on it - although it did say that it could not delete 'deskadserve'.....

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DVD Drive Only Recognizing Cd's And Not Dvd's?

Jul 27, 2010

My DVD drive was working fine and I was burning discs. Now for some reason I get error Disc is not writable insert a writable disc. I tried 5 different blank discs and got the same answer. So I ran Microsoft Fix it and got the message that this drive is not writable. The drive is a dvd burner but Windows XP is only seeing it as a CD drive.

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